Monster Slayers MC Book 2

Chapter 12-Kaylee moves into Boomer’s room

I drove Kaylee straight to her house and picked her up to carry her inside. I showed her the new locks and security system and she was impressed. “Guess I won’t be so afraid to answer the front door after dark now.” she said.

“And now you can see who’s there before you even open the door. So what did you want to pick up?” I asked her.

“Mainly clothes but I want to make sure there is nothing in my fridge that is going to go bad, if it hasn’t already. I hate coming home to icky stuff.”

“Okay, well, I can check that while you get your clothes together. Where is your suitcase?” I asked her.

“In the hall closet.” She said.

“Where is your bedroom? I’ll sit you down in there and then come back for it.” I told her.

“Last door on the right.” She told me and I carried her down there. The door was already open and I was kind of surprised to see how large the room was. It wasn’t as big as mine but it was still a good size but the big plus was the king size bed! I got a big smile on my face and Kaylee grinned up at me. “Get your mind out of the gutter and go bring my suitcase please.” She kissed me on the cheek and began to wiggle in my arms. I gently sat her on the bed, bent over and kissed her cheek and then left to get her suitcase.

I found it easily and carried it back down the hall to her. I found her in a large walk-in closet, muttering to herself. “What do you wear at a motorcycle club house?” She had already changed into a pair of blue skinny jeans and a peasant style blouse that was snug fitting around her tiny waist and had pushed a pair of sandals on her feet.

“Like you are already dressed, darn it.” I grinned at her. “But seriously, it’s mostly jeans, t-shirts and sneakers if you are going to be around the others but for in our room, lounging pants or sweats instead of jeans is more comfortable and is still acceptable downstairs. A housecoat and if you really feel you need them, pajamas or nightgowns or you can just wear one of my t-shirts. I’d like that very much! Oh and your sexiest undergarments!” I teased her as I grinned and wiggled my eyebrows at her.

“Hahaha. You seem to be taking a lot for granted. What if I tell you I want my own room?” She teased me back and then really started laughing when my face fell in disappointment. “Hahaha! You are so cute when you pout. Of course I’m going to stay in your room. I wouldn’t feel comfortable without you there with all those men that I don’t know wandering around the house. But you have to realize that sleeping together is all we can do for a while and you are going to have to be careful not to bump me during the night. Do you think you can do that?”

“Yeah. The only part of that I’m kind of nervous about is bumping you during the night. Maybe put a pillow over your ribs? Can you sleep on them?” I ask.

“No, it hurts too much. I guess we can try it with the pillow.” Kaylee said. “In the meantime, can you get my laptop and don’t forget the charger please? It should be on the desk in the bedroom next door.”

I helped her pack enough clothes for a week and told her that we could either wash what she took with her over and over or I’d bring her back to get some more stuff. She got a duffel bag from her own closet and put her toiletries and bathroom stuff in it and then I carried it out and set it by the front door. She checked her fridge and we threw away the carton of milk which had already gone bad and the loaf of bread but realistically, Greg hadn’t left her with much in there.

“He stopped contributing to the grocery bill so I quit filling up the fridge because I’d shop for a week’s worth of groceries on my day off only to come home two days later to find the fridge and cupboard empty again and my sink full of dishes that he was too lazy to wash.” she said.

“I hate to tell you this but the neighbor told us the night you got hurt that he was having “scantily dressed” lady friends over while you were out too.” I admitted.

“What? Oh, it’s a good thing he is already dead because if not, I would kill him! How dare he bring whores to my house and fuck them in my bed? No wonder my shampoo seemed to run out so fast and there were always so many dirty towels in the wash.

And EW! I must have been sleeping on dirty sheets because God knows he never did a lick of house work. Said it was a woman’s work! That is something you and I need to discuss if or when you move in here. I will not be treated like a maid! If I cook, you clean up! Agreed?” she said and I nodded.

