Monster Slayers MC Book 7

Chapter 16-BIG changes to the MSMC

The month of January was just plain weird. The prospects, Calvin, Peter and Paul all turned 18 within a two week period over the middle of the month. Another prospect named David turned 18 the first week of February. They had all agreed that we could wait for the patching in ceremony until they had all made it and we threw them a birthday party along with a patching in celebration. It wasn’t a big deal but Claire made lasagna, which all of them had agreed was their favorite meal, and Mindy and Marley made them a big chocolate cake. They found some miniature motorbikes at the craft store and Annalisa painted their road names on each one.

Paul was named Hammer and Calvin was now called Logger (he had been known to take out his frustrations by chopping firewood for the BBQ grill). Peter was now called Racer (because he had gotten several speeding tickets and Rooster had made him service, wash and wax all of the bikes.

David had been a challenge to find a name for until Hunter had come up with the name of Monkey for him. “He’s like a monkey the way he climbs trees. Heights don’t seem to bother him and I’ve seen him go from one tree to another like a gymnast, swinging from branch to branch to get from one blind to another.”

Spades passed away from a massive heart attack in his sleep a week after the prospects were patched in. Pyro then decided to leave and join the “Bikini Patrol MC”.

Rooster wasn’t the only one feeling like there was something off. It was like everyone was waiting for a shoe to drop. Maybe it was because it had been so quiet lately.

We’d had a fairly calm winter so far but a week after Pyro left for Florida, the weather changed dramatically. It had been cold in December and January but February was freezing and that was mainly because of the winds that had picked up. Everyone stayed pretty much inside and tensions were starting to build with everyone being shut in together.

Dash took Kylie to her high school “Sweethearts Ball” and he brought her around the next day to announce that they had gotten engaged the night before. Rooster ordered Cheryl to make up her property cut but she wouldn’t be able to get it until she graduated high school, as her parents demanded that they wait until after she had graduated to get married. Her parents had met Dash and liked him but they were also not happy about her not taking more time to explore life before she settled down.

One night, a couple of fights broke out in the bar and Rooster, Boomer, Hulk and Knuckles had to jump in and pull the brothers apart. When Rooster talked with all of the brothers who had been involved in the argument it turned out that there are just not enough women to go around.

Even without the older members who had left and with the addition of all the new prospects meant we now had over 40 unclaimed men in the house and there were only about a dozen sweet butts that came around on a regular basis and lately even they were kind of hit and miss, mostly because of the cold weather. Rooster told them there was nothing he could do about the lack of women and gave them all the option of transferring to other chapters.

All of them said that they didn’t want to leave the mother chapter but agreed that it might be for the best for a while. Two of them actually chose to go Nomad for a while but assured Rooster that they would keep in touch and if at any time they were needed all he had to do is call and they would come back.

The end result was that Whisper and Ranger decided to go Nomad while Jeweler, Hoops, Pistols and Joker went to other chapters.

As February came to a close, the tension in the house eased up some after Joker left and it turned out he had been a major part of the disturbances among the members. Everyone had been sick of his practical jokes and smart mouth, especially after being closed in so much. It seemed that Hunter’s talk hadn’t done much good for very long.

The executive staff began working on long and short range plans to expand the businesses in town. They all agreed that they would build a new location for Claire and Mindy to open a finer dining restaurant in town and that would be their first project.

The MC also opened a second garage and another gas station, this time with a full service convenience store. They also planned to open several other new businesses including another supermarket, a general merchandise store that carried a variety of goods from clothes to electronic equipment, sporting goods and a huge toy department.

Annalisa hooked up with the local high school art teacher, Tats and Ava, to teach art classes to kids who were serious about learning how to draw and paint. Manuel even agreed to help out by buying the supplies for the students who couldn’t afford them but they had to prove they had talent.

Cheryl, Jullian and Tiana expressed a desire to open a shop in town where they sell one of a kind clothing and do custom sewing. Tiana was not as frightened of everything anymore and was becoming more assertive. She also turned out to be a decent seamstress. Jullian did some beautiful crocheted pieces as appliques on wedding gowns for some of the more “well to do” residents that were moving into the area.

