Monster Slayers MC Book 2

Chapter 13-Marley has a baby girl & Tiana identifies the Cobras safe house

Over the next few weeks, Kaylee got stronger every day. The stitches had melted away and the bruising was down to a greenish yellow, with a light purple center. She insisted on walking under her own power but I made her promise not to try the stairs alone just yet. She’d had a couple of dizzy spells but it was because it was her time of the month and thankfully she had not fallen.

Dixie came home with their son and everyone oohed and awed over him and we had a small party for them. It was more for Rooster, who was strutting around like he was the cock of the walk who just hung the moon.

Dixie positively glowed with happiness and love every time she saw Rooster with their son and the two of them were definitely the image of proud parents. Their son was adorable and Kaylee helped Dixie a lot in taking care of him.

Two days after Dixie came home, Marley went into labor and freaked everyone out when her water broke out in the yard while she was watching over Simon and Crystal as they played in the grass. Everyone else was in the house and she had been all alone outside. Poor Simon came running as fast as he could into the meeting room yelling that his mommy was dying.

It had been like a herd of stampeding buffalo as all the men ran to see what was happening. They found Marley, holding on to Crystal’s hand so that she wouldn’t wander off but fighting back tears to keep from scaring the child to death even though she wanted to scream in pain. She was so afraid that no one would find her in time and even though she had not wanted to send her son out of her sight, she had no choice when she told Simon “Find daddy!” and the little boy had taken off as fast as he could in search of his father. He seemed to sense that something was wrong with his mommy and it had scared him.

Someone had alerted Doc and he rushed outside and told Hunter to get her to the hospital now. Hunter hadn’t hesitated one second and picked Marley up and ran for an SUV. Hulk and I rode as escorts with two prospects riding rear guard and we made the twenty minute drive to town in about 10 minutes.

Four hours later, Marley gave birth to a precious baby girl that they named Faith Mae, after Mama Mae. She weighed 6 lbs 8 ozs and was 19 inches long. She had come into the world with a loud cry but had been nothing but smiles once she was in her mother’s arms.

Thankfully Marley had an easy birth this time and was home in 3 days. Watching Simon react to his new baby sister was the cutest thing any of us had ever seen. From day one you could tell he was going to be very protective of her, even more so than he was with Crystal, who he had already claimed as his ole’ lady.

Simon would try and copy his father by putting his arm around her when they would watch TV but Crystal didn’t want anything to do with it and would push his hand away but when there was a storm or something scared her, she would always run to Simon for comfort. Simon would hold her close and tell her that everything was going to be okay, that he wouldn’t let anything hurt her. They were both just too cute when they would fall asleep spooned together, Simon’s arm protectively around her.

Dixie and Rooster moved into their new house, which all of the brothers had kicked it into high gear and had gotten it finished the week after Dixie came home. Charlie, Kaylee and Marley (up until she went into the hospital) got Dixie to tell them exactly what colors she wanted the house painted and they made sure the men got it right.

Rooster went and bought the furniture he and Dixie had looked at before she went into the hospital and everything was set up for them a week later.

A few days after Marley got out of the hospital, Hunter and Marley went home and the house was returning pretty much to normal. Charlie and Cruise still were trying to save up the money to buy a place and spent a lot of their free time driving around looking at houses.

Dr. Jill, the therapist that works closely with the girls at the Rescue Farm took Tiana on as a new patient and they met twice a week for the first couple of months she was there and she was doing much better. She was putting on weight and regaining her confidence but still jumped when there were sudden loud sounds or if someone moved too quickly in her peripheral vision.

She was still rather shy around the men, but tried not to react to them if one of them got near her. Night terrors were easing up too and weren’t as bad as they had been at first. Tiana and Charlie were spending a lot of time together and Tiana had really become attached to Crystal and Crystal liked Tiana too, calling her Aunty Tia.

When we first talked to Tiana about where she had started out running from, she got very upset and acted very confused. All she could really tell us at first was that she had been living in Tulsa when they kidnapped her.

