Monster Slayers MC Book 2

Chapter 9-Kaylee is getting better!

Kaylee’s POV

Boomer, Millie and I enjoyed the pizza and each other’s company. We didn’t talk about the nurse or the Cobra’s but just visited. Millie told us some really funny stories about patients and other hospital personnel and things that had happened at the hospital. She also told me some funny things that she knew about Boomer and his friends from when they were kids.

Just as we finished eating, Doc showed up and at first Millie was very surprised and then she narrowed her eyes at Boomer and gave him a look that said “I will get you for this.”

“Hey, I just called and asked for someone to come take you home. I didn’t ask for anyone specifically.” Boomer said, holding up his hands.

“No, he didn’t. I just happened to be sitting next to Rooster when he called and I volunteered to come. I’m sure you’ll be a lot more comfortable in my van than you will be hanging on for dear life on the back of one of the prospects’ bikes.” Doc said with a smile.

“Well, I can’t argue with that. Thank you Dave. Just let me get my purse and I’ll be right with you.” Millie said and hurried out of the room.

We visited with Doc while he waited for Millie to come back and when she did, she told me, “Now, Jeanne is on her way in to cover me tonight and I’m off tomorrow. Gloria will be here in the morning and Jeanne is taking my shift tomorrow night. I’ll be on the morning shift for the next month. I really had to do some schedule juggling with other floors to cover losing Carol Ann and ditsy. We have got to hire some more nurses and soon. A serious bout of the flu would shut this place down for lack of nursing staff.”

“Go and get some rest, Millie. You deserve it.” I told her and then she and Doc left.

“Do you think he will stay with her tonight?” I asked Boomer after they were gone.

“I would be kind of surprised but I hope they figure it out soon. They both deserve to be happy. Older folks take their time dating and waste all that time they could have been together.” Boomer said, wiggling his eyebrows and making me giggle.

“So did Dr. Green come see you today?” Boomer asked.

“Yeah. He said my blood work looks good and I actually got up and walked to the bathroom unassisted today. Now I just have to work on my strength. I may not have gotten dizzy but I still get weak really fast. He said it’s because I still get short of breath with the slightest bit of excursion because of my ribs. He said he won’t let me go home because I now live alone and there would be no one there to watch over me and I can’t afford to pay someone for home care.” I tell him in a depressed voice. I hate being a patient.

“How about if I took you home to the compound? I could be with you more there and even if I’m not there, there are other people around, like Charlie and I’m sure Marley would come by and help out too. Dixie might not be able to help because she had to have a c-section and will be healing too. But Doc would be there for medical stuff.” Boomer asked and I just looked at him with my mouth slightly open.

“You want me to move into the compound with you while I’m laid up?” She asked in a soft voice.

“Sure. You are my lady now. I want to be able to take care of you. All I can do here is visit and even that is restricted. If they would let me, I’d sleep here with you but I bet Millie would have a fit if she came in and found me crowding you off that little bed. I have an Alaskan King at home. My room has its own bathroom, I have my own TV and a pretty nice stereo system in there.

We’re hunting for a cook because Dixie usually cooks for us but Rooster made her stop when she got to be about 7 months pregnant because her feet were swelling really bad and it hurt her to stand up for too long. Plus he was worried about her trying to lift stuff that was too heavy on her own. She may be tiny but she’s a real hard head and very independent.” Boomer told me. “Just between me and you, Rooster may be the Prez but it’s really Dixie who rules our roost!” He said and we laughed together.

“I love to cook. That’s why I got so mad at Greg for burning my pots and pans. They weren’t cheap and that was the third set he had ruined. He would just dump everything in the pot and then go start playing video games and forget about the stove. I’m surprised he didn’t manage to burn down my house!” I told him.

“Well, I don’t expect you to cook while you are there. You will be there to heal while I watch over you. We can order out or if you feel like it, we can go out to eat. Most of the brothers go to the diner to eat most of our meals. I own it but club members still pay for what they eat. They have to because I would go broke if they didn’t.” He said.

