Monster Slayers MC Book 2

Chapter 14-Finding the Cobra’s safe house

3rd Person POV

Rooster sent Eagle, Hulk and half a dozen of the regular members up a day early to do the reconnaissance. The regular members took vans instead of riding their bikes just to keep from drawing attention to themselves. This also allowed them to carry the bulk of the weapons they wanted to have available for the attack.

Circuit also sent one of his new drones. They had tested it and it was totally silent so it wouldn’t draw attention by making any noise whatsoever. It had a camera that allowed them a 5 mile radius so they wouldn’t have to get really close to be able to see what was going on in the compound. At night they would be able to get almost right up to the windows, mostly on the second floor to see inside.

They set up their tents under the cover of some trees on a property across the road from the turn off where you could enter the compound and then hiked in after sunset the first night.

“Man, she wasn’t kidding when she said it is pitch black out here. The tree cover is so thick you can barely see the moonlight through the treetops.” Hulk said softly.

“That’s why I brought these night vision goggles. We’ll be able to see them but hopefully they won’t see us until it’s too late.” Eagle told him.

All of them were dressed in black riot gear. They had kevlar vests and helmets and clothes like SWAT teams wore. Every man had two pistols and a rifle or shotgun in addition to his personal preferences in knives. They also had wireless communication earphones on and could hear everything each other said.

“Head’s up guys. I just came up on a bear trap. This thing is nasty. It’s set to not only capture but this thing would take your leg off.” A member called “Rocket” said.

“Everybody FREEZE!” Eagle instructed and everyone stopped moving forward. “Rocket, can you set it off without getting hurt and alerting anyone?”

“Yeah, I’m sure I can without getting hurt but I don’t know if it has a way to alert anyone and it’s definitely going to make some noise.” Rocket replied.

“Everyone, head’s up. If this trap sets off an alarm, return to camp EXACTLY the way you came and keep your eyes on the ground for more traps on the return. We don’t want anyone in our party getting hurt. Rocket! Go for it but be careful.” Eagle said.

Everyone heard over their coms a loud snap as Rocket triggered the bear trap and then they all waited for some kind of reaction from the compound. When they didn’t hear anything for a couple of minutes, Eagle instructed everyone to move forward. “Keep your feet low to the ground. Check before you step over logs or anything in your path. Look before you leap guys!”

Everyone was very nervous but they were almost to the compound when suddenly, they heard the sound of motors coming up the road which was less than twenty yards from where Eagle and Hulk were walking. A flash of headlights swept through the trees as Eagle whisper-yelled for everyone to get down and they dropped to lay flat on the ground.

An electronic gate opened to let two bikers in the lead, two vans following the leaders and about half a dozen bikers behind the second van go through. The two leaders pulled up in front of the house and one of them waved the vans to go to the barn, followed by the half dozen bikers behind them.

Eagle and his crew watched as the bikers unloaded over a dozen young women and basically threw them into the barn. The women were crying in fear and screaming out at the mistreatment they were receiving. It took several harsh commands from Eagle and Hulk to keep their men from rushing them now.

“Calm down. Our getting killed is not going to do them any good. We are seriously outnumbered right now.” Eagle said, trying to keep the men under control. Because of his military training, Eagle was in charge when it came to missions like this, if Rooster and or Hunter were not present.

“We need to let Rooster know they have brought in a fresh load of women. Tiana said they usually hold the auctions on the first weekend of the month, right?” Hulk asked.

“Yeah. So unless they are having an extra one or they are going to be bringing in more women, then these women are going to be held and put through hell before we can get them out. Everyone, back to camp. WATCH YOUR STEPS! Mark the trees for safe passage going back.” Eagle instructed everyone.

“Hulk, I’m going to stay here for a while and keep watch on what goes on. Let Rooster know what’s going on and keep your com on in case I need help.” Eagle said as he removed the loop of rope he had coiled around his body and threw one end over a tree branch. He climbed up to a sturdy branch and settled himself down where he could overlook most of the compound.

He took off the pack on his back and brought out the drone that Circuit had given him. He wasn’t as into technology as Circuit but he had to admit that flying one of these things was fun. He sent it out to look in the upper windows of the house while everyone’s attention was on the barn and the new women.

