Monster Slayers MC Book 2

Chapter 11-Tiana & Boxer, Kaylee leaves the hospital

Boxer went back down to the bar and grabbed a beer but didn’t join the others to drink it. Instead he walked out to the patio and sat down on one of the chairs out there. So many thoughts were running through his head and he felt so confused.

One of the sweet butts that he had slept with often in the past came out to the patio and tried to slip on to his lap but he just wasn’t in the mood for her so he pushed her off and told her “Go away, Candy. I’m not in the mood tonight .”

“Why? Because of the girl upstairs? I heard she’s so skinny that a stiff breeze would blow her away and I know you like a woman with some meat on her bones, especially the hips so that you have something to hang on to!” Candy said crudely.

“Yeah but I’ve got a lot on my mind and I’m just not interested so go away and let me think.” Boxer said.

“Fine! Be that way then. I’m sure one of the other guys will be interested in having some fun.” Candy said as she stomped off, not realizing that her comment had just ended any future she might have had with Boxer.

Boxer questioned himself and what he wanted in life. Was he ready for a relationship with anyone? Financially, he would like to be farther along than he was but his bank account was nothing to sneeze at. In addition to his income with the MC, he had also fought in some underground matches and rarely lost for a long time. In fact, he hadn’t lost even one in the last 4 years he’d fought.

He’d been fighting since he was 16 and while he was still young, he could probably continue to fight for several more years, but his heart wasn’t really into it anymore. Ever since he got involved with the MSMC, his focus was more on doing what he could here. He felt like he was part of something worthwhile here. His last paid fight was over a year ago now.

Club life for him was great! Free food, when there was someone to cook for them, free booze, free place to stay and free pussy! How could things get any better?

He thought he had it made but then tonight, a tiny, filthy dirty, skinny young woman had looked up at him with eyes that seemed to see right into his soul and suddenly, his world seemed to turn upside down and he wanted more but what that was he wasn’t sure.

A few minutes of staring at the stars and trying to figure out what the hell it was he was feeling, he heard the patio door open and he started to tell whoever it was to go away when suddenly Hunter appeared next to him.

“Mind if I join you?” Hunter asked.

“Not at all. Have a seat.” Boxer said.

“Why are you out here all by yourself? I saw Candy come out but she didn’t stay and looked kind of pissed when she came back in.” Hunter said.

“Yeah, I’m just not in the mood for her tonight.” Boxer said.

“Well, I just wanted to talk to you for a minute and then I’ll leave you alone with your thoughts, if you want. There’s a good chance that Marley is going to be giving birth in the next few days and Doc has ordered her to rest but you know Marley. She feels obligated to help out and pick up Dixie’s slack while she’s in the hospital so I doubt if she’ll stay still for very long. I’m going to take her to see her OBGYN tomorrow to see if she still has the 3 weeks we thought she was supposed to have left. Doc says he doubts if she has even 2 weeks max and frankly, I trust his judgment more.

Anyway, Boomer is going to be at the hospital a lot with Kaylee or possibly staying at her house if the doctor lets her go home. Rooster is going to be at the hospital with Dixie. That leaves Hulk in charge but he’s going to need help to keep things running smoothly around here. I’m hoping you will step up and be the man to help him?” Hunter said.

“You know, that’s more than I think I’ve ever heard you say at one time but don’t you worry Hunter. I’ll do whatever it takes. Just make sure everyone else knows it too.” Boxer told him, feeling proud that he was being asked when he could have asked so many others who had been here longer.

“Good deal. Now, you know that if you need to talk to someone, I’m here for you. Something on your mind that I might be able to help with?” Hunter asked.

Boxer looked at him for a full minute as he worked things over in his mind about how to start. “I’m not sure, really. I remember when you met Marley and I’ve watched what you two have, as well as what Rooster and Dixie have and while I didn’t think I was ready for that just yet, I must say that being with sweet butts is not as........I don’t know, exciting anymore?”

“I think the word you are looking for is fulfilling. Are you thinking about Tiana?” Hunter asked.

