Monster Slayers MC Book 2

Chapter 4-Discovery

Kaylee’s POV

I woke up around 3 am when Millie came in to check on me.

“Hey, you’re awake. How are you feeling?” Millie asked.

“Like someone beat the crap out of me. What time is it?” I asked.

“About 3 am.” Millie replied.

“So did they end up taking my spleen?” I asked.

“Nope. Dr. Green said he found several bleeders but was able to seal them all up. He’s going to see to it that you are put on paid leave for the next two months so that you don’t lose any income but wants you to be on restrictions from lifting anything heavy. He said your ribs were broken about three fourths the way through so you should heal just fine so long as you take it easy.” Millie informed me.

“Where’s Boomer? What happened with Greg?” I asked.

“Boomer was exhausted so I sent him home to get a shower and some sleep. He looked like the walking dead when he came back. You’ll have to ask him about what went down with Greg because I don’t have any details on that other than he said he won’t be hurting anyone else from now on.” Millie said.

“I wonder if he got my car back?” Kaylee said drowsily. “Can I have some water? My mouth feels like it’s coated in glue.”

“Sure.” Millie said as she got me a cup of water. She helped me take a sip and I licked my lips and then took another sip.

“Kaylee, can I ask you something personal?” She asked.

“Sure, Millie. What’s on your mind?” I said.

“How do you feel about Boomer?” She asked.

“I just met him the day before yesterday so I barely know him but from what I’ve learned so far, I like him very much. I can’t really explain what it is I am feeling when I am with him. He makes me feel safe and excited all at the same time. Why?” I said honestly.

“I may be out of line telling you this but I’ve known him for a long time and I think I know him pretty well. It’s clearly written all over his face when he looks at you that he already cares for you and as much as I like you, I really don’t want to see him hurt. He’s already been through enough hard times in his life. If you care at all for him, please let him know. He deserves some happiness in his life and so do you, I think. You two would be perfect together.” Millie said.

“Millie, do you believe in love at first sight?” I asked her.

“Yes. Yes, I do. Boomer’s club brother, Hunter and his wife, Marley are the perfect example of that but I’ll let you find out that story on your own. It’s actually very heartwarming. They took one look at each other and just knew they were meant to be together. They’ve been together for about 4 or 5 years now and have the cutest little boy and are expecting a girl in a few months.” Millie said.

“Well, I don’t know yet how Boomer feels but the night he found me, I felt him touch my shoulder and I knew my rescuer was there and would not only help me but protect me from any more bad stuff. That’s why I asked to speak to him that night. I could barely see him because my eyes were so swollen but the second he stepped into the room, I got this............warm, safe feeling all over my body. When he puts his arms around me, I feel like there is nothing in the world that can hurt me and it’s a place I never want to leave. And when he kisses me, my toes curl and I get........well, never mind but let’s just say I can’t wait to get very, very familiar with him.” I told her with a feeling of heat running up my throat to cover my cheeks.

“Hahaha! I understand, hon. I may be older than you but I’m not too old to still get those feelings for a man too. I miss my Harvey so much, especially at night!” Millie said, getting slightly pink in the cheeks herself.

“How long has he been gone?” I asked. Millie and I had spent a lot of time having lunch and stuff here at the hospital but we had never really discussed our personal lives together much. I knew she had seen the bruises Greg had given me and I had confided in her a little bit but she had never really pushed her way into my personal business.

“It’s been over 5 years now. I think the thing I miss the most besides the hugs and kisses is just having someone to talk to about anything and everything under the sun. We used to spend hours just laying and talking, sharing our thoughts and dreams. My kids tried to get me to leave here and move in with them after he died and while I love them and my grandchildren, I just can’t. I have great memories of my life here with him. Why would I run away from that? Besides, I’m not ready to be a full time Granny yet and refuse to be a built-in free babysitter for them.” Millie said.

“I can understand that. I can’t see you with nothing to do but watch kids. You’ve got far too much energy for that, not to mention you are a great nurse and it would be a real loss for the hospital to lose you.” I told her.

“Thanks. Well, do you need anything before I go check on my other patients?” Millie asked.

“Can you help me to the bathroom, please?” I asked.

“Sure.” Millie said as she helped me get out of bed and to the bathroom.

