Monster Slayers MC Book 2

Chapter 3-Taking care of Greg

We all got in or on our vehicles and drove down to the diner. There was a somewhat larger crowd here this afternoon than there had been this morning but there were still a couple of tables open and we took one near the back. A waitress we all knew well because she was my manager for the diner, named Dana, came over.

Dana had worked at the restaurant before I bought it, when the old owner gave up and sold me the place. I talked the staff into staying and made Dana the manager. She came over and delivered our menus. Dana was a little bit younger than my mom and still a very beautiful woman.

“Hey guys! It’s been a while. What can I get for you to drink?” Dana teased with a big smile. We’d all been eating here a lot more than usual since Dixie quit cooking.

We all ordered coffee and she left saying she would be right back while we all looked over the menu. I already knew what I wanted and sat thinking about what I should do about Greg.

I wanted to ride out to his uncle’s place and ask if he had seen him but was seriously doubting he would tell me anything if he had. Blood is blood after all and from what Kaylee has said his uncle was his only family around here. Besides, I have no idea where to go. Maybe I should talk to Rooster or Hunter first before I go out there, maybe they would remember him.

Dana came back and delivered our coffee and took our order. The four of us sat around talking, the prospects eye fucking some of young women in the diner and Circuit and I watched them. “Oh, to be young again.” I whispered to Circuit.

“Speak for yourself. I’m not set on being with just one woman yet. I’m having too much fun with the readily available selection that comes around now.” Circuit grinned at them and both of the prospects agreed. I understood where they were coming from but now that I’ve met Kaylee it’s just not going to be the same with her as it is with a sweet butt. With the sweet butts, there are no feelings involved. Just straight up sex!

Dana came back over just as we were finishing up and without asking began refilling our coffee cups, as she quietly said “Would you guys mind sticking around until those two at the end of the counter near the door leave? I think they’ve been drinking and are going to refuse to pay for the bill. They’re eating like they are starving to death but every time we get near them, they start complaining. I offered to change out their orders for something else but they both refused and kept on eating.”

“Sure. Go leave their tabs now and if they start something, we’ll take care of it. Don’t worry.” I told her.

Dana left, made out the men’s ticket and sure enough, almost as soon as she laid it down in front of them, they started making noise about how the food was slop and they weren’t going to pay for it.

“That shit was barely edible. I’m not paying for something that will most likely make me sick later.” The bigger of the two men said, talking loud enough for the whole place to hear.

Neither of the men had seen me get up and walk across the room and I was standing right behind them as they stood up from the counter. My hands came down on their shoulders and I bent forward and quietly said “Do we have a problem here, gentlemen?”

“Yeah, I’m not going to pay..........” the man on my right began to say until he looked back over his shoulder and saw who it was that was standing behind him. I straightened up to my full height without letting go of his shoulder, gave him my best scowling look and said “Oh, is that so? So you expect to come in here and just eat for free? I wouldn’t be able to keep this place open for long if everyone decided to do that now, would I?”

Both men gulped and shook their heads. They both pulled out their wallets and threw twenty dollars on the counter. “Well, at least you are good tippers but don’t come back again. Understand?” I said and walked them to the door.

You could have heard a pin drop in the diner so I said “Sorry about the disturbance folks. Enjoy your dinners and don’t forget to tip your waitresses.”

As soon as I sat back down, Dana came over and thanked me. “I’ve got a feeling this is going to be our best tip night in a long time! Thanks!”

We left the diner and while the guys went back to the compound, I took off to go back to the hospital. I arrived right at 4 pm and the first person I ran into was Millie. “Hey, Boomer. What are you doing back here? Come to see Kaylee?” She teased.

“Yeah, she wanted her cell phone and purse so I’m bringing it to her.” I admitted, trying not to blush but I could feel my cheeks heat up.

“She has been gushing to everyone who goes into her room about the beautiful flowers and the panda bear you brought her earlier. I know I probably don’t have to say this but I’m going to anyway. Take care of her, Ben. She’s one of a kind.” Millie said.

“Don’t worry, Millie. I will. I think she’s the one for me.” I told her.

