Monster Slayers MC Book 2

Chapter 6-Rooster and Dixie have a son!

Boomer’s POV

I left Kaylee’s room with a bounce to my step, happier than I can remember being in a very long time. I stopped and had lunch at the diner and then went back to the club house to check in with Rooster.

“Hey, Prez. How’s it going around here?” I asked with a big smile on my face, when I found him sitting at the executive table in the bar.

“Well, someone sure does look happy. Been to see Kaylee?” He asks.

“Yeah, she’s agreed to be my lady but I want to wait until she’s had a chance to come here, meet everyone and see what it’s like before I ask her to be my ole’ lady. I’ll just announce her as untouchable for now.” I told him.

“That’s fine. Do you want me to order her cut so that you have it when you’re both ready?” Rooster asked.

“Yeah. Go ahead.” I tell him with high hopes that Kaylee will soon agree to be my ole’ lady.

Just then, Dixie waddled over to us and lowered herself onto Rooster’s lap. “Lord, my feet hurt! And I’m sick of having to pee all the time! This baby has been sitting on my bladder for three days straight and it feels like it weighs 10 pounds and I feel so damned fat! I cannot wait to give birth to this kid.” She complains.

“How much longer do you have?” I ask in sympathy.

“Another 2 whole weeks if the doctor calculated it right! I’m excited but also tired. Being pregnant really zaps your energy but I’ve been having a hard time sleeping. It’s hard to get comfortable and stay that way for long.” Dixie says in an exasperated voice.

“How’s the progress on your house coming?” I ask.

“Getting close to being done, thank heaven. They are installing the kitchen cabinets today, plumbing should be done tomorrow and then they can start doing the finishing touches. We’ve already bought our appliances but the only furniture we have so far is stuff for the baby. Rooster and I are going to have to sleep on the floor unless we can get to the store and find a bed we like.” Dixie told me, then began to push out off Rooster’s lap.

“I can’t believe I have to pee AGAIN! Push please, Rooster.” She begged as she struggled to get up. Rooster knew better than to laugh at her as he helped her off his lap and he had to bite his lips to keep from smiling but as soon as she was gone, a huge smile broke out across his face.

“I feel so bad for her but at the same time I feel so proud and anxious. Dixie is so tiny and I’m almost afraid of her giving birth. Doc told us the other day that we should prepare ourselves for the chance that she might have to have a C-section. He said that when she goes into labor to get her to the hospital right away.” Rooster said and I could tell he was nervous about the whole situation.

“Why haven’t you gone bed shopping?” I ask, hoping to take his mind off of it.

“Mainly because she’s so uncomfortable getting out. Her feet have been so swollen that it’s hard for her to walk or be on her feet for very long. That’s why I don’t want her cooking for the club. It takes too much out of her and I hate seeing my ole’ lady in pain. Speaking of pain, how’s Kaylee doing?” He asks.

“Getting better but Dr. Green wants her to stay in there at least a week, maybe two. Her ribs were not broken all the way through but she was bleeding inside and he had to go in and seal the leaks. The swelling in her eyes has gone down and she has the most amazing blue eyes I’ve ever seen.” I tell him and he sits there and grins at me like a Cheshire cat.

“Great feeling, isn’t it?” Rooster smiles at me.

I blush and admit that it is. “Yeah. Now I understand what you mean.”

Dixie comes waddling back in and tells Rooster. “I’m going to lay down for a while. My back is aching again.”

“Okay baby. I think I’m going to walk over and see what kind of progress they’re making on the house.” Rooster told her as he pushed out of his chair and gave her a kiss.

“Okay.” She said as she slowly waddled up the stairs.

“Mind if I join you?” I asked Rooster as he watched her go.

“No, not at all. Come on.” He said and we left the clubhouse and walked the 200 yards farther past the clubhouse to the building site they had chosen. It was a nice plot of level land that had taken almost a month to clear it of the trees and to remove all the stumps in what would be their yard.

The house still needed to be painted on the outside but Rooster and Dixie were more worried about making sure the inside was complete first. He had convinced Dixie to stay at the clubhouse until she gave birth and for at least the first couple of weeks, even if the house was done by then.

