Monster Slayers MC Book 7

Chapter 15-Taking Macy to the Farm.

Misty’s POV

As I closed my door and locked it, I leaned back against it and stood trying to clear my head. Everything in me was screaming at me to run down the hall and back into Ghost’s arms. I had not wanted to let him go, especially after he told me that he loves me!

But I need time to think. I only met the man today after all. I had known my ex boyfriend, Issac, for a long time. We had been dating for almost a year when we ended up in his sleeping bag naked. I had thought we were going to be together forever. He had said he loved me too. That line was what had convinced me to give in to his constant requests for sex.

I pray that Ghost is not just using a line on me and that he really means what he says because I don’t think I can go through that again. It had hurt so bad when I had heard Issac walk out to where his friends had been waiting and I heard him bragging about how he had “popped my cherry”. I hadn’t meant anything to him. I was just a conquest. He hadn’t even tried to stop me from leaving with the other girl that night and didn’t bother to even call and apologize either.

I’d found out weeks later that he had done the same thing to the girl he had been dating before me except that she hadn’t made him wait as long as I had. I had felt so cheap and used at first. Later I got mad! Then I got scared that I was pregnant.

It wasn’t long after that that I went to the doctor and had him put me on the shot. All the doctor had told me was that everything looked fine after the pelvic exam and gave me the shot. He never said anything about my v-card still being intact and I hadn’t admitted to him that I’d had sex. He must not have been able to tell because Issac had been too small to leave any impression on my body. All I knew for sure was that his finger had felt bigger than his dick!

Now looking back on it, it was obvious that Issac had not had enough to have been able to break my hymen. Hell, like I told Ghost, I hadn’t really felt anything.

I finally pushed away from the door and went into the bathroom, tied up my hair and got a quick shower, wondering if Ghost was taking a cold shower right now. I knew that was not going to help. I got out and toweled off and the soft towel was just rough enough to make my nipples feel extra sensitive. I brushed my teeth and then brushed out my hair. I keep it cut to just above my shoulders. I have a genetic condition called canities, which basically means my hair changed color earlier than it normally would for most people. Both my mom and her mom had had it. When I was in grade school, I had been teased about having “salt and pepper” colored hair and by the time I entered high school, it had turned completely gray. For a while I kept the ends dyed either blue or purple but the dye was drying out my hair and causing split ends and frizziness so now I just keep it cut in a sleek, long bob style that frames my face.

I pulled on my comfy t-shirt, which had belonged to my father, and crawled into bed. I lay thinking about Ghost and everything we had talked about today. I examined my heart and knew that I was falling for the handsome biker, HARD and could only pray that he doesn’t end up breaking my heart because right now, he had it in the palm of his hand. I fell asleep and dreamt about him all night long.

The next morning, I woke up with the sun because I forgot to close the drapes. A glance at the clock told me that Ghost would be coming to call for breakfast soon so I got up and got dressed. I brushed my teeth, brushed out my hair and was just pulling on my sneakers when a light knock came at my door. I opened the door to find Ghost standing there looking just like he had in my dream last night.

Rooster’s POV

I was so glad I had not been the one to have to tell Macy that both her parents were dead. The nurse had told me that they’d had to sedate her last night when Sheriff Neilson had come and told her that they were both gone.

The doctor had given us some light sedatives to help her get through what would more than likely be a few sleepless nights. “It’s basically not much more than Benadryl really but it will help her sleep. She will probably need to see a child psychiatrist to work through what she’s been through.” The doctor told me.

“Papa Joe at the Rescue Farm has someone she can talk to. That’s where we will be taking her. They will try to find out if she has any family, get her the help she needs and she can either stay with them until she’s adopted by someone or is old enough to go on her own.” I told him.

“Yeah, I’ve heard about the Farm. They do good for kids who have been through some bad stuff.” The doctor agreed.

Doc and I got her checked out and thankfully she remembered us so she didn’t get hysterical when we went to collect her. All she asked was “What is going to happen to me now?”

I explained to her that we were going to take her to the farm and I explained what the farm was and she seemed to be okay with it. The only other thing that seemed to be on her mind was that today was Christmas.

“I guess Santa came and took all of the presents back. What did I do wrong for this to happen?” she asked as her eyes filled up with tears.

“No, honey. He didn’t take your presents. We have all of them for you in my car. We brought all your clothes too.” I reassured her.

“Did you bring Sniffles?” she asked.

“Who is Sniffles?” I asked.

“He’s my teddy bear. I’ve had him since I was a baby. He always lets me hug him when mommy and daddy fight. He was on my bed.” She said hopefully.