“If you make a mess, you clean up after yourself right away and not leave it sitting for days on end?” She asked and I nodded.

“And you’ll help me with weekly cleaning, like dusting, sweeping, mopping, running the vacuum, cleaning the bathroom and laundry?” She asked and I nodded.

“I’ll take out the trash, kill all the spiders and other creepy crawlers and I’ll even run the mower and weed eater around the yard when it’s needed. But I’m not much at planting or pruning and stuff. I definitely do not have a green thumb!” I smiled at her. I liked that we were getting all of this mundane stuff out of the way from the beginning. Saved on fights later on.

“What about bills? Like utilities and such.” She asked.

“I’ll put in an equal share and even pay for half the groceries so long as I’m allowed beer in the fridge and you cook what I like to eat sometimes. I can cook a little but I’m no gourmet. I make killer hoagies and can do some decent steaks and burgers on the grill and I don’t totally suck at bacon and eggs and toast in the mornings but that’s about it for my cooking abilities.” I told her.

“You have already blown Greg and Neil too, for that matter, clear out of the water just agreeing to help with household chores. I feel that if two people live together, then they should both be responsible for the upkeep of the house and everything it takes to live there. That’s why they call it a partnership. I don’t mind cooking most of the time except when I have to work really long hours and am already dead on my feet when I get home. To have to stop and cook for someone who was just as capable of doing for himself is just asking a lot.” Kaylee said.

“I totally agree. Now, is there anything else you want from here? I need to get back to the clubhouse. I promised Hunter I wouldn’t be gone for any longer than was necessary.” I told her.

I loaded up all of her bags and then carried her to the SUV after making sure the house was locked up and the alarm was set. I glanced at my watch as I rounded the end of the vehicle. I wanted to figure out how long it would take me to get from here to the compound. Going the speed limit, it took about 8 minutes which wasn’t too bad.

When we got back to the compound, I carried her inside and told a prospect to grab her bags out of the SUV and to bring them up to my room. “Are you tired? Do you want to sit down here and meet some of the guys or would you rather go rest for a while?” I asked her.

Marley and Charlie were in the living room with their kids, who were playing on the floor in front of the TV while the women sat and talked.

Marley called out “Boomer, don’t you dare carry her up to your room until you introduce her.”

I looked at Kaylee and she nodded her head so I carried her in and gently sat her down in a comfy recliner near them and then made introductions. “Kaylee, this is Marley, Hunter’s old lady and this is Charlie, Cruise’s old lady. Ladies, this is my lady, Kaylee.”

“Nice to meet you.” Kaylee said. “Are those your children? They are both just adorable.”“Yes, the boy is my Simon.” Marley said with an affectionate smile.

“And the little girl is mine. Her name is Crystal.” Charlie said.

“So did Boomer break you out of the hospital?” Marley asked.

“Yep. I was going stir crazy in there. I’m not much for TV so there wasn’t much to do. Dr. Green only agreed to let me go if I came here so if I felt ill, there would be someone around to help me but I don’t want to impose on anyone.” Kaylee said.

“Oh you are not imposing. We are like one big happy family around here. Each of us has needed help at one time or another and when we do, the others step in and help out. None of us are blood related, except for these little guys but we all treat each other like brothers and sisters.” Marley explained.

“If you ever need anything, don’t be shy about asking. I’m kind of out of commission right now, but just let one of the prospects know and they will either get it for you or find someone to help you.” Marley told her.

“Babe, I’m going to go get Doc. I want to let him know you are here and he may want to do his own exam of you. Would you like anything to drink?” Boomer asked.

“What are you two drinking?” Kaylee asked the women.

“Fresh squeezed lemonade. It’s really good too.” Charlie said.

“Sure, I’ll take some of that.” Kaylee said. I walked into the kitchen and got her a glass of lemonade and told one of the prospects, Kevin, to carry it out to her while I went to talk to Doc.

