Monarch of Darkness

Chapter 1: PROLOGUE

In a grey world,an ancient city was burning. Corpses were littered on the ground. A strong stench of blood was wafting in the atmosphere. Wailing sounds were coming from some places time to time.

An old man in a tattered black armor was fighting crazily against a group of men who rode the gigantic flying magical beasts. His tied up long white beard was swaying in the turbulent wind.

A group of warriors were protecting his back. They were bathed in blood and Infront of them were countless enemies.

That old man was standing there like a impregnable wall. Enemies were numbered in thousands. Yet, he was stopping them with a few hundreds of bloodsoaked warriors.

The face of old man was filled with some mysterious symbols. His eyes were pitch dark, there was no single shard of white in his pupils.

With the symbols on his face and the pitch back pupils, he was looking extremely demonic.contemporary romance

His every move was heaven defying. With a magical staff in his hand, he was constantly summoning burning meteorites from space.

His every move was complimented by the bloodcurdling screams of enemies. Meteorites were burning the enemies to a crisp and leaving behind deep craters.

But suddenly a old man in a white robe appeared riding a gigantic beast. That beast was fierce looking and its' every beating of wings was resulting in a whirlpool of wind in space.

The old man on top of the gigantic beast was emitting a majestic aura and he wore a golden crown on his head. He waved his sword and countless sword beams scattered across space. It easily cutdown the meteorites to pieces.

The man atop the gigantic beast laughed mockingly and said, "Oh, almighty Arthur, how much time you can last! You have fought for three days already. Go to your grave and stop causing trouble.From now on, there will be no devil in this ancient Galaxy.''

In reply old man Richard laughed crazily. A mad desire for war could be seen in his old eyes. He shouted,

"Cerberus, Shadowhorn flee with all remaining warriors, there is nothing you guys can do. I am covering for you guys. Go away quickly."

The group of warriors with tattered armours were reluctant to leave the old man in black armor behind. They stood behind the old man even after listening his order. Seeing this,old man shouted angrily, "You must go, protect our last hope.''

The group of warriors fled to different directions reluctantly. A mad shout for war was heard from a distance. They turned back and some of them become teary eyes. But without going back, they fled.

Somewhere, in a different world a group of black clothed people were kneeling orderly. They were surrounding a citadel and prostrating infront of it.

A short altar could be found at middle of citadel. That citadel was looking ancient. Paintings of different types of mythical animals covered the edges of it. The citadel was black in colour and full of crisscrossed scars.

The prostrating people were chanting in a obscure language. Suddenly the gloomy citadel lit up. It seemed like the paintings of mythical creatures came to life for a moment.

The people of black clothed people were stunned. Cracks started to appear on the top of altar. Gradually the cracks widened and the short altar crumbled.

A dazzling white shadow appeared on the altar. A greyish strand could be seen entangled with it.

Greyish strand transferred itself to a middle aged man. He looked at the surrounding and said,

"Thanx for taking care of this soul altar.

You guys don't have to remember this incident. Let me see one of your memory to understand the situation. Where are we exactly!"

He floated towards the group of flabbergasted people. His illusory hand reached toward head of one of knelling person. The kneeling blackrobed person's eyes turned blank. After sometime the illusory looking middle-aged perso removed his hand. A relived expression appeared on his face and he shouted, "I Cerberus have completed my mission. I have successfully escorted young Lord to a new land."

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