“Yes. Sniffles is waiting for you in my car too.” I told her and put a bag containing some of her clothes on the end of the bed and asked her “Do you need help getting your clothes on? I can have the nurse come back and help you.”

“Yes, please. I can’t do much with my arm in this thing.” she said, holding up the cast on her arm. It went from her hand all the way to her elbow. I pushed the call button on the remote and told her, “Okay. The nurse should be here in a minute. I’m going to wait outside for you and then we are going to get you checked out of here.”

She nodded and I stepped back outside into the hall when the nurse came back into the room. Doc was talking to the attending physician and he turned to me when I stepped out of the room.

“They said they had to keep her sedated most of the night because she kept having night terrors. I don’t suppose Dr. Jill is going to be available today?” Doc asked.

“I doubt it but Mama Mae and Papa Joe know how to deal with it.” I told him.

Just then the nurse came out holding Macy’s hand and told her. “You stay here with Rooster and I’ll go get the wheelchair. Okay?” She said.

“Okay.” Macy said. She sounded so defeated and looked so lost and my heart went out to her.

When the nurse came back with the wheelchair, Macy sat down and I couldn’t help but notice how small and lost she looked. Lord, I hate this part of what we do. I mean, I’m glad we managed to get her out alive but it was going to suck having to turn her over to someone else. I think it’s mostly because it’s Christmas. It’s hard enough to see kids being hurt, especially by people who are supposed to love and protect them but when it happens on what is supposed to be the happiest day of the year for a child, it’s just hard to deal with.

When we got to the parking lot, I asked her if she wanted to open the presents we had brought from her house. She thought about it for a minute and then shook her head.

“I’d give it all back if Santa would bring back my mommy!” she said and began to cry. I picked her up and just held her while she cried her heart out.

After a minute, Doc said. “I’ll drive. You just hold on to her.” I could tell that Macy’s sobs were breaking his heart just as they were mine. I got in the backseat with her on my lap and just let her cry while Doc drove us to the Farm. About 10 minutes out, he called Papa Joe and told him we would be there soon.

I had to give him directions on the last part of it since Doc had never been out here before but he was impressed as we pulled in through the gate. “Wow. It really does look like a farm.” He said as he slowly drove up the driveway.

“It is a real farm. They are not going to give up that part of it. They are just going to retire from doing the rescue part.” I told him as he pulled up to the house to see Papa Joe and Mama Mae standing on the front porch waiting for us.

Doc parked the car and we got out. I was still carrying Macy and I carried her up the stairs.

“Macy, this is Mama Mae and Papa Joe. They are going to take care of you from now on. They are really nice people and they have other kids who stay here too. Some of them have been through some bad stuff just like you. Here is my card. This has my cell phone number and the number to my clubhouse. If you ever need me, you just call me. Okay?” I told her as I sat her down and kneeled down to her level.

She nodded and then she threw her arms around me and hugged me tight. She whispered in my ear “I’m scared, Mr. Rooster. What’s going to happen to me now?”

“Honey, Mama Mae here is going to take really good care of you. She is a really good cook and will let you make cookies with her, if you are good. They have all kinds of animals here. Do you like animals?” I asked her and she nodded.

Then she asked “Where is Sniffles? Is he inside?”

“Oh. I forgot about him. He’s in my car with your other stuff. Why don’t you go inside with Mama Mae and I’ll go get him. It’s cold out here and it’s nice and warm inside. Okay?” I told her and she looked at Mama Mae for a minute then nodded her head.

“Come on honey, let’s go inside where it’s warm. Rooster and Papa Joe will bring your things inside. I’ll show you around and introduce you to some of the other children and then you can help me make lunch. Do you like to cook?” Mama Mae said as she held her hand out to the little girl.

“I don’t know but I used to have an Easy Bake oven and I liked making the brownies. They were really good too.” Macy said as she allowed Mae to lead her inside. She looked back over her shoulder to see if I was still there and I smiled at her then turned to help Papa Joe and Doc get her stuff out of the back of the SUV. It was pitiful about how little she had but it was still more than most kids came here with.

We carried it into the house and I made sure to find her teddy bear and wondered if I should just leave it for her to easily find or if I should stay and say goodbye. After thinking about it, I know how I would feel if someone would just drop me off and leave without even saying goodbye. I heard her and Mama Mae in the kitchen and carried her teddy bear into her.

“Here ya go, Macy.” I said, handing her the bear. She took it and hugged it close to her.

“Thank you!” Macy said.

“I have to go now, Macy. You take care and if you ever need me, you just call me. Okay?” I told her.