I walked down to the clinic and found Doc putting away some supplies that had been delivered earlier.

“Hey, Doc. I brought Kaylee home with me from the hospital. Can you come down and talk with her? She’s in the living room with Marley and Charlie.” I told him.

“Sure. I’ll be right there.” Doc said as he put away the last of the small boxes of drugs in the drug cabinet and locked it up.

Together we walked down the hall to the living room and found the three women laughing together.

“Oh, stop! Please. It hurts my ribs to laugh so hard.” Kaylee said, holding on to her side. As soon as she spotted Doc, she said “Hi Dr. Conners. How are you?”

“I’m fine. How are you? You look much better than the last time I saw you. The bruising seems to be healing fast. How are your ribs?” he asked.

“Feeling better but still sore. I’m not getting dizzy as easily any more and I can manage short distances on my own but I get weak fast.” Kaylee told him.

“I’m kind of surprised that Dr. Green let you out then.” Doc told her.

“He only did it because I told him you are here and she wouldn’t be home alone all the time. I can’t stay away with all that’s been going on and I don’t want to take any chances that she might get dizzy and pass out again if she were home alone.” I told him.

“And I couldn’t keep running up that hospital bill. I’m almost afraid of what the bill is going to be now, having spent a whole week there, with all the tests and everything. They may give us discounted prices and my insurance will cover part of it but I’m stuck paying the rest of it.” Kaylee said.

“Well, if you wouldn’t mind coming back with me to the clinic, I’d like to do a preliminary exam of your ribs, just so that I know what I’m dealing with?” Doc asked.

“Sure.” Kaylee said, then told the women, “Well, I guess we’ll see each other later?”

“Oh, I’m sure.” Marley told her as I picked Kaylee up and carried her down the hall, following Doc to the clinic.

“Wow, this place is a lot bigger than I expected.” Kaylee said.

I explained that it used to be an old hotel that we’ve added on to over the years as the club has grown. If we keep on growing, it isn’t going to be long before we are going to have to add on again.

“Only if I get a bigger clinic with my living quarters attached to it. Right now, it’s a real pain in the rear having to work down here and sleep on the second floor, especially when I’ve got patients in there and no nurse on property.” Doc said adamantly.

“Did Rooster get the new beds ordered?” I asked Doc.

“Yeah and in fact they should be in soon. They were back ordered for a long time.” Doc said.

I sat Kaylee down on the bed and stepped back so that Doc could check her out.

“Dr. Green said to please give him a call so he can talk to you about me.” Kaylee told him and winced as he lightly touched her ribs.

“What is the incision for?” Doc asked.

“He had to repair some bleeders. Actually the bruising is a lot better than it was. It was so dark it was almost black at first and I could barely breathe. He had to drain off about a pint of blood but he had replaced what I had lost and the dizziness cleared up pretty fast after that so long as I don’t move too fast. Apparently, I’d let myself get worn down. Not eating right or regularly, not taking in enough water and just working too much. I love my job but this has made me realize that I need to cut back or I’m going to burn out.” Kaylee told him.

“Well, hopefully you have enough time built up to take the time to really heal before you go back to work.” Doc said.

“Dr. Green got me two months of paid leave just so that I can.” Kaylee told him.

“Well, if you need anything while you are here, just give a yell.” Doc told her.

“Are you done then, Doc?” I asked.

“Yep. I’ll monitor you, Kaylee but it looks like Dr. Green took good care of you. Just take it easy, get some rest while you can and let yourself heal. Sleep is the best medicine for you right now. We heal best when we are asleep.” Doc said.

“Good deal. Thanks Doc.” Kaylee said and held her arms up for me to pick her up again.

I picked her up, we said goodbye to Doc and I carried her back down the hall.

“Do you want to go back and sit with the other women for a while?” I asked.

“Can we go to your room instead? I don’t want to seem standoffish but I’d like to unpack my clothes and put my stuff away and then maybe lay down for a while. I’ve been more active today than I have for over a week and I’m getting tired again. Damned weakness is frustrating.” Kaylee admitted.

