Monster Slayers MC Book 2

Chapter 2-Securing Kaylee’s house

The next morning, I’m up earlier than usual and with major morning wood after the very erotic dreams I’d had of Kaylee minus the bruises. I was tempted to go see if there was a sweet butt in the house or to call one of the many I had slept with over the years to come over but just the thought of any of them made me lose my hard on. I thought last night that that was part of the reason I had been feeling restless.

I haven’t been with a woman for almost a year but just the thought of sleeping with a woman who had slept with almost everyone of my club brothers just disgusted me. I am envious of what Rooster and Hunter have. I want a woman who was mine and mine alone too.

It was hard for me to watch them together with their wives, especially now that they were starting their families. Watching Marley with little Simon was heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time. Many of the brothers would tease me when I would hold the tiny baby in my huge arms. He would almost disappear entirely because he had been so small and my arms were so big.

Now that he was a toddler, I was his favorite climbing toy and I loved laying on the living room floor and having him climb all over me. Hunter and Marley have a video of me and Simon, of him riding me like a pony as I crawled around their living room, him hanging on to my t-shirt and kicking his little legs, trying to get me to go faster.

I climbed into the shower and got ready for the day. I took extra care to trim my beard and seriously considered shaving it off but since I had spent most of this summer with it on, I knew it would make my tan look funny if the whole lower part of my face was white while above it was tanned so I just neatly trimmed it down so that it was more like a heavy 5 o’clock shadow and shaped my mustache so that my lips were clear for kissing.

I gave myself a good looking over once I was dressed in well fitting black jeans, a snug black muscle t-shirt and my cut. I pulled on my black combat boots and even wiped them down so that they didn’t look so dirty. Satisfied that I looked as presentable as possible, I left my room.

In addition to seeing Kaylee today, I was anxious to get to the hardware store to pick up new door knobs and deadbolts for Kaylee’s house. I talked to Circuit, our tech guy, about a security system for her house and he gave me recommendations of what to get and he said that they would have it at the local hardware store. He told me “When you have it, call me and I’ll come install it for her.”

Going downstairs, I find two of the prospects are up and waiting for me. Since Dixie is now so heavy in her pregnancy she doesn’t cook breakfast for us anymore, at Roosters insistence, so we are on our own to either cook for ourselves or eat cereal.

“Let’s go to town and get some breakfast at the diner and then we’ll hit the hardware store. Bring a truck so we can carry supplies.” I tell them. One of the prospects heads towards one of our trucks while the other mounts his bike and they follow me to the diner, which I own.

We get a table and order breakfast. It comes out pretty fast and we eat and talk about what will need to be done at the house. “I want it cleaned from top to bottom but stay out of her personal stuff. No peeking in her panty drawers! Put clean sheets on her bed and make sure her kitchen and bathroom shine!”

We paid for our meals, even though we didn’t have to, each of us left generous tips for the waitress and headed to the hardware store. Mr. Ferguson, the store owner, saw us coming and greeted us as we walked in. “Boomer! How good to see you! What can I get for you today?”

Mr. Ferguson had been running this store since I was a kid. He had known my parents and always greeted me warmly when I came in for anything.

“I need new door locks, including dead bolts, this security system and some cleaning supplies. Do you sell pots and pans?” I told him, handing him the printout Circuit had given me with the security system he recommended I get for Kaylee’s house.

“Yes, we do. I actually have a very nice set on sale right now. Are you setting up a new house or helping someone again?” Mr. Ferguson asked.

“Helping a girl whose boyfriend beat the crap out of her, landing her in the hospital, and trashed her place last night.” I told him.

“Oh, my goodness. That is just so wrong in so many different ways. Well, come with me and you pick out what you want and I’ll give you the club price.” Mr. Ferguson said and led me back to where he had door locks displayed. He always gave the MC a major discount on purchases made when we were helping out someone in need.

I picked up two door locking systems that would not require a key but had the option, in case the power goes out. We also picked up the security system that Circuit recommended. I texted him to let him know that I had it and would be at her house in an hour and sent him the address. He texted me back that he would see us there.

The prospects gathered the cleaning supplies they would need and I picked up the new pots and pans. We all headed towards the check out registers and Mr. Ferguson took over and rang it all up, giving us a 50% discount on everything. I pulled out my club credit card and paid for it, thanked Mr. Ferguson and we headed over to the house. The prospects got to work cleaning while I started with the back door. She only had a standard door knob on there but I installed a deadbolt as well by drilling the extra hole in the door.