“Good, then she’s in good hands. I know she’s not really been happy for a while now and most of it has been because of Greg. She deserves someone who will treat her right.” Millie said, grabbing the front of my cut and pulling me down for a kiss on my cheek. “When are you ever going to get rid of that beard? You are such a handsome young man. You shouldn’t hide it behind all that hair on your face.”

“I’ve been thinking about it but it sure does help keep my face warm in the winter time.”

“Well, I’m sure that’s true but I for one prefer a clean shaven man. Kissing a man with a face full of hair is like kissing a cat, except the hair is not as soft.” Millie said with a giggle.

“I’ll think about it. So is Kaylee awake now?” I asked.

“I think so. I visited with her for a few minutes after I came back on duty but that was at 2:30. She told me you were coming back for the evening visiting hours and she seemed very excited about it.” Millie continued to grin at me.

“Well, I don’t want to disappoint her.” I said, giving Millie a quick kiss on the cheek and then walked down the hall to Kaylee’s room. The door was closed so I knocked and as soon as I heard her call out, “Come in.” I pushed on the door. “Hi!” She smiled at me.

“Hi. How are you feeling?” I asked as I crossed the room and bent over to give her a quick kiss hello.

“Better now that you are here. Is that my purse and phone?” Kaylee asked.

“Yeah but before I give it to you, I want to prepare you for something. Greg has been calling and has left you some messages. I haven’t listened to them, mainly because I don’t know your password for your voicemail but I would like it if you would put it on speaker. I want to make sure he is not threatening you. Circuit said he drove by your house twice today but didn’t stop probably because the boys bikes and the truck were there. Circuit caught it on camera though.

Also, Circuit set up the security system so that whenever someone goes to your house, you can “answer your door” via your phone and it will alert you that someone is there, even if you are not there. I don’t know all the ins and outs about it but when you are ready, we can either get on my phone and call him so he can teach you how to use it or he can come over to your place once you are home.” I told her, hoping to lessen the blow of hearing that Greg had been calling her but she seemed to stop listening about half way through.

“I know what he’s going to say. He’s going to tell me he’s sorry for hitting me and that it won’t happen again. He probably thinks I don’t know that he raped me.” Kaylee began to cry and couldn’t continue at the last part. Being careful that her IV wouldn’t get tangled or pulled on, I picked her up bridal style and sat down on the chair that I had pulled up next to the bed and cradled her in my lap. She buried her face in my chest and cried, holding on tightly to my cut.

“Let it out, baby. I’ve got you now and he’s not going to hurt you ever again, I promise.” I held her as tightly as I dared and rocked her slowly side to side as she soaked the front of my t-shirt with her tears. A few minutes later, her sobs turned to sniffles and she hiccupped “I’m sorry, I’m not usually such a cry baby but the past couple of days have just been a lot to deal with and I guess I’m just worn out.”

“It’s okay. Sometimes we all just need to sit down and have a good cry. Helps to get rid of some water retention.” I said and then smiled down at her when she began to giggle.

“You know what?” she whispered.

“What?” I whispered back.

“You’re a lot more comfortable than that bed.” She said as she snuggled into me.

“Very glad to be of service, darlin’. You are welcome on my lap anytime.” I chuckled as I kissed the top of her head.

“So how does my house look?” She finally asked.

“Well, your sofa survived but the rest of it they put on the curb. It was broken beyond repair. Doesn’t look like he did any further damage to the rest of the house from what we could tell but then none of us had ever been in your house before. The prospects cleaned up your kitchen, the bathroom and did all of your laundry as well as swept and mopped the whole place and put clean sheets on your bed. You shouldn’t have to do anything once you get home but just rest. I’ll send someone around to do your housework until you are back on your feet again.” I told her.

“You guys don’t have to do all of that but I do appreciate what you’ve done. I know from being a nurse that it’s going to be a couple of months before I’ll be able to push a broom or run the vacuum and forget getting down and scrubbing the tub. When I’m back on my feet, I want to host a BBQ at my place and have all the guys that helped me out come over.” Kaylee said.

“Deal. Oh, Greg must have punched the wall at some point and the guys fixed it but they want to know if you want that wall painted the same color or are you wanting to change the color in that room?” I asked her and saw her eyes go wide.