Eagle only saw a few people inside, mostly men but in four of the rooms there were women in them. They were tied to the beds they lay on and looked to be drugged or maybe just asleep but at least he didn’t have to see them being abused. The noises coming from the barn were disturbing enough.

After about 45 minutes of hearing the women screaming and seeing one woman trying to escape only to have a half naked man chase her down, throw her to the ground and rape her, it was all he could take. He felt like such a coward for leaving but getting himself killed wouldn’t help her or anyone else so he lowered himself out of the tree and hurried back to camp the same way he had come.

The rest of the men returned to camp and Hulk immediately got on the phone with Rooster. He related everything they had seen, especially about the women being brought in.

“Tell Eagle to call me when he gets back but I’m going to get on the phone now and find out how many clubs can be ready to roll tomorrow.” Rooster said and then hung up.

All of the MSMC members were very subdued that night and everyone crawled into their bedrolls but only a few of them managed to get much sleep that night.

As soon as Eagle returned to the campsite, Hulk told him that Rooster wanted a report as soon as he got back. Eagle hooked up the drone to his laptop and transmitted the images he had recorded to Circuit’s computer and then called Rooster.

“Prez, it’s Eagle. I just sent the pictures I recorded on the drone. I got fairly good pics of the upstairs layout of the house and from what I could see downstairs, it’s pretty open. There weren’t many men inside but there were at least 4 women upstairs. They were tied to the beds by their hands and they were either asleep or drugged because they weren’t moving but they were breathing. I counted 8 men in the house, they looked like prospects because they were cooking and cleaning.

I also counted 12 doing border control, another 8 around the house and barn and 10 showed up with the women. As soon as the women arrived, they were thrown into the barn and attacked. I saw one try to escape but she was caught and raped right where she landed in the dirt. These guys are sick and need to be put down asap!” Eagle said, getting agitated the more he reported.

Rooster knew that for Eagle to get upset like this, then it was as bad if not worse than what Eagle was saying, especially when Eagle whispered “I’ve never felt like such a coward in my life as I did when I walked away from that.”

“I know, man. Hang on! I’ll get men there tomorrow even if I have to call in the law!” Rooster said, then hung up. He sent out a text to all the men that weren’t with Eagle and Hulk that simply said “Church in 30 minutes. Our brothers are going to need us to roll as soon as possible.”

Rooster then sent out a group text to all of the club presidents that had already agreed to help them and told them that they wanted to meet in Durant by dinner time tomorrow. “Cobra’s have a new bunch of women that they are already torturing. We want to save as many of them as we can before they are sold off or killed. Please confirm that we can count on you to be there. Bring your weapons and any medical help/supplies you may have. They have approximately 20 women so far.”

For the next hour, his phone was dinging with responses that every club he had contacted would be there. Rooster met with everyone in church and told them about what was going on and that they would be leaving at first light in the morning.

“Hunter, Boomer, Cruise and Boxer, you can take your women up to our new place if you want. I would tell you to bring them here but I think they will feel safer if they are up there. There will be 10 of our members and 5 prospects here to guard my place as well as the compound. I want the clubhouse to show activity and to keep movement around my place to a minimum.

As you all know, I have a safe room in my basement just like we have here in case they need it. I just think we need to keep them all together, mostly for their own company and piece of mind. Let them know you will keep in touch as much as possible but not to call unless it’s a real emergency since that could give away our location and our element of surprise.

I’ve let all the clubs that agreed to help us know what is going on and they will meet us in Durant tomorrow by dinner time. From there we will plan our attack. At this point, we’re planning on going in guns blazing. Try to keep a few of them alive for future questioning if possible.” Rooster said, holding up his hand when a mumbling started around the room.

“Don’t worry brothers, they will be dealt with once we have had a chance to find out whether or not we have them all. Eagle says their place is almost as big as ours and at his count of men tonight there were only about 30 men involved. But we have no way of knowing if that is all of them or are there more of them out on the road, kidnapping more young women.

We also don’t know why they are bringing in women now, since tomorrow is the third Saturday of the month, when Tiana said that they only hold the auctions on the first Saturday of the month. They might have changed their schedule since she escaped to throw everyone off or they may have just added to that schedule. We don’t know. They may be gathering them together for a large shipment to somewhere else but I think that is unlikely.