Dixie said that either way she wanted a nanny to help her with the baby, especially if she ended up having to have a C-section since it would take her longer to heal and recover. They had been interviewing women to help but the younger ones seemed to be more interested in being around the bikers and the older ones seemed nervous about being around them, so they were still looking. At least she would have Charlie in the clubhouse if they didn’t find someone for a while.

We entered their new house and I had to admit that they had come up with a really nice design. They had a large open planned living room, dining room and kitchen. There were 7 bedrooms and each room was ensuite. Rooster claimed they were building that many so that he had plenty of guest rooms for when VIP’s came to visit but we all knew it was because they hoped to fill them with kids. Rooster and Dixie loved kids and wanted as many as Dixie could handle having.

The master bedroom was massive with a big luxury bathroom and two walk in closets. The house was full of men finishing drywall, adding finishing trim, installing kitchen and bathroom cabinets, and putting in plumbing fixtures. Paint for each room was waiting on the inside and then the final inspection for occupation could be done.

We were standing talking to Hunter when Rooster’s phone started going off. He pulled it out and read the message then yelled “Holy shit! Dixie’s water broke! I’ve got to get her to the hospital.”

He nearly fell down as we ran back to the house. “My knees don’t want to work.” He complained as we ran down the road.

“Maybe I’d better drive.” I told him as I detoured to an SUV while Rooster stumble ran to the house. Doc and Dixie were waiting in the living room and Rooster ran in, picked her up and carried her outside with Doc close behind them. Doc’s “ambulance” was in the shop today so we were having to take one of the club SUVs.

I drove them as fast as possible to the hospital and I parked right at the entrance. I told him “I’ll get a wheelchair, just wait here.”

When Dixie screamed “Hurry!” I took off running. Thankfully there were empty wheelchairs just inside the door and I grabbed one and hurried back outside. Rooster lifted her down from the SUV as Doc ran inside to get some help. Rooster sat Dixie down on the wheelchair then stepped behind it and began pushing her inside.

Dixie was breathing hard as the pain from her last contraction subsided. She had pre-registered so it was just a matter of showing her ID and insurance card as we waited for a nurse to come take her upstairs. Thankfully Doc was with us, so he took over and pushed her himself. We took the elevator up to the 3rd floor and they took her right into the pre delivery room. Rooster went in with them and I sat down in the waiting room.

I saw Dixie’s gynecologist go in and a few minutes later Doc came out and said “Just as I thought, she’s going to have to go for a C-section. Her pelvis is just too small for natural childbirth. It would put not only Dixie but the baby in danger if they even try it. They are prepping her now.”

“Is that the better way to go for the woman?” I asked Doc, feeling totally out of my element.

“It makes giving birth easier and in this case, safer but it takes the mother longer to heal. She’s going to be on bedrest for a few days at least, here in the hospital and will have to have help at home. Overall it will take her a month or so before she’s healed enough to stand up and walk around under her own power. ” Doc said.

“How long will the operation take?” I ask, thinking that maybe I could run up and see Kaylee but then realize that if I got up there, I wouldn’t want to come back down and right now, I needed to be here for Rooster, who I knew was a nervous wreck right now.

“If there are no complications then it will be less than half an hour, once they have her in there and prepped.” Doc said just as another nurse entered the room Dixie was in. A minute or two later a nurse came out pulling the bed that Dixie was laying on moaning.

Another nurse was pushing the bed with the gynecologist and Rooster, looking white as a sheet, like he was about to be sick or pass out, following close behind them as they hurried down the hall. Doc and I looked at each other and grinned. Oh Rooster was in for some serious teasing tonight!

I pulled out my phone and texted Kaylee, telling her that I was downstairs because Dixie was giving birth to their baby. She texted me back saying “Oh, I wish I could come see the new baby. Maybe I can convince Millie to bring me down when she gets here. Let me know what she has, please.”

“Good. Doc is here too. Would give them a chance to get reacquainted.” I told her and she sent back with a big smiley face and a thumbs up.