“Okay. Thank you, Mr. Rooster.” She said and gave me a big hug. She whispered in my ear. “Mama Mae is nice.”

“I know. She’s a good lady.” I whispered back. “If you ask nicely, maybe Papa Joe will take you outside and show you the animals after your lunch.”

“I’d like that very much.” Macy said, looking hopefully at Papa Joe.

“I sure will. We have a mama cow with a little baby in our barn and lots of chickens. You can help me collect eggs tomorrow. Okay?” Papa Joe told her which earned him a big smile from Macy.

“Oh, Rooster. I’ve got something for you guys to take home for Claire.” Mama Mae said. She directed me to where there were two large heavy boxes sitting on her table.

“Goodness. What’s in here? Rocks?” I asked when I went to lift the boxes and felt how much they weighed.

“Nope. I had way too much to can this year. We don’t have as many kids this year as we did last year and my shelves are full. There are tomatoes, green beans, corn niblets and pickles in there. It should be enough for at least one sitting for all the men in your house.” She told me.

“Well, thank you. Any time you have stuff to sell, let Claire know. They started a garden on part of the field this past spring but with as many mouths as we have to feed, there’s not always enough to feed those hungry mouths three meals a day and Claire prefers fresh over store bought stuff. I have to admit that we’ve noticed a difference too.” I told her. “Well, we had better get moving. Dixie is going to be upset with me if I stay gone all day on Christmas day.” I told her.

Just then Sandy came into the kitchen. “Mr. Rooster! What are you doing here?” she asked as she came up and gave me a big hug.

“We are bringing Macy here to come stay with you guys. Macy, this is Sandy. Sandy, can you help Macy get settled in?” I asked and gave Sandy a wink.

“Sure. Come on Macy. Mama Mae, which room is she going to be staying in?” Sandy asked.

“She’s right next door to you. Can you help her get some of her stuff put away? They left it in the living room.” Mae told her.

“Sure. Come on, Macy. I’ll show you your new room.” Sandy said then took Macy’s hand and they went into the living room to grab some of the bags and carry them upstairs.

“Sandy has been a godsend. She’s great with the little ones. She’s getting over her trauma and Dr. Jill says she’s ready to go up for adoption but Papa Joe and I have talked and we’ve decided to file for custody ourselves. Now we just have to get her father to give up his parental rights.” Mama Mae said. “She’ll never take Marley’s place in our hearts but we talked to her and she’s agreed that she would like to be the daughter we never had.”

“That’s great! Sandy is a good kid who has had it rough enough. She needs someone who is going to love her unconditionally. Papa Joe said that you needed some help with hands to work the ranch part and for planting and harvesting?” I asked.

“Well, it will be several months before we are ready to plant and we probably won’t be putting down as much seed as we have in the past anymore but any help you can spare will be much appreciated. I know Bill can use some help in the spring with the animals. We’ve got at least two pregnant cows and one of the horses is pregnant. If you know anyone who wants chickens, we’ve been overrun with baby chicks.” Mae said.

“I’ll get the boys to work on a chicken coop. That was something else Claire wants is fresh eggs. Next thing I know she’s going to want a milk cow which is where I’m going to draw the line. Chickens can be contained to a pen but I refuse to walk across my land to end up stepping in cow poop!” I laughed and was joined by them all.

Well, come on Doc. Let’s go home to our ladies. Thanks for everything Papa Joe, Mama Mae. Merry Christmas!” I told them as Doc helped me carry the heavy boxes back to the SUV. We loaded up the canned goods and took off for home.

“They are such a nice couple.” Doc said.

“Mama Mae has arthritis, especially in her hips and it’s getting too hard for her to keep up with all of the kids. Papa Joe says she gets attached to the kids too and it’s always hard to let them go. I can understand that.

Dixie and I got rather attached to Penny and Bucky when Jenny was in the hospital. Dixie especially. She really fell in love with that little girl. She wants a baby girl so badly. After Sammy turns 2 years old, we’re going to try again, hopefully for a girl but if she can’t get pregnant again we’re going to adopt a baby girl.”

“Rooster, it’s none of my business but if she’s one of the rare women who can love someone else’s child, I wouldn’t put Dixie through another pregnancy and just adopt. She didn’t exactly have an easy pregnancy with Sammy and having a c-section is hard on any woman. Dixie’s stomach muscles will never be the same and frankly, I would be surprised if she managed to carry another child to full term. I’d hate to see her go through a miscarriage because her body can’t support another pregnancy.” Doc told me.

