Moon Goddess ...Alpha's wish #1

Chapter Five


The words kept echoing through Gabby's mind. Why trust. Why, I have been consumed. Am I dreaming. Do dead people dream. The big bad wolves, how can I be dreaming if I am dead. Burnt like those poor bodies, cooked.

But Gabby felt pain, aches, and her head hurt.

How can my head hurt she thought. And why am I thinking with bright lights hurting my closed eyes.

"She's waking up".

No I'm not, I'm dead. Dead people aren't awake, they are spiritual entities that exist in another realm, Gabby thought shaking her head.

"Urghh! My neck", Gabby said instead, complaining.

"Little human", said a soft voice.

"Don't call my mate that, call her she, or her, until we know her name", ordered a deep scary voice.

Little human? Mate? No, no, no, no, no, she said in her thoughts, rocking her head from side to side while "Urghhhhing" some more.

TRUST she heard clearly again.

"She heard us for chrissakes. Use your words carefully", said the deep scary voice again.

"Wake up girl. My name is Doctor Melissa".

"Noooo! Bright lights", Gabby said with difficulty, her mouth felt parched and her body, god her body felt like it had gone through the ringer a few times.

"Turn off the goddamn lights, didn't you hear her. It's too bright for her sensitive eyes", said the deep voice again.

Gabrielle hovered so closely he could feel his mate's body warmth, her unique scent driving him mad with want.

He wanted her awake, her eyes to open so he could see how magnificent they were. She was perfect, so perfect and small and appeared firm and healthy apart from her injuries beneath the hospital gown which covered way too damn much.

Blast his sister to the mercy of the silver moon for covering her body from his eyes.

"Little woman, my name is Gabe Quade. You are safe here in our hospital. Trust me when I say no harm will come to you", Gabe said, his voice penetrating Gabby's thoughts.

There was that word again, Trust.

"Am I alive?" Gabby whispered.

"Very much alive", he said sounding relieved.

"Does that mean you aren't going to eat me?"

"Eat you", said Melissa sounding disturbed. "We don't eat humans here", she said, sounding a bit annoyed.

"It is a reasonable question. She did faint when all the rogues and wolves appeared", said the deep scary voice again.

Gabby opened her eyes a little, peeping through her lashes, hoping both voices didn't notice but it was all in vain. They were so close, hovering just above her, in truth she had no choice but to look at them both and take in their incredible presence.

Incredible as in stunning, both. Totally handsome and beautiful. Beyond words to be exact which made Gabby feel more intimidated and afraid.

"Is this a waiting place. Are you both Angels? I mean, I'm not really dead, chewed up and eaten?"

'Angels'. Moon Goddess what is the meaning of this thought Gabe, running his huge hands through his hair. He was clearly frustrated which had Gabby moving across to the other side of her bed, closer to Doctor Melissa.

"We are not Angels. This is my brother Al ... Gabrielle and I am the doctor here, Melissa Quade. Who may I ask are you?"

Should she say. Who were they really. The hospital room didn't sound like a hospital room, nor did it look like one when she glanced around.

Goddess, she had beautiful eyes thought Gabe, staring so intently once again. Brown, they were so pale they were almost golden.

"You're scaring me with the way you are looking at me. Truly, I... I'd like to leave and get back to my car if you don't mind".

"Leave?" he said, his voice almost growling in disbelief.

"You've had quite the ordeal; I've set your arm and you have quite a few puncture marks in your lower leg ... Miss?" asked Melissa soothingly. When Gabby didn't answer her question, she continued "... besides the soles of your feet are badly blistered. I had to surgically removed the rubber and wool fibres rather carefully and your left hand needs to remain bandaged for quite a while".

"Gabby. I'm Gabby and I'm sure I can drive alright if I can get back to my car".

"You can't leave ..." Gabe said standing up tall, his frustration evident after what Gabby had just said. "You need to heal, rest. At least for a day or two, or three or four. Where is your family, I shall contact them immediately" he said almost growling, hovering once more.

Pleased with himself that he now knew her first name.

Not only was she addictive, but she was also oblivious, almost rejecting his blatant lust for her. The pain was almost unbearable which had Devon pacing in his mind.

Demand. Order. Insist. Lock her up!

NURTURE he heard once again.

Biting down his thoughts he instead chose wisdom over greed, "You are right. I'm sorry. But seeing you lying in the forest, pooled in your own blood by those vicious wolves almost tore me in half. Never have I felt such pain before", Gabe said speaking honestly which had Melissa raising her eyebrows in surprise, however she knew better than to say anything, so she kept her lips sealed tightly, or that was her intention. Her inquisitive nature got the better of her, again!