“I don’t know.” Boxer said, leaning forward and dropping his head in his hands and pulling on his hair. “I’m not sure I’m ready for a relationship with just one woman. But there is just something about her that I just don’t feel like I can ignore.

When we were in the woods and I saw her for the first time, I felt a pull towards her but she’s so tiny and skinny. I’ve always preferred women with some meat on their bones. Besides, I thought she was just a child and I felt like a pervert for even thinking about being with her.

But then Tiana looked at me with those eyes and I felt like she was looking right into my soul and I couldn’t breathe for a minute. My heart started to feel like it was beating some kind of weird jungle beat and I’ll be damned if my dick didn’t start to get hard.” Boxer rushed to say, embarrassed to be admitting this to anyone.

“Hahaha. Love at first sight is like getting hit by a mack truck going full speed, isn’t it! I will warn you about one thing, Boxer. Getting involved with “rescue girl” is not easy. You can plan on losing a lot of sleep because of her night terrors. Feeling guilty when you move too fast and scare her because she’s still afraid that someone is going to hit her.

But finding someone to love who will love you unconditionally back is the best feeling in the world. And when they start giving you kids! Well, I just know, I don’t regret my time with Marley for one second and you couldn’t pay me to go back and change anything about our time together.” Hunter told him.

“I felt like such a pervert because I thought I was attracted to a 14 year old child. Did Marley tell you that Tiana is 19?” Boxer admitted.

“Yeah, she also told me what her back looks like. Have you seen it yet?” Hunter asked and saw Boxer get pale suddenly.

“No! I haven’t.” Boxer gulped then asked “Is it bad?”

Hunter nodded. “Not as bad as Marley’s but it’s pretty bad from what she said.”

Boxer groaned and dropped his head in his hands again and said “I’m not sure I can handle this, Hunter. Just hearing some of what happened to her made me want to kill that bastard Daemon. Will we be going after them?” He wanted to know.

“I don’t know yet. We don’t even know where she is from or where they are located and from what she told Marley, she was wandering around in the dark most of the time so she might not even know where they were holding her.” Hunter said.

“Can’t Circuit track him down?” Boxer asked.

“Maybe but even if he does, promise me you won’t try to go after him by yourself. It might be a while until we can do anything, with Dixie and Kaylee and soon Marley in the hospital. We have no idea how many men they have, where they are located or anything. So just be patient. I’ll talk to Rooster tomorrow and see what we can find out. Okay?” Hunter said.

“I promise but I definitely want to be the one to take him out when we do.” Boxer said with conviction.

“For now, my experience says you don’t want to get too far away from Tiana, especially at night. Night terrors are a bitch and since she won’t let anyone but you or Marley near her, she may need you.” Hunter said. “For now, I’m going to get back to Marley. I’m just hoping a trip to the hospital is not going to happen tonight.”

“Good luck, Hunter and thanks!” Boxer said and finally finished off his beer and dumped the empty in the trash as he followed Hunter inside and up the stairs. He noticed that Candy was nowhere to be seen and figured she had found someone else to entertain her tonight.

He quietly opened the door to Tiana’s room and noticed she was asleep but seemed to be tossing and turning because she had kicked the comforter off and just had the sheet over her. It wasn’t particularly cold tonight so he just left her be, not wanting to wake her or worse yet to scare her. He pulled the door closed behind himself and went to his own room. When he opened the door, he was instantly angry when he found a naked Candy in his bed, watching TV.

“What the hell? What the hell are you doing in here, Candy? I told you I wasn’t interested anymore. Get the hell out right now.” Boxer yelled at her.

“Ah, come on, baby. I know you want some of this. I always make you feel good, don’t I?” Candy whined, not moving off of the bed. Instead she opened her legs and stroked her pussy, rubbing her clit to stimulate herself and hopefully entice him.

“That was in the past, Candy, and that’s where it’s going to stay. How dare you come into my room when I’m not here? You know better than that. Get your clothes and get out. NOW! You can dress in the hall.” He said, picking up her tube dress and throwing it at her.