Then one morning, Boxer came downstairs all excited saying that they needed to have Dr. Jill come in and be with Tiana, that she remembered some details about the location they had held her at.

Rooster got on the phone and called the Doctor and she was glad to come over later that afternoon. After she arrived, Boxer brought Tiana into the meeting room and sat down on the sofa with her between him and Dr. Jill, but she stayed very close to him, wanting his arm around her to make her feel secure. Also in the meeting besides Rooster and I, was Hunter, Hulk and Circuit.

“Tiana, you said you remember something about the location they were holding you?” Dr. Jill asked her. Rooster and Hunter had already given her a list of questions they needed Tiana to answer, if she could.

“Yes, I think so. It was an old house out in the woods. Daemon’s “play room” is in the basement and there are tunnels in and out of there. The night I ran, most of the members were out on a “pick up” run, that’s when Daemon liked to “play”. He could make us scream and no one would hear because the members kept him in check most of the time. Said he was “damaging sellable goods.” Most of the prospects are afraid of him too so they don’t interfere.” Tiana told us and I think everyone wanted to throw up. We could all tell that Boxer had to fight hard to keep his anger under control.

“The morning after you ran, from what direction did the sun come up? On your right or your left?” Dr. Jill asked and Tiana gave her a strange look. “Knowing where the sun came up will help with directions. If it was on your right then you were running north but if it was on your left then you were going south. Understand?”

Tiana nodded and said “It was on my left.”

“The night they took you, do you know how long the vehicle was moving before you got to the house?” Dr. Jill asked.

“Well, the first night they took us to a house on the west side of Tulsa. I know that because I saw a couple of street signs that I recognized through the front window of the van they had us in. We stayed in that house for about 3 days. There were 5 other girls there besides us all around my age or younger.” Tiana said and leaned towards Boxer for support. He put his arm around her and whispered words of comfort to her and encouraged her to tell it all, get it out of her system. After several minutes, she started talking again.

“When they moved us, they put us in a panel van with no windows and it was night time. I remember hearing the radio playing in the front and the 10 o’clock news came on. We drove for about 2 hours but I couldn’t tell you what direction we went for sure but I could have sworn it was south by the turns he was taking as he left the city.

I know when we got close to where they finally stopped, they didn’t really turn but more like veered to the right off the paved road onto dirt roads because it got really bumpy and the driver had to slow down and turn on his high beams. He kept complaining that it was so dark under the trees that he could barely see the road.

When we finally pulled up to the house, it looked like a big old farm house but instead of rail fences, there was a chain link fence all the way around it, at least it looked like it from what we could see. They had really strong lights mounted on the house and it was kind of hard to look in that direction.” Tiana said.

“Could you see any other buildings on the property?” Dr. Jill asked.

“There was a barn or big garage out in the back of the house but I never saw any animals. Just lots of men with guns! That’s where they kept the new girls when they were first brought in sometimes.” Tiana said with shiver.

“How long were you there?” Dr. Jill asked.

“About 7 months.” Tiana replied.

“During that time, how many girls do you think passed through there?” Dr. Jill asked.

“Oh, goodness, I’m not sure. Maybe a couple of hundred or more? They came in bunches and within days after arriving they would be taken either somewhere else or once a month, they had an auction in the barn out back. Girls were sold like cattle and probably not treated as well.” Tiana said.

“Why did they keep you there and why didn’t they sell you and your friend, Betty?” Dr. Jill asked.

“Because Daemon took a liking to us. We were not only best friends, Betty and me, but we also looked a lot alike. He called us his “sister bitches”. We were his favorite “play things” and the guys who were “in charge” figured that so long as he had us to “play” with, then he would leave the other girls alone and they could make more money off of them. Damaged goods don’t sell as well.” Tiana said. Her voice was deadpan as if she had locked away her emotions when she talked about Daemon.

“How did you get away?” Dr. Jill asked.

