Monster Slayers MC Book 2

Chapter 15-Ending Tiana’s Torturer’s

The next morning, the house started to come alive by 4 am. By 4:30 the parents were carrying sleepy children to the SUV’s to go up to Dixie and Rooster’s house. Thankfully, the children went right back to sleep, probably because it was still dark outside.

All of the women came outside to kiss their men goodbye, fighting hard to keep the tears at bay. “Be safe you guys! And hurry back!” Dixie called out as the men loaded up in the SUV’s and went back to the club house for their bikes. The women stood with their arms linked watching as they went back down the hill. When the sound of the bikes faded away, they went back into the house and gathered around the large kitchen island in Dixie’s new kitchen. She had already started coffee and poured them a cup.

“Well, Ms. Tiana! How was your first time with Boxer?” Charlie asked and then began to laugh as Tiana turned bright red and her eyes got huge.

“You heard us?” Tiana asked, embarrassed.

“Honey, the whole house heard you last night. You are not exactly quiet! So how was it?” Marley asked with a big grin on her face and Tiana blushed an even deeper red.

“Fan-damn-tastic! That was the first time it didn’t hurt. In fact he made me feel so good that I never wanted it to end. He made me feel............. I don’t know how to explain it.” Tiana said.

“Like a real woman and not just a fucking hole for them to put their dicks in?” Marley asked. “Yeah. I was a virgin when the Cobra’s kidnapped me and the first man who raped me actually jammed it in to me and I screamed. He yelled “Hell, yeah, I got me a cherry!” I bled like crazy for two whole days, I was afraid I was going to bleed to death.

What Boxer and I did last night wasn’t just sex. He treated me like I was special and delicate. I had never had a climax before and he made me have one three times before we finally stopped.

It was like one of those rides at the fair. You know when they take you way up in the air really slowly and then just let you drop until just before you hit the ground and then all of a sudden it’s like a rocket ride back up again? That’s what it was like.” Tiana grinned then began to laugh when all the women started nodding their heads in agreement with faraway looks on their faces.

“Looks like we all took rides to the stars last night!” Dixie laughed, all of them remembering how it had been with their men last night.

Kaylee didn’t say anything but now knowing that everyone would be able to hear them, she hoped that she and Boomer would be able to go back to her house for their first time together. She felt sorry for Tiana that everyone was now teasing her. Thankfully no one made any comments about not hearing anything from her and Boomers room.

Boomer’s POV

By 5 am, Rooster had a prospect to go through the drive through at a fast food place and pick up breakfast for us all and we stopped to fill up gas while we ate.

By 5:30 am, we all had full tanks of gas and full stomachs and were well on our way to Durant. About 15 miles out, other clubs from around the south, southeast and southwest began to join in behind us. By the time we pulled into the previously agreed meeting spot, there were over 100 bikes on the road behind us, mixed in with vans and trucks for hauling weapon’s, camping equipment (if needed but that was doubtful), medical supplies as well as medical personnel.

Within less than an hour, clubs from the north, northeast and northwest all started to show up. By 10 am there were over 200 bikes in the now crowded parking area of a large park just outside of town that we had chosen to meet at.

Each club’s president and vice presidents came over and met with Rooster and Hunter. Rooster and Hunter took turns explaining what was going on then Eagle and Hulk reported what they had seen last night. I’m not sure if Rooster noticed or not but Eagle seemed very subdued when we first arrived. More so than usual.

The president of the Monster Ninja’s, a sister club to the Monster Slayers, who went by the name “Shuriken” said “You know if we go in there guns blazing, most if not all of those women are going to die, right? Cobra’s are not going to leave anyone alive to testify against them and they will shoot them before we can even get close.”

Eagle had been standing on the side listening, as always, and he stepped forward and said “He’s right. There’s just too much room between that fence and that barn for us to get to them before they kill them and the women in the house will be killed instantly. Those guys are carrying full automatic rifles and it would only take one man to end all of the ones in the barn before we got in 10 yards.

If they can lock down that house the way we can lock down our compound, we would be sitting ducks out in the open because there’s nothing to hide behind inside that fence. The only way inside then would be a rocket launcher or C4 all the way around the base. Tiana said there are 2 tunnel entrances in the basement that lead out to where we don’t know. We could end up surrounded and have them coming up our asses. We may outnumber them right now, but with the set up they have, it wouldn’t take long or much to thin our ranks down fast.”