“Doc, do you know something I should know?” I asked, trying to keep the fear that I suddenly felt for Dixie out of my voice.

“I’m only telling you what years of being a doctor has taught me. Dixie is lucky to have gotten pregnant to begin when she conceived Sammy and it was hard on her body. As doctors, we don’t prescribe two months of bedrest unless it’s becoming a danger to the mother as well as the child. I’m not saying it would definitely kill her but it’s going to be even harder on her the second go round and she would definitely have to spend even more time on bedrest the next time around. If she can love a child that she didn’t give birth to, then I would advise that adoption is a better option for her.” He said.

I couldn’t argue with him and I also couldn’t help that my foot pressed just a bit harder on the gas pedal as I drove us home.

Just before we pulled into the compound, Doc said “Rooster, please don’t say anything to Dixie about what we talked about. I may have spoken out of turn but I’m just giving you my professional opinion but really it’s between you and her and her OBGYN. With as many children as we have rescued over the years, I just feel that it would be a good option for both of you.”

“I appreciate your honesty, Doc. I’ll talk to Dixie about it. I’m just sure she wants an infant that she can hold and feed and dress up in pink baby clothes and stuff.” I told him as I parked the SUV and I called for some prospects to come carry the boxes of canned goods.

Dixie came out to meet me and seemed to sense that I just needed to hold her as she walked into my arms. We stood like that for several moments but it was cold outside so finally, with our arms around each other, we went inside.

“Where’s Sammy?” I asked her.

“In the family living room. Nessa and Tiana are watching him.” She said.

I didn’t say anything more but took Dixie’s hand and led her into the family living room, picked up my son, took Dixie’s hand in mine again and we went up to our room. As soon as the door was closed, I walked over to my big boy recliner and sat down, pulled Dixie on my lap and just held my family in my arms. Even Sammy seemed to sense that I just needed to hold my family for a while.

When Dixie and I had first gotten together, we had hoped and planned for a big family, lots of kids to love and while I appreciated that the good lord had blessed me with my wife and son, I knew Dixie felt incomplete and wanted more kids. I silently prayed that God would see fit to bless us with a daughter to love too.

3rd Person POV

As the year drew to a close, Rooster helped Misty with the funeral arrangements and the entire executive staff attended Misty’s mother’s funeral on the Thursday after Christmas. Thankfully her mom had life insurance which paid double indemnity because she had been murdered, which was what Griff was charged with in addition to assault and the attempted rape of Misty. He pleaded no contest to the charges and was sentenced to life in prison.

Macy’s parents were laid to rest but both Mama Mae and Papa Joe felt it was better if she did not attend the funeral since both parents had to have closed casket services. But they did take her to visit their graves and they bought her bouquets to put on their graves.

Macy called and asked for the name and phone number for Shelly, saying she wanted to say thank you for helping her that night. Rooster told her that he would have Shelly call her and when he called Shelly, she told me she would call her as soon as they hung up and she did.

Dixie, in her natural element, had a huge New Years celebration and send off party for Chains, Smokes, Trainer and Howler. Dixie even hired strippers from Dallas to come up and give them lap dances. The girls ended up giving several of the single guys lap dances and made a bunch of money in the process. They had dollar bills sticking out everywhere of their tiny little thong bikinis. The lead stripper had even told Dixie that anytime they needed strippers they would be glad to come back! They had been all very enthusiastic about all the hot men in the MC.

Everyone thought Nessa and some of the wives were about to go to war when a couple of the strippers started to flirt with Hulk and a couple of the other married men. Dixie finally told the lead stripper that if the ladies wanted to go home in one piece and unharmed, they had better stay away from the men who had women on their laps. When Nessa stood up to go to the bathroom, one girl offered to give Hulk a private dance and had made the mistake of putting her hands on him just as Nessa came out of the bathroom.

Hulk had, of course, refused but had been very embarrassed and just barely managed to catch hold of Nessa before she attacked the woman. Nessa tried her best to get to the woman as she screamed at her about how she would kill her if she didn’t keep her hands and eyes off her man.

Hulk finally had to pick her, throw her over his shoulder and take her upstairs but as he left the room, he said “Come on tiger. I’ve got a better way for you to show your love.”

Everyone in the bar roared with laughter. Nessa had flipped the girl the bird with a big smile on her face as Hulk carried her out of the bar and everyone in the bar cheered them on.

It took two days for Chains and his retirement buddies to sober up enough to begin their trip to Florida but they had been most pleased by the gifts of fishing poles, binoculars and the T-shirts that read “Bikini Patrol MC” that the girls had specially made for them.

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