But for now, make love to your women tonight, get them all up to my place early in the morning and be ready to roll by sunrise. We’ll get breakfast on the road.” Rooster said and then dismissed the church.

Since Marley was the only one away from the clubhouse, Hunter went home to tell her what the plan was. They agreed to take their babies and go to the club house tonight so that they wouldn’t have to wake the kids to go so early in the morning. They already had a set up for Simon in their room and a bassinet for baby Faith so it was just a matter of moving clothes for everyone.

Hunter thought to himself, “Good lord, we’re only going to be gone for a couple of days but in order for Marley to have everything she will need for the kids, it’s like moving the whole house.” After a fourth load of diaper bags, and suitcases enough to last his family for a week if necessary, he helped Marley load up the babies. Simon barely even moved when Hunter carried him outside and put him in their new minivan, which was proving to be a good investment for Marley since her old car was hard to get the kids in and out of.

When she had been pregnant with Simon, she’d had a very embarrassing incident happen one day when she couldn’t get out of the car by herself because her stomach had gotten so large and her old car was set too low to the ground that she couldn’t get up by herself. They had gone car shopping the very next day.

After baby Faith was securely fastened into her car seat, Marley got behind the wheel while Hunter made sure the house was locked up tight, then he jumped on his bike and led her out of the drive. Within minutes, they were at the clubhouse and Hunter waved some prospects over to help them unload but only the bags they would need for tonight, since Marley and the kids would be going up to Dixie and Rooster’s place tomorrow.

“Moving in again, Hunter?” One of the prospects joked as Hunter followed him into the house carrying his son over his shoulder.

“Feels like it. Man, all the shit you have to have to take care of such little people is amazing.”

Thankfully their room was right at the top of the stairs and they got the kids right back to bed, thankfully without waking them up.

Hunter stood at the doorway of their walk-in closet and watched Marley kiss her son goodnight and tuck him in, turn on the nightlight for him before turning to find him watching her.

“Like what you see?” Marley grinned up at him as she stepped closer.

“Baby, every time you bend over, I get hard as a rock. It’s been almost a month since you had Faith. Are you still sore?” He felt selfish asking but in case anything happened to him in the next few days, he wanted to be with her before he left.

“We can’t be as rough as we normally can be but I want to be with you Hunter. I love you so much!” Marley said as she wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head on his chest.

Hunter carried her into the shower with him and they took their time bathing, loving and touching each other and as much as Hunter wanted to take her in the shower, he knew they wouldn’t be able to do it more than once tonight so he wanted to do it right. He helped her to dry off then picked her up and carried her to bed. He laid her down and then knelt on the floor, pulling her towards him.

He made love to her first with his mouth and hands and then Marley surprised him when he crawled up over her. She flipped him on his back and returned his love the same way.

“Oh, my God Marley!” Hunter called out as she swallowed every drop of him. As his heart rate continued to slam into his ribcage, Marley climbed up over him and slowly lowered herself down onto his still hard cock. “Don’t give out on me yet, Hunter. Sucking your cock always turns me on so much! You taste so good.”

She had to go slow at first until she got used to him again but it wasn’t long before her hands were on his chest and she was bouncing up and down as Hunter held on to her boobs. He loved to watch and feel them bounce. They were even bigger now since she had the kids than they had been before and he loved it!

When he felt her getting close, he flipped them over and slowed it down a bit. He wanted his time with her to last tonight. He didn’t just want to fuck her, he wanted to show her just how much he loved her.

All the way down the hall, the others were doing the same. Tiana and Boxer had not been intimate yet but knowing that there was a chance that he might not come back tomorrow, Tiana went to their room after he went back into the meeting to finish up. She didn’t have any sexy lingerie to wear for him so she chose just to wrap herself in a towel when she got out of the shower. She had shaved her legs, washed her hair with the sweet strawberry shampoo Marley had given her and coated her skin with lotion so that it would be soft and smooth.

She was just coming out of the bathroom when Boxer came back and he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw her. A big smile crept across his face but he tried not to get his hopes up too high.

Tiana took a step towards him and she said softly, “Please lock the door.”

Boxer felt like all thumbs and nearly tripped over his own feet as he whipped around to shut and lock the door. “Please, please don’t let me be asleep and dreaming right now.” He thought before he slowly turned back around. She was now standing next to the bed looking at him, nervously.