“Why didn’t you tell me all this last night?” Rooster said, irritated with Eagle.

“When you sit up thinking about it all night, all kinds of ideas come into your mind. Seeing that woman raped right in front of me and knowing there was nothing I could do to stop it or help her kind of fucked with my mind a bit, I guess.” Eagle said, in shame.

Actually seeing it happen had taken him back to when he was in the service. He had been an Ace sniper for the marines and during his time overseas, he had seen things he would never be able to forget but did his best to shut those memories out of his mind until something like this brought them rushing back. Fighting with PTSD was no joke. It was hard not to go back into full on sniper mode and to not see every man around him as an enemy.

The older members of our club all knew what he had had to deal with since he came home, the hours and hours of therapy he had to attend to keep from ending up in a rubber room. When he first came to them, he’d had several bad episodes where he’d gone back to the war in his mind. Either Ox, when he had been alive, or Hulk and maybe me, if I could catch him unaware that I was behind him, could stop him by simply getting behind him, trapping his arms and lifting him off his feet. He’d actually broken Ox’s nose one time when he head butted him in the face but Ox just squeezed him hard enough to make him pass out. Any other time, we just had to talk softly to him until he calmed down and realized his surroundings again.

“So we move on to plan B. We’ve kind of tipped our hand coming in here in numbers and I’d be surprised to find out that they don’t already know we are here. So I’m open to ideas.” Rooster said.

They all spent over an hour discussing proposed plans, trying to foresee an outcome they had no idea would work or not. In the end, it was decided that they would send members around town to “shop for food and stuff” and to let out the story that they were going on a charity drive to collect money for abused and neglected kids and had just stopped in Durant to gas up, get food and a place to rest for the night before continuing on.

Knowing how a small town grapevine works, they hoped that the Cobra’s would fall for it. The cops that stopped by to check why they were in the area bought it and some of them even donated money from their wallets and promised to collect from fellow officers for the cause and to spread the word. One of the officers made a comment to his partner as they got back in their patrol vehicle. “Damn and here I was hoping they had come to take care of our snake problem.”

When the sun began to set, to anyone on the outside looking in, it looked like we had set up camp in the park and we’re just partying and having a good time with friends. What no one outside of the bikers knew was that if this had been a legitimate charity ride, the ole’ ladies would have been with them but this was all men.

Rooster called all the presidents and vice presidents together to go over what they had planned. “We think that we need to go in at midnight. First, several select former military snipers within the clubs would move in on the house and take out the guards around the barn and house. Then the Monster Ninja’s and men who were excellent with throwing knives would move in and take out the men closest to and inside the barn by using their knives or throwing stars. They would secure the women and keep them safe until they could get them out.

Circuit would use the drone again and see if there were any women upstairs and if so the snipers could take out the men that might be in the rooms with them. Then the rest of them would go in guns blazing, which hopefully would keep the attention of all of the Cobra’s downstairs and away from any women who were upstairs until we could rescue them. Several men from other clubs had excellent climbing skills and could scale the walls from outside, break in through the windows and get the women out. The snipers in the trees would be able to offer them some cover.

“Our only unknown and the one we want alive if possible is Daemon. He’s the sick mother fucker who carved up one of our women. We’re going to deal with him personally. She told us he has a torture chamber in the basement where the beginning of the tunnels are located. The rest of us are going to surround this place with ever widening circles for men who are trying to escape through the tunnels. Once we have this issue contained, we’re blowing this joint so that it can never be used again.

Our primary concern tonight is to get those women out safely and to the medical personnel. Remember they are going to be scared and may fight back, thinking you are there to hurt them more. Just keep your voices down, speak gently and don’t rush at them.

For now, let’s eat and try to relax. Make sure your weapons are ready to go. We should split up and come at them from all directions.” Rooster said pointing at the map he had taped to the side of a van showing the position of the house and the surrounding areas. “There are places to park far enough away that you won’t be heard here, here, here and where we are now is here.” He said, pointing out the different spots.

“From our starting points, we should move on foot at midnight. It’s about a half hour’s walk from here. Oh and be aware, we located a bear trap that will take your leg off last night, so wear your night goggles and watch your step. If you find one, set it off. We just found one but that doesn’t mean there aren’t more out there. We should go in waves. Snipers first. You guys, set up so that you can get a clear line of sight.