Some of her furniture was broken but I decided to wait until she was out of the hospital to replace it. It would give me a good excuse to see her and maybe take her shopping for new stuff.

Circuit arrived and as he got to work, I told him, “I’m going to take off to the hospital and see how she’s doing. I’ll be back probably right after lunch. Don’t leave the house open if you leave. If that asshole shows up here, text me but don’t let him in the house and keep him here.” I told them all.

“Aye, aye, boss.” The prospects replied as I left.

I jumped on my bike and headed for the flower shop. I got a really nice bouquet of flowers in a pretty keepsake bowl but when I asked her to wrap it with cellophane so that it wouldn’t blow away on my bike, she suggested I do something that she could box with a vase, since Kaylee was in the hospital.

“I can put it together so that all you have to do is fill the vase about halfway with water, lift the whole bunch out at once, remove the rubber band and put it in the vase. How does that sound?” The lady told me and I agreed. The hospital was about 5 miles from the store and any premade arrangement would never make it with the wind it was going to experience on my bike.

The lady created a really nice bouquet of good smelling lilies, some red roses and some pink and purple flowers that I can’t remember the names of but really made it look complete. While I waited, I felt silly as hell when I saw a large stuffed panda bear with big brown eyes on a shelf near the window and added him to my purchase. The lady just smiled at me but rang it up with the comment “She’s one lucky little lady.”

She boxed the flowers and I carried them out to my bike. I tied everything down with some bungee cords and headed for the hospital. I knew I would never live it down if any of the brothers saw the Panda strapped to the back of my bike but I didn’t really care. It was to keep Kaylee company while she was laid up.

I had to stop at the nurses station on the fourth floor to ask what room Kaylee was in and all of the ladies behind the counter either giggled or sighed as I carried the box of flowers and big panda bear down the hall. Heck the bear was bigger than Simon and I had to carry him like I was carrying a kid on my hip.

When I got to Kaylee’s room, her door was open and there was another nurse in there checking her vitals. I cleared my throat and they both looked in my direction. The nurse’s eyes got really big but when I looked at Kaylee, she had a big smile on her face and I couldn’t help but return it.

My heart was racing about a hundred miles an hour but I stepped inside and asked “Good morning! How are you feeling today? You look much better.” The swelling around her eyes wasn’t as bad this morning and I was pretty sure she could see me now.

“I’m sure I look like something a dog has been using as a chew toy but right this minute, I’m feeling pretty good. Is he for me?” Kaylee asked shyly.

“Yes, he is. I wanted you to have someone to keep you company while you’re convalescing.” I said as I handed her the big panda teddy bear. I couldn’t help but feel slightly jealous of the bear as she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight.

“Thank you! He’s so soft and cuddly.” She said and buried her face in his fur.

“I brought you something pretty to look at too.” I said sitting the box down on the end of the bed and lifting the lid off for her. “Where can I get some water?” I asked the nurse who was watching us as she pretended to fuss with the machine Kaylee was hooked up to.

“Here, let me have that. I’ll put some water in it and be right back.” She smiled at me, took the vase and left the room.

Kaylee could see some of the flowers and said “Oh my, they are beautiful. You didn’t have to do this but I’m so happy that you did.” She held her hand out to me and when I took her hand, she pulled on it and said “Bend over here, big guy.”

I bent over and was rather surprised when instead of just kissing my cheek, she put her hands on both sides of my face and kissed me on my lips. Just a brief,oh so soft kiss but it took everything in me not to wrap my arms around her, pull her close and deepen that kiss. “Thank you, Boomer.”

I let my forehead rest on hers and whispered “You are more than welcome. I hope I have the chance to do that and so much more for you, Kaylee.”

“Uh-hum.” Came from the doorway. It was the nurse returning with the vase of water. “Sorry to interrupt but I’ve got other patients I need to take care of. Here’s your vase.”

“Thanks.” I told her before she hurried out of the room. “Did I say or do something to upset her?” I asked Kaylee.

“No, not you. Her louse of a boyfriend cheated on her and then dumped her. She’s still kind of emotional about it all. It doesn’t take much to have her in tears. She thought he was the one.” Kaylee said.

“Sounds like you didn’t care much for her boyfriend.” I said, not really asking a question.

