Monster Slayers MC Book 2

Chapter 8-Nurse caught, Cobra problem ended!

We enjoyed our coffee and bear claws together and then I pulled her onto my lap and held her as close as I could as I told her, “As much as I wish I could stay here and spend the day with you again, unfortunately, I have a responsibility to my brothers and the club. I need to go and take care of a few things but I’ll be back later today. I hope I’m going to be around the hospital but I’m not sure where Rooster’s going to assign me yet. I’ve got a feeling he’s going to want me to be in town where the trouble makers are.”

“I hate the idea that you are possibly going into a dangerous situation, but I understand. Since I’ve lived here, I’ve heard that you guys are more like the cops, better in fact. Just promise me you will be careful and come back to me?” Kaylee said, her big beautiful blue eyes filling with tears.

“I promise.” I said then took a big breath and held her close as I whispered “I love you, Kaylee.” Then I kissed her, trying to show her just how much she had come to mean to me. When I pulled back, she buried her face in my chest and surprised me by whispering, “I love you too, Ben. Please, lord, keep this wonderful man safe and bring him back to me.”

I couldn’t believe it but I never felt happier in my life. I wanted to hug her even tighter but knew it would cause her pain. Thankfully her lips were almost healed so I kissed her deeply and for the first time, she ran her tongue over my lips, letting me know that she wanted to taste me as badly as I wanted to taste her. My tongue met hers and they touched, tasted and stroked each other with the love we were both feeling.

She was sitting across my lap and there was no hiding the hardness now pressing against her bottom. I loved the sound of her giggling as she wiggled against me then whispered “I’m looking forward very much to exploring that part of you.” My eyes must be as big as plates right now and I probably have the goofiest smile on my face but I whispered back, “When you are well and we can be totally alone, I’m looking forward to us going on an expedition of each other.”

Her fingers were in my hair and she pulled my head towards her for another deep kiss when suddenly my cell phone began to buzz. I hated to pull back but I had to answer it.

“Boomer.” I answered.

“Boomer, we need you in town. There will be two prospects guarding Kaylee. Kevin and Nathan. Meet us at Starbucks in 10.” Rooster said and then hung up.

“I’ve got to go, baby. Two prospects are going to be here with you. One should always be outside the door but if you don’t mind, I’d like for Kevin to stay inside with you and watch out of the window. That way if someone tries to use what’s going on in town as a distraction, he will see them coming. He will call us and we can be here in less than 10 minutes. Okay?” I told her.

“That’s fine. It will give me someone to talk to too.” Kaylee said.

Just then, Kevin knocked on the door and I called out “Come in.” I kissed Kaylee one more time then told Kevin, “You stay in here with Kaylee. I want you to watch out the window and if you see another bike or that black van come into the parking lot, you call me immediately. Nathan, you stand guard outside this room. Do not let yourself get distracted or move away from this door for any reason. You can flirt with the nurses later. Ask anyone who enters who they are and make sure you keep an eye on what’s happening in here. Understand?”

“Yes, Boomer.” They both replied. I kissed Kaylee once more and told her I’d be back soon and then I regretfully left her room and hurried down to the nurses station. “Millie, Kaylee can explain what’s going on but don’t let anyone in her room but the doctor and either you or a nurse you know you can trust with her life. I’ve got to go but I’ll be back later. If you have any issues with anyone, you call me or Rooster right away. Understand?” I told her. She nodded and said, “Take care of yourself, Ben. Hurry back.”

I hurried outside and got on my bike. I drove as fast as possible to town and saw almost my entire club parked flanking both sides of the pool hall where the Cobra’s were holed up. I parked and walked up to Rooster and said “What’s going on?”

“Well, the pool hall wasn’t really open. They broke in and have made themselves at home in there. They have to know we are here since our bikes are nowhere near silent but they haven’t made any attempt to come out yet. Did you happen to catch any of their names this morning?” Rooster asked.

“Yank. I thought to myself what the hell kind of road name is Yank? But that’s what was on his cut.” I told him with a grin.

Rooster looked like I had just told him the grass was blue or something but took a few steps forward to the front of the pool hall and yelled out “Yank or whoever is in charge in there, come on out. We need to talk.”

A couple of minutes passed then someone came to the door. It opened slowly and a voice called out, “What the hell do you want?”

“I’m Rooster, the Prez of the Monster Slayers MC and I want to know what the hell are you doing in my pool hall?” Rooster yelled back.

“Just laying over and getting some rest.” The voice called back.

“You said you were coming from Oklahoma City and going to San Antonio. That’s only an 8 hour trip that I could probably make in 6. And why stop here? My pool hall is not a hotel.” Rooster called out.