The Ninjas should go from here. Tiana told us that there is a tree limb overhanging the fence and a large bush growing next to the fence. She said that was where she managed to hide and climb the fence. For the rest of us, each group will spread out so that we encircle the house. Keep your eyes open for possible locations that they might use as tunnel exits.

Ninjas wait until everyone is in place before you move. Everyone, see our tech, Circuit to connect your com’s to our system so that we can all hear each other. Everyone in agreement?” Rooster said.

Everyone knew and respected Rooster since we are the mother chapter of the Monster Slayers. Our group had been doing the rescues the longest, at least in this part of the country.

They all agreed and the presidents went back to their groups to give instructions. When Rooster and Hunter called their group together to give out instructions, Rooster told his men “I want you to pay close attention to the Ninjas. Watch how they move, how they fight. We could learn a lot from them. I’ve seen them in action before and it’s impressive to say the least. You don’t see them coming, they make their kill and then disappear.

Once we get our expansion done, I want to invite them up to teach us some of their fighting skills. But for now, check your weapons and relax for a bit. Leave the booze alone. We need everyone sharp and ready to move as quietly as possible tonight. No stumbling around in the dark.” Rooster informed his men.

For the next hour and a half, the groups that would be coming in from different directions left to go to their starting points. The rest of us spent the time quietly checking our weapons, making sure our coms were working properly and that the lens of our night goggles were clean. Otherwise, we talked with old friends that we hadn’t seen in a while and caught up with each other.

As for me, Rooster, Hunter, Cruise and Boxer, we called our women to check in and to let them know we were there but had not attacked yet. Kaylee told me that the women had been mainly just visiting and watching the kids in addition to teasing Tiana about her first night with Boxer.

“Hahaha! They were quite vocal last night weren’t they?” I laughed along with her and it was great to hear her musical laughter. It made me feel warm inside. “Baby, I wish I could stay on longer but I need to get something to eat and I want to talk to Eagle a bit before we go. He saw one of the women brought in last night get raped and it’s messing with his head, I can tell.” I told her, hating that I had to be away from her, even if it was only just for a couple of days. “I love you!”

“I love you too, Ben. Please stay safe and hurry back to me.” Kaylee said and I could tell she was trying hard not to cry.

We both had been disappointed that we could not be intimate last night but Kaylee’s ribs still had some healing to do and even though she tried to tell me that she would be able to handle it, I told her I would rather wait until we don’t have to hold back.

“I’ll be home tomorrow so please don’t worry. Good night, my love.” I told her before I hung up.

I looked around and finally spotted Eagle sitting off by himself, checking Betsy, his rifle, taking her apart, making sure all of the pieces were clean and ready to go and then putting her back together. We sometimes teased him about being married to that rifle and of sleeping with it since he never messed with the sweet butts and as far as we know, had never really had a woman in his life.

I walked over to the chow line and made up two plates of food, stuffed a couple of soda’s in my jacket pockets and carried it over to where he was sitting on a log.

“Hey, dude, you need to eat.” I said holding the plate in front of him.

“Thanks, man.” He said as he took it and sat it next to him until he finished putting Betsy back together.

When he picked up his plate, he sat and looked at it for a minute and I asked “Are you okay, Eagle? I’m here if you want to talk.”

He looked at me for a while and then took a deep breath. “I can’t get her out of my mind, Boomer. Seeing the terror on her face as she tried to get away, then her screams and the pain on her face as he raped her, while he just laughed at her.

God, I wanted to shoot him so fucking bad. I had Betsy cocked, aimed and was ready to take him down but knew I couldn’t put all of us in danger just to save one girl. The damage to her has already been done. We were outnumbered and they were all heavily armed. It would have meant suicide for us but still, I felt like a coward for not doing something to help her. That bastard laughed at her the whole fucking time!” Eagle said as big tears rolled down his face unnoticed.

“Will you recognize him when you see him again?” I asked him.

“Oh yeah! I had his eyes clearly in my scope last night. I’m hoping to see him tonight too. I’m going to blow that bastard’s head off when I do.” Eagle said with conviction.

“Good.” I told him, not sure what else to say. I’m definitely no psychologist, just a willing and sympathetic ear.

“Thanks Boomer.” Eagle said.

