Moon Goddess ...Alpha's wish #1

Chapter Eight

Gabby was given some clothes and a feast. Three choices of meat, freshly baked bread with churned butter, homemade relish, steamed carrots, roasted potatoes and lots of greens. The treat, the most delicious assortments of berries with fresh cream.

“I must say you do have a hearty appetite”, said Beth looking on.

“How can I not, was this all home grown?” Gabby asked wiping the remnants from her mouth which made Gabe growl under his breath.

Beth just looked sideways at her Alpha and then answered her Luna respectfully. If it wasn’t for the fact she was serving a human, she’d really like Gabby no name, but she was, a human!

“We have gardeners here, we are civilised”, Beth said a little tartly. "Cooks, chefs, stonemasons, craftsmen and women, blacksmiths, builders, electricians, plumbers and more women ..."

“Beth?”, Gabe questioned in a lower tone.

“And doctors, and warriors”, Gabby said looking at Beth just as tartly.

“We do! We don’t trust many outsiders. We look after our own”, Beth snapped back.

“And what does our own mean?” Gabby asked sweetly, ignoring Gabe, for some reason she believed Beth would give her a straight forward answer.

“This land, our Territory belongs to us. We live by our laws and are led by our ...”, she bit back, ignoring her Alpha.

“You sound like the Amish”, Gabby said honestly.

Gabe roared with laughter; he’d never heard such an absurd comparison in his life. “Oh Gabby, thank the Moon Goddess you have an innocence about you. Getting to know you is a real pleasure”.

“The Moon Goddess?”

“The moon. The stars. Your God”, Beth said a little sheepishly.

Gabby stared at Beth. Blinked. Blinked again then looked at Gabrielle.

The wolves. The warriors. The medics. Their private location. The safety, their self-reliance. The cold hard truth was staring her in the face.

Surely not! How absurd. This was all just a big, make believe, storytelling ... dream ... myth ... pretend ... not real ...

Gabe noticed the more Gabby internalised, the bigger her eyes became. The look on her face was priceless thought Gabe as she began joining the dots, then more dots, then more.

“Penny for your thoughts”, he asked at last.

Gabby didn’t know what to say, so she didn’t. Shaking her head in disbelief, or in horror she leaned back in her chair.

“I’d like to go home please”, she said instead.

“If you can drive out of here, then you are free to go”, Gabe said confidently. If what Tristan and Tyler had said was true, there was no way Gabby no name would be driving out of here, eva!

“Agreed?” Gabby asked, extending her hand to Gabrielle.

“As Beth is my witness, absolutely”.

Beth felt instant relief, finally. The little human would be leaving, or maybe not. How special was she and how buried was her car?

“What the Hell!” yelled Gabe in anger. “I thought you said her vehicle was entangled, all grown over, swamped. Overgrown! No road in or out. What is this ...", he ordered spreading his arm out wide as he held Gabby with the other.

“Alpha it was barely visible”, Tristan answered in wonder.

“It’s true, I swear on the Moon Goddess”, Tyler offered, bowing as a sign of respect at her now infuriated Alpha.

“Alpha”, said Gabby under her breath.

“Yes, little human. I am Alpha Gabrielle Quentin Quade III of the Deep Water Pack, and you are no longer leaving here as agreed”, he said ominously ignoring her look of horror.

“You cannot renegue on your word ... Alph’... Gabe Quade”, Beth said uncomfortably.

“It is within my rights as the leader of this territory to ...” he said looking at the little woman whom he held in his arms “... to ...".

Gabby had tears in her eyes, she was crying.

Of all the pigheaded ways to react, he had to do it by going back on his word. Not only was he going back on his word but doing it to the very person who held his heart.

Gabe could hear Devon howling away, turning around in circles with his tail between his legs, he was crying as well.

“Gabby?” he asked quietly, wrapping his other arm around her tenderly so she was once again held close to his chest.

This was madness, crazy but she had to know.

YOU NEED TO TRUST, Gabby heard as clearly as the full moon shone down through the night.

“Am I your fated mate?” she whispered in his ear.

Goddess, if that didn’t spike his pole and show his male Sentinels and Zeta who was the biggest of them all.


“Gabby?” he asked quietly again, ignoring the words in his head as he held his breath.

“I think you should let me go home Gabe Quade”; she said after a beat.