“I don’t expect them to repaint the whole room all over again for nothing but I would like to know how much they would charge me to repaint the whole inside. I don’t think my parents ever repainted that place and I really don’t like some of the colors in there, especially the living room, kitchen and my bedroom. The other rooms are okay I guess but if they will give me a good price, I’d like to do them too.” Kaylee said.

“I tell you what, I’ll talk to them tonight when I get back to the clubhouse and then I’ll pick up some paint samples from the hardware store in the morning. You decide what you want in which room and we’ll have it done before you come home next week. Okay?” I said with a grin at her. If she wanted it, I was going to jump through every hoop to give it to her.

She put her hand on the side of my face and lifted hers for a kiss, which I was glad to provide. We kissed gently, moving our lips together in a slow, tender dance. I wanted so badly to deepen the kiss, to press my lips to hers more firmly but that would have made her hurt and that I would never do.

“Uh-hmmm. Mine if I come in?” Dr. Green said as he stood in the doorway watching us. “Looks like someone is definitely feeling better. Boomer, would you mind putting my patient back in the bed so I can check on her before I go have my dinner?”

I grinned at him and said “Awe, Doc, do I have to?” Pretending to pout like a child as I stood up and gently sat Kaylee back on the bed and helped her slide her legs back under the sheet. “Do you want me to step outside?” I asked Kaylee.

“No. That’s not necessary.” Kaylee said and Doc added. “Just be very quiet for a few minutes so I can hear.” Doc said as he put the ends of his stethoscope in his ears and moved her hospital gown to expose her stomach and rib cage, keeping her breasts covered and the sheet covering her lower body.

A minute later he pulled the stethoscope ends out of his ears and said “Kaylee, I’m going to order a CT scan for you. This bruise is getting darker and I can hear something. Sorry to cut your visiting time short. It looked like you were both really enjoying yourselves.” Doctor Green teased us in an effort to lighten the mood he had just caused. “Someone should be up to get you pretty soon. Boomer, this should take about half an hour to an hour, once they pick her up to take her downstairs.”

“Okay Doc. Can I go to the bathroom before I go down?” Kaylee asked.

“Yeah, I’ll send a nurse down to help you. I don’t want you on your feet without trained medical personnel in the room. Understand?” Dr. Green said and Kaylee nodded, then he left the room.

“Well, it looks like I’m going to lose my spleen. Damn, Greg.” Kaylee swore.

Just then Millie came bustling in and said “Doc Green said you needed to go to the restroom before we take you downstairs?” She asked Kaylee.

“Yes, please.” Kaylee answered. Millie helped her up off the bed and they slowly walked over to the ensuite bathroom and closed the door. I have never felt so helpless in all of my life. My heart was beating twice as fast as it normally did and I was worried that I was going to lose Kaylee before we even had a chance to really get to know each other. I was rather surprised that Millie stayed in the bathroom with her while she used it but apparently they didn’t want her to be alone at all, not even for that, which made me worry even more. This was definitely important.

After a few minutes the two women emerged again and Kaylee looked kind of pale. I didn’t wait for Millie to ask, I just stepped forward, picked Kaylee up and carried her back to bed. I laid her down gently and then kissed her forehead. She looked very tired all of a sudden.

A minute later, her phone began to ring again. She picked it up and gasped when she saw Greg’s name on the screen.

I told her, “if you want to answer it, put it on speaker. Millie, will you witness this please?” I asked and Millie nodded as Kaylee hit the speaker button and answered the phone. I got on my phone and texted Circuit to trace the number calling Kaylee’s phone right now. “It’s her ex and I want to know where he is.”

“Hello?” Kaylee said.

“Kaylee? Are you alright? Where are you?” Greg asked, sounding all contrite and I wanted to reach into the phone and strangle him.

“Your beating landed me in the hospital, Greg. You broke two of my ribs and I’m bleeding internally. You also raped me while I was unconscious, you scum. I also heard you stole my car and what little money I had in my wallet. So what the fuck do you want, Greg?” Kaylee asked and I saw a look of pure hate on her face.

