Moon Goddess ...Alpha's wish #1

Chapter Nine

Luella arrived, right on first light. Her thickly dreaded hair hanging behind her back, bouncing off her very aged, but very taut derriere.

The dress was crushed velvet, swirls of purples, greens, gold and deep blues. Her over coat a thickly woven wool which was done up with handmade wooden buttons.

Her hands had been gloved with woven linen, which she was unwrapping in the kitchen where she stood with the Alpha of Deep Water.

"Well, this is a first ... How often do you call upon me. I'm usually the last person anyone wants around here. All spooky-ooky and all. Scared I'm going to cast a spell and turn you all into toads", Luella said throwing her head back and laughing.

Her deep husky voice penetrating the silence in the room as Beth, Bart, Tristan, Tyler and Caphy looked at her as if she was mad.

"Best we take this to my office, with your idle words old woman, I feel the rest of my pack will heed your words", Gabe said, wrapping her up in an embrace.

"Tsk, tsk. Brew me a tea and then I shall listen to your words", she huffed smiling naturally, pulling out the end portion of a bench seat and plonking herself down.

Luella looked around at the wide-eyed glares and then hissed, all except one took a step back, believing they were going to be turned into toads.

"You have never changed, so I shall take a gamble and welcome you as well to Deep Water", Caphy said stepping forth and offering Luelle his scarred, but incredibly warm hand.

Luella hung on and then lifted her other hand to grab his hand firmly, "Warm".

"Strange woman, we can light you a fire in my office, the hearth doesn't see many flames with our body temperatures so different to yours ..." Gabe said and then realizing something for the first time "... shit! Give me fifteen minutes and I'll return".

Luella laughed again, but this time with less humor and more knowing. The little human would feel the cold like herself.

Gabe literally flew up the stairs, opened Gabby's door as quietly as he could, tip toeing across the wooden floor, treading on the hand-woven rug he had placed in there last night and stood in front of a very cold, stone chilled fireplace. Even his breath let out vapours from between his teeth, 'my mate must be freezing', he thought.

Now you think of our mates warmth, I'm just the wolf. Your supposed to be the human brain here, Devon said mocking his companion.

Hush and let me concentrate, I do not wish to wake Gabby. She needs to heal...

Gabe quickly arranged the dried kindling then placed a larger log in the centre, chipping some flint together, he watched as the sparks began to take hold on some peeled bark.

Blowing gently, the small embers spread further and further. Little red lines, sizzled and crackled until Gabe was satisfied with his efforts.

Standing back further, Gabe watched as the small embers took hold and began to consume the dry wooded fuel slowly.

Adding a few heavier pieces, he turned and looked at his mate. As if drawn, Gabe took a chance and came closer and closer.

He could hear her breathing, last night it was troubled but right now, it was calm and deep.

Her head was near burrowed beneath the linen sheets and the heavy throws he had found for her.

If we were under there, she would be naked and in your arms.

She would be warm, and soft and my cock would be nudging for a way in.

For us I am pleased, for myself I shall always long for that experience, Devon said a little woefully.

Gabe snapped out of his want and turned to leave, taking one last look at the fireplace, he then closed the door quietly behind him.

What could he say to appease Devon, the truth was, his mate had no wolf!


"I need to meet your human female. The sooner the better as I have a convention at midnight tonight", Luella said cupping her tea for extra warmth while the fire Bart had built was slowly taking hold.

"We have a problem with rogues showing unannounced. We have kept no prisoners to have questioned, unfortunately", Gabe said guiltily. "Why we have asked you to join us is because they all spoke of a 'Promised'. Before I explain anymore, I'd like to know what you have ... demised", Gabe said, choosing his words carefully.

"Wise words Alpha Quade. I must admit I have heard these rumors, not from werewolf but my kind. Hence, the convention tonight".

"Then, tell me what you know!" Gabe asked a little too angrily. After all it was his mate, whom he presumed was the promised.

Devon had lifted his head and began paying attention too.

"First my cup of tea, warmth by the fire. Then I shall endeavor into your woods and see the gravesites for myself", she said leaning back in her chair.

"Creepy", Beth said, Tylers sentiments exactly so she nodded at her friend.

Luella hissed again, just for the fun of it.


Gabby woke to warmth, a gentle crackle and then a soft sizzle as some sap burned in the fire. Sitting up, the yellow glow warmed her face from the other side of the room.

"How divine", she breathed, stretching her arms above her head.

Gabrielle smiled, he felt pleased with himself.