“What for? You are my brother and I’ll always be here for you. Anytime you need to talk, just let me know.” I told him.

“Kaylee is lucky to have found you.” He said.

“No, I’m the lucky one. Kaylee is the part of my soul that I’ve been missing for a long time. I finally feel complete with her in my life.”

At ten thirty, Rooster gave the signal for everyone to get ready to move. We all got dressed in our “SWAT gear”, made sure our weapons were loaded and ready to go, checked that we had all the ammo we could carry with us and then gathered together and began to walk through the trees along the side of the road as Rooster directed us where he wanted each group to enter the woods. Thankfully the forest floor was still pretty much leaf free so we were able to move quietly as we made our way through the trees. The snipers and Ninjas had left about 20 minutes ahead of us.

We were getting closer to the house when Eagle reported that there was another group of women being brought in and there were now another 20 men on property.

As soon as we were in position, Rooster quietly said into his com, “Ninjas, get ready to move in.” We saw what looked like shadows moving towards the barn and house. “Snipers, start your attack.” We heard small quiet pops from the snipers’ silencers as they fired on the men, taking out first the border guards and then the men around the barn. Cobra’s were dropping like flies and ones who figured out they were under attack, started yelling and running for the house but between the snipers and the Ninjas, none of them got very far.

Suddenly over the com, we heard a voice say “We found a tunnel entrance. Should we go in from here?”

“Don’t go alone but if you can get in, then go!” Rooster said.

“I want to go with them.” Came over the com from Boxer. He wanted to be the one to take out Daemon.

“You’ll get your chance, Boxer. Maintain your position. We need you here.” Rooster ordered him.

A very disappointed “Aye, Prez. But if you guys catch Daemon, he’s mine!” came back over the com.

Eagle’s voice came over the com. “I don’t see any women inside. Anyone else?”

One by one the snipers reported they couldn’t see any women inside the house but that didn’t mean there weren’t any. One of the ninjas reported that there were nearly 50 women in the barn so in addition to the ones they had seen arrive tonight and the ones Eagle had seen delivered last night, they either had another delivery sometime before we got here tonight or they have been there for a while. That would mean they more than likely were in pretty bad shape and were more than likely being used to scare the other women as to what would happen to them soon if they didn’t cooperate. But what they didn’t know was whether or not they cooperated, they were going to be treated like shit.

Suddenly over the com came the sound of fighting and gun fire for a minute or so, then someone laughing maniacally, then women screaming and crying. Then soothing voices saying “We’re not going to hurt you. We are here to rescue you.” A few seconds later, another voice said “We’ve got more coming. Seal those exits from the inside. Pick them up and let’s get the hell out of here so they can blow this joint. Grab him too!” They could hear crying and mumblings and then the first voice said “Seal that entrance. That will trap them all inside.”

Rooster said “Demolitions! Get ready. Set your charges all around the house and barn and wait for my command.”

“Wait! There’s a woman upstairs. Third room on the right. She’s trying to get out of the window but she’s so weak she can’t get the window open far enough to get out and she’s naked!” One of the snipers reported.

“We’ve got it.” Another voice said and suddenly two Ninjas appeared outside the window. They helped the woman open the window and told her “Shhh! We’re here to help you. Come on, we’ll get you down and away from here.”

They watched her hesitate for a minute, then she looked over her shoulder and began to climb through the window. “Wrap your legs around my waist and hold on to my shoulders.” He told her, bringing her arms up under his arms and placing her hands on his shoulders. Then he jumped down and easily rolled onto his hands and knees and then stood up. The woman was still attached to his back. “Hang on.” He told her and then took off running towards the fence, heading for the gate. A man leaned out the window where she had escaped from and started firing at them.

Eagle recognized him as the man from last night and took him out in one shot right between the eyes but his body jumped several times as some of the other snipers fired on him just a second after Eagle’s shot. I heard Eagle quietly say “I got you! You bastard. She is the last woman you will ever rape!”

Just then I spotted the bear trap that Rocket had disabled last night and a second later I heard a clicking noise coming from the base of the tree next to me and was surprised to see a small flash of light coming from inside what is known as a widow maker’s hole.

“I’ve got another tunnel entrance about 10 feet from me. Someone is coming out.” I whispered into my com and turned to face whoever it was, my rifle at the ready.