But the club’s biggest accomplishment was going to be the new “Rescue Farm”. Hunter did some research and found a piece of land a couple of miles away from the compound that would be perfect to build a large complex that would allow them to house up to 50 people.

The MC would own the land and the building but would hire outside professionals to run the place. Marley and Charlie said they would like to work there part time but more in an administrative capacity than as social workers. Connie did research and found out that there were multiple grants and they could qualify for that would help cover running expenses.

They also opened a “Teen Center” for the kids of all ages in town. They would offer sports activities for both girls and boys for whatever sport was in season. Boxing and self defense classes were going to be focused on for both sexes.

Amber encouraged them to offer classes about sex education, giving the argument that nowadays, people barely even talk to their kids about anything, especially sex. Parents just didn’t do “the talk” with their kids anymore.

The women suggested classes on cooking, general housekeeping, home and car maintenance and economics.

For high school seniors, they were going to help kids prepare resumes, teach them how to not only dress but prepare for going to job interviews but also help them research potential employers. They also helped the kids who were interested in college with applications and finding the right college to suit their interest.

For kids who could not afford college, they’d show them options for trades that interested them. There were a multitude of aspiring mechanics and construction workers out there, both girls and boys.

All of this would take time to build and money. Manuel offered to help in any way he could and told Rooster that he had contacts that would more than likely be willing to help out too. Connie was researching grants of all kinds to help out with the different projects.

March was wet and muddy in addition to being cold. Texas didn’t really get much snow, at least nothing that stuck to the ground once the sun came up but it was still not the kind of weather where the construction teams could work. Boxer, Hulk and Knuckles were working hard on building up the guys. They had set up the gym with an indoor obstacle course with Eagle’s help.

“The hardest thing about boot camp was having to go on 5 mile hikes with a full pack in all kinds of weather. You should send these guys out to hike up the mountain carrying a sandbag on their backs and carrying a heavy rifle. Then maybe they won’t gripe and groan so much about having to spend time on building up their legs.” Eagle told them one day when every one of the men were whining about hating having to use the treadmills.

“Good idea! I’ll pick up the sandbags in town tomorrow and make them fill them up and then we’ll really make them hurt.” Hulk said as the men sat around the table in the bar.

“They also need to learn some life saving skills. What if a brother is hurt and needs medical attention under fire? They need to learn the fireman’s carry as well as basic triage.” Hunter said. “We’ve been lucky so far. No one has been seriously hurt in the past few years but remember the night Boomer got hit and fell and hit his head? What if Doc hadn’t been there or was on an injury he couldn’t leave. We all need to learn what to do and how best to do it.”

They decided to ask Doc to come to the next executive meeting and talk to Doc about working with the guys to learn basic techniques on triage and Rooster contacted the chief of the fire department to have some of his crew come and teach them as well.

In mid March, Kaylee came home very excited from work one day. She had been planning on quitting when she and Boomer got married but they talked again and decided that she would continue to work for a while longer, mainly so that she didn’t go stir crazy being cooped up in the house all of the time. Plus the hospital was so short handed that she had felt really guilty for leaving. She ran right to Dixie and without saying why, pulled her into Rooster’s office.

“What the hell, Kaylee? You’re going to dislocate my elbow pulling on me like this.” Dixie objected.

“I’m sorry. I’m just so excited for you two.” Kaylee said almost breathlessly.

Rooster’s POV

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“Dixie, go sit on Rooster’s lap! Rooster, hang on tight to her but you might want to cover your ears.” Kaylee said, as she pushed Dixie towards me. As soon as Dixie was sitting on my lap, Kaylee excitedly clapped her hands together and said “I have some really great news for you both.

You know that the hospital has a policy that unwanted babies can be dropped off without question and that the hospital will take them and after making sure there are no medical reasons the baby can’t survive without medical attention, will turn them over to an adoption agency. I know you’ve been thinking about adopting a baby girl.

Well, a baby girl was surrendered to the hospital today and I convinced them to hold her for 24 hours until I could talk to you. Oh, you guys have just got to go and see her. She is absolutely adorable. When I first saw her, it reminded me of how Sammy looked when he was that tiny. We think she’s about 3 months old. Do you want to go and see her?” Kaylee said in a rush.

Dixie and I looked at each other, then I said “Kaylee, can you give us a minute please?”