“I’m so sorry baby. You just started yelling at me the minute you came in the door and woke me up. I’m sorry about hitting you, really. It won’t happen again. I’ve got no place else to go, baby. Please can I come back?” Greg whined.

“You raped me, Greg while I was unconscious from the beating you gave me and you think you can just say I’m sorry and I’ll take you back? FUCK YOU GREG. Put my car back in my driveway and leave my keys. Then get the fuck out of my life and don’t ever come near me again.”

“I’m not going anywhere you bitch and I’ll be back as soon as you are out of there. And NO, I won’t bring the car back. I saw those men at your house today, changing the locks, like that’s going to keep me out. I’ll break a window if I have to but I want a shower, something to eat and need a place to sleep.

You only had about 20 bucks in your purse and I spent that already. I need more money! Maybe I can pawn some of that jewelry in your box at the house. Just remember Kaylee, I’m always going to be there. It’s my house now too. I’ve been receiving mail now there for a year so I’m a legal resident and you can’t kick me out.” Greg began to laugh maniacally before he hung up.

A second later, a text came through from Circuit. “He’s at Bernie’s. Rooster is sending Boxer, Jailer and Hulk to meet you there. They just left.”

“Good. Thanks!” I texted him back. “Kaylee, do you by chance have a recent pic of Greg on your phone?” I asked her.

“Yeah.” She said and began scrolling through her phone. She pulled up one and I was surprised that he looked so much older but I would be sure to recognize him now, even through the cracked screen on her phone.

“Can you forward that to me? Rooster has sent some men to back me up while I take care of that SOB.” I said.

Kaylee forwarded the pic and as soon as my phone dinged showing I had received it, I forwarded it onto Boxer, Jailer and Hulk along with a message saying that I would be there soon and to wait for me.

Just then an orderly with a wheelchair showed up to take Kaylee downstairs. I lifted her up and gently put her in it and said “Good luck. I’ll be back soon.” I kissed the top of her head and she squeezed my hand before the orderly began to wheel her out of the room.

“Millie, I’m going to go take care of the SOB that did this to her. Watch over her for me? I’ll be back soon.” I told her, torn between going after the man who put her here and staying here to pace the floor until she came back. The second one didn’t make any sense so I turned to leave the room but Millie’s next words stopped me cold.

“Ben, this goes against everything I’ve ever learned in being a nurse and I’ve always considered myself a good Christian but this SOB deserves to be put down. If asked, I’ll deny ever saying it but that SOB doesn’t deserve to walk around breathing after hurting Kaylee like this. Make sure they never find the body, Ben.” Millie said as she pushed past me and walked down the hall.

I nearly ran out of the hospital and jumped on my bike. I pushed every speed limit law in town as I raced to Bernie’s Bar. I pulled in right in front of the bar and turned off my bike. I looked around and spotted what I was pretty sure was Kaylee’s SUV when I stood up. I heard my brothers coming and waited for them to join me.

Together we walked into the bar and I immediately spotted Greg with some whore on his lap, drinking and laughing with several other men at a table near the back. As we walked towards him, I yelled “Everybody OUT! NOW!”

Everyone made for the door including the staff. All of the men sitting with him jumped up and backed away from the table as the whore slipped off his lap and ran away. Greg seemed to know that we were there for him as he didn’t even move to stand up. As soon as the bar was empty, Jailer locked the door and stepped behind the bar to turn off all of the camera’s in the room.

“Hey, if it isn’t Ben Hanson. How are you dude? Long time no see!” Greg tried to act like nothing was wrong and that we were just there to visit.

“Greg Mason, you are one sick, evil bastard. Kaylee is probably headed for surgery as we speak because of a bleeder from where you beat her so badly and then you raped her while she was unconscious. To top it all off you stole her car and then had the nerve to call her while she’s in the hospital fighting for her life and threaten her? And this is all after she’s been supporting your lazy, sorry ass for almost a year and all the time you were fucking whores in her bed. You’re no man, you’re a parasite that needs to be wiped out.”