A minute later two men emerged. They closed the entrance behind them and took two steps before I said “Freeze, motherfuckers!”

One of the men whipped around and fired the gun in his hand at the same time I fired at him. I felt the bullet hit my vest but it was like someone had punched me HARD! I fell backwards and felt a pain in the back of my head, then I heard gun fire from all directions before everything went black.

Rooster’s POV

“Boomer! Boomer! Oh hell, man! Don’t you dare die on me! Somebody, get Doc here now!” I yelled as I knelt by the side of one of my oldest and dearest friends. “I can’t lose you too,man. Please wake up!” I begged without shame. I’d heard the shot that hit him and saw him go down but couldn’t believe that he was dead because the bullet had hit his kevlar and there was no blood on his body but when I went to lift him, Hunter stopped me.

“He probably hit his head. Don’t try to move him yet.” Hunter told me, pulling me back.

A minute later, Doc rushed up carrying his little black bag. “Doc, the bullet hit his kevlar but we think he hit his head because he’s not moving and won’t wake up.” Hunter told him.

“I need light, please.” Doc said and suddenly there were 20 flashlights shining on Boomer. Doc slid his hand under Boomer’s head and it came back red with blood. He took his pulse and listened to his breathing and heartbeat and then said “I’m going to need the long backboard and a neck collar out of my van. We’re going to have to be very careful when we move him. Without x-rays, I can’t tell if there is any damage to his neck or skull.”

Without being asked, two men took off running for Doc’s van which was now parked on the driveway, not far from where we are standing. The men came back with the backboard and collar and Doc gently put the collar on his neck and then Hunter, Boxer, Hulk and I helped lift Boomer enough for Doc to slip the backboard underneath him. Doc strapped him down and then we carried him back to the van. “I’m going to take him to the local hospital. I need x-rays before I’ll chance it to make the long ride home.” Doc said.

“Okay, Doc. We’ll wrap up here and meet you there.” I said as he closed the door to the back of Doc’s van. “Hunter, go with them?” I asked. “Do you think we should call Kaylee?”

“No, I’d wait until we know something. No need to scare her with her so far away and we don’t really know what’s wrong yet.” Hunter said. I was so glad he was being so level headed right now because I felt like my world was about to crash. First we lost Ox and now Boomer was badly hurt. My heart squeezed hard in my chest just thinking that I might lose another of my dearest and closest friends.

Hunter and I just looked at each other for a moment then bro hugged and when we let go, Hunter ran around to the front of the van and climbed behind the wheel.

Everything around us was dead quiet for a minute or maybe it’s just what it seemed like to me but then suddenly, I heard more shots ring out. There were still men inside the house firing on us and our men were shooting back.

“Eagle! What can you see?” I asked.

“There are at least a dozen men inside the house shooting at us from this side. I can see flashes of gun fire from the other side from more of our people firing at the house on that side but I can’t tell from here how many men are on that side are inside the house.” Eagle replied.

“Someone shot down my drone so I can’t see anything.” Circuit reported.

As soon as he stopped speaking, another sniper reported “We count an additional 15 men on this side on both floors. The windows on this side are shuttered with gun holes.

“Demolition teams get ready to blow this joint.” I said into the com. “Do we have all the women out and away from here? Are the tunnels clear?” I asked.

“Aye Prez. We are taking them back to the camp for now. What are we going to do with so many of them?” Boxer asked.

“As soon as we are done with here, we’ll go back and talk to them and find out if they need medical attention and if not, if they just want rides home. Can’t say what more until we get there.” I told him.

“The two women we collected from the basement have been carved on. We’re going to take them to the hospital. They are going to need more attention than we are equipped to deal with.” Brasier’s voice came across the com and Rooster responded. “Go! Hunter is there with Boomer who was injured.”

Ten minutes later, Rocket, who was the leader of the demolition crew, reported to me. “Charges are set Prez.”

“Somebody seal up that escape tunnel. Make it so that no one can ever get in or out of that tunnel again. Somebody bring me that bullhorn.” I yelled. A second later, someone tossed a grenade down the tunnel hole and the ground shook when it went off.

A minute later, one of our prospects ran up and handed me the bullhorn. I put it to my mouth and pressed the button and said “Inside the house! We have you surrounded and have set the house to blow. It’s no skin off our nose if you want to go up with it but we are not animals and you have two minutes to decide between living and dying. Put your weapons down and come out the front door with your hands in the air. The countdown starts now!” I said and then we all waited.

