Moon Goddess ...Alpha's wish #1

Chapter Three

Gabby was chilled to the bone, there was a fine layer of frost on her jacket and her seat was damp with moisture. Outside her car there was a thick layer of ice which hazed her view, the moisture frozen on the glass looked so intricately brilliant and small, pixelated patterns slowly melting from the sun’s warmth.

Shivering as she uncurled herself, Gabby looked at the time. Six fifty-three am, even earlier than a school morning alarm she thought disgustedly.

Blowing into her tiny fists for warmth she stayed inside her vehicle for another twenty minutes before she decided to venture outside.

Birds had already started their day by foraging, small animals nearby, although hidden, were disturbing the under growth each time they moved.

How fascinating she thought looking at the beauty from inside her vehicle while she looked outside and beyond.

As soon as she unlatched her door, their peace was broken and they either took flight or scurried away.

Snow White and Red Riding Hood didn’t cause the little animals to run away, they just merely hid.

Breathing deeply, Gabby put her foot down and sunk more, the soggy mossy slop was even more soggy.

Taking a few steps, Gabby heard the squelch beneath her shoes, grabbing her parka, her phone and car keys she then decided to venture.

“I wonder how many wolves have walked this path. If any vampires have fought on this soil till death”, she said following the narrow road as it weaved through the dense forest, her overactive imagination keeping her mind busy as she began to walk.

She knew she was heading in a Northerly direction because the sun was rising steadily in the west, its warmth welcomed upon her shoulders and the top of her head. With each step, the fog which dispelled from her mouth becoming less and less.

Gabby saw smaller tracks and was deciding which one to take when she had just pushed her way through another thicket, traipsing to the only summit in view over yonder.

She didn’t notice the large paw prints on the ground, the disturbed soil or the small traces of blood, she was too enthralled with the majestic scenery, the lushness of nature, the incredible panoramic view, which was just out of view.

Gabby knew she would see a wonder today, pleased with herself that she had brought her phone to take photos of this untouched landscape.

Panting a little, hearing her own breathing laboured as she climbed, she stood and looked beyond.

It was not only majestic but breathtakingly beautiful. The blue ocean in the distance had small peaks of white, as the wind brushed the surface creating capped waves.

When she looked down the steepened slope it was then she noticed a pile of ash, the charcoaled remains of a fire recently burnt still smoldering, the smell strong it was almost acrid.

The twenty minutes she had navigated was now a concern because she was quite a distance from her car.

Quietly, in the hope no one was nearby, Gabby walked closer to the sizzle and crackle and looked at what, she couldn’t tell.

The area had started off rather haphazardly, it was not a neat ring of fire but burnt shapes in the ground with a mass in the centre.

Gabby looked around for a stick or a dead tree limb, wanting to disturb the blackened remains, giving not a thought to what she may discover because her inquisitive nature was too much to ignore.

Once she had found a suitable poking stick, she stepped closer and began to dig into the centre and flick the debris away.

“Oh my god”, she breathed, dropping the wooden branch on the smoldering pile, the red embers coming to life a little more with the abundance of air.

What she looked down at were human remains, some teeth, remnants of bones and when she looked around her, fibers of hair and dark sticky BLOOD.

This had been a scene of death, and she had just disturbed that evidence as multiple bodies lay burning on their grave site.

Walking backwards in fear it was then she heard the growl.

Then another ...

Gabrielle had dreamed of his mate; her beauty from what he could tell was beyond his comprehension. Her alluring scent driving his crazy as he ran after her in the forest, enjoying the hunt as she tried to run away.

He knew they were destined, Devon was rapturous, voicing his thoughts while Gabe was mapping the contours of his land in his head, planning his capture in advance. He knew the land like the scars on the back of his hand.

Alpha wake up, Alpha Gabe. There has been another breach. Three more rogues in the same area, he heard, invading his thoughts.

What time is it? Gabe demanded; it was not like him to have overslept when he realised how high the sun had already set outside his window.

“Damn it!” he said throwing his light bedding off his now drenched body, the sweat that covered his naked skin evident of his arousal.

