Monster Slayers MC Book 2

Chapter 7-Drug stealing nurse & Cobras in town!

Kaylee’s POV

After Boomer left, I dozed off for a little while and when I woke up I was restless and really wanted to get up and move around, plus I needed to pee so I hit the call button and waited for someone to come and help me, hoping it would be Millie. I didn’t have to wait long as she came floating into my room with a big smile still planted firmly on her face.

“What’s up, girlie?” She said playfully.

“Well, someone is certainly in a good mood. Could a certain handsome doctor from the local MC be the reason for that smile?” I asked teasingly and started to giggle when Millie blushed and nodded then began to giggle along with me.

“Oh Kaylee, I think you are bringing me good luck! When I lost my Harvey, I was devastated and thought I was going to be alone for the rest of my life. I had always liked Dave and thought he was a very attractive man and I wouldn’t say this to anyone else but there’s always been a strange chemistry between us back then but we were both married and respected that.

I knew his wife, Amy, and liked her. I felt so bad for him when she died but I thought he had left town after that. You know, bad memories and all that. Then I heard he was at the MSMC but I never had a reason to go out there and I never saw him come back here.

I was really surprised when I walked in here tonight and there he was. He stopped me in the hall before he left and asked if he could call on me and I told him I’d like that very much! Oh, Kaylee, maybe there’s hope for me after all!” Millie said, dreamily at the end. “But you didn’t call me in here to hear about my love life. What did you need?” she said, coming back to her senses.

“The bathroom, please?” I asked her with a knowing grin. “Are you guys busy tonight?” I asked as she helped me get off the bed and slowly walk to the bathroom. I wasn’t getting dizzy as much as I had been at first and I was encouraged by that.

“No, not really. Most of the ones we had when you first came in have already gone home. There’s only two other patients on this floor so far tonight. Hopefully we don’t get any more admissions. It would be nice to have a quiet night for a change.” She said as she leaned up against the wall outside of the partially open bathroom door while I took care of emptying my bladder.

“Did you hear that Rooster’s wife had a baby boy earlier today?” I asked her.

“NO! Really?” Millie asked.

“Yeah. Do you think there’s a chance you could take me down to see him in a wheelchair? I’m about to go stir crazy just laying in that bed all day.” I asked.

“I think I can manage that. I’d like to see him too.” Millie said. “Give me about half an hour. I need to make sure the other nurse doesn’t need any help with her patients and put in my order for dinner. We’re ordering out tonight. I guess the dinner that was served tonight must have been pretty bad. Most everyone sent it back, barely touched.”

“Yeah, I was one of them. Whatever it was tasted nasty. Where are you guys ordering from? I’d love a cobb salad.” I told her.

“I think we can handle that? What kind of dressing?” Millie smiled as she helped me back into bed.

“Ranch, please. Make sure they send extra dressing! Hand me my purse and I’ll give you some money.” I said as I threw the covers back over my legs. Millie handed me my purse and I dug down into the little zippered pocket on the inside of my purse and pulled out a ten dollar bill. “I learned a long time ago not to carry hardly any cash in my wallet but no one ever thinks to look in that little pocket, well at least Greg never did.”

“Well, he’s gone now and you’ve found a good guy and I’m happy for you.” Millie said as she accepted the money from me and stuffed it in her pocket.

“Yeah, he asked me to be his lady and I accepted.” I told her happily.

“Doesn’t that mean you guys are like married by biker rules?” Millie asked. “Kind of fast, don’t you think?”

“No, it just means I’m his girlfriend. If he asks me to be his “Ole’ Lady” and I accept, then it’s the same as being married. Confusing, huh!?” I grinned at her.

“Yeah. Things were so much simpler when I was young.” Millie grinned back at me. “Well, I’m going to go check on her, order our dinners and then I’ll come take you downstairs. We can’t stay long but at least we can get you out of here for a little while. Be right back.”

Just after she left, I got a text from Boomer saying he had reached back to the compound and that he misses me. I answered him back that I miss him too and told him about Millie taking me down to see the baby soon. Then I told him about Millie being on cloud 9 about getting reacquainted with Doc and he said Doc is acting funny too.

