Moon Goddess ...Alpha's wish #1

Chapter Four

Six. There were six wolves who had Gabby trapped. She could smell her shoes now, the rubber dissolving while she stomped on the dead bodies beneath her feet.

"Oh God I'm so sorry", she said swinging wildly.

She didn't want to give up, life was too precious. She wanted to be married and have children. In truth, she'd be lucky to be breathing in the next twenty seconds if she was being honest with herself.

Her adrenalin was subsiding, she was now bleeding freely from her arm and legs, sweating profusely, her clothes were drenched and clinging to her body every time she exerted herself some more. The inside of her palm was so badly blistered she could feel the wetness when they broke.

The bright yellow parka was a melted mess, shrivelled and warped by her now burning feet.

Then a seventh wolf appeared.

That was too much, Gabby can't even remember collapsing on the remains.

Gabrielle didn't even think, Devon could smell her fear, the acrid smell of the four rogues remains, the little human's runners which had melted and were now burning through to the woolen socks which were smoldering. And her fragrance, citrus lemon and lime.

Mate! They both declared at the same time.

Kill them. Protect my mate, must protect my mate!

On instinct, Devon kept charging, without slowing his pace, he leapt on the back of one rogue and bit down on the back of its neck. The hind legs collapsed, paralysing the filthy beast who kept snarling and twisting beneath Gabe. Its last desperate efforts to inflict harm and maim, but his Lycan was one of the last remaining, rare and too consumingly powerful.

His sentinels Bart and Beth, and Zeta Caphy wasted little time, doing their Alpha's bidding, not sparing the two lives for questioning as they had thought.

Devon retreated within, allowing Gabe to transform and save the little, human!

Her clothes were covered in soot, sweat and fresh blood, the sides of her shoes were no longer attached to a sole and the inside of her little hand was blackened and seeping fresh moisture.

Brave sighed Devon as Gabe rushed to her side.

Gabrielle knelt beside her and thrust his strong arms underneath her body, cradling her back and behind her bent knees as he stood tall, his powerful body lifting her easily. In his naked form, he walked over the last of the burning embers still holding his ... 'she is human', he thought smelling her again.

Lifting his arms while she lay unconscious, he still couldn't see her face properly, her hair was plastered messily against her cheeks, lips and eyes.

Ignoring his men, Gabe turned his back to the dead, knelt down on one knee and gently swept the mass of hair away from her face.


"Prepare the medics, have Doc ready. Have the goddamn hospital prepared, I am bringing in my Luna", Gabe said inhaling her scent once again.

"Alpha?" questioned Bart.

"Gabe?" asked Beth.

"But ... she is a human!" Caphy said lastly.

Gabrielle couldn't sense a wolf, Devon either but they both knew she was their destined. There was no denying the pull, the way she felt, the incredible surge of euphoria flowing through his veins.

She was his dream girl.

Turning his head with rage after he'd looked down her body and noticed the injuries she had sustained, he ordered fiercely, "Burn those mother fuckers and then throw their remains out to sea. I don't want an iota, however miniscule, to be found on my territory".

He stood, held the mystery woman against his chest, then started to make his way back to the pack house as carefully as possible.

Her tiny breath warming the hollow below his neck, she was alive ...

What colour are her eyes? asked Devon.

Nurture was the one-word, the only word Gabrielle heard in his head. Over and over, its meaning: 'to care and protect while they are growing'.

"By the stars I have been granted my only wish. Moon Goddess, can this be true. Is my fated mate to co-exist with us mythical creatures after all?"

The little woman lay slumped in his strong powerful arms, her tiny legs swinging back and forth with each step he took, carefully for the first time in his life, navigating the least dangerous path.

Her soft fair skin peeking from beneath the clothing she wore, exposing her neck, where he longed to be. Licking and suckling on his one true mate's skin where he knew they were to be marked and bound.

The thought alone, sinking his canines into her sumptuous skin, had Gabe aroused.

Hopefully that won't be all we will be sinking into, Devon said eagerly.

"Enough, she is damaged. She also needs healing. Only Goddess knows how she will wake and what she will remember?" Gabe said out aloud. "Remember how petrified she was when I appeared. She probably thought we were all there to consume her. Our identity must be kept secret for now?"

Inhaling one last time, Gabe then picked up his pace.

Tristan and Tyler had done a sweep of their territory, it was then one of their pack members had found her car. How on earth it had made it past their borders was anyone's guess.

There was no road, no made path, the growth was so thick and heavy, it was as if magic had played a part.

Zeta Simeon had found the metal remains of her car keys when he was gathering the blackened coals to be disposed of. The mystery little human's mobile phone and all of her identity had been burnt accidentally. So, for now, no-one knew her name or her status.

She could be married for all they knew. A threat! But as this is the strangest thing of all, she was to be their Luna.

What are you thinking?

I am without words.

Is she ... what Gabe said. Can it be true. Would the Moon Goddess be so cruel and deny our Alpha a worthy mate?

Worthy or not, it is not for us to judge. When has she ever been wrong? We all have out fated mates, even Simeon has found his fated mate amongst the thousands.

Beth looked over at Bart and knew what he had said was true, she couldn't live without her mate, he was her entity.

"All I know, her car, her being here is no fluke. If what those rouges said is true, and that human is the promised. Then we all need to trust in the Moon Goddess and listen to Alpha Gabe", Simeon said gathering the last fibers of hair and teeth.

"Gross!" exclaimed Beth holding out her hands. This would be the tenth time she and Bartholomew threw the wolves human form over the cliffs.

"Good riddance..." seethed Zeta Caphy"... Perhaps we should also sweep our shoreline, if we never detected their presence on our borders, maybe they did arrive by boat?"

Adjusting himself in his shorts, Gabe made his way to the infirmary, refusing to lay his mate down on a stretcher that was offered by four guards.

"Mine", he growled walking past their shocked expressions, straight into a room where staff were waiting.

"Mine. She is my future Luna. Treat her accordingly and ..." he growled, narrowing his irridescent blue eyes on everyone in the room "...I shall not be leaving the room".

"You will be leaving the room. If she is human, the last thing she needs to witness is a half naked man hovering over her near naked body", Gabes sister said, shoeing him out the door.

"I am your Alpha woman! Do not assume that I won't order you to step down so another doctor can tend to my mate".

"Mate!" Melissa cried, looking at the small little human who was looking so forlorn.

Gamma Melissa just stared at her brother, surely, he can't be serious.

"She has no wolf, Gabrielle."

"Treat her as your Luna. Do not disclose our kind until I speak with her first. She has been deeply troubled by the rogues who held her captive, injuring my little mate. Until I know further details, we are a community of humans. UNDERSTOOD!" he ordered, not removing himself as she had asked.

"This room is sterile Alpha, go and get cleaned up, then return", she said simply, pushing her brother forcefully out the sealed door.

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