Since no one else was in the room, we could leave the door open while I took care of business. “Did Doc say how long it would be before I could get a shower? The last time I bathed was the morning before I went to work and that was 2 days ago. I’m feeling really gross right now.”

“Let me go let Sylvia know where I’ll be and to check on my last patient then I’ll bring a shower chair and we’ll take care of it now if you feel up to it. Thankfully, it’s a slow night and I only have you and two other patients to take care of so now would actually be a good time to do it.” Millie said.

“Great. Better bring me some tampons and some of those disposable underwear too cause I just started my period. Great! Just what I needed.” I said with disgust.

“Okay. Well, it’s better to have it now while you are laid up and won’t have to move around much.” Millie said. “Are you going to be okay sitting there while I go get supplies?”

“Yeah, so long as I don’t stand up, I’m fine.” I told her.

“Be right back. Don’t move.” Millie said then hurried out of the room. Within 5 minutes, she was back with some tampons, disposable underwear, a couple of clean gowns, some towels, soap, shampoo and conditioner in a little carry all basket.

“Here we go. Let me get the water set and then we’ll get you inside. Sylvia is going to bring a shower chair in a minute.” Millie told me as she reached in and turned on the water. By the time it was ready for me, Sylvia came in with the shower chair and they helped me get undressed and inside the shower. Millie offered to help me with my hair but I told her I thought I could manage so she handed me the hand held shower head then left me to it.

I washed my body and then started on washing my hair but I soon found out that the simple chore I had always taken for granted being able to do, was a lot more taxing than I realized it was going to be. By the time I got to the point that I needed to rinse conditioner out of my hair, I was incredibly dizzy and I had to call for help. “Millie! Millie! I need help, please.” I yelled as loudly as I could as I leaned against the wall of the shower and held on to the bar on the wall.

“Oh goodness. Are you okay?” Millie came running in, followed closely by Sylvia.

“No. This was a lot more taxing than I thought it was going to be and I feel so weak right now. I can’t get all of the conditioner out of my hair. I’ve finished bathing except for that.” I weakly told her.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got you.” Millie said and she took the hand held unit and finished rinsing my hair then turned off the water and helped me to dry off. “Sylvia, go get us a wheelchair please.”

“Be right back.” Sylvia said and quickly left the room. She was back by the time Millie had helped me dry off then get the disposable underwear and the clean gown on. Millie had my hair wrapped in a towel and said she would help me comb it out once I was back in bed.

Together they helped me get in the wheelchair and then back into bed. I sure wished Boomer were here to lift me again. It felt so nice having his huge, strong arms lift me up and hold me close. As soon as I was tucked in all safe and sound again, nice and clean with fresh clean sheets on the bed, Millie helped me comb out my hair and it gave us a chance to talk again.

“How did Boomer get involved with the MC?” I ask.

“Well, he, the President of the club, Rooster, their VP, Hunter and the late Sergeant of Arms, Ox all grew up together. In fact, Boomer grew up in the house across from you, where the Johnson’s now live. Rooster’s dad was the president of the old club and they were into a lot of illegal stuff but they also helped rescue abused children.

Right after he graduated high school,Rooster took over and has really turned that club around with his friends’ help. Those boys have been best friends for their whole lives and are closer than blood brothers. Ox was killed a few years ago. Him and his wife, Tango, were riding home from a date in town when a rival gang shot them in cold blood. Over 1000 bikers showed up for the funeral along with just about everybody in town.

Rooster has them 100% legal now and they currently own over half the land the town sits on. They make big contributions to this hospital and have yearly runs for several different charities. They are all a good bunch of guys, Boomer being one of the best of the lot, at least in my opinion.

They have a doctor on staff that I don’t mind telling you, I would like to get to know a whole lot better on a personal level if you get my drift. He used to work here at the hospital but when his wife was killed in a car accident, he started drinking heavily and they kicked him to the curb. I thought he had left town after that but I’ve heard he’s dried out and working at the MSMC full time. I haven’t seen him in years but he used to be one fine looking man!” Millie admitted.

“So why don’t you call him up and ask him out to dinner or something?” I ask, with a grin.

“Not my style. If he’s interested, he knows how to contact me.” Millie said with a sigh. “Well, I’d better get busy. People are going to be waking up soon and several of them are going home today so I’ve got things to do before they do and I’m due to go off duty soon. You rest. Boomer said he’d be back first thing this morning.”