Boxer smiled at her and took his time as he slowly walked towards her. She had filled out some since she had gotten here and her womanly shape was becoming more noticeable and he loved how her hips flared above her nicely shaped legs.

When he finally reached her, he held out his hands as he took one more step closer and she slid her hands up his arms and pulled him closer then let her hands go over his shoulders as one hand went to the back of his neck as she pulled his head down for a kiss, which he was more than happy to comply.

She had become much more confident in her kissing as their tongues battled for dominance and he slid his arms around her tiny little waist.

When they finally came up for air, Boxer told her, “you smell so good and I really need a shower. I’ll try to be quick but don’t move, don’t change a thing. Okay?” He grinned at her.

“Right, I’ll stay right here and wait for you.” Tiana smiled back at him. She began to giggle as he ran for the bathroom, throwing his clothes as he went, nearly tripping when he tried to get out of his boots but they were laced up so he had to stop and untie them to get them off. As soon as he had them off, he resumed his run for the bathroom and within 6 minutes flat, he was walking out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his hips but the instant he saw her his cock sprung up and Tiana began to laugh.

“Honey, it’s not nice to laugh at a man’s hard-on. Kind of gives us a complex.” He tried to say sternly but knew he had nothing to be ashamed of and that he must look funny with the towel sticking straight out in front of him.

“I’m sorry but it just surprised me when it just jumped to attention like that.” Tiana said, fighting the urge to laugh. She had not wanted to embarrass him.

Boxer approached her and said “Now, where were we?” He smiled down at her as he lowered his head and began kissing her again.

“Boxer? Before we go any farther, can I ask you something?” Tiana asked.

“Sure, babe.” Boxer said, kind of distracted as he nuzzled her neck, loving the smell of her.

“What is your real name?” Tiana asked.

Boxer jerked back with a deer in the headlights look on his face and he started to apologize. “I’m sorry. With all of the talking we’ve been doing over the past few weeks, I thought I had told you. My legal name is Anthony Sebastian Cortez.”

“Before they started calling you Boxer, what did people call you?” Tiana asked.

“My mother and grandmother always called me Anthony but my friends called me Tony.” Boxer said. “I’d like it if you would call me Tony too but only when it’s just the two of us. Once we get our road names, we kind of drop our legal names except for legal purposes.”

“I like that. Tony and Tiana. The two T’s!” Tiana smiled at him. “Tony, will you make love to me? Please?”

“Oh baby. I’ve been praying and dreaming of this day for almost two months. Can I ask you something?” Boxer asked and when she nodded, he took a deep breath and asked “Are you on birth control?” He got a huge smile on his face when she nodded her head. “Doc gave me the shot the last time I had my period. He even checked me for STD’s and I’m clean. Are you?”

“Oh yeah. I’ve always been very careful about that. You will be the first woman I’ve ever been with without a condom and I’m glad because I don’t want anything between us. I want to feel everything. But first..........” he said as he began to kiss her again as he urged her to lay down on the bed. She started to push herself up when he said “Wait. I want to taste you first. You smell delicious.”

He started at her knees, kissing, licking and nibbling his way up the insides of her thighs, waking up parts of her body that had never felt such a need before in her life as he slowly pushed her legs further apart. As his fingers began to tangle in the small mound of curls at the juncture of her thighs, Tiana caught her breath in anticipation of what he would do next. When his thumb rubbed over her clit, she moaned.

She wasn’t sure what he was doing because no one had ever done this to her before. The Cobra’s had just jumped on top of her and forced their way inside, not making any effort at all to make sure she was ready for them and they couldn’t feel it because they always wore condoms, like they would have cared or that it would have mattered to them. But what Boxer was doing to her felt so damned good that she opened her legs more, giving him better access.

When Boxer parted her curls and ran his tongue from her opening to her clit, Tiana felt like she couldn’t get her breath as she suddenly seemed to fly up into the air. It was like going on one of those rides at the fair where the bottom suddenly drops out and you plunge to the ground but then it stops just before you hit the ground only to be shot back up in the air so fast that you can’t breathe.

When Boxer began to suck on her clit, Tiana grabbed the sheets on either side of her, twisting them in her fist as her back arched off of the bed, trying to get closer to his mouth.

