Monster Slayers MC Book 7

Chapter 14-Misty moves into the clubhouse.

After lunch, I told Misty, “Come on, let’s go find a couple of the prospects and tell them to get a van ready to go.”

“I need to use the bathroom first, please.” she said and I led her to one of the ladies rooms downstairs and waited outside the door for her.

“Man, talk about stalker mode. You hanging out outside the ladies room now trying to catch you a woman?” Joker teased. “Or just waiting till no one is around so you can sneak in?”

“Unlike you, Joker, I don’t have to sneak around to catch a woman. I’ve already got mine!” I said, getting fed up with his smart mouth.

Just then we heard Hunter say, “JOKER! My office NOW!”

I felt like sticking my tongue at him but realized that would have been childish.

“Ah, Hunter. I was just joking.” Joker said.

“Your smart assed jokes are going to get you killed one day. Ghost could take you out and you’d never see it coming. Get in here now!” Hunter said, standing in a very imposing stance with his legs spread wide and his impressive arms crossed over his chest and a look on his face that said he meant business.

Misty came out of the bathroom and said “Is everything okay? I thought I heard raised voices out here.”

“Yeah. Everything is fine. Joker’s about to get read the riot act. Part of being patched in as a member means you have to be a grown man. Joker likes to play childish jokes and has the mentality of a 10 year old bully. Come on.” I told her.

As promised, Rooster had introduced Misty as my lady and untouchable and I couldn’t have been more proud when Misty stood and held my hand in front of a whole room of men as they all yelled their congratulations.

“Way to go, Ghost!” “Score!” “Congrats!” Went around the room and everyone had a big smile on their faces except Joker. We didn’t know it at the time but Hunter had threatened to pull Joker’s patch if he didn’t grow up and stop with the childish joking and pranks. I wasn’t the only one that he had made a target of and several of the members had complained and threatened to kick his ass if it didn’t stop.

We asked Peter and Calvin, two of the prospects that are going to be patched in as soon as they come of age, to help us get Misty moved out of her house in Bolton. Rooster had called Captain Neilson and made sure it was okay for us to go in and collect Misty and her mother’s things and he had given us the go ahead. We spent most of the afternoon packing stuff up but it was amazing how little she wanted to take with her. Furniture and stuff that had seen better days, we piled on the side of the road and the rest Misty had the prospects take and drop off at the thrift store. The rest of the boxes she was bringing back with her contained mostly her clothes, but also some things from her mom’s room as well as the flag that had been on her father’s casket when they had buried him. He was buried at the Arlington Cemetery in Washington.

Misty found all of the paperwork she needed and had placed them in an old satchel she said her mom used to carry for work. I had expected a lot of tears but she amazed me by how strong she was. She told me where there was an old metal trash can out by the garage and we burned all of Griff’s things.

She knew that her mom’s job and the landlord’s office would be closed today so she just made sure she had the numbers to call them and would deal with it tomorrow. The only time she got kind of weepy was when she found the gift that she had bought for her mom for Christmas.

“I saved for months and months to be able to buy her this. She never had a really nice watch and I wanted to give her something not only pretty but useful.” Misty said and I just held her and let her cry but it only lasted a few minutes.

“You should wear it. She would have wanted you to have it, to remember her by. It would be a shame to just shove it in a drawer and not be used.” I told her.

“Maybe later when I can stand to look at it without crying.” Misty said as she put it in the satchel with the important papers she had collected.

We loaded up everything she wanted to keep, made sure we put out the fire in the trash can and headed back to the compound. Misty drove her mother’s car and I rode with her. It was a nice Toyota Camry so at least now she’d have a way to get around on her own.

The prospects helped us carry everything upstairs to her room and I almost told her to move it into my room but we hadn’t had a chance to talk about our living arrangements yet so I just let it go for now. We can always move it later.

We all went down to dinner and I felt so proud to have such a beautiful woman by my side. After dinner, I asked her if she wanted to go to the bar and have a drink and she looked at me with surprise.