We sat and waited for about 45 minutes before Rooster came out, still white as a sheet and looking like he wanted to be sick but had a big smile on his face.

“I have a son!” He yelled then ran for the men’s room, holding his hand over his mouth. Doc and I started to laugh our heads off.

Rooster came out a few minutes later wiping his face with a paper towel but with a big happy smile on his face. “I can’t believe it. I’ve shot and gutted men and seen guys lose arms and legs and some really horrible injuries and never blinked an eye but seeing them cut my woman open to deliver my son was the most gut wrenching thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

But he’s absolutely the most perfect thing in the world. 8 lbs 7 oz, 22 inches long. He’s got all 10 fingers and all 10 toes and he’s going to take after his old man in the package department! Full head of chocolate brown hair. Hasn’t opened his eyes yet but man the kids got an impressive set of lungs on him.” Rooster boasted.

“What’s his name?” Doc asked.

“Samuel David Carver.” Rooster said and looked at me. “In honor of my older brother, Samuel, and David, after Dixie’s grandfather, who raised her.”

“I never knew you have a brother.” Doc said.

Had a brother. Sam died when he was 10 years old, killed in a stupid swimming accident. He dove into the lake and hit his head on a log that was submerged under the water. By the time we realized something was wrong, he had already inhaled so much water that they never could revive him. I will never forget that day as long as I live.” Rooster said with big tears in his eyes.

Sam had been 2 years older than Rooster and had been his hero, being good at everything he did and the best big brother any boy could want. It had really hit his family hard when he had died. It was after that when King’s family started to fall apart.

About a year later, Rooster’s mom, Joyce, got caught fooling around on King and then she ran off in the middle of the night. King was devastated over not only the loss of his son but by his wife’s betrayal.

Rooster had been about 10 or 11 years old when she left but he grieved for the loss of his brother more than he did his mom. Sam had always been her favorite and she had barely acknowledged Rooster but he had been so angry at her for leaving without even saying goodbye.

I walked over to him and gave him a big hug and quietly told him. “Now is not the time to think about it, bro. Today is a happy day. You have a son! Congratulations, man!”

“You’re right! Today is a day to celebrate!” Rooster said, pulling back and stepping away.

“How’s Dixie?” I asked.

“Unconscious. The meds kicked in just after she got to hold him for a minute. The doctor told me they would be waking her up in about an hour or so. They still had to stitch her up and bandage her stomach.” Rooster said.

Just then Hunter and some of the other members showed up and everyone gathered around to see the pic Rooster had taken of his new son and to congratulate him.

About half an hour later, the nurse let us know that the baby was in the window at the nursery if we wanted to see him. We all walked down to the nursery and oohed and awed over the little guy who was sleeping peacefully wrapped in a blue blanket without a care in the world that there were 10 large men pushing and shoving each other to get a better look at him on the other side of the glass.

An hour later, all of the brothers had left and Rooster went to be with Dixie while Doc and I headed upstairs to see Kaylee.

She was just finishing her dinner when we came in and I noticed that she had barely finished half of it.

“Hi, babe. I brought someone to meet you. This is Doc, our MC doctor. Doc, this pretty lady is Kaylee Marshall.” I said, hoping she would not be mad that I didn’t warn her we were coming.

“Nice to meet you, Doc. I wish Boomer had let me know you were coming so that I could have run a brush through my hair or something. I know I look like a frightful sight.” Kayless said fussing about her hair being out of place.

“Nice to meet you as well, Kaylee and don’t worry about it. I’m used to seeing people at their worst and you are by far the prettiest patient I have seen in a very long time. The mask gives you a sexy mysterious look.” Doc said as they shook hands.

“Hey, Doc! Don’t you start flirting with my lady now.” I teased.

“Hahaha! Thank you Doc and Boomer, he can flirt all he wants. I may be off limits now but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy someone with a good sense of humor does it?” Kaylee teasingly scolded me and Doc laughed at the look on my face.

“I like her. She’s not afraid to talk back to a man twice her size but she’s not rude about it.” Doc said.

“If I have to be afraid of him then I wouldn’t have agreed to be his lady. But I don’t think I’ll ever have to worry about that with Boomer.” Kaylee said and held out her hand to me, which I took willingly.