“Sure.” Kaylee said and hurried out of my office.

As soon as Kaylee was gone, I looked back at Dixie and I said “Are you sure?”

“I know I want a baby girl and I at least want to go and see her.” Dixie said and after a second, she added “Please Roo?”

“Baby, if this is what you want, then I do too. You know I always wanted more kids but I don’t want to put you in danger either. It would kill me to lose you, Dixie. You are my whole world.” I told her and kissed her with all of my love. When we pulled apart, Dixie looked at me with all of her love showing in her eyes and as she leaned her head against mine, she said “Having babies without you would mean nothing to me but without a baby girl, I just feel like something is missing. I love you, Roo.”

“Go grab your coat and let’s go then.” I told her.

Dixie ran upstairs to grab her coat and to pull on warmer boots. Sammy was asleep in his crib but would be waking up soon so she grabbed the baby monitor and was planning on carrying it down to the kitchen to ask Claire to listen for him when she passed Dawn on the stairs and asked her to watch over him until they got back.

“Rooster and I have to run into town for a bit. Can you watch Sammy until we get back?” She asked.

“Sure, Dixie.” She said as Dixie continued to go downstairs.

While Dixie was getting ready to go, I went down to Circuits office and told him I wanted to see if he could find out who had dropped off a baby at the hospital today. Apparently the hospital had been fairly busy today and there were several people who were taking their new babies home but there was only one woman who went in the hospital with a baby bundle and sure enough, she came out a few minutes later without it.

Circuit switched to the lobby camera and we watched as she walked right into the bathroom and a minute later came out without the baby. At one point, the girl had looked right at the camera in the hospital lobby. She didn’t seem at all sad about her decision to just dump her baby off as she came out of the bathroom. She had just hurried out of the hospital, got into a beat up old van and left.

“See if you can run facial recognition on her and find out who she is. I’ll be right back.” I told him.

“Oh it, Prez.” Circuit said as he began to furiously type on his keyboard.

I walked out into the living room and found Kaylee waiting for us. “Kaylee, where was the baby found?” I asked.

“In the downstairs ladies room in the lobby. Thankfully it was a nurse going off duty that found her. Why? What’s up?” Kaylee wanted to know.

“Well, we found her on camera dropping the baby off. I’ve got Circuit running facial recognition on her now.” I told her.

“Oh Rooster. You can’t contact her! Doing that will violate the Safe Haven law. I’m not sure what would happen but I do know I would be in a boat load of trouble. The hospital could pull my license.” Kaylee said.

“Hmmmm. Okay, Kaylee. I was thinking more along the lines of wanting to be sure that the mother was willing to give her up and wasn’t being forced to do it. That and any family medical history.” I told her.

“Well, pediatrics did a full run up on her. Other than the need for a clean diaper and something to eat, she checked out fine. Her clothes looked like thrift store stuff and all she had around her was an old towel, I think. The woman had just put her in one of the sinks and left her.” Kaylee said.

Just then Dixie came down stairs and hurried over to us. She immediately picked up on the tension I was feeling. “Is there something wrong?” she asked with a quiver to her voice, like I was about to crush her dream.

“No, at least I hope not. I had Circuit check and see if he could tell who had dropped her off at the hospital and we found her. He’s running facial recognition on her now. But Kaylee was just telling me that even if we find out who she is, we can’t contact her because we’d be violating the Safe Haven law and it could cost Kaylee her license.” I told Dixie honestly. We don’t ever lie to each other and we don’t keep secrets.

“Can I see what she looks like?” Dixie asked and I nodded.

Together with Kaylee, we walked down to Circuit’s office and knocked on the door then opened the door. The girl’s picture was up on the monitor and both Dixie and Kaylee gasped when they saw who it was.

“I know her! She worked at the Supermarket in town! I can’t remember her name and I haven’t seen her for a while but that’s clearly her.” Dixie said and Kaylee agreed.

Just then Circuit’s search turned up the results. We now had her name and address. “Well, she may have lived here at one time but she doesn’t anymore. Her address now is in St. Jo.” Circuit told us.

“Babe, before we go, I want to call the lawyer and find out what we are going to have to do to adopt this little girl before you go down there and get your heart set on her. Okay?” I told Dixie.