“Well, I’ll think about it and talk to Dr. Green in the morning when he makes his morning rounds. I would want to stop at my house and get some things. Like better pajamas and some clothes to wear when I’m not in the bedroom. My own toiletries and stuff. I’ve been here for almost a week now and I’ve only had one shower where I got to wash my hair and I usually wash it every other day. It feels gross right now but Millie has been so overworked that I hated to ask. If Dr. Green won’t let me go, I’m going to ask whoever is on duty to help me.” I told him. “But to be honest with you, Boomer, I’d really rather go home. I think I will be more comfortable there.”

“I can help you, if you really want to wash it. I’d like that very much in fact.” Boomer grinned and wiggled his eyebrows at me and I couldn’t help but laugh at him.

“You just want to get me naked!” I teased him. “I’d like that too but not here where someone could walk in on us at any given minute. Besides, if you get to see me naked, then I get to see you too!”

“OH, I do like the way you think!” Boomer said and we both laughed.

Just then someone knocked on the door and I called out for them to come in. Jeanne popped her head inside and said “I remembered to knock. Not interrupting am I? I just want to check your vitals and see what meds you need.”

“Hey Jeanne. Come on in. Are you really busy tonight?” I asked as she checked the machine that controlled my IV bag. I was still on antibiotics and some nutrients that Dr. Green felt I had been lacking in addition to the pain medication that I wish I could say I no longer needed but I won’t lie. I know that without it I’d be hurting. I’m just getting worried about getting addicted to it.

“Nah. We didn’t get any of the shooting victims. From what I understand, they all went to jail. Something about a rival gang of yours, Boomer?” Jeanne asked, obviously fishing for information.

“Yeah, Cobra’s.” Boomer said, without giving away anything else and giving me a look that said I shouldn’t share information with her once he was gone and I nodded that I understood.

“Wow. I thought you guys had run them out of the area several years ago. Sure did calm down around town once they were gone. Glad to see them go, that’s for sure. It was scary to go out at night with them in town.

Hey I met one of your other club members the other night. Well, I didn’t actually get to talk to him and introduce myself but I saw him and would like to get to know him. Really tall, big arms and legs and curly dark hair? Know who I mean?” She asked Boomer.

“Sounds like Hulk.” Boomer said.

“He’s yummy looking. I hope he doesn’t have a girlfriend or wife?” Jeanne asked, trying to be nonchalant.

Boomer tried hard not to smile but he couldn’t help the grin that broke out across his face. Hulk had said something the other night about seeing a red headed nurse when he had come to see Rooster and Dixie’s baby that he had wanted to talk to but she had disappeared before he got the chance.

“No. He’s single.” Boomer said, already thinking about how he would be able to bring the two of them together. He was enjoying this playing matchmaker game!

“He was looking in the nursery window at Dixie’s baby and I wanted to say Hi but we’ve been kind of busy down there lately. Not like up here. We’ve had two women have twins this past week. A set of girls and a set of boys. Up here I have you and one other patient for now. The other nurse has two as well. Sure does make the night go by a lot slower when there’s nothing to do once you guys go to sleep.” Jeanne complained.

“Maybe you can help me get my hair washed tonight? I still have trouble holding my arms above my head for any length of time and I need help braiding it after it’s dry otherwise it will turn into one big tangled mess.” I asked her.

“Sure. Mr. Wilson is probably already asleep. Do you want to wait for your pain meds until after we are done or do you want them now?” Jeanne asked.

Just then the announcement came on ending visiting hours.

“How long will it be before you can help me wash my hair?” I asked.

“Maybe 15 minutes? I just need to check on him and do my security walk and then I can come help you.” Jeanne answered.

“I’ll wait then. The pain is not that bad now and the medication always makes me sleepy and I really want to wash my hair tonight.” I told her.