“We’re in no rush. Thought we’d stop and enjoy the sights here. Is that a problem?” The voice asked with a sarcastic attitude.

“Yeah, it is. We don’t like trouble in our town and you are proving to be trouble. You’ve got five minutes to get on your bikes and get the hell out of town and don’t come this way on your way home.” Rooster said.

Just then, Carl MacIntosh, the local state sheriff, showed up. “What the hell is going on here Rooster?”

“Some Cobra’s showed up this morning and broke into our pool hall and it looks like they are trying to take up residence in there. I’ve asked them nicely to come out and leave town but they are refusing.”

“Well, let me see if I can talk to them. If they won’t see reason, then we’ll back you up. I was glad to see the backside of the Cobra’s when you ran them out of here the first time and I definitely don’t want them setting up house here again.”

Suddenly Hunter came around the corner from behind the building next to the pool hall and walked up to Rooster.

“We’ve got another issue besides just them being here. They’ve got at least 2 women in the back room. They are tied up and gagged so I’m sure they are not there willingly. There’s also a woman in a nurse’s uniform in there but she’s not tied up. I’ve got Eagle and his Betsy on the roof of the house behind the pool hall in case someone tries to leave by the back door.” Hunter said.

“Any idea who the women are?” Rooster asked.

“No. I can’t see their faces. Their backs are to the window and they are tied to chairs with their hands behind their backs. I can’t tell if they are hurt or not. The windows are not exactly clean.” Hunter said.

“Damn, why can’t anything ever be easy?” Rooster said. “Can you see any men in there with them?”

“No but the door to the room is closed so I can’t say if they are being guarded or not.” Hunter said. “Eagle does have a clear shot to anyone who would come near them though.”

“Okay. Tell him to take the shot if anyone starts hurting them but otherwise, just hang tight. If he has to fire, we go in guns blazing. Where the hell is Circuit? I want to know for sure how many are in there before we go in. Would be a big help to know how heavily armed they are too.” Rooster said in frustration.

Rooster told everyone to back away but stay within sight of the pool hall as the Sheriff stepped forward and called out.

“Cobra’s, this is Sheriff MacIntosh. I want to talk to whoever is in charge.”

The yet unidentified voice said “What do you want, pig?”

“Don’t be a smart ass, you are the one outnumbered here. You are on private property owned by the Monster Slayer’s MC. I understand that they have asked you to leave. Comply now or you will be arrested and taken to jail.” Sheriff MacIntosh said.

“There is no way in hell am I going to jail and we’ll leave when we are damned good and ready.” The smart assed voice said.

Just then Circuit showed up and had his laptop with him. “When this is all over, we need to upgrade the camera’s in here. I had a hell of a time getting in because they are out of date and I could only get into three of the six cameras in there. There are 12 men with mostly hand guns but three of them have sawed off shotguns. There are two men standing outside a door in the hall where the bathrooms are located. I think it’s some kind of storage room.”

“Eagle says it looks like the nurse is trying to open the window. He says she has a scared look on her face.” Hunter said, holding his hand to his ear where he had a wireless headset in his ear.

“Head back there and see if you can help her get it open.” Rooster said to Hunter. “Hopefully, she has realized the danger she and the other two women are in and I’d bet that she didn’t count on this happening so she has decided to help the women. Or maybe she’s just going to get herself out. Don’t let her leave either way. Let me know when they are out.”

“On it.” Hunter said and headed back the way he had come.

Circuit gave us headsets and we turned them on and put them in our ears so that we could communicate with Hunter and Eagle.

“Eagle. Hunter is coming to help the women escape. Keep a sharp eye on the door. As soon as they are free, let us know. These idiots are refusing to leave and it looks like we are going to have to clear our snake infestation the old fashioned way.” Rooster said.

He turned to the Sheriff and said, “Can you put up roadblocks at each end of the road and clear the buildings across the street? Don’t let any residents into this area. We don’t want innocents to get hurt.”

“I’ll take care of it. Good luck, Rooster.” Sheriff MacIntosh said.

The Sheriff directed his men to set up the road blocks and to clear the businesses around and across from the pool hall. In the meantime, we all checked our weapons and stood around waiting to hear from Hunter.

Suddenly, a shot came from the back of the building followed by several others in return. Then Eagle’s voice came across the com saying , “Hunter has all of the women but the nurse has been hit in the leg. The other two look like they’ve been drugged because they don’t seem steady on their feet. Hunter’s carrying the one that got hit but it leaves him defenseless if he gets out of my sight. He’s headed west down the alley.”