We went back to my office and I called our lawyer. He advised me to contact Papa Joe who would be able to smooth the wrinkles out of this situation since the Rescue Farm is listed as a foster care facility.

“If anyone can make this process as painless as possible, Papa Joe will be your man. He knows you and can guide you through the process probably better than I can.” Our lawyer, Jack Peterson, told me.

“Great! Thanks Jack. I’ll call him right now.” I said and hung up with him. I immediately called Papa Joe’s house. Mama Mae picked up on the third ring.

“Hi Mama Mae. Is Papa Joe around? This is Rueben.” I said.

“Oh hey, Rueben. He’s actually in the barn with Macy. That little girl is turning into a real little helper out there. She loves that calf and helping Joe collect eggs from the chickens.” Mama Mae said.

“Well, I hate to ask but could you send one of the kids to call him to the phone? I really need to talk to him asap!” I told her.

“Sure. Hang on. Sandy in the kitchen. I’ll send her.” Mae said.

She sat the phone down and I could hear her telling Sandy to go call Papa Joe. A minute later, she came back in and I could hear her saying “He’s halfway across the yard and will be here in a second. Macy found a whole bunch of eggs.”

“Oh, I hope she didn’t pick up the ones from the nest. Get a candle, we’ll need to check them.” Mae said.

A minute later Papa Joe picked up and said “Hey Rooster. What can I do for you?”

“Joe, I need to pick your brain for a minute. A baby was abandoned at the hospital this morning. A baby girl about 3 months old. I need to know what we need to do to be able to adopt her.” I asked.

“Well, you have to go through an adoption service to do it legally. Normally, you file the paperwork and then wait. Sometimes it can take months and months to get approved while they check you out. That’s why it takes so long for us to find homes for some of these kids. Max’s paperwork took over 6 months before the couple was approved. I had to do extensive background checks on the couple and thankfully the people who got him checked out with no red flags. I check on him a couple of times a year and he’s doing great.”

“What are our chances of adopting this little girl?” I asked bluntly.

“Excellent. I know you and even though I’ve never dipped into your financial situation, I know for fact that any child would be lucky to have you and Dixie as parents.” Joe said honestly.

“Thank you, Joe. That means a lot. So what do I need to do first, next and last?” I asked.

“I’ll be there in an hour. I’ll take custody of her on paper, have you fill out the forms and turn her over to you.” Joe said.

“Can you meet us at the hospital? We haven’t even seen her yet and I don’t think Dixie is going to be able to stand still much longer.” I told him as I smiled at the way Dixie was going from one foot to another as she waited to leave. I honestly think that she was ready to go and snatch the baby out of the hospital.

“I’ll meet you there. Maternity ward, I’m assuming?” Papa Joe chuckled.

“See you there.” I told him and we hung up.

“Let’s go!” I told Dixie and the smile that creased her face warmed my heart. I love making her happy.

Kaylee came with us and we took the nicest SUV we have, making sure that Sammy’s newborn baby car seat was in the back. He was now in a larger seat where he could sit more upright and he loved to go riding.

Dixie sat forward in the passenger seat all the way there, like leaning forward was going to get her there sooner. I glanced at Kaylee in the rearview mirror a couple of times and saw her smiling at Dixie.

We got to the hospital and Kaylee led us upstairs and talked to the head nurse on duty who brought the little girl out to us. I could tell the second the nurse put the baby in Dixie’s arms, she was in love. Kaylee had been right, she did look a lot like Sammy at that age.

“Oh Rooster, look at her. She’s beautiful.” Dixie said and kissed the baby’s head.

The nurse told us, “We found a piece of paper in the towel that she was wrapped in saying that her birthday is Dec. 31st at 11:59 pm. She was 6 lbs 2 oz. at birth and 20” long. It said “I just can’t keep her. Please find her a good home.” No name or anything so we’ve been calling her Jane, which is what we call all unnamed babies.”

As we waited for Papa Joe, I noticed the St. Patrick’s day decorations all over the walls and realized that it was St. Patrick’s day today. I asked Dixie, “What do you think of naming her Patricia? Seems kind of appropriate, don’t you think?”

“I like that. And how about Eve for her middle name since she was born on New Years Eve.” Dixie said.