“He’s a good friend of Greg’s. Tell you much? Peas of the same pod in my book.” Kaylee said.

“He’s been hitting her?” I asked in slight shock.

“She won’t admit it but I’ve seen bruises on her arms and once around her neck. Glad she’s finally away from him.” Kaylee said. “Did you find out anything about my car?”

“No, not yet. I drove by Bernie’s and the pool hall but your car wasn’t there. Any idea of where else he might go? He’s going to have to crash somewhere.” I asked.

“He’s got an uncle that has a small farm a couple of miles outside of town. But he kicked him out about a year ago. That’s how he ended up living with me. I hadn’t really wanted a live-in boyfriend but since he had been working at the time and was contributing to the bills, it started out working out okay. Then a few months into it, he lost his job and started drinking a lot. He stopped contributing but had no problem running up my bills. He would lay around the house all day, playing video games, eating my groceries, making a mess and he burned through 3 sets of expensive pots and pans!

He’d get really mad if I complained about it and would slap me around but last night, I came home after working for 14 hours on my feet. I was tired, hungry and cranky. I walked in to find my house looked like a tornado had gone through it and the pots and pans I had just bought like two weeks ago had burned food in them again! He was asleep on the sofa and my flat screen TV was cracked from where he had thrown the game controller at it.

I went off and we started out with a yelling match but when I told him to pack his shit and get out, he went ballistic and that’s when he did this to me. The next thing I remember was when I woke up, barely able to see and in so much pain. I couldn’t even stand up so I crawled out my open front door and across the yard till I got to the sidewalk. I could barely breathe and I guess I passed out again.” Kaylee related.

“And that’s where I found you. I grew up in the house across the street and was just driving through my old neighborhood, taking a trip down memory lane when I spotted you laying on the sidewalk. I called for an ambulance and then my prez. The police showed up but those two cops are worthless.” I told her.

“I went this morning, got your new locks and a security system which is being installed right now and a couple of our prospects are there now cleaning up the mess. A lot of your furniture is broken and beyond repair but once you are healed up and ready to go, I’ll take you to go replace it.”

“A lot of that stuff belonged to my folks and I’ve been wanting to do some remodeling but just kept putting it off. Thank you for taking care of all of that. You really didn’t have to.” Kaylee said, smiling at me as much as her sore mouth would allow. She was going to look like a raccoon for a couple of weeks and I decided that it looked cute on her but I couldn’t wait until it was gone to see the natural shape and color of her eyes.

“I wanted to.” I told her simply and I had a feeling she was going to ask me why but just then Dr. Green came in followed closely by another nurse.

“Kaylee! My goodness girl, what happened to you?” Dr. Green asked as he stepped up to her bedside, then glanced over at me. “Hey, Boomer. Please tell me you didn’t have to rescue her?”

“Hi Doc! Unfortunately, I did.” I told Dr. Green. I had known Dr. Green since I was a kid. During high school he had set my broken arm when I got hurt playing football and many other injuries growing up.

“Who did this to you, Kaylee?” Dr. Green asked.

“Greg. I tried to kick him out last night when I got home to find he had trashed my house again.” Kaylee said in embarrassment. She had never told anyone but Millie about how Greg had slapped her around in the past and now she was quite embarrassed about the whole situation.

“Well, if anybody can help you get that man out of your hair, it’s Boomer and the men at the MSMC. They are all good guys!” Dr. Green said confidentially.

“Thanks, Doc. It’s nice to know that some people appreciate us.” I told him.

“Oh, I think just about everybody in this town realizes the good you guys do for this town now. Some people just don’t know how to express it.” Dr. Green said.

“Doc, how long am I going to be held captive in here?” Kaylee asked.

“Well, only until we are sure you are no longer bleeding inside. Have you been feeling nauseous this morning? Any pain?” He asked as he gently pushed her back against the pillow and gently touched her side.

“Not really nauseous. Just a bit queasy but I have no appetite at all. Just a headache and slightly dizzy when I woke up and needed to use the bathroom. The pain in my ribs is not too bad so long as I don’t move too fast or bend to my left.” Kaylee said.

“Well, I’m fairly sure you’re not hurting much because of the level of pain meds we have going in your IV but not having an appetite is of some concern. You know as a nurse that we won’t release you until you eat a full meal and keep it down but won’t force you to eat anything solid until you feel like it because throwing up is going to affect your ribs. Thankfully they are badly cracked but didn’t break all the way through but it wouldn’t take much to finish the job so I don’t want you moving around anymore than absolutely necessary.