“Okay. I’ll give you some privacy now, go take care of Mr. Wilson and do my walk and then I’ll be back and I’ll bring a hair dryer. Is your shower chair still in there?” Jeanne asked.

“Yeah. I’ve been able to bathe myself but washing my hair takes more effort and it hurts my ribs to lift my arms up.” I told her.

“Okay. Back in a few. Nice seeing you again Boomer.” Jeanne said then left the room.

“So, she’s interested in the Hulk, huh? I’ll have to see if he wants to come help me when I come to pick you up. Hopefully Dr. Green will let you go soon?” Boomer said.

“Maybe. I’m going to tell him that I need to get out of here. My medical coverage is not all that great and this is going to run me some bucks, I bet. Thank goodness Dr. Green got me paid leave while I’m out or I’d have to make a loan on my house to pay this bill.” I said, sharing something with him that I didn’t normally discuss with just anyone.

“Do you mean that you don’t get free hospital care even though you work here?” Boomer asked in amazement.

“Nope. I’m pretty sure Dr. Green will waive his fees but the hospital won’t waive the rest of it. But they will work out a payment plan for me and hopefully it’s something I can swing.” I told him.

“Well, I’d better get moving so that you can wash your hair and get some sleep. I’ll be back in the morning. Love you.” He said as he put me back on the bed and helped me cover my legs, then bent over and kissed me.

“I love you too. Be safe and drive careful. Let me know you made it home okay. I’ll talk to Dr. Green in the morning and hopefully let you know when you bring coffee in the morning?” I ask hopefully.

“Sure baby. Bear claws too?” Boomer smiled at me.

“Nah. That blueberry muffin you brought Millie this morning looked really good. I’ll take one of those please.” I smiled at him.

He turned and left and I leaned back and waited for Jeanne to come back. I didn’t have long to wait and she came back with fresh towels, clean gowns, sheets and a hair dryer. I managed to bathe myself and was glad to see that my period was over. It had only lasted for three days this time which was close to normal being that I’m on the shot for birth control. But I still had to have Jeanne wash my hair.

I held the handheld unit while she massaged the shampoo into my hair and then she took it and rinsed out the soap and then repeated the process with the conditioner except that she only put it on the ends of my hair. She also helped me comb it out, blew it dry and then braid it for me. “If you ever give up being a nurse or need a second job, you could easily work in a hair salon as a shampooer. You are really good at it. That felt wonderful.” I told her.

“How do you think I paid my way through nursing school? I worked in a hair salon for 4 years to earn the money to finish my schooling. The pay wasn’t too great but the tips were nice and it was better than working as a waitress. I did that too for a while and hated it.” she told me.

While I was in the shower bathing, she had put fresh sheets on my bed and it felt so good to be nice and clean and to crawl into nice clean sheets. She noticed that I winced and was breathing heavier than normal as she helped me get back on the bed and asked “Ready for your pain meds?”

“Oh, yes, please! Boomer wants to take me home with him as soon as possible but I’m not sure if I can handle these ribs without the pain meds. I hate taking it because it makes me sleepy and I have a harder time concentrating but I hate being in pain more.”

“I know what you mean. I broke my ankle a few years ago snow skiing and I had to be on pain meds for weeks afterwards. I was so worried about getting hooked on them but once I healed, I was glad to get off of them. I don’t like the dopey feeling they gave me. I like to party just like any red blooded young person but at least with alcohol you have a hangover the next morning and swear you’ll never drink again but come the next party and I’m right back there knocking back the margarita’s with the best of them.” Jeanne laughed.

“Oh, tequila and I are not friends. I rather drink rum. I don’t get bad hangovers from it and I get a nice mellow buzz, so long as I don’t go overboard.” I told her.

“Well once you are all healed up and out of here, we’ll have to get together and go out one night. Maybe on a double date?” Jeanne hinted.