“One night, Daemon got too carried away with Betty. He was mad because another girl had come in that he wanted to “play” with and the Prez wouldn’t let him have her. He raped us both for hours and then started carving on Betty. He had already destroyed her face and her back but that night he started carving on her front and got too carried away. She bled to death in my arms. She made me promise to get away the first chance I got. Well, that night was my first chance. Daemon removed my collar and told me to clean her up and to take care of her wounds then he left the room.

I tried, I really did but I couldn’t get the bleeding to stop. She was so cut up in so many places. Betty died not even 5 minutes after he left. I dragged her to the door, set her up against the door so that they would have a harder time getting in.

Then I stole some of his clothes, I ripped up a couple of towels, to wrap them around my feet when I got away and was safe enough to take the time. I was hoping that it would help cover my footprints and make it harder for them to track me.

Anyway, I crawled out of his bedroom window. The patio roof was just below his window and I hid up there until the coast was clear and then jumped down and ran. I thought I was never going to make it over that fence but I did and I just took off running for everything I was worth.

It may have taken them only half an hour to get down that dirt road from the paved road but it took me almost 4 hours to walk it because it was so dark, I couldn’t see very well. There are no street lights out there and even if I had had a flashlight, I would have been too afraid to turn it on. I tried staying in the tree line but followed the road as far as I could but once the trees began to thin out, I got scared and went back into the trees. I found a small stream and got a drink of water and then I climbed a tree and tried to get some rest but I was afraid of falling out of the tree so I didn’t fall all the way asleep. When the sun came up, it was on my left but I still had no clue as to where I was. I’d walk, following the road until I heard a car coming and then I’d hide in the ditch until they passed. I found some wild strawberries and ate everyone I could find. I was so hungry!

I’d walk and hide and I finally hit a place that I think was called Durant. I managed to find some food in the trash behind a diner that wasn’t spoiled and that I didn’t have to dig too deep for it. I did that for 2 months until I fell down in your woods.”

“How long did it take for you to get to Durant?” Dr. Jill asked.

“A week, 10 days maybe? I’m not sure. I was so hungry by that time that I was almost delirious. I had to wait until it was dark to even get close to anywhere because by then, I was already filthy dirty and my clothes were getting all ripped from getting caught on things. I was afraid I would get arrested as a vagrant or be found by either the Cobras or a dirty cop who would turn me over to them.”

Dr. Jill looked over at Rooster and asked “Is there anything else you need to hear?” She hated having to ask Tiana to relive this over and over again, especially in front of everyone but knew that getting her story out would eventually help her in the long run.

Rooster nodded and quietly asked “Tiana, if we showed you a picture of the house where you were held, would you be able to confirm that it’s the right place?”

“Yes, I think so. I see it every night in my dreams so it’s not a place I will easily forget.” Tiana said, trying to sound braver than she felt.

Rooster looked over at Circuit and asked “How long will it take you to locate this place?”

“I’m not sure. It’s going to depend on how dense the trees are around the house. If trees cover the roof line, I might not be able to see it on satellite photos but I’ll try.” Circuit said.

“The house sat in a clearing. So did the barn. There weren’t any trees in the yard, just outside of the fence.” Tiana said.

“Good. Then I’ll look for that. Give me a couple of hours and I’ll see what I can come up with.” Circuit said with a smile at Tiana.

It took Circuit a whole day of carefully scanning satellite photos to come up with what he was fairly sure was the location where Tiana had been and other women were being held, tortured and sold.

“Rooster! I think I found it!” Circuit came into the bar after lunch the next day.

“Good. Prospect, go get Boxer and tell him to bring Tiana to the meeting room.” Rooster ordered and the prospect took off upstairs.

“Do you think we should call Dr. Jill first? Seeing that place again might trigger her.” I asked.

