Moon Goddess ...Alpha's wish #1

Chapter Seven

“So, here we are. Speak. Did you dispose of those vermin?”

“We did, found very little of what was left of a boat, or two. Her car in question...”


“Is fully overgrown. There is no way she drove in here last night?”

“And got past our patrolled borders undetected ...”

“Unless she had help!”

“Help?” asked Gabe pulling up a chair behind his desk.

“Is she the promised?” asked Beth, leaning forward now that she was seated too.

“Yes, we never did get that question answered did we?”

“We would have, had you not declared that this Gabby human female was your Luna, Alpha”, Caphy said irritably. Refusing to take a seat but lean against the book covered wall instead.

“Zeta”, growled Gabe ominously. “You are out of line, and she is my future Luna. Devon and I both agree, with or without a wolf, the Moon Goddess has finally answered my desires”, Gabe said sitting back, still giving his war general a filthy look.

He listened quickly upstairs and heard Gabby muttering to herself which made him smile.

“Amused?” was all Caphy said, shaking his head.

“I can hear her”, was all Gabrielle said, smiling to himself again.

“Then before we discuss our future Luna, we still don’t know why three seperate groups have targeted our shores. If they meant no harm, why were they acting so suspiciously?“asked Bart.

“They were not here by accident. They had been waiting, and then they held the human with intent”.

“What intent?” asked Tyler, rubbing her mate’s thigh.

“Why a promise?” asked Gabe shrugging his shoulders.

“Perhaps Gabby has the answers?” asked Tristan, smiling at his mate.

“She want’s to go home to her boyfriend”, Gabe said disgustedly. “And no matter how hard I try, Goddess, she doesn’t trust my sincerity”.

“And when was the last time you charmed anyone”, asked Beth who was now sitting on Bartholomew’s lap.

“You know never!” Gabe answered sharply. “I have waited. I may have played here or there ...“.

“TMI”, said Beth covering her ears.

“These breaches and her car. They aren’t natural. For us that’s normal but for a human to be here in the first place, that in itself needs to be investigated Alpha Gabe. Something is definitely wrong”.

“Agreed”, said Bart nodding at Zeta Caphy.

“Then, we get in contact with Luella and ask her to come and meet with Gabby. She can do her thing where my little human was found and look at the car after I have of course", said Gabe standing.

"You're leaving?"

"My mate is trying to get out of bed and her feet are still damaged. She will fall", he said opening his office door. "Tristan can you find her some clothing and Beth, please organise some food to be sent up", he asked nodding at his two female Sentinels.

"And I?" asked Caphy, pushing himself off the wall, not so annoyed with his Alpha anymore.

"Will add more men to our borders incase more rogues try and penetrate our borders".

"Bart, Tristan, see who else has been troubled lately. When I return, I want to see Gabby's car for myself".

"Do you think she knows what we are?" asked Beth hesitantly.

"If she does, I fear she believes you shall devour her".

"That's your job", said Bart making the others laugh loudly.

"And in time I shall", he said leaving his office feeling hopeful.

Can we touch her, asked Devon as Gabe began climbing the stairs with vigor.

I believe our little human is needing the bathroom.

Faster, ordered Devon.

Gabby needed to pee so badly her bladder was protesting in pain. Looking down at her feet, only her toes were poking through the white stretchy bandaging.

"My stars", she breathed out, sliding off the side of the bed. "Oh! Ow! Oh!", Gabby moaned in pain, not finding any spot comfortable on the bottom of her feet so she tried turning around to hop back onto the high bed.

The back of her hospital gown gaped open, the front hung low around her shoulders and the cool breeze when the bedroom door opened so suddenly had Gabby toppling over from shock.

There was no time to adjust her cotton gown, her feet were protesting in pain but her eyes never looked away from what she saw in Gabe's.


Within a instant he was beside her, his bare arms wrapped around her body, lifting her off her feet and back into his embrace.

"You need something little one?" he asked juggling her a little so she snuggled closer.

"I most certainly do not", she said defiantly, her bladder near bursting at the seams.

"The bathroom perhaps?" he offered, walking towards a closed door, easily lowering the handle so it swung open.

"Maybe", Gabby said breaking out in a thin film of sweat. Never in her life had she been held in such a way and with so few clothes on to protect her modesty.

Devon was beside himself, his wolf jumping around Gabe's thoughts, pushing against the restraints he was trying so hard to maintain so he didn't actually act on what he was thinking.

Gabe's hand was on the back of Gabby's bare thigh, his other arm was resting against an open back of soft, pale flesh.