About a minute later, the front door opened and 10 men came out with their hands in the air and walked down the front steps.

I put the bullhorn to my mouth and said “Walk towards the gate.”

Suddenly a shout came from the house, “Traitors! Die you cowards!” and he opened fire on his brother bikers, hitting all but three of them who began to run towards the gate. Our snipers opened fire on his gun flashes and within seconds the shuttered window he had been hiding behind was full of holes and finally fell to the ground.

“Blow it!” I said to the demo crew and seconds later the explosions started. Then what we could only assume was the gas appliances in the house blew up. Within a minute there was nothing left but a smoking pile of rubble. Everyone ducked when pieces of the house and barn fell through the canopy of trees. We could hear cries of “Hell, yeah! Monster Slayers rule!”

“Check those men he shot and make sure they are dead or if they need medical attention.” I ordered and then I heard my phone ring. I pulled out my phone and took the com out of my ear so that I could talk in private.

“Hey! He’s going to be okay. He woke up about halfway to the hospital. He’s having a bit of a hard time focusing his eyes and Doc said that’s not unusual. He’s in x-ray now and then Doc is working with the ER doctor here and he ordered a scan to make sure he’s not bleeding into his brain.” Hunter told me and I couldn’t help the large sigh of relief that left me.

“Thank God! Stay with him Hunter. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” I told him.

“How’s it going there?” Hunter asked.

“We gave them the chance to give up and 10 men surrendered but then someone in the house opened fire on them. 3 got away unhurt but he got 7 of them. I don’t know if they are dead or just injured yet. We blew the house and barn and the tunnel entrances are being sealed permanently. The women who were rescued from the basement have been carved up and Brasier is bringing them in. Get with him if you can. We ended up with over 50 women. We’re going to take them back to camp and see if any of them need medical attention. If not, we’re going to offer to take them wherever they want to go.” I told him.

“Good deal. I’ll let you know about Boomer as soon as I know something.” Hunter said and then hung up.

I put the com back in my ear and told everyone, “Return to camp!”

Hulk walked over to me and said “2 of the men he shot are dead but the other 5 are just injured.”

I got on the com and said “Anyone got a medical person with them? We have 5 injuries that need medical attention. My doctor and his van took one of our men to the hospital.”

“We’ll be there in a few.” “Be right there.” Came back over the com and Hulk nodded at me.

“Want me to stay here and oversee?” Hulk offered.

“Yeah. I want to get back and talk to some of the women and try to figure out what the hell we are going to do with so many of them.” I told him.

“How many total?” Hulk asked.

“Last count I had was 50!” I said. “Think yours might be in there?”

Hulk laughed at me. “Hey, ya never know! Things with Jeanne didn’t really work. Too many differences. She actually said that if we got together I would have to quit the MC, like she had a say in it and I had no choice. Anyway, as soon as those guys are being attended to, I’ll head back. Any word on Boomer?”

“Yeah, he’s awake but can’t focus his eyes. They are still doing x-rays and scans and stuff. Hunter’s going to call as soon as they have results.” I told him.

“Good deal. I knew it would take more than a bump on the head to take out the Boomer!” Hulk grinned at me.

“Come on guys, let’s go back to camp!” I yelled at my crew and we turned to walk back to camp as the two vans with medical personnel pulled up to the gate. Thank goodness Boxer thought about us having to walk back and sent van’s to pick up the 10 men who were left with me.

When we got back to camp, we found cops, lined up by the park with their blue lights flashing. I pulled up next to the man you could tell was in charge. I got out and said “Something wrong?”

“We heard an explosion and when we got here we saw all of these men unloading these women. What is going on is what we would like to know.” The man with a Sergeant’s badge on his chest with the name “Douglas” underneath it.

“Sergeant Douglas, my name is Rooster. I’m the president of the Monster Slayers MC. We recently had a young woman show up on our property, half dead who had been badly beaten and raped repeatedly for about 7 months. She told us about a gang called the “Cobra’s” that were in this area and running a human trafficking ring. She said she witnessed them kill her best friend right in front of her.