“Hulk, Boomer, go help Hunter with the women. Take them to the hospital.” Rooster told us and Hulk and I took off running. Eagle had been right, the two women had been drugged and were barely able to stand, much less run very fast as Hunter guided them down the alley. Adrenaline seemed to be all that was keeping them upright and moving.

I grabbed one woman and Hulk grabbed the other one,we threw them over our shoulders and headed for the end of the alley where some of our SUVs are parked. I let Rooster know the women were safe and that we were headed to the hospital.

Hunter questioned the injured nurse about what she had given the women. She looked like the nurse that I had seen running to her car earlier at the hospital. “What did you give them?”

“Morphine. Look, I didn’t know what I was getting into. The Cobra’s have been forcing me to steal drugs for them from the hospitals I’ve worked at for almost a year now. They’ve been threatening to hurt my family if I don’t do what they say.

I didn’t know they had the women until you guys showed up. They pushed me into that room with them and told me to give them enough to make them be quiet. The crazy one, Yank, held a gun to my head when I tried to object and told me to do as I was told or he would shoot me. I had no choice!

When I saw your man up on the roof with his gun and I decided I might end up dying either way but I didn’t want to be responsible for anything happening to the others so I untied them and you helped me open the window. Unfortunately, one of the guards outside the door must have heard us and shot me in the thigh before I could get out of the window.” She explained with a hiss as she put pressure on her leg to slow the bleeding.

“Where are you from?” Hunter asked her.

“Stroud, Oklahoma. It’s about halfway between Oklahoma City and Tulsa. My folks have a farm out there. Look, I’ve got two little sisters and a little brother there. It terrifies me to think what the kids are being made to do, especially my sisters.

The Cobra’s have a compound about 5 miles from my parents farm and they have been raising hell in and around Stroud for the past couple of years. No one seems to be able to stop them. Girls have gone missing, some found dead in the fields.” The young woman explained.

“Why didn’t you tell anyone what was happening?” Hunter asked.

“Fear and not knowing who to trust. They made me move on as soon as someone started to get suspicious about the drugs I was stealing. That Yank and a couple of the others are hooked on it. But the one that scares me the most is the one they call Dingo. He’s cruel.” She said and began to cry.

“What is your name?” Hunter asked her.

“Carol Ann. Carol Ann Branson. What’s yours?” She asked.

“They call me Hunter.” he replied.

Just then I pulled into the hospital ER entrance and I ran inside for wheelchairs and assistance. It only took a few minutes for us to unload them and get them inside. I called Rooster and asked what was going on. He told me to have the coroner come and pick up all the bodies of the Cobra’s and to send at least two ambulances for the ones who had been shot but had not died. “We’ve got 9 dead and 4 wounded. Go check on the girls and my son. I’ll be there soon.”

I relayed the message to Hunter and Hulk who said they were going to take the SUV and would bring my bike back after I told them I was going upstairs to talk to Millie and to see Kaylee.

“See ya back at the compound. When I tell Rooster about what Carol Ann told us, I’m sure he’s going to want to call church so be prepared to come back quickly.” Hunter told me.

“Just let me know.” I told him. I hated the idea of having to leave Kaylee for any length of time but to have to leave her for may be several days to a week was going to be torture. Unless we are leaving tomorrow, I was going to the city and get her ring!

I rode the elevator and it seemed to take an hour to get up to the fourth floor but in reality it was only a minute. I stepped off the elevator and walked over to the nurses station, surprised to find Millie still here.

“Millie, what are you still doing here? Don’t you ever go home and sleep?” I asked teasingly.

“Well, when you are the head nurse and the nurse who was supposed to relieve you doesn’t show up, with no call in, you’re not left with much choice. It’s an automatic fire for her but now I’m really short handed because I let another nurse go earlier this week and we were already running short handed. Did you get your situation resolved?” Millie said.

“Yeah and I’m pretty sure we resolved yours too. Was the name of your missing nurse Carol Ann Branson?” I asked her.

“Yes. Oh no! Please don’t tell me she was mixed up with that biker gang causing trouble in town?” Millie asked.

“Yep. Cobra’s are holding her family hostage and were forcing her to steal drugs for them. The Cobra’s kidnapped two other young women and had them in the back room with Carol Ann, who they forced her to sedate them by holding a gun to her head, but she ended up helping them escape and got shot in the leg trying to get out herself. They are all downstairs in the ER. The MSMC took nine of them out and there are four who got shot but lived. Will they be put up here?” I asked.