“Then I will come with you ...” 'Luna' he contemplated quietly “... Gabby no name. I need to make sure you are safe and then, I will leave”, Gabe said swallowing the huge lump in this throat.

“I accept your offer Gabrielle Quentin Quade III".

If only he knew her entire name. Gabby no name was name-less in the eyes of an Alpha, who wanted nothing more than to claim his mate.

And what a damn shame Gabby voiced a sentence with two words in error. If she had only said you and not your. And deleted the word offer all together, he could have claimed Gabby right then.

I accept you Gabrielle Quentin Quade III, Devon echoed in his head, howling some more with sadness.

Follow, but at a distance. I shall make sure we travel at a reasonable speed. Till I see you again Sentinel’s. Zeta Caphy, by the Moon Goddess, be safe till we return...

Alpha, they all said as one.

The road was like it was there all along, but Gabe knew otherwise. Magic was at hand, but by whom.

Luella would be arriving in the morning. Too many hours too late, Gabby would be home and far away from Gabrielle.

“I find our names co-incidental. Do you?” Gabby asked, trying to make conversation inside a very quiet car.

Gabe was driving her vehicle, proficiently at that. Concentrating on the dips on the road and the branches at the side so they didn’t scratch the paintwork.

“You know why?” Gabe said absently, his heart felt like it was being torn in two.

“Is there another way into your territory besides this road?” she asked, hoping it would lift his spirits if she showed an interest.

Gabe looked genuinely heart broken.

“There is, but it won’t show on any maps”, he said indicating right to turn on to the main road which had led Gabby in the first place.

He saw, but never said a word as the undergrowth, the trees, their limbs and roots, vines began covering the road he had just travelled behind him.

“Do you understand why I need to leave? I have a job, little children that depend on me”, she said beseechingly.

“How can you work Gabby no name if you can’t even stand. You are all burnt, battered and bruised yet you still want to leave my side, when I am prepared to do everything for you”, he said a little tersely.

NURTURE he heard again. PATIENCE, well that was a joke. Gabrielle felt like his whole insides were going to melt into a pile of dust, apart from his heart which was slowly tearing in two.

All Gabby heard buzzing around in her head was, NURTURE. For crying out loud, where were these words coming from.

“What did you just say?” asked Gabrielle heightened.

“I hear words in my head, and I have a very, very bad habit of speaking my thoughts out aloud. Sorry about that!" she exclaimed, annoyed with herself once again.

Was she being rash? How did she intend on looking after herself. Goodness, Goddess she sighed absentmindedly.

"The first I heard was SLEEP. That was the night before I met you. Then I heard, NURTURE, over and over my little human, Miss Gabby no name. And just now, PATIENCE”, Gabe confessed, driving the car well under the limit.

“I ... I heard SLEEP too. The night I slept in my car. Then when I was lying in the hospital bed with you and Melissa beside me, I heard, TRUST. Just now I was told to NURTURE as well”.

Gabe pulled over on the side of the road and turned in his seat, “We didn’t meet by chance Gabby. It was fated, you know this don’t you?” he asked quietly, his giant shoulders making the front driver's seat look so small.

“W-w-w-were you that wolf with the y-y-y-yellow eyes”, Gabby asked nervously.

“Before I tell you anymore Gabby. Tell me your name, I want to know”.

“Gabby R-r-rivers. Gabby Moon Rivers to be exact, I’ve never told anyone my middle name because it sounds so ... old fashioned”. Like an old southern belle kind of name, she thought looking nervously down at her lap.

“It’s like a lullaby to me Gabby Moon Rivers”.


“I’m pleased to meet you, Gabby Rivers. Would you let me take care of you until you are well enough to resume work with your seven year olds?” he asked, looking at his own hands which were clenched into fists awfully tight.

“Gabe?” Gabby asked in the darkness, now that the car had been turned off.

“Do you promise not to laugh?”

“I’m not sure what you’re asking to be honest little human, but I know I won't laugh”.

Gabby smiled and looked up at Gabrielle, who truly was a very handsome and kept making her insides clench involuntarily.

"Oh! Moon Goddess I wish, I wish upon a star. How I wonder where you are... ", she said on a whisper

"... Bless me with a special moment, my dreams, my hopes, not near but far ...", they finished together.

"Well fuck me Gabby", Gabe said astonished, now laughing ...

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