“Okay and thanks, Millie. I feel so much better and I’m sure I smell better now.” I smiled at her. I am wide awake now so I picked up the TV remote and did some channel surfing. I finally find an old musical playing and decide to watch it for a while. I love old movies but it isn’t long before my mind wanders and I think about Boomer.

I try to be logical and think with my head and maybe it’s just my hormones because it’s that time of the month but everything within me is telling me to not only just give in but to let Boomer know how I’m feeling.

I am 26 years old and have had a total of two serious relationships. One to a cheater and one to an abuser and I knew both of them for a long time before we began to “get serious”, well at least I knew them longer than I’ve known Boomer. But then I never had the same feelings about either of them that I have for Boomer already. That thought surprised me. What am I feeling for him? Attraction? Most definitely! Lust? Without a doubt! Love? Is that what this is?

I thought I had loved Neil but I never felt like this towards him. Neil Harper had been my boyfriend in Chicago for over a year. He had asked me to marry him, I had the ring on my finger and everything. He had been my first real long term relationship and I really thought he loved me. But look what happened there. I come home from work to find him in the sack with another woman! He was one of the big reasons I left Chicago, that and the fact that life in a big city hospital was burning me out. I should have been devastated but I wasn’t. It was more that my pride was wounded, not my heart.

I met Greg after I’d been here for almost 6 months. 4 months later, he moved in. 4 months after he moved in, he lost his job and started to drink. A couple of months after that, he began hitting me. Three days ago, he tried to kill me and almost succeeded.

But Boomer rescued me. He’s kind and gentle and oh so handsome. His arms are so big and strong but his lips are so gentle and soft and sweet and I can’t help but wonder what he looked like under that beard and his cut and those low rider jeans that make me think of getting very physical with him. Lord, I’m horny! Damn hormones.

I finally doze off around 5 am and dream of Boomer, holding me, kissing me and making me feel oh so good! I was very disappointed when around 6:30 the breakfast cart stopped outside my door and a bright, overly cheerful young woman came in saying “Good morning! Are you hungry?”

“I could definitely eat. Please tell me you’ve got coffee on that tray?” I ask her.

“Yep! Along with some scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and orange juice. Would you prefer strawberry or grape jelly?” She asked.

“Strawberry please. Also some sugar and cream for my coffee?” I ask.

“Coming right up!” She said and was only gone for a minute then came back with the requested condiments. “I’ll be back in about half an hour to pick up the empty tray. Enjoy!”

I had not really had much to eat in the past couple of days and even though hospital food leaves a lot to be desired, I ate everything on my plate but they must think I’m a child because I was still hungry. I even would have accepted another cup of that awful coffee but I didn’t want to put anyone out to go and get it for me. Thankfully there was a peppermint on the tray and I popped it in my mouth since I couldn’t get up on my own to go brush my teeth and I don’t want Boomer to smell my morning breakfast breath when he gets here.

Just after the breakfast girl shows up to collect the empty tray, she leaves my room and I see her look down the hall and then I hear her softly whistle and say softly. “Damn that’s one fine looking man!”

I have a smile on my face when suddenly Boomer walks in carrying 2 Starbucks bags.

“Good morning!” I say with a big smile.

“Good morning! I take it you’ve eaten already?” He says, hooking his thumb over his shoulder.

“If you can call that food! And I would kill for a decent cup of coffee!” I tell him with a big grin which is quickly returned.

“I think I’ve got you covered.” He says and leans over to give me a kiss. I wish I had the guts to grab the front of his cut and pull him down for a firmer kiss but my head kind of goes all fuzzy when he kisses me.

“Now, it’s a good morning.” I say when he pulls aways with a big smile on his face.

“How did you sleep?” he asks as he pulls out two cups of coffee and sets one in front of me.

“Good, considering I was doped up for most of it. How did you know what kind of coffee I like?” I ask, surprised that he had chosen right.

“When I told them “Kaylee” the girl knew what you like so I told her to give it to me in a large cup. She also told me you like strawberry bear claws so I got you one of those too. You and I seem to have a lot in common since I love them too.” He told me.