When he slipped a finger inside of her, slowly at first, she bucked against his hand, wanting more. She had never wanted sex with the Cobra’s and had been a virgin when they had raped her for the first time so all she had known of sex before now was pain but this, this felt wonderful and she wanted more.

As Boxer worked his fingers in and out of her, he watched her face as he sucked on her clit. Her head was rolling back and forth on the bed, her hands were clutching the sheets and the softest of moans kept escaping her lovely mouth.

Boxer started moving his hand faster and sucking her clit harder. He could tell she was getting close to her climax as the muscles inside of her began to clench down on his fingers. He slid another finger inside and within three strokes her muscles slammed around his fingers and she cried out “OH MY GOD! Tony! Tony! I’m cumming!”

He slowly let go of her clit, licked it once or twice more then moved down to drink her nectar, flicking his tongue in and out of her opening as she came all over his mouth. When she finally fell limp on the bed, he half stood and climbed up beside her, kissing her as he went and finally opening her towel which somehow had managed to stay tucked in around her breasts, hiding them from his view.

“My God, my love. You are so beautiful.” He breathed as he caught the right nipple in his mouth, sucking lightly, loving the feel of it in his mouth. He ran his fingers up her side causing goosebumps to rise on her skin until he caught her left breast in his palm, squeezing and massaging it gently, rolling her nipple back and forth between his finger and thumb.

Tiana let her hands run down his sides and pushed his towel off, wanting to feel him against her. Boxer lifted enough for her to get it off and she tossed it to the side. When Boxer lowered himself back down onto her, he heard her sigh and her arms wrapped around him, pulling him closer. “I love you, Tony!” she said with so much feeling in her voice that his heart swelled as he whispered back. “I love you more, baby.” before he lowered his head and kissed her passionately.

Tiana wrapped her legs around his waist and urged him to enter her and he liked this new found boldness. “Tell me what you want, baby.”

“I want you, Tony! I want you so deep inside me that you are the only one I will dream of ever again. Please, Tony! I need you.” Tiana almost begged.

“Are you sure, baby?” Boxer asked as he rubbed himself against her leg, to hopefully give her some idea of his size. He wasn’t huge but he wasn’t small either. His girth alone could be a lot for a woman to take and then you add a good 8” to it and it was considered big. The last thing in the world he wanted to do was to hurt or scare her.

“Please, Tony. Please?” Tiana whispered. “I love you so much!”

“What my lady wants, my lady gets!” Boxer grinned at her as he lined himself up and slowly began to push inside of her, the whole time watching her face for any sign of pain. She smiled seductively at him as he worked himself in and out of her, coating his cock in her natural lube, going in slightly deeper with each stroke. When he finally pushed all the way in, he heard her gasp and he froze, looking back and forth in her eyes. “Okay?”

A second later, she nodded and whispered. “I just need to get used to your size. You are definitely not small, but baby, you feel so damned good. I’ve never felt like this before.” Tiana whispered back.

“OH and it’s only going to get better, baby.” Boxer said as he began to move inside of her. She clutched him close and her nails began to scrape down his back as he thrust in and out of her, slowly building speed and pressure. Her pussy began to clutch at his dick as if it didn’t want to let him go for even a second and it was driving him wild and testing his endurance and he began to grunt as he tried to hold on, wanting her to cum either before him or with him.

“Oh Tiana, I’m almost there, baby. Cum for me, my love.” Boxer whispered in her ear as before he began to suck on that special place on her neck that always got her turned on.

“Oh, Tony! Tony, I’m almost there baby.” Tiana began to chant. When he shifted his weight slightly to one side, she came unglued and screamed as she came. ’AAAAAWWWWW. Oh my God, Tony!”

One more thrust and her muscles clamped down on his cock so hard he couldn’t move anymore as he shot his seed inside of her. They held each other close, whispering their love for each other as their heart rates returned to normal and they could breathe without panting again.

A glance at the clock told them both that they had better get to sleep or Boxer was going to be worthless in the morning. Quick trips to the bathroom to clean up and empty their bladders and they curled up in a tangle of arms and legs as they fell into the first night of no night terrors or even slightly bad dreams for Tiana in a very long time.

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