“She might not be able to come right away and I want to get this set in motion. The longer we wait, the more girls they have are going to be hurt. Once we have the information, I’m going to call in for help! That area is out of our normal range and I don’t want to start stepping on toes. I think we might also need to call in the Feds for this. These guys are crossing state lines and that makes this a federal case and I’d bet my last dollar that this location is not the only one. Tiana said these guys processed 100 or more girls during the time she was with them. That’s not a small operation so I’m thinking these guys are just a small part of a larger ring.” Rooster said.

3rd person POV

Boxer and Tiana came downstairs and joined them at the executive table. “Tiana, Circuit thinks he has located the house on a satellite photo. Will you take a look at it and tell us if that is the right place?” Rooster asked her.

Tiana nodded and Circuit turned his laptop towards her and everyone watched as her eyes got huge and she began to cry. “That’s it! That’s the house!” She choked out and then hid her face on Boxer’s shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her and rubbed his hand up and down her back. He hated having to put her through this but Dr. Jill had told him that having her tell her story and dealing with it would help her let it go.

Rooster said softly. “Thank you, Tiana. We’re going to get these bastards. You have just saved hundreds of other young women from having to go through what you’ve been through.”

Boxer looked Rooster dead in the eye and said “Daemon is mine!”

“I’ve got some calls to make but then I’ll be calling for church.” Rooster said and nodded at Boxer to let him know he could go.

Boxer picked Tiana up and carried her back to their room and lay down with her for a while, to comfort her while she calmed down. All too soon, Rooster was calling for church.

“Do you want to go sit with Kaylee while we are in church?” Boxer asked.

“Sure. Boxer? Are you going to go with them when they go to get Daemon and the Cobra’s?” Tiana asked.

“Yeah. I have to go, baby. I can’t let my brothers down.” Boxer said. “Plus I want to give him a taste of his own medicine for what he did to you and your friend.”

“But who will protect us while you guys are gone?” Tiana asked. She wasn’t sure she could handle it for him to be gone for very long. He had barely left her side since she had gotten here and him being gone for any length of time always made her edgy.

“I’m sure Rooster will order some of the lesser members and prospects to stay here and guard the clubhouse. Besides, the other ole’ ladies will be here to keep you company. Don’t worry, baby. We won’t be gone long. A day, maybe two and I’ll call you as much as I can. You can’t call me because the sound of my phone could give away my location but I’ll be sure to call you. Okay?” Boxer tried to comfort her.

Tiana wasn’t really comforted but she nodded her head. She was going to have to be strong while he was away. After all, he was going to kill her nightmare!

She walked down the hall with him and they knocked on Kaylee and Boomer’s door but there was no answer. “She must be down in the kitchen.” Boxer told her and together they walked downstairs and found Kaylee and Charlie in the kitchen, starting dinner. Kaylee had been teaching Charlie how to cook and she was getting better at it. Boxer gave Tiana a kiss on the cheek and left her with them while he joined his brothers in church.

As soon as he was out of earshot, Kaylee asked “What’s all the fuss about, Tiana?”

“They found a picture of the house where I was held, where the Cobra’s house and sell the women they kidnap. They are planning on going after them.” Tiana said.

“Wow. That’s great! Right?” Kaylee asked.

“I’m scared for them. The Cobra’s are heavily armed and they know the area. Our guys don’t, even if they go in just as heavily armed, they will be stumbling around in the dark because they don’t know the area as well.” Tiana said.

Kaylee and Charlie looked at each other and Charlie said “I’ve been here for a little longer than you two have and I’ve seen these guys train. They work as a team and protect each other so I think we shouldn’t worry too much.” Charlie said, trying to offer them some comfort while she tried to hide her own nervousness and worry about her man.

In Church-3rd person POV

“Sit down and let’s get this ball rolling. Circuit has found the house and Tiana has confirmed that it’s the right place. It’s about 5 miles outside of Kane, OK between Kane and Coldville, in a heavily wooded area. I’ve already contacted our Charter members and a couple of other clubs in that area and everyone of them are wanting in on this bust. They have all been searching for this location for a long time but apparently Tiana is the first live survivor to come out of there with her mental capabilities and still breathing.” Rooster said.