“Thank you. Breakfast wasn’t too bad but they never do give you enough to eat. Just enough to keep you from starving until they feed you more “healthy food”. UGH!” I smiled at him.

“I hear that. Thank God for Dixie and my club brothers every time I’ve had to be in here. They brought me food so I didn’t have to eat that junk. Did they let you get any sleep last night?” He asks.

“Yeah but I woke up around 3 am and Millie helped me get a shower. I never realized how taxing such a mundane chore like that can be. I nearly passed out trying to get the conditioner out of my hair.” I admit and saw a look of concern come over his face. I quickly ask “How about you? How did you sleep?”

“Good. I dreamt about you all night long.” Boomer admitted with a blush and a shy grin.

“I dreamt about you too. Tell me what it’s like being part of a bikers club. Millie told me about you guys helping rescue abused children but that can’t pay very much if at all. How do you guys make money to support yourselves?” I ask.

“Well, we own half the land the town sits on so we collect rents on that plus we own several businesses in town. The diner, the tattoo shop, an auto garage where we specialize in bikes, a construction company, the pool hall, the barber shop, a beauty salon, and two clothing stores, one for men and one for women, just to name a few.” He said.

“Where do you work?” I ask. I didn’t want to sound like a money hungry woman but I was determined to make sure I didn’t repeat my mistakes and end up with another Greg because this time my heart was getting!

“Well, I’m on the senior staff of the MC so I automatically get paid just for being the Sergeant of Arms. I train our prospects but I also work construction sometimes and help out at the diner where I’m the primary owner.” He tells me.

Just then Dr. Green came into my room with a hearty “Good morning! How’s my favorite nurse this morning?” He said and then realized that Boomer was also here “OH Good morning, Boomer. What are you doing here so early?”

“I just came to see the prettiest girl in town, Doc.” Boomer said with a big smile on his face and I could feel the heat rushing up my neck again. He just has a way about him that makes me feel like a young school girl again.

“Well, can’t argue with that. And how are you feeling this morning, Kaylee? I heard you had a fright this morning in the shower.” Dr. Green asks.

“Yeah. I felt fine until I was trying to rinse the conditioner out of my hair and then I suddenly felt very tired and weak. Thankfully I was sitting down on a shower chair or I would have passed out.” I admitted.

“Well, I think that was from all the blood loss. I’m going to order blood for you with an infusion of iron. Do you get enough leafy greens in your regular diet?” he asks.

“Probably not as much as I should. I practically live off the cafeteria food downstairs and their salads leave a lot to be desired.” I told him.

“I know and I’ve been at war with the hospital board to do something about it for a long time but since none of them eat there they don’t pay attention to what’s being served and it’s the same thing day after day and a lot of it is fried food.” Dr. Green said.

“I know what you mean and there’s not always enough time to go anywhere for lunch. Heck, half the time I end up skipping lunch all together when we are full up or have a heavy surgery schedule. But I will say that what they serve in the cafeteria is better than what they serve to patients here. It’s really lousy.” I told him.

“Well, I need to check you out and then get a move on. I’ve got a full schedule in my office soon. Thankfully we don’t have many surgeries scheduled right now. Oh by the way, I talked to the head of HR and he’s going to give you two full months of paid leave so you can rest and recover properly.” Dr. Green said.

“Thanks! How long do you think I’ll be in here, doc?” I ask.

“When you can walk all the way down the hall and back without assistance or showing any sign of dizziness and don’t feel exhausted by it afterwards. It doesn’t seem like you are having issues holding down food but I’m still going to stick to my earlier prediction of a week or more.” He replied.

“I’m fine so long as I’m sitting still but I have to admit, standing up makes me dizzy and weak really fast.” I told him.

“Well, you did lose quite a bit of blood so I’m not surprised. I pumped out about a full pint in the cavity below where your ribs are cracked and the injury to your ribs is going to drain your energy too. Bone injuries are nothing to play around with, especially rib injuries.” Dr. Green said.

After he left, Boomer looked at me with a strange look on his face and I asked “A penny for your thoughts?”

“Thinking of losing you before I even get to really know you is messing with my head. Have you ever been in love, Kaylee?” He asks and I’m kind of taken by surprise.

“Before now? I thought I was once but no, I can’t say it was real love. Not the I’d take a bullet or kill for you kind of love. My parents had that kind of love and I’m hoping to find it one day.” I say.