“It’s rare to see him out here with the brothers and even though he doesn’t drink, he looks like he’s very, very happy too! LOL” He texted me back.

“I had a feeling they would be a good match. Almost like us!” I texted.

“So happy to know you feel that way because I really want us to make a go of this. I’ve waited a long time to find you so please forgive me if I make you feel rushed sometimes. I don’t mean to push, I’m just impatient to move forward with what I hope will be a long and happy life with you.” Boomer texted back and my heart soared. I couldn’t explain it but he just made me so damn happy.

“I can’t wait to get out of here and do just that!” I returned his text. Some might call me stupid and try to tell me that I’m rushing into things but I just knew that Boomer was the man for me and if he asked me to be his ole’ lady, I would accept.

I just hope that he got my hints that I would rather he asked me to marry him. Being his wife by biker law was great and I know it would make me feel accepted by his club and within the biker community but I wanted it to be legal within the eyes of the law. I want to take his last name and to make babies with him.

He sent back a big smiling kissy face that made me laugh and I sent him back one that was squeezing a heart.

Millie came back with a wheelchair so I quickly texted him to let him know that Millie and I were off to visit the nursery. Millie helped me off the bed and into the chair and she even thought of bringing me a warm blanket to put on my lap so that I wouldn’t get cold. We went down and oohed and awed over the adorable little boy. Millie went to check if Dixie was awake but she was asleep.

“Maybe you can come down with Boomer tomorrow and meet her. She’s a really sweet person and I’m sure you two will get along great.” Millie told me as she pushed me back to the elevator.

Just as we got back upstairs the delivery person delivered our food. I sat at the nurse’s station with Millie and the other girls who had ordered dinner and we all ate, joked and laughed together. It was great. I had missed my friends and co-workers at the Chicago hospital and even though I had been here for two years, I had never really made that many friends with the nurses. We just all knew who each other was. My job was in surgery, not recovery. I would just work and then go home to Greg and the mess he had made in my house.

He had his friends that he hung out with but he hadn’t worked in months so I had to catch the slack or the bills didn’t get paid. I had very little time for a social life so therefore I didn’t really have girlfriends to hang out with but it was mostly because we all worked different shifts at different times and they rotated a lot of the regular nurses around so much. It was hard to make friends with any one person when they would be shifted away for weeks and weeks at a time.

Millie was the only real constant on this floor, which is considered the surgery recovery floor, because she was the head nurse up here and even for her, she’d work one month of nights and the next month it might be days. Sometimes they had to work split shifts, which were really rough but because the hospital was short staffed, it was all too often necessary.

Being a surgery nurse, I normally only worked days but my days could start as early as 5 am and sometimes not end until 7 or 8 pm, depending on how busy the operating rooms were.

As it began to get late, I felt my energy limit had been reached and my ribs were making me very uncomfortable so I asked Millie to take me back to my room. She wheeled me down and helped me back into bed. I couldn’t help the grunt that left me as I laid back on the bed because my ribs were beginning to hurt.

“When was the last time you had pain meds?” Millie asked as she stepped around to the end of the bed and checked my chart. “Besides Jeanne, who was your nurse today?” she asked.

I had to think about that one for a moment and then said “The last time was when Jeanne came in. I don’t remember seeing anyone else all day to tell you the truth and I never realized it until now. I slept for a while after she went off duty and didn’t really see anyone before Boomer came up but I wasn’t hurting because I was paying attention to him.”

“What? You are supposed to have a dose of morphine at 3:30 and are due for one in half an hour but it looks like one got missed. Well, you wait until Dr. Green hears about this! He’s going to blow a gasket. I need to find out who was assigned to your room and she’s definitely going to get written up. You seem to be weeding out all of the problem children I have to deal with all the time!

Sometimes, I think that the only reason some of these girls became nurses was the hope of landing a rich doctor. What they don’t know is that most doctors aren’t rich until they get to Dr. Green’s age. But for now, hang on a minute and I’ll be right back with your next batch of meds.” Millie said and then stomped out of the room. I could tell she was pissed and heads were about to roll.

True to her word, she was back in less than 5 minutes and gave me my medication via the port where my IV was still connected. “Someone must have come in sometime today, maybe while you were dozing because your IV was changed but she obviously didn’t give your pain medication because there is no residue in the port on this bag. Looks like I’m going to be doing inventory on the meds cabinet tonight.”