“If you ever dare to enter mine or any other member’s room while they are not there without permission and I find out you have, I will make sure you are not allowed to come around here anymore, now move it.”

Candy grabbed her clothes and stomped out of the room. “You are going to regret this, Boxer. She won’t be able to satisfy you like I can.” Candy said as a parting shot, slamming the door behind herself.

Boxer pulled off his t-shirt and sat down on the side of the bed to take off his boots but he could smell Candy on his sheets. She always did wear a bit too much perfume. He stripped his bed and got some clean sheets from the closet and remade his bed before going to get a shower.

He stepped under the hot water, his mind going a mile a minute as he thought about everything Hunter had said and what he was feeling and about Candy. Normally seeing her naked and touching herself would have been a turn on for him but tonight it had just disgusted him.

Then he thought about Tiana and what had happened to her. He hadn’t seen her back yet and while she hadn’t gone into details about what that prick had done to her, it still made him angry to know that he had hurt her.

He bathed, brushed his teeth and got ready for bed. He had only had the lights off for about 10 minutes when he thought he heard a whimpering coming through the wall. He lay very still, listening and then Tiana cried out. “Please stop!”

Boxer jumped out of bed and ran for the door. He flung it open about the same time as Charlie and Cruise came out of their door.

“What’s going on? Who’s screaming?” Charlie asked.

“Tiana. I think she’s having night terrors. Charlie, please don’t leave just yet. She was okay with me before but she might not be if I have to wake her up.” Boxer said as he hurried over to Tiana’s door.

“Don’t try to wake her up. Just hold her and let her know it’s okay, that no one is going to hurt her.” Charlie told him.

Boxer was surprised that he was shaking inside as he pushed open Tiana’s door. She had kicked off all of the blankets and was sitting up on the bed, holding a pillow to her and looking around wildly.

Boxer slowly stepped into the room and called out to her softly, “Tiana? Baby, it’s me. Everything is going to be okay. I’m here. No one is going to hurt you. I promise.” Boxer whispered to her as he walked slowly towards the bed. He was surprised when she rolled on to her knees and threw herself at him, nearly knocking him over when he got to the bedside.

He put his arms around her and held her close, neither of them noticing when Charlie pulled the door closed behind him and went back to her room.

Boxer picked Tiana up and turned to sit down, pulling her onto his lap as he rocked her back and forth, talking softly to her. “It’s okay! I’m here. I’ve got you. No one is going to hurt you ever again. I promise.” He whispered, kissing her hair on the top of her head.

Tiana was shaking and crying but being on his lap gave her comfort like nothing she had ever felt before. “He will never stop hunting me until he knows I’m dead. I don’t want to die now, Boxer. I did when I was there but when I got away, I thought I was finally free but he’s still torturing me only now it’s in my dreams.”

“I won’t let him anywhere near you, Tiana. I promise you that. Tomorrow, we’ll talk to Marley and maybe Charlie. When they were rescued, they talked to a doctor that helped them get past their nightmares. They still have them once in a while when they are stressed out about something but they are both much better now. Maybe you can talk to her too?” Boxer said and Tiana nodded as her sobs changed to hiccups.

“I’m sorry, if I woke you up.” Tiana said resting her head on his shoulder.

“I wasn’t asleep yet. But you should get some rest. Are you ready to try again?” Boxer asked and she nodded but asked, “Boxer? Will you stay with me? I feel safer when you are close by.”

“Sure. No problem.” Boxer said, then stood up and put her back in bed, threw the covers back on the bed, then climbed in beside her. He scooted closer to her and wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close to spoon with him. “Please don’t let me get a hard on.” He prayed in his mind. He heard and felt her take a deep breath then sigh and soon her breathing evened out, telling him she had fallen asleep again.

Boxer lay and watched her sleep for a while and realized that once she put on some weight, she was going to be quite beautiful. Her long thick lashes lay gently on her cheeks. She has a small button nose and nice lips. The top one is smaller than her full bottom lip but perfectly shaped. He refused to think of her like that but he couldn’t help but wonder what they would taste like, what they would feel like wrapped around his dick. That thought led him to start getting hard and he forced himself to think about anything else. She needs time to heal before he should even think about anything like that with her.