“How many men are there?” Bruiser asked.

“How heavily are they armed?” Eagle asked.

“Are any women being kept there?” Jailer asked.

“From the questions being asked, which I can’t answer right now, it sounds like we need to question Tiana again and do some reconnaissance on our own. Boxer, I hate to ask it of her but could you please ask Tiana to join us? Guys, she’s still very nervous so don’t go popping off questions at her all at once and keep your voices down.” Rooster instructed as Boxer stood up and left the room. He had mixed feelings about this but did as he was instructed. He walked into the kitchen and was glad that he found her laughing along with Kaylee and Charlie.

“Tiana? The guys have some more questions that I hope you can answer. Will you come with me, please?” Boxer asked as he wrapped his arms around her.

“You’ll stay close?” Tiana said, butterflies taking flight in her stomach again. Being around so many of the big men made her nervous even though the guys here had been nothing but kind to her, she still didn’t feel safe unless Boxer was within touching distance.

“Of course, baby.” Boxer took her hand and together they walked back to the meeting room. No one stared at her as they came in, thankfully and Boxer sat down and pulled her onto his lap. She looked around and then at Rooster, who smiled gently at her.

“Tiana, can you please tell us how many men we might expect to find when we get there?” Rooster asked.

“There’s usually about 20 men at all times and most of them are outside walking around the property.” Tiana said. “If they have brought in a load of girls, there will be a lot more men around and they will have wild parties.”

“What kind of weapons do they have or did you see?” Rooster asked.

“They all have at least one hand gun and most of them carry big knives. The guards carry big guns like you see the army men in the movies carry that can shoot a lot of bullets fast and there is a rack on the wall with lots of shotguns and rifles.” Tiana told them.

“How many women are there?” Rooster asked.

“You mean like ole’ ladies or prisoners?” Tiana asked.

“Prisoners. But were there any ole’ ladies there?” Rooster asked.

“Well, it depends on how many victims there are at any given time. They have the auction on the first Saturday night of every month so there are lots of women brought there throughout the week before that. They put them in the barn most of the time and just bring in a few at one time to the house for “entertainment”. The barn is heavily guarded when there are women inside. As far as ole’ ladies go, I only ever saw one but she didn’t stay there and I don’t know who she was or who her biker was. She would come to bring food sometimes but she never stuck around for long.” Tiana said.

“That’s good. Can anyone think of any other questions?” Rooster asked.

“Can I say something?” Tiana asked, to everyone’s surprise.

“Sure, sweetie. What’s on your mind?” Rooster smiled at her.

“I just wanted to let you know that before sun up is the best time to hit them. Most of them will have drunk themselves into a stupor and they don’t stop the guards completely but it’s much more lax. That’s how I managed to get across the fence, because they had been drinking that night. I waited until the guards were pretty drunk and then ran.

There’s a big bush growing close to the fence and a tree that one limb kind of hangs over the fence. It gave me some cover and helped hide me while I climbed. I kept thinking that I wished I had some bolt cutters then I could have just hidden there and cut through the fence or a shovel where I could dig underneath it but I didn’t have those things and frankly, I was so weak that I probably would have gotten caught before I could make a hole big enough to get through.” Tiana said as she looked down at her hands. When she looked up, she almost started to giggle as all of the men had looks of amazement on their faces. A few of them had their mouths hanging open. “What?” She asked.

Rooster was the first to recover. “That’s great information, Tiana. Thank you. I’m almost amazed that they managed to keep you as long as they did. You sound like you have your head screwed on right and are very smart.”

“I stayed because I refused to leave Betty behind, even though she begged me to get out if I could, to go for help. She had cancer when she was a kid and she had been in remission for over 10 years but it left her with a limp and a weak left leg. She couldn’t run and I wouldn’t leave her.” Tiana said, holding her head high. With that statement, she gained instant respect from every man in the room. Everyone knew that she was a very loyal person and Boxer made his decision right then and there that he was going to ask Tiana to marry him, to be his ole’ lady.

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