She managed to escape and ran for about 2 months before she fell in our backyard and hurt her ankle. She was terrified of men in general but she gave us directions and begged us to come and save other women who were being held here and to put a stop to the Cobra’s, to keep them from taking anymore women and hurting or selling them into lives of slavery. So here we are. This is what the Monster Slayers do. We rescue neglected, abused and molested children and young women.” I told him, holding my head high because I was proud of what we do.

“Why didn’t you contact us? We’ve been having problems with the Cobra’s terrorizing our town for over two years now but couldn’t catch them at anything strong enough to stick or people were too afraid to testify against them. We would have helped or could have used the back up. I’ve heard of your club before and the good work you do. So, the Cobra’s are gone now?” Sergeant asked.

“Yeah, well at least this batch of them. We even have a few to turn over to you. When they tried to surrender, someone from their side opened fire on them and we returned fire. We probably hit a gas appliance and the result of that was the explosion you heard. We warned them, gave them a chance to surrender but they made the final decision.” I told him without admitting that we had blown the place up but just relating what had happened.

Just then the vans with the injured men pulled up and none of them were in life threatening danger so they were taken into custody by the police. Sergeant followed me back to where the women were being attended to and Sergeant Douglas said “Wow! They are all ages from mid teens to late twenties, it looks like. Where do they get them all?”

“Our experience has taught us that any woman caught alone for any reason, or even if there are two or three of them together, are targets for these guys. Alone is at the biggest risk but I had a case a few years ago where it was four young women whose car had broken down. Turns out the kidnappers had fooled with their engine and caused it to break down when they were in a more secluded place. They used a kill switch that just caused the car to shut off when they were in a secluded area. The girls were 15 and 16 years old.

Two of them ended up in mental institutions, probably for the rest of their lives. One committed suicide and the other now works with victims who have experienced abuse or molestation.” I told him. As long as I live, I will never forget Marie, Jessica, Nancy and Janice. Janice is the only one still living a somewhat normal life and she still sends us a Christmas card every year.

“Well, my chief is probably going to chop my ass for not arresting all of you but if he tries, I’ll quit and come join your club! I joined the police department to do the kind of work you guys do, not drive around giving speeding tickets or breaking up barroom fights.” Sergeant Douglas said.

“If you decide to go that route, just let me know. We’re online under Monster” I told him. Circuit had created a site for us several years ago and it had kept us busy ever since it went live. “Just do us a favor, if he decides to come back and arrest us, let us know beforehand? He’ll come back to find his park clean and empty.” I grinned at the Sergeant who then shook my hand and said “Deal!”

As soon as the cops left, Boxer approached me and asked me to step away from everyone else. When we were out of earshot, Boxer told me, “ Daemon was captured. With your permission, I’m going to take him somewhere quiet and make him feel what he put Tiana and so many other women through.” He was looking me dead in the eye, almost challenging me to refuse him. I just nodded my head and walked back to where the others were helping the women. I saw him grab something out of his saddle bags and walk away in the woods across the road. I thought I could see two prospects holding another man, who was bound and gagged, leading him back into the woods.

About 15 minutes later, the two prospects came back looking a little green but didn’t say a word. I heard what sounded like a whip being cracked but no one but me seemed to notice or they just ignored it.

About an hour later, Boxer came back, covered in blood and shaking slightly. He didn’t say a word and headed for the park bathroom where there was an outside faucet. He stripped and washed himself off and burned his clothes except for his cut. He walked back to his bike and got out clean clothes and dressed. He got a beer and then finally looked over at me. He stopped and we stared at each other for a full minute. I nodded and gave him a thumbs up then he turned away and I saw him pull out his phone.

To take care of the body, I sent some of our men to take care of what was left of Daemon, which they reported back wasn’t much. Boxer may be a boxing fighter, but he was also very good with a knife. That was why he had been so bloody. He had basically dissected him.

“Prez, I saw some animal tracks out there. I think if we just spread him out a bit, they will take care of the rest. We only need to worry about the larger bones but whoever took care of him even crushed his skull so even that shouldn’t be a problem.” Spades, one of the cleaners told me.

“Go spread him out but watch your back. If the animals are hungry, they might not wait.” I warned him and watched Spades call a few of the prospects to follow him and they went to take care of the body.

A/N: Don’t worry, this is not the end. Book 3 is done and is going to begin from this point on. Don’t worry, I won’t leave you hanging! Hope you are enjoying the series!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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