In answer to your question, I think it will be at least a week, maybe two, depending on how fast you heal. We’ve also got you on antibiotics to prevent any pneumonia or infection.” Dr. Green told her.

“Oh well, I was hoping you were going to say a couple of days at the most.” Kaylee said sadly with a glance at me. I was disappointed too but wanted her to be safe and to get well. Here she would be looked after by people who know her and care about her. I could still come and visit while she was here.

“Doc, why are my hips and groin so sore?” Kaylee asked.

“Umm.” Doc hummed and then glanced over at me and then turned back to Kaylee and took her hand before he answered her. “I thought you knew but apparently he did it while you were unconscious but it appears that he raped you, Kaylee. You are bruised like he must have kicked you repeatedly too.” He said quietly.

“What?” Kaylee asked in disbelief. “I know he was throwing me around like a rag doll some and I banged into some furniture or the walls but I have no memory of him............. Oh my God!” Kaylee said and then she began to cry burying her face in her hands.

I stood up and crossed to her side and gently wrapped my arms around her and just held her while she cried. Dr. Green said “I’ll be back in a bit. Take care of her, Boomer. She’s a special person and really didn’t deserve this.” He and the nurse left and closed the door behind them, leaving us alone. I held her until her sobs turned to sniffles and then handed her some tissues so that she could wipe her face.

“My God. I knew he had changed and not in a good way but he’s never forced himself on me before and to have done it while I was unconscious is just monstrous.” Kaylee whispered.

“I know, baby and I don’t want you to worry but I do have to ask a hard question. Are you on birth control?” I asked before I let her go.

“Yes. I have been for a long time.” She said with a nod of her head. “I want children someday but I want to find the right man first. I want someone who really loves me and won’t run or turn on me when things get rough. I want the kind of love my parents had. Is that too much to ask?”

“No. No, it’s not.” I told her as I slowly pulled back to look down at her. I wanted so badly to tell her that I wanted to be that man to her but as soon as I thought about it, it not only surprised me but I knew it was too soon to tell her something like that.

“I don’t want you to worry about him anymore. I will take care of him and make sure he never comes near you again. Do you happen to know his uncle’s name? I want to find where he is and make sure the cops arrest him.” I told her but silently added “after I kick his sorry ass”.

“No, he just kept calling him his uncle but never a name. When I get out of here, I want to cook you dinner one night, Boomer, to say thank you.” Kaylee said, looking down at her hands.

“I’d like that but I’m hoping you will let me take you out too. I like you, Kaylee, very much and would like to see you away from here, if that’s alright?” I smiled at her as she lifted her head.

“I like you too and that’s more than just alright. It’s fantastic and I’d like that very, very much.” Kaylee returned my smile as much as her sore mouth would let her.

Just then a voice came over the loudspeakers announcing the end of visiting hour for now and telling the next visiting hours times.

“Oh well, it looks like I have to go but I’ll be back later. Okay?” I said as I stepped closer to the bed, hoping for another hug and maybe even a kiss? She immediately held her arms out to me and I went to her willingly. I carefully wrapped my arms around her and hugged her gently.

“I can’t wait until you don’t have to be so careful with my ribs but thank you for being so gentle. You are a very special man, Boomer.” She said as she pulled back, slid her hands to either side of my face and softly kissed me. We both had to be careful of her mouth but the kiss was firmer and lasted longer this time and I was in heaven.

“Me too, baby girl. I’ll be back later. You get some rest. Is there anything you want me to bring for you?” I asked as I straightened up.

“Can you see if you can find my cell phone? And maybe bring my purse? You can put it in a plastic bag so you don’t have to be seen carrying a lady’s handbag.” She grinned at me.

“Sure. Anything else?” I asked, grinning back at her.

“No. Just hurry back. I’m really enjoying getting to know you.” She said.

“Me too, baby girl. I can’t believe that you’ve been here for 2 years now and we’ve never run into each other before. I’ll be back at 4. You get some rest and I’ll be back.” I told her and gave her one more kiss on her forehead and then left the room. I felt like I was floating down the hall as I walked to the elevators.

I drove back to her house and found Circuit sitting on the front porch smoking a cigarette and scrolling through his tablet. “Wow, dude. I didn’t expect you to be gone this long!” He complained.