“Look man, all the bitch..........” Greg started but never had a chance to finish that sentence as I grabbed his throat and started to squeeze with one hand while I pounded his face with the other. I heard the satisfying crunch as his nose broke and I felt his front teeth break off. My arm worked like a piston as I pounded into his head and I didn’t stop until I heard Hulk calling my name. I had never felt such a rage as I did towards Greg for what he had done to my woman. I didn’t realize he had stopped kicking as I held him up off the floor. I let his body drop to the floor and he didn’t move.

Jailer checked his pulse and looked up and said “He’s dead.”

“Call Rooster and tell him to send a body wagon.” I told them. “I’m going back to the hospital. Oh, check his pockets for Kaylee’s keys and make sure someone drives her SUV home for her. It’s the new blue Toyota Rav 4 in the parking lot outside. Make sure they don’t find his body, at least not in one piece. I suggest someone feed the wolves tonight.” I said as I headed for the bathroom to wash the blood off my hands.

“The body wagon is already out back.” Hulk said, grabbing the back of Greg’s pants and picking him up like he was a lightweight suitcase and carrying him out the back door.

“What were we here for? You didn’t let us have any fun!” Jailer complained with a wicked laugh.

“Man, you are twisted!” Boxer and Hulk laughed at him.

The skin on my hand was messed up but I just washed the blood off, dried my hands and left through the front. I found Bernie sitting on the curb smoking a cigarette. “Are you all done?” he asked.

“Yeah, don’t worry. We’ll clean up before we leave.” I assured him.

“What did he do?” Bernie asked.

“Beat his ex girlfriend almost to death then raped her while she was unconscious, trashed her house and then stole her car. Then he had the nerve to call the hospital and threaten her.” I told him through clenched teeth. “He got off easy.” I said as I climbed on my bike.

“Then he deserved whatever you did.” Bernie said and waved his hand as I pulled out. We had helped Bernie with trouble in his bar more times than he could count and if there was anyone in town who would keep his mouth shut, it would be Bernie, especially since we owned the majority of the bar. Bernie was the original owner but had sold us half when the town almost went belly up before we ran the Vipers and the Cobras out of town. He ran the place but so far having us as part owners was really working for the best in his favor.

I drove back to the hospital and hurried up to the fourth floor. Millie saw me coming and walked up to me. “She’s in surgery. Hopefully they are not going to have to remove her spleen. Dr. Green said he thinks he can seal off the bleeders and drain the built up blood. She should be in there for a while yet. Come on and let me look at your hand.”

“But she’s going to be okay?” I asked nervously.

“Yeah. Dr. Green is good. Kaylee is often his surgical nurse and he thinks of her as his daughter.” Millie said as she worked on my hand. I ended up needing two butterfly stitches from where they had gotten caught on Greg’s teeth and then she wrapped them up in an ace bandage. “Keep this dry for the next couple of days and it should be fine. When was the last time you had a tetanus shot?” Millie asked.

“About 3 or 4 years ago, I think.” I answered.

“You should be good to go, then. Stop worrying, Ben. She’s going to be fine. Why don’t you go get some coffee and come keep me company at the nurse’s station. I’ve got some paperwork to do. Or you can go watch TV if you’d rather. When was the last time you slept?”

“I don’t know. A couple of nights ago? Can I lay down on the couch in Kaylee’s room? I’ll probably hang over the edge but I want to stay with her tonight. Is that okay?” I asked. Suddenly, I was so tired.

“She’s going to be sedated all night and won’t even know you are here. Why don’t you go home and get a shower and some sleep and come back in the morning? You’ll probably feel much better and I’m positive you’ll look a lot better. I hate to tell you this but you’ve got blood all over you and pretty soon it’s going to start smelling.” Millie said.

“Alright, Millie. As soon as she comes out and is back in her room, I’ll go home. But I’m coming back as soon as I get up in the morning so leave a note for the morning shift to not try and stop me. Deal?” I tried to smile at her but I was just too tired. Suddenly the weight of worrying about Kaylee and Greg being on the loose began to hit me and I was exhausted as the adrenaline of beating him to death wore off.