“Okay. Not feeling sick are you? Maybe we should go back to the clinic?” I questioned with concern.

“No, there’s no need. There’s nothing Doc can do but tell me to rest. Remember I’m a nurse so I know what he is going to say. I promise, if something is wrong, I will tell you. I’m not stupid enough to let something go if it needs attention.” Kaylee said.

“Good. I can unpack and hang up your clothes while you lay down and point. Okay?” I told her.

She grinned at me and hugged my neck. “I do love you, Ben.” she whispered in my ear as she laid her head on my shoulder and my heart skipped.

“I love you too, baby.” I told her. I carried her up the stairs and into my room.

Kaylee’s POV

We entered Boomer’s room and I was surprised to see how big it was. I had expected a large king size bed because he had mentioned it but this was beyond what I had expected as far as the rest of the room was concerned. Hell, you could fit two of my apartments back in Chicago in just the bedroom alone!

Besides the massive bed, there was a nice seating area that included a full sized sofa, a comfortable looking easy chair and a huge recliner with some tables placed near the sides of each one for drinks and such. All of that sat in front of the french doors that led to a small private balcony.

On another wall was a big flat screen TV that was mounted to the wall and below it was a nice entertainment center that contained a DVD/Blueray player and a nice stereo setup along with a large collection of movies and music CD’s.

The final wall had a large dresser with a mirror set between two doors. One led into the largest walk-in closet I had ever seen. It could easily be a single bedroom! The other door led into a very impressive on suite bathroom that held a six man walk-in shower, a jacuzzi bathtub big enough to easily seat four people, double sink vanity and a separate water closet for the toilet. There was also a small closet to keep towels, linens and toilet paper in. He had an organizer hung on the back of that door to hold things like extra bottles of shampoo, deodorant and stuff. In the bottom of the closet was a large rolling laundry hamper, currently empty.

I could tell just by looking around that he was a very neat and tidy person and well organized and I was impressed. Greg had been a pig! Dropping his clothes wherever and just leaving them there until I got tired of tripping over them and picked them up.

The four poster bed had a nice floral pattern carved into the head and footboard. Boomer carried me over to it and it had a nice deep blue comforter with a white pattern on it and crisp white cotton sheets.

The walls of the room were a paler shade of blue and there were midnight blue curtains on the windows that hung floor to ceiling.

“So what do you think of my room? I know it’s probably a little on the masculine side for you and you are welcome to change everything but the curtains. They are specially made black out curtains and they cost me a small fortune but they really do work to keep the sunlight out when I want to sleep late, which I don’t get to do often but when I do I like for it to be as dark as possible.” Boomer said.

“I like it. It’s very neat and clean and looks comfortable. I suppose my room was a bit too feminine for you?” I asked.

“No, not really except your curtains aren’t black out curtains.” He smiled at me. “And I know that once you are healed, I will be wanting to sleep in with you as often as possible although I don’t know how much sleeping we will actually do.” He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows at me and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Such a one track mind.” I grinned back with a giggle.

Boomer picked me up and sat me on his lap and said, “Can you blame me? I’ve waited a long time to find the love of my life and now here you are and I have to wait until you are healed to really show you just how much you mean to me. And you do mean the world to me, Kaylee.” Boomer said and kissed me, holding me close but being careful not to hurt my ribs. As it always did, the second his lips touched mine, a slow burning began low in my stomach and moved downwards. This time no one interrupted us and within less than a minute, my panties were getting wet and I desperately wanted to get closer to him.

“Oh Ben, you are going to test my self control, aren’t you.” I pulled back to whisper.

“Honey, mine has been being tested since the first time I saw you. I want you so bad, Kaylee.” Boomer whispered as he pushed down on my hips lifting his as he pressed his erection against my bottom then moaned. “Oh good lord, please give me patience.”