"She appreciated your efforts?" Luella asked, as they walked through the dampened bracken and knee-high undergrowth. "Are you intentionally seeking this path to wet my undergarments, knowing that I am feeling the cold?" she asked, pulling her huge woolen coat closer around her body.

"I can transfer and you can ride my back though I really don't want your stench on me tbh", Gabe confessed.

"Ahhh! Lemon and lime, how very ... quenching", Luella teased.

The very thought had Gabe's dick stirring in his jeans and Devon yipping like a puppy while chasing his tail.

"Tell me Luella. What do you know?" Gabe asked under his breath while his sentinels and Zeta were up ahead.

"Your little human is a mystery. We have all never encountered such a phenomenon before. All, as in my kind. Witches and broomsticks if you're wondering", Luella said laughing again.

"Then explain our child poem. The density of the track, regrowing behind the car? She is human without a wolf for my Devon. Surely the Moon Goddess wouldn't make such a mistake like that?"

"Hush your words fool! When has She ever orchestrated a fopar! She is all knowing and hears your doubts, yet you have been reminded often, SLEEP, NURTURE, PATIENCE. Who do you think invaded your thoughts knuckle head, and who was She referring to? Hmmm!"

"True", Gabe admitted, holding a large branch out of Luella's way.

"Devon is accepting but it affects him, our partnership as Lyacon and man".

"The Moon Goddess is all knowing Alpha Quade, trust in Her wisdom", was all Luella said as they continued on their way.


This was the second night Gabby had not showered, as she lay in the warm bed, she could smell under her arm pits which had her crinkling her nose in disgust.

Thinking of a way to make it to the bathroom on her own, she slipped from the bed and began crawling on her knees, using her one good hand for support.

"How very degrading, I wish Gabe was here to carry me", she said out a loud, hoping he was listening to her words with his incredible hearing.

But there was silence.

The fire was not prepared last night, so Gabby knew someone had entered her room at some stage as she shuffled across the hard wooden floor, entering the bathroom.

It had taken a while, but she was now free from her bindings. After unwinding lengths of creped bandaging, Gabby's skin was finally exposed, and she saw for herself the damage which had been done. Well, that was except for her arm, which was still in a half cast.

Her feet looked a sight, the teeth marks on her lower legs were purple and raised, their distinct shape made her shiver as she sat naked on the floor. The palm of her hand didn't look so weepy as she had remembered, which was a bonus.

But if she dilly dallied like she was, someone was likely to walk in and see a nymph on the floor.

Sitting in the furthest corner of the shower, she allowed the soft warm droplets to drench her skin, drinking the luxuriating water in her mouth.

With her plastered arm raised as best she could, soap was her next quest.


"It is evil that lurks here ..." Luelle said walking around the burnt soil, not wanting any part of the dirt to touch her clothing. "The smell is too acidic to be just wolf. How did they look, describe this to me?" she asked circling some more.

"It was mainly their eyes".

"Almost hazed until they ..."

"Until Alpha Gabe showed up. That was the first time they dared to challenge".

"And the girl, the female human?"

"It was the bitch who bit into her legs and damaged her arm, she inflicted the most harm while the males warned her off", Bart said recalling his memory. "Actually, of them all, there was only one female rogue who was killed".

"You. What did they want with you? What were their words, tell me exactly?" Luella said, standing up straighter to eye Alpha Gabe.

"One said, 'I must...', then I killed him when he wouldn't tell me anymore. He challenged, that is instant death".

"You forget Gabe, that rogue spoke the last words, 'The Moon Goddess had promised, I want that promise', remember?" Beth said stepping forward.

"You. You are either the promise or you are to be given a promise; be it human, a fated mate, however others now know. Who would defy our most powerful, even I know never to cross Her realm. It is an eternity worse than death.

I have seen with my own eyes, my kind inwardly shrivel, their darkened souls become murky, and become ink stained. Invisible to your eyes but their carcass is completely covered in tattoos, distinct marks that identify those who have crossed over..." Luella said ominously "... Even I would make a clear path unless I had my sisters standing alongside".

"You fear the ones who have crossed over?" breathed Tyler, the early morning dew evaporating when her breath left her lips.

"I hope dear, that I never have such an occasion. They reek of Sulphur, their eyes are soulless and even I know to never allow their spells to be spoken in full".

"Goddess", Caphy said cautiously. "And this all came about with a promise. Made by whom, if we are to be singled out so precisely?"

"Ask your Alpha", Luella said raising an eyebrow which made Gabe growl.


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