“Patricia Eve Carver. I like it.” I smiled at her and kissed the baby on the head. “Hello Patricia. This is your mommy and I’m going to be your daddy. Welcome to the family.”

Kaylee found us an empty room where we could sit and begin bonding with the baby and it wasn’t long before Papa Joe showed up.

“She is a beautiful little girl. She’s one lucky baby.” Papa Joe said.

Joe presented his ID to the nurse, who called the pediatrician on duty and had him talk to Papa Joe and then he signed off to release her, giving him a report that said that with the exception of being slightly underfed, she was completely healthy.

I could tell Dixie was over the moon happy as we left the hospital, carrying our new little girl. She even asked Kaylee to ride up front with me so that she could sit next to her in the back. Joe followed us home and I spent the next hour filling out paperwork, then he joined us for lunch. Afterwards he said he would file for a new birth certificate for her. “Now you understand that the position under her father and mother’s names will be listed as “unknown” and in its place it will show yours and Dixie’s names as “Adopted by”. Have you decided on a name yet?” Joe asked.

“Patricia Eve. Patricia because we are finding her on St. Patrick’s day and Eve because she was born on Dec. 31st.” Dixie grinned at him.

“Very appropriate and also very pretty, just like her.” Joe said as he tickled the baby under her chin. “She sure is a cutie.”

“Well, as much as I’m dreading that drive home, I’ll get all of this notarized and turned into the state and you should be getting her birth certificate in the mail within the next 6 to 8 weeks.” Papa Joe said.

3rd Person POV

Dixie carried Patricia into the family living room to introduce her to all of the ladies and other children. Sammy is still too young to understand what was happening but he kept watching Dixie holding the little girl and acted like he was trying to see what all the fuss was about as all the women gathered around to see what the baby looked like. He finally got frustrated and began to cry and Marley lifted him up and sat him down on her lap as she sat down next to Dixie.

“This is your baby sister.” Dixie told him. He looked very confused at first but just stared at her. Then he surprised everyone when he reached out and touched her face, softly rubbing her cheek. “My” he said.

Dixie smiled at him and said “Yes, she is your sister.” She kissed his cheek and he giggled. He laid his head down on the baby and put his arm around her. “My, my, my.” He softly sang to her.

“Aww. How sweet.” Kaylee said. She was so glad now that she had told Dixie and Rooster about the little baby girl. She had some other good news but wanted to tell Boomer before anyone else.

They all talked about what she would need for the new baby and even with all of the children that had been born in the last year, there was not much girl stuff since all of the babies, except for Crystal, had been boys. A shopping trip was in the near future. Sammy was in his own crib now and we already have a bassinet so that wasn’t a problem and there were still some newborn diapers but she wouldn’t be in those for long.

After an hour or so, Sammy was ready for his afternoon nap so Dixie and Kaylee carried the kids up to bed and put them down for naps. “I can’t believe I have a baby girl. Thank you so much Kaylee.”

“I could tell how much it affected you when you had to give Penny back to Jenny and even though I’m happy they got their mommy back, I was so sorry it was hurting you so much. So when this little one came in today and I saw how much she looks like Sammy, it just seemed like the perfect fit.”

“I just pray that her biological mother doesn’t change her mind and try to come after her some day.” Dixie said.

“She abandoned her. I will never understand how someone can do that but she forfeited any rights to her when she just left her there unattended. She would actually be in trouble if she even tried to come back now. The Safe Haven law says they have to turn the child over to a person, not leave them in the bathroom sink like that. What if a pedophile had found her instead of a nurse?” Kaylee said.

“Well, she’s mine now and that bitch would have to kill me to get her back now.” Dixie said venomously.


3rd Person POV

Since they didn’t want to steal their thunder, Boomer and Kaylee delayed the information they had been planning on announcing that night. All of baby Patricia’s new uncles and aunts fell in love with her on sight.

However, the next night, Boomer and Kaylee weren’t the only ones with a big surprise to announce. Everyone was in the bar after dinner and all the kids were in bed when Boomer stood up and pulled Kaylee to him. He whistled and motioned to Squeaker to turn down the stereo then yelled “Listen up everyone. We have something to share with all of you. Kaylee is pregnant! We are going to be parents in October!”