I sat and visited with Millie for about an hour when Dr. Green finally came up and let us know that Kaylee was now in recovery and would be coming upstairs soon. “Turns out she had more than one bleeder but I sealed them all and she should start showing improvement soon. Drained almost a pint of blood out of the cavity below her rib cage. Her ribs are only broken about three fourth of the way through and should heal with no problems, if you can just keep her still. I’m going to talk to HR and make sure she gets put on paid leave for the next two months. She doesn’t need to be lifting anything heavy between now and then.”

Just then the elevator doors opened and an orderly pushing a bed with Kaylee on it came out. I followed them down the hall and as soon as I saw them start to move her I said “I’ll do it.” I carefully picked her up and held her close to me as I lowered her down on the bed, then stepped back so that they could get her under the covers and re-attach the monitors and move the IV pole closer to her bed.

A nurse checked her vitals and then one by one, they all left the room. She had better color now but her lips looked dry. I got a paper towel from the bathroom and wet it and passed it over her lips before bending down to kiss her softly.

“He’s gone, baby. He’ll never hurt you or anyone else again. Your car is home and I’m going to go home and get a shower and some sleep. I wish I could take you with me but I’ll be back in the morning. Goodnight, my love.” I whispered to her. I stood looking down at her for a minute then I turned and left the room.

“I’ll be back in the morning, Millie.” I said, as I passed the nurse’s station.

“Drive safe, Ben. See you tomorrow.” Millie called out.

I drove back to the club house and moaned when I pulled in. The music was pumping and there were men everywhere, some having sex with sweet butts right on the front porch, others watching as if it was live porn or maybe just waiting their turn. I didn’t really care. I just wanted a beer, a shower and then bed, in that order.

I managed to get my beer with no trouble but as soon as I started to go to my room, I saw Rooster’s hand lift up and wave me over.

“You look like death warmed over. How’s Kaylee?” He asked.

“She made it through surgery okay. She had more than one bleeder but they managed to seal them off without having to take out her spleen. Doc said she’d be out for the rest of the night so I came back to get a shower and hopefully some sleep then I’m going back to the hospital in the morning.” I said. “Man, I’m tired.” I moaned as I leaned back in my chair.

“Your brothers scattered him all over the mountains so no one will ever find him, at least not enough of him to ID. Go to bed and get some sleep. There’s nothing much happening here right now so take care of your woman. Should I order her a cut?” Rooster asked.

“I would love to say yes but I need to talk to her first. I don’t know how much she knows about our lifestyle or if she’s even willing to get involved with me, much less the club.” I told him, followed by a big yawn.

“Go to bed, big man. Get some rest.” Rooster urged.

“Night guys.” I told them all as I stood up and climbed the stairs. I was about half way to my room when one of the newer sweet butts saw me and ran over to me. “Hey there Boomer. Want to have some fun?” She asked as she put her hands on my arm.

I shook her off and said “No. I’ve got a woman and I sure as hell don’t want anything to do with a woman who will fuck just anyone.”

“You don’t have to be rude or an asshole. I just asked. All you had to do was say “No thanks.” She said and stomped off. I knew she was right but I was too tired to deal with it tonight. I entered my room, chugged the rest of my beer, dropped the empty bottle in the trash can and then kicked off my boots. I walked into my bathroom and hung my cut on the hook on the back of the door then peeled off my bloody clothes. That’s the great thing about black. It doesn’t show the evidence as well as white or any other color would. I dumped them all in the hamper, thinking I would have to make sure they got washed tomorrow. I wiped down my cut to get any blood off of it or it would end up smelling like a dead animal.

I turned on the water and then grabbed a plastic bag out of the drawer. I always kept some handy for covering my hands when I managed to bust up my knuckles. I pulled it over my fist and used some paper tape to seal it up as best I could then stepped under the water, letting it beat down on my neck and back as it eased the tension out of my muscles. I washed my hair then washed myself off as I thought of Kaylee and how she had looked before I left her.

The swelling on her eyes had already begun to recede but the whites were still red and bloodshot and her pupils were so big from the drugs they were pumping into her that it was hard to tell what color her eyes were.

I turned off the water and dried myself off then brushed my teeth before I stumbled to my bed. I grabbed the remote for the lights and turned them off and was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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