Boxer fell asleep feeling more content than he could remember being in a long time.

Boomer’s POV

The next morning, I woke up anxious to get to the hospital but I have things to deal with here. Hunter had warned me that Marley had been having pains and that there was a chance they would be going to the hospital soon to deliver their baby girl.

I knew that if they hadn’t gone during the night, then I was okay to take off and go to at least get Kaylee her coffee and pastries. I am hoping that Dr. Green would also come in early and tell us whether or not she could go home today. I need to bring Kaylee up to date on what had happened last night and how I need to be at the clubhouse right now. I want to be sure that she didn’t have a problem with staying here until Dixie was home from the hospital and maybe even Marley too.

I knew that while she may hate being in the hospital, at least she had people to look after her needs when I couldn’t be there. I hope that she understands that I can’t just neglect my responsibilities to my brothers to take off and move in with her right now. I just prayed she would understand and agree to come here where I can be with her now.

I drank a cup of coffee while I waited for someone else to get up and it wasn’t long before Hunter came stumbling into the kitchen.

“Good morning! How’s Marley?” I asked.

“Morning. She was up and down all night. Says her back is really sore. At least Simon slept all the way through the night. What happened with Tiana last night? Night terrors?” Hunter asked.

“I think so. Also heard Boxer kick Candy out of his room. Apparently she snuck in and got naked and then waited for him. He wasn’t happy about that at all. Looks like we got another match made in heaven happening!” I grinned at Hunter.

“Hey, at least we know our ladies will be loyal and true to us. Candy has been hanging on to Boxer hoping he would make her his ole’ lady for a while but I really don’t see it happening, especially now that he’s found Tiana.” Hunter said.

“You got that right.” Boxer said as he came into the kitchen. “Got enough coffee left for two more cups?” he asked.

“Hunter, do you think I have time to run to the hospital to see Kaylee? There’s a chance Dr. Green will release her today if I can tell him I’m bringing her here and if she agrees. We were talking about me staying with her at her house but if Marley goes into labor, I need to be here but can’t leave Kaylee alone. She’s still not strong enough to be left by herself.” I told him.

“As long as you leave me a vehicle with more than two wheels so I can get my wife to the hospital if I need to, then go but don’t stay gone all day.” Hunter grinned at me.

“I won’t. Don’t worry. Thanks.” I told him as I hurried out of the kitchen and back up to my room to finish getting dressed. In anticipation of Kaylee coming home with me, I stripped and remade my bed and made sure my room was clean before I left. I took the smallest of the SUV’s and went straight to Starbucks. I got our coffees and pastries and drove to the hospital.

I got lucky that morning when I stepped out of the elevator and saw Dr. Green just as he was going into Kaylee’s room. I hurried so that I would be able to talk to the two of them. I said a small prayer that I would be able to take my lady out of here today.

“Good morning!” I said cheerfully as I entered the room. “Oh hey, Dr. Green. I didn’t expect you here this early or I would have brought you a coffee and a pastry.”

“Good morning Boomer. That’s okay, I’ve already had too much coffee and I’ve eaten breakfast. That is one meal that my wife insists that we eat together every day.” Dr. Green replied with a smile. “Just let me get Kaylee’s vitals and I’ll get out of your way so you can enjoy yours.”

I set the coffee and pastries down on Kaylee’s meal table, bent over and kissed her good morning and whispered “Are you still going to ask him to go home today?” She nodded and I couldn’t help the huge smile that crossed my face as I stood up.

I watched as Dr. Green did his normal routine and said “I think we can take this IV out now. Your vitals are back to normal and the blood work we drew yesterday says your cell counts are looking good.”

“Any chance you will let me out of here today?” Kaylee asked hopefully. “I’m getting really worried about this hospital bill. I don’t want to lose my house over this.”

“I understand, Kaylee and if you had someone living with you, I wouldn’t have a problem with it but since you live alone, I won’t risk your health like that.” Dr. Green said.