“When you find your woman, you won’t want to leave her either, believe me.” I muttered as I sat down next to him. He had his tablet out and was checking all of the cameras he had installed around the house. “How have things been around here?” I asked.

“Just been working on getting this stuff installed. I finished the locks for you on the front door but I haven’t set the code yet. Here’s the keys. I did set her security code for her birthday, which is right around the corner by the way, on September 8th and she was born in 1996 so the code is 9896.” Circuit said. “What kind of car did you say she drives?”

“It’s a new dark blue Toyota Rav 4. Why?” I asked.

“Man, that dude has some balls then. Looks like he drove by here today. I had set up the front camera first and then moved on to the back. Looks like he drove by not long after you left earlier and then again, just a little while ago.” Circuit said.

“Can you set this system to alert me if the camera’s catch anything or the alarm system goes off?” I asked.

“Yeah. That’s the beauty of this system is that you can monitor your house with your cell phone when you are not home.” Circuit said as he added my phone number to hers. “I found her cell phone on the floor in the kitchen but her screen is cracked. I managed to get her phone number off of it and then I put it in her purse. It’s on the kitchen counter.”

“How are the prospects doing? Almost done?” I asked. There was a pile of broken furniture on the side of the road in front of the house.

“They should be almost done. You’ll have to buy some paint to finish fixing that hole in the wall but they got it patched up pretty good. They said they didn’t want to paint until they find out if she wants the living room to be the same color or not. I take it neither one of them really enjoys painting.” Circuit grinned at me. “How’s she doing? Any word on when she’ll be allowed to come home?”

“She found out that he raped her while she was unconscious. She couldn’t figure out why her hips and groin are so sore. Doc Green said he wants her to stay in the hospital for at least a week, maybe two.” I told him.

“That fucking pig! Wasn’t it bad enough that he beat her unconscious but then to crawl on top of her and rape her while she’s out. That’s truly despicable. How did she ever get mixed up with this psycho?” Circuit asked.

“I don’t know but you know as well as I do that psycho’s don’t show their true colors at first. They wait until you are either hooked or fed up. All I know is he will never hurt her again so long as I’m breathing.” I told him. “Any idea who’s cooking today?” I asked as my stomach began to rumble. “I haven’t eaten since breakfast and I’m hungry.”

“Don’t know. Since Dixie quit cooking, I’ve been sticking to take out. Safer and taste a hell of a lot better. Did you try that shit Boxer tried to make the other night? I took one bite and threw the rest in the trash.” Circuit said in disgust.

Just then the prospects came out of the house. “All done?” I ask them.

“Yeah, everything is clean again and the only thing left to be done is to paint over the hole we patched but the patch needs to dry for 24 hours before you paint it. That lady’s purse is on the counter and it is ringing like crazy. Has been going off and on for almost an hour.” The prospect named Ronnie said.

“Ok, thanks. You guys know who’s cooking tonight?” I asked.

“No but I plan on eating out. I can’t take another one of Boxer’s creations.” Ronnie said with a look of disgust on his face.

I stood up and went into the house. I felt funny about looking into her purse but wanted to see who it was that was trying to call her and I wasn’t surprised to see that it was Greg. He had left at least one voicemail but I don’t know her password so I couldn’t listen to them. Plus I didn’t think it was right for me to invade her privacy like that.

I found her phone charger in the bedroom and stuffed it into her purse and found a plastic bag to carry it all. I looked around the house and while the living room looked rather bare of furniture now, at least it was clean. The boys had done a good job in the kitchen and the bathroom too.

I made sure the back door was locked and all of the windows were secure before I walked back through the house and out the front door. I pulled it closed behind me and asked Circuit, “what do I do to set the alarm?”

“Open the door. See that box on the wall? Push the button that says secure. Then you’ve got 30 seconds to get out and close the door. If there are any other windows or doors in the house open, it will talk to her and tell her which room is not secure. Then she should stop the alarm and go secure those rooms.

When she comes home, the alarm will beep for 30 seconds to give her time to get in and push in the disarm code. She just needs to put in her code on the number pad then press the button that says “Disarm” and the alarm will shut off.

Once she’s in for the night, she should put the alarm on. In fact, unless she’s going in and out of the house repeatedly, she should have it on, it will beep every time the doors or a window is opened and it will alert her where it is.” Circuit explained.

“Good deal. Let’s go eat and then I’m going back to the hospital.” I told them.

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