“I’m not of age yet and for that matter, neither are you. Won’t they object?” Misty said.

I tried not to laugh as I said “We are at home and no, they don’t care. We get two free drinks on the house but then we have to pay for any extras. I won’t say I’ve never gotten drunk but I’m not really much of a drinker. I enjoy a beer every now and then but I don’t drink like a lot of these guys do. Some of them can really put it away.”

“Okay but I don’t like beer. Is there another choice?” She asked.

“Oh yeah. It’s a fully stocked bar. We can play pool or throw darts. There’s even a pinball machine. We don’t have to stay if you don’t feel comfortable.” I told her.

“I’d like to see it for sure. Can I have a rum and coke?” Misty said.

“Sure. Come on.” I said, linking my fingers with her as we walked through the living room to the doors that led into the bar. As soon as I opened the door, her eyes got bigger as she looked around.

I led Misty over to the bar and ordered our drinks. We were standing by the bar watching everyone and Misty noticed that most of the women were sitting on their men’s laps instead of sitting on a chair and Misty asked me why that was.

“I think it’s mostly a possession thing. A man would have to be a fool to make a pass at a woman sitting on someone else’s lap, wouldn’t he? This way it tells the whole bar at a glance who she belongs to and to keep their distance. Although I would love to be a fly on the wall if someone were to try it with any of the women in here, especially Dixie. She may be small but damn, she’s scary when she wants to be.” I told her.

“So now that I’m your lady, will I be sitting on your lap?” Misty asked and her cheeks got kind of pink when I nodded and then whispered in her ear, “I’m very much looking forward to that. I just hope I don’t embarrass myself.” I had to bite my lip to keep a groan silent when her cheeks turned pink.

“So those that are not sitting on the men’s laps, who are they?” Misty asked curiously.

“They haven’t been formally established as belonging to anyone yet but everyone knows who they are with. Any man in here can ask her to dance or whatever and the biker has really no choice but to let her go if she says yes and believe me, these guys will try if they get half a chance.” I told her. “Do you like to dance?”

“Oh yeah. I love to dance. How about you?” Misty asked.

“Yeah, I do. Would you like to dance?” I asked as “Brick House” by the Commodores came on. Misty nodded and I pulled her on to the dance floor. We had fun dancing together and I had to fight to keep my libido under control as she swayed to the music.

When the music changed and the song “Touch my body” by Mariah Carey came on, I pulled her into my arms, just where I had been wanting her to be all night. The lights in the bar dropped and Squeaker turned on the colored lights and the disco ball that hung from the ceiling. There were several other couples on the dance floor but for us, no one else existed as we danced together.

Lord, the song was only about half over and I was hard as a rock as Misty leaned back onto my chest as she moved her bottom against me. Our bodies seemed to fit together like we had been made for each other. Her scent, her touch, everything about her was driving me wild. It was all I could do not to run my hand down to the junction of her thighs to find out if she was as turned on as me when I whispered in her ear, “Can we get out of here, please?”

She seemed to stop breathing and seemed to hesitate for a moment then nodded. Thankfully we were close to the doors that led back into the house and I hope no one noticed as we slipped back through them.

Unfortunately, we ran into Razor and Jailer coming into the bar. “Leaving so soon?” Jailer teased, when he glanced down and saw the reason I was having a hard time walking the way I normally do.

“Just taking a breather and a chance to cool off a bit.” Misty spoke up first. I looked at her questioningly but didn’t say anything.

“Well, you two may be entertaining each other but ours will be here soon.” Jailer said as he and Razor laughed and walked into the bar.

“You guys have live entertainment coming in?” Misty said, clearly confused.

“The sweet butts will be showing up soon. Then the bar will be packed and it will get kind of wild in there.

“I’ve never heard of them before. Are they a local band around here?” She asked.

“Um, no. They are not a band. They are unpaid, female pleasure entertainment.” I said, trying to think of a nice way to describe the women who come to fuck the brothers.