Just then my evil stomach decided to make noise and Boomer grinned at me. “Sounds like someone is getting hungry. Come on. Tell me what you want where and we’ll get your stuff put away and then do something about lunch. I don’t know if Charlie is going to cook today or if everyone is ordering in or not. Charlie is just learning to cook so it can be kind of plain but she’s getting better and anything she makes is going to be better than anything Boxer makes.”

“Sounds like a plan. Do you have any empty drawers in your dresser? I just need one for my panties and bras really. Everything else can be hung up.” I said as I slid off of his lap, regretfully.

“I think so. I hang up most of my stuff too. Makes it easier to find and things don’t get creases in them. If there’s not enough room, we can get you a dresser. There are some drawers in the built-in unit in the closet too that I know are empty. I just don’t have that much in the way of clothes to fill up so much space.” Boomer said

Within a very short time, we had the little bit I had brought with me all put away and Boomer told me “Lay down and rest. I’m going to go find out what’s up about lunch. I’ll be right back.”

“Okay, babe.” I said and lay down on the bed. I lay looking around while he left to check on lunch. I didn’t realize how tired I was but the bed was so comfortable and soon I dozed off.

Boomer’s POV

I left our bedroom and went down to find out what was going on for lunch and found Charlie in the kitchen making sub sandwiches. She put two on plates for me and Kaylee and I grabbed chips and some cola’s from the fridge and made up a tray for us.

“How’s Kaylee doing?” Hunter asked as he came into the kitchen to make a plate for Marley.

“Better but she still gets weak fast. Took just about all she had to give me directions on how to unpack her suitcase. Is Rooster at the hospital?” I asked.

“Yeah, he left about 10 minutes before you got here. He’s hoping to bring Dixie and the baby home today too but said he wasn’t really counting on it. Her doctor said the earliest would be closer to the end of the week.” Hunter said. “He’s going to want to have church tonight when he gets home, probably after dinner.”

“About Tiana?” I asked.

“Yeah, it was Cobra’s who took her. Apparently they must have a place close enough to us for Tiana to have made it to us, even if she had to walk it for two months. She said she was stumbling around in the dark most of the time so there’s a big chance that she was walking in circles or zig zagging around a lot. I’m hoping that once she feels better, she can look at a topographical map and maybe pick out some town names.

She said she’s been surviving by eating out of trash cans which means she had to have gotten close to some places with restaurants or at least fast food places. She also claimed that she stuck to the woods a lot. If she can “walk backwards” how she got here, then maybe we can figure out where she came from. We know she came from the north of us from how she came on our land.” Hunter said, bringing me up to date.

“Okay well I’m going to get this food to Kaylee. Just let me know if you need anything from me today. Otherwise, I’ll be in my room with her unless she’s sleeping.” I told him.

“Do you know if she can cook, Boomer?” Charlie asked.

“She says she can but I’m not going to ask her to stand up and make meals for all of these chow hounds. Why? Do you need help?” I asked her.

“I can make the basics but I’m nowhere near as good a cook as Marley and Dixie and I’m no good with knowing what spices to use so I’d appreciate her help even if it’s just in an advisory position. If she can tell me how to make something and oversee it, I’ll do the cooking if I can get some prospects to help chop and mix and stuff.” Charlie said. Everyone knew she was trying to help but with over 40 men to cook for, it was a lot of work and not an easy job, especially when you are just learning how to cook.

“Or just order out and have it delivered?” I asked.

“Yeah, we can but I’m getting sick of pizza, burgers and fast food. I can handle breakfast okay but lunch and dinner are challenges.” Charlie grinned at me.

Hunter and I looked at each other and Hunter said “We really need to find a cook to work here. I’ll bring it up at church tonight. That way our old ladies don’t have to worry about it anymore. Marley stresses about it every mealtime. She feels like she’s letting the brothers down.”

“I know the feeling.” Charlie said.

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