“Greg?” He asks and I shake my head.

“No. His name was Neil Harper. He said he loved me, even asked me to marry him and gave me a ring. I spent months planning the wedding, bought my dress, reserved the venue, ordered the food for the reception, and the invitations were ready to go out. I’d even reserved rooms for our honeymoon in Jamaica. I came home a bit early from work one day, planning on making him a romantic dinner that night and found him in the sack with another woman.”

“Ouch! That must have hurt like hell.” Boomer said.

“You know what? It didn’t really. I mean, I was mad as hell at first and my pride was wounded and I felt betrayed but I got over it quickly. It’s kind of hard to explain but now I count myself lucky that I found out before we were married, not afterwards that I didn’t really love him at all. I think I was in love with the idea of the whole white picket fence, a husband who said he loved me, wanted to have kids with me, etc. but after spending hours sitting in one place watching the sun go down, the moon rise and the sun come up again, I realized that it was my pride that was hurt, not my heart. Does that make sense?” I ask, hoping he understands what I’m trying to say.

“Yeah, it does. It’s easy to “fall in love” with the idea of being in love but harder to find it for real but when you find it, you’ve got to recognize it, grab hold and hang on for all your worth but it’s got to be a mutual thing. Otherwise it’s an obsession and that’s not healthy.” Boomer says.

“Have you ever been in love?” I ask, not sure I want to hear of his lost loves.

“No, not until now.” Boomer says and I just look at him, praying he means what I think he means but not going to read into it. I waited for him to say something more and he started to but just then Millie came in.

“I had a feeling you were going to be here, Boomer. I just came to see how Kaylee’s doing before I head home. I’m usually gone by now but the girl who was supposed to come in at 6 am called in sick so I’ve had to work over but I’m getting off and going home now to a nice long soak in a hot tub. My feet are killing me and I plan on sleeping until my next shift which begins at 7 pm tonight. Anything I can get you before I go?” Millie said, checking my machines before she leaves. “Didn’t that girl bring your blood? Dr. Green ordered a pint of blood for you. I’ll check on it before I go.”

Just then another nurse came in carrying the bag of blood and another bag of IV solution. “Ah, here it is. Ok, well, I’m going then. I’ll see you again this evening. Keep an eye on her, Boomer. I’ll be back.” Millie winked at him and smiled then left the room.

I watched the nurse eye fucking Boomer more than paying attention to what she was doing and when she made the IV site pinch me, I squealed “Hey! If you would keep your eyes on what you are doing instead of eyeing my man, you might not lose any of your hair. Do I need to do this myself?” I snapped at her. “Give me that!” I jerked it out of her hand and took care of my own IV and because it was now not seated properly, I had to stop the drip and pull the IV out. “Tell Dr. Green to come here please.” I told her as she stood there with her mouth hanging open. “NOW!” I yelled and she turned and hurried out of the room while I silently fumed and fussed over the IV machine.

A minute later, Dr. Green and Millie came back into the room. “What’s going on? Why are you yelling and that nurse running down the hall like her butt was on fire?” Millie asked.

“I do not want that nurse in here again for any reason! She moved my IV placement trying to hook up my new bags because she was eye fucking Boomer instead of paying attention to what she was doing. It wasn’t seated properly and I had to remove it myself and now it needs to be redone. I’d like a port put in please.” I said, trying hard to hold in my anger and not snap at them.

“Don’t worry. She’s not going to be here much longer. We’ve had too many complaints against her. How she ever passed nursing school is beyond me and how she managed to get a job as one is a total mystery. Jeanne will be here soon. She’s good but she’s only here for a short shift. But for now, I’ll change your IV before I go home.” Millie said. She is head nurse for this floor and one of the top nurses in the hospital so if she said that incompetent nurse was going to be fired, then you knew it was going to happen.

“Sorry for yelling, Doc, but she just pissed me off. I’ve never seen someone be so unprofessional before.” I told Dr. Green who had a smile on his face that he just couldn’t hide.

“That’s because you are always a professional when you are working, my dear. No apologies needed.” Dr. Green said. He winked at Boomer and then left. Millie quickly changed out my IV location, putting in a port instead which was much more comfortable for me and then she left too.

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