“Oh. Okay. I think I understand. Do you have one that you are with sometimes?” She asked and I knew I had better be very careful here.

“Look Misty, I’m not going to lie to you and say I’ve never been with some of them but it was strictly for physical relief. This place can be very stressful sometimes. None of them meant anything to me and I won’t be with them ever again now that we are together.” I said, praying that she’s not going to get mad at me now.

“You had better not.” She said trying to act stern but I could see a small grin on her face. “I guess this coming up kind of gives me an opening that I had been trying to think of a way to talk to you about but to be honest, I’m not really sure how to start the conversation.”

“I want us to be able to talk about anything and everything and if we’re going to work, we have to be honest with each other. No lies, no secrets. Now there will be things about club business that I can’t talk to you about but things that directly affect us, I will never keep secrets from you or lie to you. I hope I can count on the same from you. Agreed?” I said.

“Agreed.” She replied.

Just then, several other brothers walked by and Misty said “Can we go somewhere a little more private for this talk? It’s going to be embarrassing enough without having someone walk up on us and overhear what I have to say.”

“Sure. We can go to my room. Noone will bother us there.” I said, but I saw her hesitate. “Would you rather go somewhere else?”

“No. That’s fine I guess.” She finally consented and we went upstairs. Several other members passed us going down the hall and almost all of them gave me a thumbs up and a big smile and I wanted to strangle each one of them. I could tell that it was making Misty upset that everyone was assuming we were going to be intimate since we were leaving the bar and while I have to admit that I’m hopeful, I’m not going to push her into something she’s not ready for. Hell, I have to admit that it is kind of soon considering that we really just met a few hours ago.

Finally we reached my room and I could tell she was really nervous by the slight shaking I could feel in her as I held her hand when I unlocked my door. “Don’t worry, Misty. We’ll take this at your pace. I’m not going to force you or push you to do anything you don’t want. Okay?” I said as I stepped inside but she stayed standing in the hall. She hadn’t let go of my hand but I could tell she was nervous about coming into my bedroom. “We don’t even have to lock the door if you don’t want to.”

She finally stepped inside and looked around. “Your room is almost exactly like mine except for the colors. This is nice. Much more masculine than mine.” She said as she stood nervously by the now closed door.

“Come on in. We can sit over here and talk. Okay?” I said, waving at the sofa and easy chairs in front of the windows. “If it wasn’t so cold, we could sit out on the balcony but we would freeze to death.”

She finally walked over and chose to sit on the easy chair, which did not go unnoticed but I didn’t say anything as I sat down on my recliner.

As I had promised, I didn’t push her but I have to admit, I’m really curious to hear what she has to say.

After a minute of twisting her fingers and looking at everything but me, she finally took a deep breath and said “I’m not sure how to begin saying this but I feel it’s best if I tell you before this goes any further. I just don’t want you to be upset or disappointed with me.”

“Just rip off the bandaid and tell me. I find that’s usually the best way.” I told her.

“Um, I understand that you are a year older than me and from what you said about the sweet butts, that you have more experience than me and I just want to......... um prepare you. I’ve only ever had one boyfriend and we..... um, we usually just kissed and some heavy petting but one night last summer, we went up to the lake with a bunch of our friends, all couples. Things got a bit more intense and we ended up naked in his sleeping bag.

I’d always heard that losing your V card would hurt and you would bleed a little bit but it didn’t and I didn’t. Hell the whole thing lasted less than a minute and to be quite honest, I barely felt anything. Before I could say anything, he was done.

He got up, told me how great it was, put his pants on and went outside. All of the other boys started cheering and patting him on the back. I was so upset! I thought he cared about me! But I was just a notch on his bedpost, so to speak.

It happened to another girl there too. She had come in her own car so we left them by the lake. She ended up pregnant. When I found out, I was so scared! I bought those pregnancy kits from the pharmacy for a month afterwards but thankfully they all came back negative. I kind of swore off boys after that. I haven’t even really dated since then.” She finally finished and peeked at me through her lashes.