“That sounds like fun!” I replied, glad that I was making friends at last. I missed all of my friends in Chicago sometimes, missed having people to go out with, to just be able to enjoy being young and free. For the past two years I have been so focused on work and keeping my bills paid. Greg had just been causing me extra stress that I should have gotten away from long before this. But as it turned out, timing must have played a big part in my life and maybe it was fate that had made things just fall into place or I wouldn’t have met Ben.

Something is telling me that we had been destined to meet and fall in love. Having very little to do other than lay here and think, to examine my thoughts and feelings, I now know that if he asks, I will accept but I’m not going to rush it. I decided I was just going to enjoy the ride with my biker man. If it’s meant to be, then it will be but in my heart, I know that Ben is the one for me.

Jeanne went and got my pain meds and was back in a few minutes. Once it was added to my IV, we sat and visited a little while more until I was so sleepy that I couldn’t focus anymore and she left me alone to sleep. I dreamt of Ben all night.

Boomer’s POV

Just out of curiosity, I drove by Millie’s house and sure enough, Doc’s van was still there but there were still lights on in the lower floors but the top of the house was dark so I assumed that they were just sitting and talking. I let my bike coast so that they hopefully wouldn’t notice me passing. I rode home to the compound and noticed there were several people standing outside, smoking and enjoying the cooler weather we were having lately in the evenings.

There were a couple of new sweet butts mixed in with a few of the regulars but other than being aware of who was around, I didn’t give them a second glance as I stepped up on the porch but one of them approached me.

“Hey! I’m Cindy. What’s your name, big guy?” The woman said as she came over and put her hand on my arm. She was tall with brown hair and way too much make-up. She had on a dress that was so short and tight that it barely covered her assets on either end and she was pencil skinny

“Boomer and I’m taken.” I said shortly and shook her hand off my arm.

“Too bad. You look like we could have some fun.” She said and watched me walk inside. I hear her tell the other women, “Nice ass but bad attitude but did you see the size of his package? Damn, I wouldn’t mind having some of that!”

I’m sorry Kaylee, but I couldn’t help the grin that covered my face. I walked in and found Rooster, Hunter and Hulk sitting at our table and a really good smell filled the bar. Everyone seemed to be watching the kitchen entrance as I grabbed a beer from the bar and asked the prospect “What’s going on?”

“Marley is making brownies. They smell great, don’t they? She cooked dinner tonight too. The best beef stew I think I’ve ever had.” He said, almost drooling in anticipation.

I smiled at him but even though I had enjoyed my dinner of pizza with Kaylee and Millie, I wish I had come back here to eat. I wonder if there are any leftovers? I walked over and sat down at our table next to Hunter who had a baby monitor sitting on the table in front of him.

“All good with Kaylee? How’s she doing?” Hunter asked.

“Getting better. We’re hoping that Dr. Green will release her tomorrow or the next day IF I bring her here. She’ll still need help for a while until her ribs are healed because she gets weak really fast but she can get up and move around by herself now. She told me he’s reluctant to let her go because she would be home alone and if she passed out and fell she would be in trouble if she hit those ribs again or worse, her head.” I told him.

“She probably won’t get much rest here with all the noise we all make, especially at night.” Rooster said. “But she’s welcome to come. Is she going to be moving in?”

“I wish but I’ve got a feeling that as soon as she is healed, she’ll want to go home to her own place.” I said sadly.

“Why don’t you just go stay with her at her house while she’s healing?” Hunter asked.

“You know, I didn’t even think about that. I just thought about my bed being a king and how my room would suit us. I wonder what size bed she has? I didn’t even go into her bedroom at her house.” I said. “That really would be the better solution. I guess I’ll have to talk to her tomorrow.”

Just then Marley came out carrying a tray of brownies with ice cream with chocolate drizzled over the top. Everyone in the bar stood up and rushed to the kitchen. Marley carried the tray over to our table and passed out the chocolate treat, then took a plate for herself and sat down on the other side of Hunter.

“What’s the occasion?” I stupidly asked.

“Today is the anniversary of the day Hunter and I first met. Besides, I just felt like it.” Marley said.