“You think she may be stealing drugs?” I asked. This was a problem all hospitals face but it still shocked us when a nurse or doctor was even suspected of stealing the very drugs they needed to take care of their patients.

“I hope not but there have been suspicions going around for a couple of weeks that something was wrong because patients have been complaining about being in pain when they are on scheduled meds. You must have a very high pain tolerance because you should have received a dose hours ago, but she skipped you entirely. And now you are telling me that you never even saw her all day. That’s just not acceptable.

Thankfully it only throws your schedule off by a little bit but I’m marking it down right now that your meds schedule has to be adjusted and make sure you watch them when they come in from now on if you are awake. I’ll check the schedule and see who it was and when she’s scheduled to be back. If I can prove she’s doing what I suspect, she won’t be here much longer if at all. Try to get some rest and I’ll check in with you later.”

“Okay. Thanks Millie.” I said as I laid back on the bed and tried to get comfortable. It wasn’t long before the meds Millie had given me kicked in and I fell asleep and dreamed of Boomer.

Boomer’s POV

I didn’t sleep long last night but my dreams were pleasant because they were all about Kaylee. Normally that would have meant I woke up in a good mood but for some reason, something felt off. I just couldn’t put my finger on it.

I went downstairs and found Doc in the kitchen getting coffee. “Morning!” I greeted him.

“Morning. It’s too early for visiting hours, what has you up so early? Doc asked.

“I’m not sure. I just woke up with a sense of foreboding. I just can’t figure out why. I’m going to hit the diner for some breakfast and then pick up coffee and danish for Kaylee. Are you going to see Millie today?” I asked and almost started laughing when Doc looked at me like I had just asked if he had seen a two headed monster or something.

“What? I, um, I’m not........ugh! Damn!” He stuttered and his cheeks got really red.

“Doc, you’ve been alone a long time and I’m sure if Amy could talk to you right now, she’d be yelling at you for mourning her for so long. You are not that old yet and deserve to have some happiness in your life.

I’ve seen how you watch Rooster and Dixie and Hunter and Marley and even Charlie and Cruise and I know you miss having someone to love. Millie is not only a very attractive woman but she’s a nice person.

The electricity in the room when you two saw each other the other day was tangible. I say go for it. If nothing else, you’ve connected with an old friend the same age as you and you have someone to spend time with. You could definitely do a lot worse!” I told him.

“Look at you, playing matchmaker. The confirmed bachelor just a short time ago and now giving out love advice and all because of one tiny little woman who has obviously stolen your heart.” Doc tried to tease me but I shot back with,

“And not ashamed to admit that I’m head over heels in love with Kaylee. I’ve already asked her to be my lady. Once she’s all healed and I’ve had a chance to bring her around here and make sure she’s good with the brothers, I’m going to ask her to marry me.

Rooster’s already going to order her cut and the first chance I get, I’m going to buy an engagement ring. I’ve already picked out the one I want to get online. I just have to find the time to go into the city to get it. I for one do not plan on wasting any of my time in building a life with Kaylee. Life is too damned short to waste a minute of it.” I told him.

“You’re right, Boomer. She’s already said that I can call on her so maybe I’ll ask Millie out to dinner on her next night off.” Doc said. “Thanks!”

“Well, let Rooster know I’m at the hospital and to call if he needs me. I’m pretty sure I’ll run into him there sometime today. Dixie will be in there for about a week.” I told him as I finished up my first cup of coffee, rinsed it and put it in the dishwasher. I got on my bike and drove over to the diner.

When I got there, I noticed several other Harley’s parked outside and wondered who was in town because they were not from our club. When I saw the Cobra on the side of one tank, I realized this was what had given me the foreboding feeling this morning.

I decided to go around and go in the back door, not because I was afraid of them but because I wanted to see if they were creating issues without them knowing I’m there. I stepped into the kitchen and everything looked normal. Dana came in and she started to call out to me but I put my finger to my lips and then motioned her to come to me.

“Who are the bikers?” I asked quietly.