“How about taking her to the clubhouse with me? There are plenty of people around 24/7 and we have a doctor on staff there so she will be well looked after.” I said hopefully, and Kaylee just looked at me but didn’t say anything when I lightly squeezed her hand, letting her know I would explain later.

“Who is the doctor?” Dr. Green asked.

“Dr. Dave Conners. I understand he used to be on staff here.” I replied.

“Yeah, he was. He was a damn good doctor too until he dove into the bottom of a bottle when his wife died. Has he dried out now?” Dr. Green asked.

“Yes, sir. He doesn’t drink anymore and has been with our MC for a long time now.” I assured him.

“Well, so long as you can complete the walk without getting dizzy, I guess it would be alright then, if you are okay with it, Kaylee. But if anything goes wrong, if you feel in the least bit sick or dizzy, I want you right back here, do you understand? And tell Dave Conners to call me so that I can bring him up to date on your condition.” Dr. Green said.

He didn’t want to stress Kaylee out but any time you received punches to the head the way she had, he had to worry about brain damage. All of the scans they had done had come back clean and that was the only reason he was willing to let her go. “I want you in my office in one week for a follow up visit. Okay?”

“Sure Doc and thanks for everything. You are the best!” Kaylee gave him a big smile.

“Great.” I said and shook the doctor’s hand. “Come on babe. Eat up and let’s get you out of here.”

“I’ll send the nurse in to do the walk and with your discharge papers and once you sign out, you are free to go. And Boomer, I know how much you like carrying her around but hospital policy says she needs to leave our care in a wheelchair and be escorted by a nurse.” Dr. Green grinned at me.

“Anything you say doc. So long as I get to take my lady home! At least I’ll get to carry her inside the house!” I told him.

“Well, like I said, she has to do the walk and if she makes it back here with no dizziness then I’ll have a nurse bring your papers and then you can go. Kaylee, you keep in touch and I look forward to you coming back to work. You are my best nurse and I would hate to lose you. I’ve got less than a year before I retire so if you can hang on that long, I’ll be very grateful.” Dr. Green said and gave her a light kiss on the cheek.

After he left, Kaylee turned to me and crossed her arms across her chest and said “Now! What is this about me going to the clubhouse? I thought we agreed that you would be coming to stay with me.”

“Well, lots of things happened overnight and by the time the dust settled, it was too late to call you and I got here as early as I could. I was hoping for a chance to talk to you before he got here but he beat me in.” I told her.

“Okay, so tell me what happened.” Kaylee said, taking a sip of her coffee and then dug in the pastry bag for her muffin.

I picked up my coffee and told her about Tiana and then about Marley. “Babe, I can’t just walk away from my responsibilities to the MC. You can either stay in my room or I can get you your own room but otherwise, you’ll have to stay here, cause I don’t know how often I will be able to run away from the clubhouse for a while, especially if Marley goes into labor early. We are more than just a MC, Kaylee. These guys are my family and I can’t just walk out on them now.” I told her.

“I get it and I would never ask you to. Okay, I’ll go stay at the clubhouse but we have to stop by my place first and let me get some stuff. Okay?” Kaylee said.

“Yes, ma’am.” I said as I took my bear claw out of the bag and bit into it. “Today is going to be a good day!” I said happily.

We finished our breakfast and the nurse brought the paperwork for Kaylee to sign. She took out her IV and together we walked down the hall around the nurses station and back up the other hallway on the other side of the hospital and back to her room. It’s really only about 50 yards at most in length but she made it without getting even the least bit dizzy. The nurse helped her get dressed in some fresh scrubs that one of the nurses loaned her and Kaylee promised to bring back to work with her when she returned to duty.

“Not my best look but if it gets me out of here, I’m not going to complain. How people manage to stay in here for longer than a week without going totally crazy is beyond me.” Kaylee said as she sat down in the wheelchair and the nurse laughed.

The nurse handed her the Panda bear I had bought and her purse and I followed them out of the room and down the hall. We rode the elevator down and I ran ahead to go bring the SUV up to the entrance. Within 2 minutes, I was in front of the hospital and we were loading Kaylee inside.

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