“Hey, you won’t hear me complain. This is really good, Marley.” Rooster said as he scooped up a big mouthful of the delicious treat.

“When are Dixie and the baby going to be able to come home?” Marley asked.

“The doctor says she wants them both to stay until next week. The baby was a bit jaundiced the other day and she ordered him to be put under a light. Dixie was really upset but the doctor told us that it’s normal, especially when babies come early like he did. But he’s gaining weight and eating and all that stuff is good, so she said hopefully Monday. I’m trying to spend as much time as I can up there but I can’t walk away from my responsibilities here.”

Hunter looked at him “Geez, thanks for the vote of confidence, Prez. It’s not like you are going out of state ya know. I can handle things here while you are at the hospital. Hell you gave me all the time I needed with Marley when she had Simon. The least I can do is return the favor, especially since I’m going to need to take time for her again soon. She’s due in 3 weeks after all, plus I’ll need babysitters since I can’t take Simon to the hospital with me.”

“You know what, you are right. I wouldn’t be able to keep going if anything were to happen to Dixie and while I know she’s safe there, I feel uneasy when I’m not with her. I haven’t had a full night’s sleep since she went in because that bed just feels too empty without her.” Rooster admitted.

“Have you guys decided on a name yet?” Hunter asked.

“Samuel David Carver. Dixie kept going back and forth on the name but that’s what she finally agreed to. I wish now I had never bought her that baby name book. I’m going to make sure it gets lost after this.”

I sat and watched Hulk, who was a quiet person by nature, but tonight he had a far away look on his face as if he was thinking about something.

A sweet butt came over to him and tried to sit in his lap but he pushed her off and said he wasn’t interested and she pouted as she walked away but at least she didn’t argue. I caught his eye and motioned my head for him to follow me outside. We stopped at the bar and grabbed two more beers and then walked out to the patio. There wasn’t anyone back here, but still we walked over to the stone table and sat down so no one could overhear us.

“What’s up, bro?” Hulk asked me as he joined me at the table.

“I noticed you sent the sweet butt away. Mind if I ask why?” I asked.

“She’s getting too clingy. Besides, I don’t want a woman who will jump from one bed to another anymore. The other night, I fucked her for a solid two hours because I just couldn’t get there. Hell, to be honest I was having to keep my eyes closed and fantasize just to keep myself hard. She told me I was making her sore, so I stopped and told her to get out. Well, she did and went straight to Jailer’s room. I could hear them going at it for another 3 hours. I don’t know if he’s not as big as me or if it was because she was already sore from me, but then why go to someone else? I don’t know but it just pissed me off.” he told me.

“I was already upset because no matter how I tried, I just couldn’t get there with her. I know it’s probably too late to ask you now that you’ve found your woman but did you ever get envious of Rooster and Hunter, seeing them with their old ladies and what they seem to have together?”

“Oh, hell, yeah. I think we all do. I was just wondering if maybe it didn’t have something to do with a certain redhead who was asking me about you at the hospital today? She says you are, and I quote, “Yummy looking”. Here she gave me this and told me to tell you to call or text her sometime. The women were talking and she doesn’t sound like a bed bunny to me but she’s very straight forward and Kaylee seems to like her.” I told him and watched him get a huge smile on his face.

“Dark red hair, tall, slender, hourglass figure, legs that just don’t quit and oh my god, the perfect ass? Yeah, you could say I noticed her.” Hulk said and I couldn’t help but laugh at him.

“Well, I can’t argue with you on any of those points except the ass one. I happen to think Kaylee’s ass is pretty damn perfect. Round and plump without being lumpy. Fits perfectly in my hands.” I said, drifting off for a second as I imagined it and Hulk started chuckling at me.

“Dude, we had better stop this or we are going to end up having a jerking off contest right here.” Hulk said and rubbed his hands over his crotch a couple of times and moaned.

“Ew, dude. Not even!” I laughed at him.

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