"Goddess!" he cursed.

"Goodness", Gabby breathed out shakily at he same time.

"Goodness Goddess", Gabe said laughing when he lowered her down, willing himself to let go when all he wanted to do was feel some more.

"You're intimidating you know. Now scoot", Gabby ordered.

Gabe stood tall once more, looked down with a strange look in his eyes and then left Gabby alone to do her business.

Her entire back and bottom had been left agape, Gabrielle would have gotten more than an eye full which embarassed Gabby immensely.

"He saw, e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g", she whispered, covering her face with her bandaged hand in humiliation.

"Not quite. But what I did was beautiful little human", he said from the other side of the door.

"Do you often listen? This is a private room you know", she said, now sitting on the lid, her gown properly wrapped at the back.

When she flushed, Gabe entered without waiting to be asked.

"We have found your car. To understand our predicament, would you like to come and see?" Gabe asked lifting her once again so she could wash her hands.

When she saw herself in the mirror, Gabby was horrified.

Compared to Gabrielle, she looked horrendous.

Her long mousy brown hair was a mess, her face still covered in soot and her eyes looked the golden she had ever seen.

"I ... I'm ... a mess", she declared honestly.

"You Gabby are all I see, and what I see takes my breath away", Gabe said looking back at her reflection in the mirror.

"Surely not! I'm hideous", she said honestly.

"No", Gabe sighed, smelling her amazing scent which now permeated his soul. The lemon and lime as crisp and citrusy as it was when he first saw her.

"No?" asked Gabby in a low whisper, staring back at Gabe.

Gabe shook his head back and forth slowly, looking at her lips when they parted in a big 'O'.

"Best put me down Mr. Gabe Quade. This is a little too close for my liking", Gabby said blinking, then blinking again.

"Tell me about your boyfriend?" he asked instead, planting his feet on the bathroom floor and refusing to move.

"Who", she asked still dazed.

"Ahhh! You have no boyfriend", Gabe said smiling broadly.

"I have ..." Gabby said squirming in his arms "... his name is Craig Leavers and he is Vice-Principal where I work".

"You work in a school? In the office, teacher?"


"That explains your inquisitive nature Gabby. You are definitely a teacher", Gabe said triumphantly. A bit like his smile thought Gabby feeling her tush go a little wet again.

Gabe could smell his little human, it was intoxicating. The pain of resisting the urge to claim her was becoming more and more agonsing the longer she was in his presence.

'Moon Goddess how much can a Lyacon bare' he asked, placing Gabby on a settee near a disused fireplace.

Taking a few steps back, Gabe tried to distance himself from temptation, and Miss Gabby no name was a massive temptation if the size of his dick was anything to go by.

Howl, echoed Devon in his thoughts, panting away.

"Child", Gabe said without thought!

"Excuse me!" said Gabby coming out of her daze.

"Not you", Gabe admitted clumsily. "I meant to say children, you must teach children".

Devon just rubbed himself against Gabes thoughts in his mind and howled again.

Wait until we are alone Devon, Gabe threatened.

Can't wait, he bit back, snapping his jaws in delight!

"Oh! Well, yes I do. Seven year olds to be exact".

"May I ask you something", said Gabe going to stand a little further away on the other side of the hearth.

"Is that why you went driving on your own, in the dark, quite ill prepared?"

"I went driving in search of running water, a forest and the sea to be honest. I was yearning and where I ended up just called my name".

"Called your name?"

"Not literally, I mean. Usually, I head in the opposite direction. But the map on my phone showed me a road to take, so I did. I got to see the ocean from a distance, and I must say, your land has pristine views. Well! That was until I heard the growl and all of the hair and blood all over the ground", she said shivering.

"How did your name get called Gabby no name?" asked Gabrielle intrigued, no longer looking at her like he wanted to consume her, which was a huge relief for Gabby.

"Nope! You answer some of my questions".

"Which are?"

"How did you find me?"

"If I tell you, I need to wipe your memory", he said teasingly, but not really. He was hoping that deed would not be necessaryopeful.

"Huh! Try, I dare you", she said leaning back and crossing her arms, or at least trying too. "Damn arm", she seethed.

Gabe smiled, his perfectly aligned teeth showing a magnificent smile thought Gabby frowning.

"What?" he asked a little affronted.

"You really are an Angel, but devilishly so. You're going to eat me in the end, aren't you".

That we will, Devon said piping up, his tail wagging wildly.

"Not in the way you think", Gabe said eventually.

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