Just past early morn', Caphy said. They aren’t seeking a chase but staking a claim ... there seems to be a human. They’re all muttering, ‘Promised’.

His Zeta Caphy, or war general, had missed lasts nights fiasco. He had manned the Northern borders, Beth and Tyler had been watching over until they were drawn away. Caphy ensured the rest of Gabe’s pack were on high alert, reporting back frequently on the remaining borders for more possible assaults.

The one person Gabe missed the most at the moment was his Beta, Simeon. He was three days away, visiting his fated mate who he had stumbled across quite literally.

She was an Alpha’s daughter, the most stunning woman Gabe had ever seen, that was until last night’s dream. Surely the Moon Goddess wouldn’t be so cruel he thought and tease him with someone so ethereal.

So far out of reach that she was just a figment of his imagination.

Grabbing his shorts, as much as it was a waste of time, Gabe took longer than usual strides down the corridor and flew down the stairs.


They’ve circled the little human and seem to be a little crazed ... Alpha

Male ... Female

Female. She is in a state of sheer panic


On lasts nights burial site!


The last thing Gabe needs is to be explaining himself to a human. What if she is a journalist or an investigator, he’d had enough of those in the past.

Their two worlds may be divided by DNA, but the fact remained, his kind were no longer fiction.

They never have been!

Werewolves and Vampires were real. Witches and Faeries did exist, it was the ones who cast spells and made potions that were most accepted within human society.

Gabe had thrown his shorts in the shrub and had already transformed. How to explain to a nonbeliever?


Bart and Beth have arrived but the rogues, two men and one woman seem to want the human alive, she has wounds but not life threatening ... at this stage. They’re still in wolf form ...

Devon was angry, he never liked human interference and after his Alpha’s dream, the last thing he wanted was a distraction on his mind.

They had both waited long enough, both males wanted relief for their patience. They wanted their mate!

However, human or not, this woman must be beyond petrified.

I know buddy, one day Gabe said to his wolf as he tore his way through the forest.

Report Gabe demanded again!

We can’t approach, the woman has been completely circled. If we get any closer, she may be harmed. She’s ... stepping on last night's dead, burning the soles of her feet Alpha...

Retreat a few feet ... allow the scoundrels space. We can't allow a human to be injured, remember our treaty! The rest, we need to capture and interrogate. Find out why they keep returning?

Gabe needed to know there weren’t more in the immediate vicinity, that the human remained ‘reasonably’ unharmed so she could be returned with her memories of this dilemma removed. The rogues who had dared enter for a third time, were to be kept alive and questioned.

As for the treaty, it was made very clear, and had been for centuries. All humans were to remain oblivious to their existence.

Should have done that yesterday Gabe

Gabe ignored the words; he knew Devon was right! He should have got his answers and then killed...

Gabby had picked up the stick she had used to prod the charcoal remains and swung wildly, it was now singed and burning into the palm of her hand. But she kept jabbing in every direction as the three enormous looking wolves circled her some more.

Their growls were frightening, they looked hungry and malnourished. She didn’t want to be their next meal, she wanted to escape and find her way home, never to repeat her rash decision making ever again.

Vowing in her head that camping and the sea, the bush, nature and running water can be seen on t.v in future. If she had a future!

She was going to sell her gear if she got out of this alive!


“Stay back!”


Her lower legs were bleeding, one of the dirty wolves had nipped at her calf, tearing at her jeans which were now covered in blood.

Her arm had been crunched inside one of their jaws and ached like no tomorrow.

The girl wolf was the meanest, growling non-stop, trying to pounce at Gabby but the two boy wolves kept nipping at her tail.

Their behavior was odd. They could have easily overpowered her, had their feast but for some insane, out of this world reason they were toying with her.

Stomping on the red embers, the rubber on her soles were melting and the heat on the bottom of her feet was burning through.

“You want to cook me first? Is this what you did to the others”, she screamed as tears filled her eyes.

Three more enormous wolves appeared, and they began growling as well!


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