“Only if they are too wounded to be released to the Sheriff. If it’s just a matter of an arm or leg wound, then they go to jail as soon as we stitch them up. If they need blood or monitoring they are brought up here but they will have around the clock guards and we’ll keep security on the floor 24/7. You already know my opinion of the local police. Carl MacIntosh is the only one in the lot worth a damn.” Millie said. “Go on and see Kaylee. I’ve got to find someone to come in and cover for me or I need to find an empty bed and get some sleep. I’ve been here for over 18 hours and I’m beat.”

“Good luck. Any idea what’s for dinner here tonight?” I asked.

“Nothing worth eating. If you ask me, the only thing they ever make half way worth eating here is the meatloaf we had the other day.” Millie smiled at me. You could tell by looking at her that she was tired. She had big dark bags under her bloodshot eyes.

I walked down and as soon as I pushed open the door, I told Nathan and Kevin that they could go now. “The problem has been solved. If you haven’t eaten, go eat but then head back to the compound. Thanks for watching my lady.”

“Sure Boomer. No problem. She’s nice and really easy on the eyes so it was no hardship.” Kevin spoke up and then gulped when he saw the look on my face. He quickly left the room, staying well out of my reach as he headed for the door as fast as he could go without actually running.

Kaylee was sitting up in bed watching the whole thing with a big smile on her face. She moved her legs out from under the sheet that had been covering them and held her arms out to me as I stepped close to the bed.

I scooped her up in my arms and kissed her before I sat down with her on my lap. “Hi!” I told her when I finally came up for air.

“Welcome back. I’ve been praying for you and your brothers. Everyone okay?” She asked.

“Yeah, none of us got hurt. But I can’t say the same for the Cobra’s. Nine of them are going to the morgue. Four will be in the ER. How badly they are hurt will determine if they will be admitted or not. Turns out they had been forcing the nurse that stole the drugs from here to steal for them. They had also kidnapped two other women but we don’t know their intentions for them yet. The nurse was forced to sedate them but in the end, she was the one that helped them escape and she got shot trying to get away herself. She’s going to be okay. They just caught her in the leg.” I told her.

“How were they forcing her to steal?” Kaylee asked.

“Apparently the Cobra’s have a compound near her parents farm. They have been threatening to harm her family if she didn’t steal for them. She said she’s got two younger sisters and a little brother at home. I’ve got a feeling that Rooster is going to send us out to end them.” I told her. I didn’t tell her that the Cobra MC had more than just one branch but they were scattered all over the place. But then so do we.

“I’m just glad that you are safe and back with me!” She said as she snuggled into my chest. Just then I heard her stomach growl.

“Hahaha. Sounds like someone is hungry. Didn’t you have lunch?” I asked her.

“Good lord, they need to fire the cook here and get someone who can cook! I’m not even sure what today’s mystery dish was supposed to be but it smelled awful. I ate a small dish of overripe fruit and drank the apple juice but that was all.” she admitted.

“What are you hungry for? If I can’t get it delivered, I’ll go pick it up.” I offered.

“I could really go for a fully loaded pizza, except no onions. They always put too many onions.” Kaylee smiled at me and I grinned at her as I pulled out my phone. I called the local pizza place and told them to deliver two large pizzas loaded with everything but onions and four soda’s.” I hung up and said “It’ll be here in about half an hour.

“So, what all happened today?” She asked me.

I told her exactly what had gone down and she listened attentively.

“Wow. Sounds like it was exciting and terrifying at the same time. Kind of like an episode of Cops, like on TV but with bikers instead of police.” she said. “Millie was fit to be tied when that girl didn’t show up. I think she scared poor Kevin and Nathan the way she was ranting on about her not even calling in. Made me glad she’s not my supervisor.” Kaylee giggled.

“She wasn’t in a very good mood when I got here but then she said she’s been working for the past 18 hours and looks like she hasn’t slept for over 24. She needs to slow down and take care of herself. I hate to say it but Millie is not a young woman anymore.” I said.

“Yeah, but she’s really a very dedicated nurse. I feel for her though. Having to work shifts like that was the biggest reason I left Chicago. Too much violence and too many idiots in the big city.” Kaylee told me.

Just then, our pizza showed up and I walked down to the nurse’s station and found Millie. I told her “Come share our pizza? I bought plenty.”

“Sure. I finally found someone to come cover for me. I think I’m even going to crash here tonight. I’m just too tired to drive home.” Millie said.

“I can call someone to come take you home if you want? I’m sure this place is not as quiet and peaceful as it is at your house and you need to get some rest. Don’t want you getting sick!” I told her.

“I may just take you up on that. I can uber it back in the morning for my car.” Millie agreed.

“Uber nothing. We drop you off, we can pick you up. Just let them know when you need them to come get you.” I told her. I had a feeling that Doc would be more than happy to come take her home and who knows, he might even stay the night with her.

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