Everyone cheered and clapped and yelled congratulations but then Hulk stood up, holding Nessa close to him. He lifted his hand and everyone’s eyes got big and Hulk had a smile on his face that was so big that it looked like his teeth went from one ear to the other as he announced “Nessa and I will be joining the parents club too. She’s due in the first week of October.”

The whole club went nuts. A lot of the men came over to the executive table to shake their hands while the women all gathered around to congratulate Nessa and Kaylee.

“Hey, this adoption thing is great! I got a beautiful new daughter and didn’t have to go through the whole morning sickness, bloating, swelling, cravings, feeling like an elephant, not being able to party and childbirth parts of having kids.” Dixie said as she lifted her shot of tequila and toasted to the mothers to be then necked it.

Two weeks later, Rooster, Ms. April, Papa Joe and Mama Mae were all called as witnesses to testify against Sandy’s father who was found guilty and sentenced to 20 years in prison for child abuse and molestation. The press had a field day with it and when the word reached the prison where he was incarcerated that he was a pedophile, he was raped and found beaten to death in the prison shower room.

As soon as the trial was over, Papa Joe and Mama Mae filed to adopt Sandy and it was approved right away. Sandy called the day she got approved and thanked Rooster over and over again for bringing her to the farm.

Dawn finished her senior year online and got her diploma in the mail. Manuel had spoken to her several times and they had discussed alternatives on how the club house could be remodeled to make it work better for everyone. Manuel said he was very impressed with her and offered her a position working in his design department for the branch he was opening in Dallas. He even set her up with an apartment so that she wouldn’t have to commute back and forth. Of course it also came with a car, so that she could come home when she wanted to.

Manuel and Dana married in the late summer and most of the club went to their wedding which was at their ranch. He took Dana on a six month honeymoon to Europe and they sent postcards with pictures of them in some very exotic and romantic locations.

Kevin was running a dog training facility on the ranch Manuel bought and he was doing very well. Helena and Greggory regularly came and got all the MC kids and would babysit when we needed “adult time” and claimed to love it. Cookie loved having all the kids to feed. The four of them watched all of the kids while the MC went to Sturgis or on Charity rides.

Linx and Jenny got engaged and married a few months after Manuel and Dana and now Jenny’s pregnant. Linx bought them a house in the same neighborhood as Kaylee’s house.

Nancy and Gunner also got married but they are waiting to have a baby. Susie and Bucky are doing better but Susie still gets upset during thunderstorms. Dr. Jill had come and talked to her and it turned out that while their father had not been touching her, he had terrorized her saying if she didn’t behave the boogie man was going to come and cut her up and had destroyed a couple of her dolls by cutting them up with his pocket knife. All of that had happened before Nancy had gotten there. Nancy was livid with her step father for doing that to Susie.

Ghost and Misty got married but have not started a family yet.

Same is true for Amber and Ace. While Dawn waited for Manuel’s new branch to open, she came up with a design to remodel the club house that did not require they tear it all down and start over again. They ended up changing the location of the front entrance to the center street side of the building. They ended up losing 16 of the original bedrooms, 8 on each floor but added another 30 bedrooms, 20 on the second floor and 10 on the third floor by adding an addition that made the hallways shorter but gave them more rooms.

A new main living room was built as well as new offices for everyone who needed one. The kitchen was expanded as well as the dining and meeting rooms by using the old main living room and bar area.

They added an elevator so that when someone was sick or injured, they didn’t have to have multiple men trying to carry someone up and down the stairs. It also made moving furniture and the new laundry equipment much easier. Cheryl’s sewing room was expanded and moved to the ground floor and more “guest rooms” and rooms for rescues were added to the ground floor. They also remodeled the clinic again, expanding it to have actual rooms when men had to have medical attention for more than just stitch and go.

It also allowed them a room to set up for the women and they got an ultrasound machine and other equipment so that Doc could do more of the “lady stuff” in addition to having a room where he could deliver the babies that seemed to be popping out like popcorn.

It would save the MC money in the long run since the MC covered the women’s visits to the OBGYN in town. Now they just went if there was a problem. Thankfully, so far, none of them were having to go. They also got Doc the machine to process blood for things like iron levels, etc. “The infirmary” was more like a mini hospital now.