I couldn’t say anything at first. I was trying to comprehend that there was a very good possibility that she is still a virgin. I felt a myriad of emotions going through me as I sat and watched her. Not really sure what I could or should say to her. Finally I scooted forward on my chair then stood up. I stepped over to her and put out my hand.

She placed her hand in mine and I pulled her to her feet and just put my arms around her and held her close. She wrapped her arms around me and we just stood like that for a while. Not talking, not moving.

“Misty, if I have to guess, I’m going to say that your v card is still intact. While I’m a bit jealous of the fact that you were with someone before me, I’m not really surprised. We are not children and by now, it would be understandable that you might have been with more than one man.

I am rather surprised and more than a bit nervous that it’s possible that you might in fact still be a virgin. I’m also very honored that you are going to choose me to be with. What you have heard is true. The first time is always slightly painful for a girl and there will be a little blood but I promise you that we will go at your pace and if at any time I’m hurting you, you will have to tell me and I’ll stop until you are ready for me to move. We don’t have to do anything until you are ready. Okay?” I told her and prayed that she would not make me wait for long. “Can I ask if you are on any kind of birth control?”

“Yeah. I get the shot every three months. I talked to my doctor and she said it was probably a good idea if I’m even thinking about being sexually active, which up until I met you I didn’t really care about it and now that I’ve met you, I really want to but not tonight. If we do it tonight, it’s going to seem planned and I’m already so nervous. I just don’t want to disappoint you.” she said, still not looking directly at me, thank goodness because when she said she wanted to wait, I doubted if I hid the disappointment on my face.

“Oh baby. I could never be disappointed in you. Maybe in your choice to wait but not in you.” I grinned at her and she blushed. She buried her face in my chest and hugged me tight and I kissed the top of her head as we stood and hugged.

“Would you like to go back downstairs and have another drink?” I asked her after a bit.

“Sure. I’m kind of curious to see what the sweet butts look like.” Misty said.

“Um on second thought, how about we watch a movie instead? We’ve got Netflix and you can pick if you want.” I said, realizing my mistake a second too late.

“Nope. Come on. I’m thirsty and very curious now.” Misty said and I could hear her trying not to laugh. “Besides, I’m going to see them sometime.”

“Okay, but just make sure you stick close to me. I don’t want you getting mistaken for being one of them. I’d hate to have to kill one of my brothers for grabbing your ass. That’s mine!” I said as I reached down and popped her on the bottom and she giggled.

“Don’t lie. You are afraid I’ll end up in a cat fight with your old girlfriend. And you can bet that if one of them tries to lay their hands on you, I will snatch her bald!” Misty grinned at me.

“Oh, I love you!” I said, and without really realizing what I had just said, I picked her up and kissed her hard! I may not have meant to say it so soon but as we kissed, I realized it was true so I don’t regret it.

When I let her down, she had a deer in the headlights look on her face. “What did you just say?”

“I said I love you!” I said as I let my head rest against her forehead. “I want you to be mine in all ways, not just in my bed, which I want very much.”

“I understand and I’m not disagreeing with you. I just need some time. This is all happening so fast. I feel like I’m in some kind of dream. Granted some of it has been a nightmare but some of it is turning out to be very nice.” She said with that beautiful smile of hers. “Now come on. I want to see what these girls look like, plus I want something to drink.”

We left my room and went back downstairs. Sure enough as soon as we walked into the bar, it was plain that the sweet butts were here and the party was in full swing. Several of them were on the dance floor, bumping and grinding either with brothers or each other. These girls know no shame! There was more skin than clothing on every one of them and considering the way they were dancing, it was amazing that what little they did have on managed to stay in place and cover what it needed to cover, just barely.

Misty and I walked over to the bar and in less than a heart beat, a sweet butt that I had fucked several times, came over and started rubbing herself up against me, even though I was standing right next to Misty and holding her hand.