“Well, have a seat and tell me all about the new baby. What did she have?” Kaylee asked.

We told her about the baby and Rooster’s reaction. Kaylee interacted with Doc easily but I could tell she was sizing him up as a possible match for Millie. I also saw a side to Doc that I had never seen before. He was usually so quiet and reserved but with Kaylee he was gregarious and I discovered that he had a great sense of humor.

We sat and visited with her for over an hour and finally, what Kaylee had been hoping for, Millie walked in. She stopped just inside the door and we both saw it when she saw Doc and he saw her. We could almost feel something in the air as they looked at each other.

“Oh, I didn’t realize you had company other than Boomer. Especially someone who looks very familiar but I just can’t place where I know you from at the moment.” Millie said as she stepped farther into the room and waited to be introduced.

“Hello, Millie. I guess, I have changed a bit after all these years but you and I used to run into each other all the time back when I worked here. I’ve gotten grayer and lost a bit of weight since then but I must say, you haven’t changed much.”

“Dave Conners. My goodness. I thought you had left town. How are you?” Millie fibbed and shook his hand.

“I’m good. No, I didn’t leave, just relocated. I’m the doctor for the Monster Slayers MC now. How about you?” Doc asked.

“I’m good. I’m the head nurse on this floor now.” Millie said with pride.

“Your husband’s name is Harold, right?” Doc asked.

“No, it was Harvey. He’s passed now. I lost him over 5 years ago.” Millie said.

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. You had a couple of kids right? They must be grown up by now.” Doc said.

“Yes, my son, Jeremy is 25 now and married with a little girl. My daughter, Sally is 23 and has two kids. They’ve all moved away so it’s just me left here.” Millie said.

Neither of them seemed to realize that they were still holding each other’s hands as they stood and got reacquainted. But eventually Millie seemed to realize that we were still in the room and she blushed and said “Well, I have to do my rounds but first I need to check on Miss Kaylee here.” She said, slowly pulling her hand free regretfully.

She checked Kaylee’s vitals and seemed to be taking her time so that she could keep peeking at Doc and he tried to be discreet about it but he kept checking her out too. No one knew that she had no idea what Kaylee’s levels were because her mind was running about 100 miles an hour. She had definitely not planned on seeing Dave again tonight.

Finally, she realized that at least Kaylee and Doc were going to know she was stalling, so she said “Well, Dave it sure was good to see you again. I wish I could stay and visit some more but I’ve got to get to my rounds. Maybe I’ll see you around sometime?”

“I’d like that, Millie. You take care of yourself and I’m sure we’ll run into each other again hopefully soon.” Doc said.

If anyone had looked out the door of Kaylee’s room after she left, they would have seen Millie dancing a little gig down the hall as she went on to her next patient. For the rest of her shift, she was in a super good mood.

About an hour later, I got a text from Rooster asking where we were and if I was the one with the keys to the SUV. “I’m catching a ride back with Hunter. Tell Doc if he wants to ride with us, he’d better get downstairs or he’ll have to wait for you to leave.” Rooster texted.

“Hey, Doc. Rooster said they’re ready to go. He’s catching a ride back with Hunter and says if you want to ride with them, then you need to get downstairs now or you’ll have to wait for me and I’m staying until they kick me out of here.” I told Doc.

“Well, as nice as it has been to get away from the clubhouse for a bit and to meet you, Kaylee, I’ll give you guys some privacy and catch a ride with them. Let him know I’m on my way down, please.” Doc said as he stood up and waved to us as he left the room.

I saw him look up and down the hall and I guessed he was hoping to see Millie again before he left. Unfortunately, she was busy with dispatching a patient and he could only wait a minute but when she spotted him, she asked “Does Kaylee need something?”

“No but I was kind of hoping that maybe I could call on you one evening soon? Maybe take you out to dinner and a movie?” Doc asked.

“I’d like that very much, Dave.” Millie told him and quickly wrote down her number for him before she had to get back to checking out a patient.