“Cobra’s. So far they are not causing any trouble but I’m glad you are here.” Dana said, “I can’t say they make me real comfortable and poor Janie is about to jump out of her skin.”

“How many are there and how long have they been here?” I asked. I couldn’t see them from where I was standing and to move further in the kitchen meant they might be able to see me, so I stayed where I was.

“Six of them. All men and they’ve been here for over half an hour. They are almost finished eating.” Dana said.

“How many other people are in the diner?” I asked.

“Just two when I came in here. Construction guys. They’ve been keeping an eye on them too.” Dana said.

“Anyone besides you on the floor?” I asked.

“Just Janie is here.” She said.

“Call her back here and stay behind the counter. If they make trouble, get back in here right away.” I told her. I picked up the phone and called Rooster.

As soon as he answered, I told him “We may have an issue. There are six Cobra’s in the diner. I don’t know if they are just passing through or are here for a reason but send at least a couple of our guys my way, please.”

Dana walked to the kitchen door and called out to Janie. “Janie, can you come help me with this please?”

A few seconds later, Janie came into the kitchen and Dana put her finger to her lips and told her “Go in the office and stay there.”

She didn’t need to be told twice as the bikers had made her uncomfortable from the moment they had come in. Dana looked at me and I nodded at her to go to the cash register. She picked up the coffee pot and walked to where the construction workers were sitting at the far end of the counter. “Boomer is in the kitchen. He’s going to wait to see if those guys make trouble.” she whispered as she filled their cups. Both men nodded and settled in to wait. They both knew who I was and what I would do if the Cobra’s started any trouble.

Ten minutes later, half a dozen of our MC pulled up outside and as I heard their bikes pull up, I stepped out of the kitchen. The look on the Cobra’s faces was priceless. But considering it was Rooster, Jailer, Boxer and Hulk along with a couple of prospects coming in, you couldn’t really blame them. Rooster himself is a large man but Hulk is huge! Instead of just hanging out, they headed for the register. I took over the register and asked “Enjoy your meals, guys?”

“Yeah, it was good.” The first man to pay said. He wasn’t what I could call a small man but none of them came anywhere close to us in size.

“What are you guys doing in town?” I asked.

“Just passing through. We just stopped for breakfast and are headed out now.” The guy said. He had “Yank” on his cut so I could only assume it was because he was from the north.

“Where are you guys coming from?” I asked.

“Oklahoma City area. On our way to San Antonio. This is a nice little town. Got some pretty women here, if the selection is anything like the waitresses here.” The guy said, with a grin that made me stand up straighter.

“Yeah, well, both of them are already spoken for. Have a good trip guys.” I said. Just then all of my crew filed into the diner and stood with their arms crossed as they watched the Cobra’s finish paying for their meals and leave. Then they all sat down and ordered breakfast. I joined them and Rooster asked “So what did they have to say?”

“They claim they are from Oklahoma City and are on their way to San Antonio. If that is true, they are really taking the scenic route. Highway 35 would have saved them over an hour of travel time and they would have had a lot more options for food and gas than our small town.” I told him.

“Cobra’s had connections with Grave Diggers at one point. Do you think they might be here for Marley or maybe even Charlie?” Rooster asked.

“I don’t know but I think we had better make Hunter and Cruise aware of what is going on.” I told him. I still had an uneasy feeling and a sense of urgency to get to Kaylee. “Something is telling me I need to get to Kaylee or at least to be at the hospital.”

Rooster got a very concerned look on his face and we were both practically inhaling our breakfast. Everyone seemed to pick up on the vibe and we all finished our breakfast quickly and headed out.

Dana called out “Thanks guys. Be safe.” as we left.

“Call me if they come back or if any others show up.” I told her and then followed my brothers out. I walked around the building and got my bike and joined them out front as we all rode to the hospital. As we pulled in, the hair on the back of my neck stood up and after I parked my bike, I looked around the grounds. I didn’t see anything right then except for a nurse who seemed in a big hurry to get to her car but I was going to keep my eyes open today.

We all rode up to the 3rd floor and looked at Rooster’s baby and then he went to see Dixie. My feeling of uneasiness urged me to get to Kaylee so I told Boxer that I was going up to the fourth floor and to let me know when the guys are ready to leave. “Leave a prospect here when you go. I want some kind of back up.”