“Hey Ghost. Wanna dance?” The sweet butt that for the life of me I couldn’t even think of her name right now, said as she rubbed her hand over my butt, giving it a squeeze. I didn’t mean to but I jumped slightly and Misty felt it. She immediately let go of my hand and stepped behind me. She grabbed the girl’s hand and twisted. The sweet butt went to her knees as she screamed in pain.

“Put your hands on him again and I’ll break it off.” Misty said loudly enough for everyone to hear.

“Wow! She’s hot!” One of the brother’s said and I turned to look and said “And she’s mine!” I said, loudly. I put my arm around Misty, we picked up our drinks, then walked over to a table with some of the other members, all of whom were smiling at us. I sat down and pulled Misty onto my lap.

“I want to take you to my bed so badly right now, it’s almost painful.” I said as I lifted my hips slightly to let her know what she was doing to me.

“Hang on. Be good and don’t talk about it and you may just get lucky.” She whispered back and I swear my dick got even harder.

“So was she one of your regulars?” Misty asked.

“Um, maybe once or twice. To be honest, I can’t even remember her name right now.” I told her honestly.

We stayed and drank and talked with the brothers and danced some but finally we called it a night and walked back upstairs again.

“I have to work tomorrow but unless we get anything else in at the shop, I’m almost done with the car I’ve been working on. Would you like to do something later? Maybe come meet me for lunch at the diner?” I told her.

“Sure. I’d like that. I have to get in touch with a lawyer and a funeral home. I don’t want to let my mother lay in that cold heartless room for long.” Misty said.

“Well, if you need help or advice, go see Rooster. Did your mom have a lawyer?” I asked.

“When my dad died, there was a lawyer from the Marine’s that came and helped her get the forms filled out to arrange for his body to be shipped home and to file for his benefits but I think I need a civilian lawyer. I need to get her car title turned over to me. Her bank will require something to release her funds. I need access to her safe deposit box and stuff like that. I’m not sure what all will need to be done and will appreciate any help Rooster can provide.

Both my mom and I were pretty out of it when my dad passed away. That was when my mom started drinking. The first year after he passed away, she’d get so depressed every time a special date got close. The anniversary of their first date, their wedding anniversary, his birthday, stuff like that. She would get drunk almost every night for two or three days before and after. She just missed him so much. The only day she wouldn’t recognize was the day he died.

She’d sit on the sofa and scour through the picture albums and drink and listen to the records they used to play. She’d want me to dance with her to the songs they used to dance together to. Then she’d go to bed and cry herself to sleep.” Misty said.

“She obviously loved him very much.” I said.

“She did and he loved her just as much right back.” Misty said.

“Just like I love you?” I asked as we came to her door and I pulled her into my arms, hoping for at least a good night kiss.

“I really do hope you mean that. Can I ask you something?” Misty asked and I nodded. “What is your real name?”

“Seth. Seth Addington.” I said with a slight chuckle.

“Well, Seth, I’m coming to care for you very very much but I need a little time to be sure my head and my heart are on the same page. My heart is screaming at me and there are other parts of me in total agreement but I need to be sure. Can you understand?” She said and I could tell she was confused.

She has been through a lot in the past two days. I can’t push her just because my dick gets hard as a rock every time she gets anywhere near me. I’m not some randy teenager anymore.

“I know, baby. I told you I won’t push you to do something you are not ready for. I want us to be together for the rest of our lives. I can wait. I may never be able to walk right again but I can wait.” I teased. “Can I at least have a good night kiss?”

“I think I can see my way clear to part with at least one!” She teased me back.

I slipped my arms around her waist and pulled her close as I lowered my head and kissed her, trying to convey what I feel for her. A few minutes later, we pulled apart, breathing hard.

“Well, good night. See you in the morning?” She whispered.

“I’ll knock on your door when I go down for breakfast. We normally have breakfast around 7. Right now, I need a long cold shower.” I said and with another peck on her lips, I let her go and limped to my room. I heard her giggle and then her door closed and I heard the lock click.

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