After he left, I stood up and leaned over to kiss Kaylee. “I wanted to do that when I first got here but I’m not sure how you feel about PDA and didn’t want to embarrass you.” She slid her hands up my arms and around my neck, into my hair and I had goosebumps everywhere as she pulled me towards her for a deeper kiss.

“I don’t mind some PDA so long as it’s done with respect but would be pissed if you groped me when people could see. What we do in private is no holds barred but I like to be treated with respect in public.” She said when she pulled back and we both had to blink a couple of times to focus our eyes again.

I sat on the edge of her bed for the next 3 hours and we talked more, learning about each other. She asked more about the MC and what being an ole’ lady meant and the differences between being an ole’ lady and being married.

And I got the feeling that if she was going to commit to being my ole’ lady, it had better come with a ring, not just a cut and I realized I was fine with that. Since she was hinting around, I hinted too and asked if she could choose what kind of ring she would like to have? She told me that Neil had just taken her to the jewelry store after proposing empty handed and let her pick out her ring.

“It wasn’t the most romantic proposal since he just asked me, “What do you think about us getting hitched?” while we were sitting at a traffic stop waiting for the light to change and then drove us to the mall! While I got a really pretty ring, to be honest, my heart just wasn’t into it. At first I thought it was just because I had wanted to be surprised. Then after months of planning, I caught him screwing another woman in my bed.”

“I wonder what he would have done if you had said “No”?” I said, half thinking of how I could find out what she would like and just as I was about to just ask outright, a commercial came on TV showing wedding rings and Kaylee pointed to the screen and said “There! That comes really close to what I would like. Something elegant and classy looking. My hands are not built for big flashy rings and neither is my personality.” She pointed at her hand and for the first time I realized she had a nice celtic ring on her right ring finger.

“That’s a nice ring.” I said and she said, “Yeah, my best friend, Carmen and I bought matching rings when we graduated nursing school. We even had them engraved on the inside with “Besties”. She pulled the ring off and handed it to me. I tilted it to the light and saw the scrolled inscription on the inside of the ring. I then slipped the ring on to my pinkie finger to get an idea of her size and it barely made it to my first knuckle. “Oh well, I guess I can’t swipe it for a keepsake can I?” I teased her as I slipped it off and put it back on her finger. I also slipped off the ring I wore on the pinkie of my hand and handed it to her and she tried to put it on her index finger but it was still too big.

“Goodness, you have nice long, thick fingers.” She said huskily and I could see the lust in her eyes but I had to keep the situation light so I wiggled my eyebrows at her and whispered back. “Oh but I can make them do amazing things.” Then I kissed her as passionately as I dared with her injured lips and she returned it, giving as good as she got.

When I finally pulled back, I couldn’t resist asking “How are your ribs doing?”

“Everything above my hips to my boobs is still really tender but otherwise, I’m alright.” She breathed. “I can’t wait until you can hold me closer.”

“Me too, sweetheart.”

Just about then the announcement came over the loudspeaker saying visiting hours were over.

“Damn, our time went by much too fast.” She said and I couldn’t agree more. I slipped my arms around her shoulders and pulled her as close as I could without hurting her and kissed her as hard as I dared.

“Do you think you could bring coffee again in the morning? The coffee here sucks! It’s never hot enough and I don’t know when the last time they cleaned their coffee maker. I just can’t drink anymore of it but I do love my coffee in the mornings.” She asked.

“Sure. Want some more bear claws?” I grinned at her.

“Sure. See you in the morning?” She smiled and then gave me one more kiss before I stood up, adjusted myself and headed towards the door. “Drive safe and text me when you get there, please.”

“I will. Sweet dreams, my love.” I said and then left the room. I felt torn between being so happy to have found her and sad that I had to leave her alone, even when it’s just for the night. I couldn’t wait till I would be going home to her every night.

Thinking of work made me realize that now that Dixie was in the hospital, Rooster was going to want to be spending more time up here and I wouldn’t be able to spend as much time here with Kaylee. That thought was kind of depressing as I drove the SUV home.

Just as I pulled in the pizza delivery guy was leaving and it was only then that I remembered that I had not eaten dinner and my stomach growled.

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