“I’ll cover your back. There are some pretty nurses here so it’s no hardship to hang out around here.” Boxer said with a grin.

I grinned back at him and walked down the hall to the elevator. I swear, hospitals have the slowest elevators! As soon as the doors opened, I spotted Millie who had a look on her face that told me she wanted to strangle somebody.

“Morning, Millie.” I said.

“I’m glad you didn’t say “Good” but Morning, Boomer.” She replied. She had a pile of papers in front of her next to a huge stack of files.

“Ugh! Paperwork! I understand.” I told her, thinking that she just hates paperwork.

“If it were just paperwork, I could deal with it but when you get betrayed by someone you thought you could trust to do their jobs, it makes me upset.” She told me quietly so that no one would overhear us. Then she raised her voice slightly and said “I think Kaylee is awake, go on in.”

That’s when I remembered that I had forgotten the coffee and danish. Damn! I felt really bad since I had gone to the diner and had a good breakfast. As I walked down the hall, I texted and told Boxer to send one of the prospects up here, that I wanted him to run an errand for me. I entered Kaylee’s room and she was awake and watching the news on TV.

“Good morning, my love.” I said and bent down to kiss her.

“Good morning. What are you doing here so early? No coffee?” she said with a slight pout that only lasted for a few seconds before she smiled at me.

“I’ve got a prospect coming up to get our orders and he’ll bring it. We had a bit of an incident at the diner this morning. Some Cobra’s showed up. We don’t normally see them around anymore. We ran them out several years ago. They are drug runners mainly but they also deal in guns and we suspect they have some contacts with human trafficking rings. We have worked hard to stop that BS, at least in our area.”

“Wow. There’s been some action here too.” Kaylee said.

Just then Millie came in and closed the door behind her. “I think I have what I need to prove that she’s been stealing from the meds cabinet. I’ve also checked with the head nurses on other floors she’s been assigned to and they said she’s not been giving full doses or has been skipping giving meds all together. Also their hypodermic needle counts are off.”

“So you’ve got a nurse who is stealing?” I asked.

“Yeah, she made the mistake of skipping Kaylee at least once yesterday and I’ve spent almost all night, tracking back her dispensary records. Her counts are off on almost every patient she’s had for the past two months. I have to wait for HR to open to find out how long she’s been here and what her credentials are.” Millie said. We could both tell she was fuming. “For now, I’m going to go put all of those files away so that she doesn’t catch on that we are on to her. She’s due to be on this floor again today. She’s on her meal break and should be here in an hour or so.”

Just as Millie was leaving, the prospect showed up and I asked Millie if she wanted coffee or anything from Starbucks and she said “I’m going to need an espresso with a shot of cream please and a blueberry muffin.”

Kaylee gave her order and I gave mine and I told him to use the club card to pay for it before he hurried out of the room.

“So what is this I hear that a nurse skipped your pain meds?” I asked Kaylee as I sat down next to her.

“Do you remember a nurse ever coming in here while you were here yesterday?” Kaylee asked.

“No, not after Jeanne was here, I can’t say I do.” I said, worriedly.

“Well, neither can I but Millie said someone must have come in and changed the IV drip bag because it still had some when it should have run out long before Millie got here but there was no morphine residue like there should have been in the port. I only napped for a little over an hour before Millie came on duty and the time that awful dinner came. She must have come in then and when I was asleep, so she didn’t ask me if I was in pain so she just skipped giving it to me, even though I’m supposed to be pre scheduled as it shows on my chart.

When I came back from seeing Dixie’s baby, which he is just adorable, the pain meds had completely worn off and I was really beginning to hurt. Millie got me a shot but was mad as hell that the nurse had skipped me. She started checking into it and has found that she’s been doing it to a lot of patients but yet the supplies have been getting used. They suspect she’s been stealing and selling it. Nurses have to go through regular drug screenings at least twice a year, so I don’t think she’s using.”

“Hmmm. That may explain what the Cobra’s are doing in town. Maybe they are her buyers.” I said and walked over to the window. I could see more of the grounds from up here but only on this side of the hospital. But at least I could see not only the front entrance and a major part of the parking lot but the ambulance entrance was around the corner of the building.