"You do? Have you seen them before? How did you find me? There were seven last time I counted. The last was the scariest of them all, HUGE! It had a black undercoat that looked like it had been dipped in silver paint, and its eyes were piercing yellow", Gabby said shivering.

"You didn't find the last wolf ... attractive?" Gabe asked feeling hopeful.

"Not in the least, to be honest I wasn't really thinking about how wildly beautiful they were at all. I thought I was going to be their next meal. Like those poor souls who had been burnt".

"Poor souls?" Gabrielle spat. "Those imbeciles who ...", he said looking over at Melissa who was shaking her head.

Gabby just looked back and forth completely confused.

"We protect the wild wolves here Gabby. Those dirty ones weren't welcome on Deep Water land. The others are... rather territorial. They live here and are harmless, including that HUGE one with the yellow eyes", Melissa said smiling, knowing she was irking her Alpha brother.

"Well! I suppose that's a good thing. But how did you find me?" she asked taking a chance and looking back at the man named Gabe.

"It was fate", he breathed out deeply only to inhale her scent in once again, calming his frazzled nerves immeasurably.

"It was fate-ful. But I am indebted to you Gabe Quade. You did save my life. But, I need to ask again. How did you find me?" Gabby asked trying to sit up awkwardly.

"Here, let me help you", Gabe said almost shoving Melissa's hands out of the way.

As soon as he touched Gabby, she felt like she was oozing, this man was seriously delicious, but downright scary too.

He gently lifted her forward and placed more pillows behind her back, letting his fingers linger on her bare skin for a few seconds before he stepped back and growled.

"Did you just growl at me because you ... Helped Me?" Gabby asked, firstly shocked by her outburst and secondly, by his initial reaction.

"I growled out of respect. It's unwise for a man to touch a woman unless she wants to be touched, and you clearly don't!" he huffed, looking down at his sister who was trying to stop herself from laughing.

"I certainly do not. Nor have I ever ... Ugh! ... Well, that's just none of your damn business", she concluded looking uncomfortable once again, her cheeks going a deep crimson in contrast to her pale translucent skin.

Adorable sighed Devon.

Insatiable breathed Gabrielle.

"Out!" ordered Melissa.

"Why?" demanded Gabe.

"My patient. My domain. You're impeding her recovery".

"He is?" asked Gabby wondering why she was asking that question in the first place.

"I am not! My men found you Gabby, I was the one who brought you here. I have not left your side, nor do I intend to", Gabe said flatly. "I killed those vermin after they harmed you. I would kill anyone who would harm a hair on your head, frighten you again", he said confidently. The Alpha in him forgetting who he was talking to for a moment because Gabby looked even more terrified.

Look what you've done, howled Devon.

"You can't kill anyone. I understand those wolves, who were not welcome, wild as you say, may have needed to be ... put to sleep permanently, but there were human remains, burnt. Cooked and eaten and I stood on top of them all", Gabby said shivering again. "We need to inform the police, have the whole area investigated".

"They weren't humans Gabby", Melissa said quietly. "They were the rogues who trespassed. What you saw were wolf remains. What you also saw were three more who weren't ... invited!" she almost squeaked.

"Invited, who invites wolves. This is all too ... much. Truly! If you can show me where I left my car, I'll leave you all alone. I need to get back home. I'm sure my boyfriend is truly worried for me", Gabby said, adding that little lie to get the deep scary voiced, delicious angelic looking man to take a few steps back. Besides, she knew beyond any doubt, those remains were human.

So who did kill them, wolves or people?

Melissa said they were wolf bits and pieces but that was a lie. A lie that didn't sit well with Gabby.

TRUST, Gabby heard again.

Boyfriend, gritted Devon

She was pure, that much Gabrielle knew, he could smell her innocence. As for having a boyfriend, he'd see about that. Kill the bastard, shred him to pieces if he had to with his bare hands, or let Devon have his fun ...

Yes please, Devon echoed.

Gabby looked between her savior and the big fibber! Both were brother and sister so they would protect each other, and Gabby knew what she saw. Petrified, terrified she was, but she was also lucid before she fainted!

Gabrielle knew now that he needed to stay by his mate's side until she accepted him! How he was going to do that was any Alpha's guess, but for now, she was in his lair...

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