They relocated the bar area and added a larger stage and dance area. They also built a second floor to it with rooms for the sweet butts to pleasure the men without having them in the clubhouse anymore.

Amber finished her Masters degree in nursing which was a good thing because Kaylee quit at the hospital not long after she found out she was pregnant, mainly because she suffered from morning sickness so badly that she was having to call in sick all the time. Everyone got very worried about her because was losing too much weight and couldn’t seem to keep anything down, even with the nausea pills.

It really pissed Kaylee off that she suffered with morning sickness for 3 months while Nessa only had it for 1 month.

They had changed all of the “no window” bedrooms to things like a safe room, a couple of laundry rooms so that no one had to haul their clothes up and down the stairs anymore. A larger linen closet, a play room for the club children.

There was now a fully stocked weapon’s room upstairs too and all of the women had been trained to shoot a handgun and a rifle. Most of them were decent shots too.

Rooster’s POV 2 years later......

I’m sitting on the new back patio watching the older children play in the yard while I listen to the mothers chatting as they watch over the new babies as they plan for a big party for this weekend.

This Saturday will be my 33rd birthday and 15 years since I took over as president of the MSMC and I truly can not believe it has been that long or how much the club has changed since then.

When I had first taken over my father’s club, it was what is known as a 1% club. The men were only slightly better than cavemen when it came to women and I was the only kid that basically lived there, even if it was only part time. The club mostly ran drugs and guns to keep the bills paid and it was very profitable so long as everyone was honest about it. Think about that for a minute.

When I took over and started changing things, we went from being the biggest to the smallest MC in the area because so many of the members either got killed when we went to war with the “snake gangs” in the area or the older members didn’t want things to change and decided to either go nomad or changed chapters.

While we were not angels or saints by any stretch of the imagination, but I had a plan and along with Ox, Boomer, Hunter and the remaining members of the original MC who were willing to back me up, we turned things around. Back then we were burying a man almost every month. After I took over, we ran the Cobras and Vipers out of our territory and started building our club to be one that people respected and trusted to help them, not terrorize them. Since then, we’ve only lost 3 members to violence. Roger, the prospect that was killed by Snake when he came looking for Charlie and Marley and Ox and Tango were killed that same night.

We got out of running drugs and guns entirely and are now 100% legitimate. We’ve more than tripled in size of both members and the club house itself but now a third of the club members have ladies and old ladies and the number of kids running or crawling around is rising fast.

Connie says our network now puts us in the multi millionaire league and we continue to grow all the time. Realistically, the entire executive staff that I originally started with could now retire and live the “good life” from now on but we have all decided that we already have the best lives we could ever hope for and we’re all happy to be a part of the Monster Slayers MC.

Sammy will be 3 this year and Patricia just turned 2. They are mine and Dixie’s pride and joy. Sammy is very protective of his little sister and Patricia tries her best to keep up with him. She’s already learned how to make him feel sorry for her when her little legs can’t keep up when they are playing in the yard.

Hunter and Marley’s oldest is starting school this fall and Faith has claimed Sammy as her boyfriend, to which Sammy is not really crazy about the idea. She’s always trying to sit by him when they watch cartoons, wanting to hold his hand and insist on a hug and a kiss when they go home after visiting the club house. Sammy just stands and tolerates it but refuses to kiss her and has a sour look on his face when she kisses his cheek, which he immediately wipes off.

Today is Sunday and I’m sitting on the patio, with Patricia asleep on my chest as I watch over the children playing in the yard with Hulk, who loves kids. Dixie is sitting with the other women. Some of the guys are pitching horseshoes or playing volleyball while the rest of them are just hanging out, drinking beer.

I wonder what my dad would think of the MSMC if he could see us now. Would he approve or would he be disappointed in me? Suddenly, I had a feeling of warmth settle over me and I could have sworn I heard his voice in my ear say “You did good and I’m so proud of you, son.” I jerked my head around to look behind me but of course no one was there but I had a feeling of pure peace settle over me.

The End!

A/N: I could have gone on and on with this series but I think, for now, this is enough for the mother chapter. I have already begun a “sister series” and book one is complete but as with this series, I will not publish until it is complete. I do hope you will watch out for “The Rescuers”.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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