“Is there an employee entrance to the parking lot or do you guys have to use the main entrance?” I asked Kaylee.

“I always use the front entrance. I don’t know if there is another way in or not. Maybe ask Millie?” she replied.

I looked down one more time and spotted the prospect coming back with our Starbucks order and noticed what looked like some bikers driving by just a few seconds behind him. I watched as the prospect seemed to hurry back into the hospital. A couple of minutes later, he showed up at the door and seemed to be out of breath.

“What’s up? You look like you just ran a marathon.” I teased him.

“I spotted the 6 Cobra’s that were at the diner earlier and at least 5 more parked down the street from Starbucks in front of the pool hall along with a black van that I’ve never seen before. There were 4 of them standing outside when I came out of Starbucks and I think they followed me back here.” the prospect, Kevin, said.

I pulled out my phone and called Rooster. “What’s up?” He answered.

“I think you need to come up to Kaylee’s room. We might have an issue we need to deal with asap.” I told him and he said he’d be right there. I told the prospect to go ask Millie to come to the room and he hurried out.

A few minutes later, Rooster and Millie came into the room along with Kevin. I introduced Rooster to Kaylee, since she had never met him before. “Rooster, this is my lady, Kaylee. Sweetheart, this big bear of a man is our club President, Rooster.” I said.

“Nice to meet you, Rooster. Boomer has told me a lot about you. Congratulations on the birth of your son. I went down to see him in the nursery last night and he’s adorable.” Kaylee said as they shook hands.

“Thank you. Nice to finally meet you as well, Kaylee. You are looking much better than the last time I saw you. How much longer are they going to be keeping you here? This big guy can barely sit still since he met you.” Rooster said.

“They won’t let me go until I can make the wellness walk without getting dizzy or feeling too weak. Right now, I can’t even make it to the bathroom and back but I don’t get as dizzy as I did the first couple of days.” Kaylee said.

“What’s got you upset, big guy?” Rooster said, turning to me.

“I sent Kevin for coffee and he saw the bikes of the 6 guys from the diner plus at least 5 more and a black van parked in front of the pool hall. 4 of them followed him back here.” I reported. “Looks like they are trying to set up shop here again.”

“At the pool hall? That’s one of ours! What the hell are they doing open so early? They usually don’t open until 11. Get Circuit on the phone. That place has cameras in it. Tell him to get access and check out what’s going on! And get some more members here. Tell them to meet me downstairs. They are not setting up shop in this area again, that’s for damned sure.” Rooster said, getting agitated.

“Rooster, we may have another issue. Millie has found out that one of the nurses has been stealing pain meds from here. I say we watch her and find out who she’s selling it to.” I told him.

“I hate to say it but hopefully the two issues are related. Either way, I want guards posted outside Dixie’s room, the nursery and up here on Kaylee. Better call Hunter and Cruise and make them aware too. If they are just running drugs, they wouldn’t have a van with them. Millie, can you get me in touch with your powers that be? I need to make sure they are aware we are going to be on property. I also need to talk to the head of security.” Rooster said as he took command and started giving orders on what he wanted done.

“Rooster, the nurse we suspect is supposed to be coming on duty soon. If she sees you around a lot, she’s more than likely not going to pull anything and I need to catch her in the act, if I can. Kaylee has agreed to help me.” Millie told him.

“Hmmm. Maybe we can install a camera in here for a while and just monitor her from a distance but we can stay out of sight until we are needed, if Kaylee agrees.” Rooster said.

“I’m okay with it so long as it’s only on while she’s on duty and I want some pajamas from home that don’t hang open in the back!” Kaylee said with a sassy smile.

“I’ll get you something that will keep you from being exposed in front of others.” I grinned at her.

“Fine. Then get Circuit up here with a camera set up. I’m going to check on my wife and son. Nice meeting you, Kaylee. I look forward to introducing you to my wife soon.” Rooster said and then left the room, pulling his cell phone out of his pocket.

“Wow. He really takes charge, doesn’t he?” Kaylee said.

“Yeah. Rooster has always been a natural born leader. That’s why all the brothers have so much respect for him.” I told her.

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