Monarch of Darkness


Spoiler alert ( Read it only after reading chapter 1 to chapter 30)

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  Soul Invasion technique

Night was long. Moon had hid far away to save herself from the tyranny of darkness. Bigblue was moving on a first pace and the deep region of forest seemed like the den of a devil from distance. Despite it's huge body, Big blue was very nimble and had not been causing any sound despite it's speed. But Evan was still on alert all the time.

"Shua.....Shua..." suddenly Evan heard light footsteps coming from his west. Evan signaled Bigblue to halt and they hid away behind a thick tree. He had soul contact with Bigblue. So, it could easily understand the intent behind his words.

Two warriors in sliver armours were running from a group of ferocious beasts. Evan's eyes narrowed. From the shining silver armours Evan already knew the running warriors were warriors of Sylvia clan.

But Evan didn't take any action. He wanted to know who was behind these beasts. Soon he saw two masked men who were following the attacking beasts in a distance. They were moving very nimbly without causing any noise. From their movement, Evan guessed they were using a magical movement technique. He looked at Bigblue and said, "Move little far from me and command your pack to surround this place. We will attack when I will think time is right."

Bigblue ran a little far from Evan and started to howl. Soon many howls came following the howls of Bigblue. Evan saw the two masked men halted their movement and looked at their surrounding vigilantly while holding their weapons. But after some time they still followed after the magical beasts. Evan again sit atop Bigblue and followed after the two masked men.

He spread his soul conciousness as far as possible and soon both of the masked men came into the range of his soul. From their body, Evan observed their current cultivation level. At first Evan was worried because he didn't know the exact location of his aunt Brianna. But now Evan felt relaxed as he finally had his targets infront of his sight.

Although Evan had not caught the enemies, he was relaxed because he knew their cultivation level. They were at the level of late stage of Meridian opening realm. As long as his opponents were within his cultivation realm, Evan could use his powerful soul to attack them. Sometime passed while chasing after them. Bigblue informed him through their soul link that it's underlings had already surrounded the place from every direction. But some wolfs couldn't return because they were very far away and didn't listen it's command.

Evan said, "Does not matter. Say your underlings to handle the beasts chasing after Sylvia clan warriors. You pick up one of your strong fighters and fight with those masked men. Don't kill them. I have use for them. I will stay in shadow. I can't reveal myself in open."

The two Sylvia clan warriors were running with as much strength as they could muster. But two magical beasts caught up with them. The magical beasts were medium size in height and they had long, blunt snouts, small eyes and large ears. From their thick coarse coats of spikes, Evan knew what they were. They were Blackspiked boars. The blackspiked boars were earth attributed magical beasts. They were very sturdy and fierce in nature. They were very common in White Orchid forest and most of them were in element sensing realm.

Although it was nothing threatening to Sylvia clan warriors in normal time but their sheer number now could drown them and there were still thirty to forty boars who had strength similar to Meridian opening realm warriors.

Two Blackspiked boars charged toward the Sylvia clan warriors. Both were in element sensing realm. One of Sylvia clan warrior swung his sword vertically. His sword lit up with red coloured light and fire covered the sword. The boar was split in half and it's corpse got charred black. Another warrior moved in a rapid speed and swung his sword in a crisscrossed manner. Green coloured light appeared on his sword and Evan knew from his attack that he was a wind attributed warrior.

Wind attributed warriors could move very fast and they could escape from the enemies of same strength easily. But clearly this Sylvia clan warrior didn't do so in order to protect his clan brother. The boar that came in touch with green coloured energy, flown into a distance and two deep scars appeared on its body.

But in the blink of an eye another four Blackspiked boars reached the Sylvia clan warriors. Evan knew it was the time and yelled "Now" in his mind.

A loud wolf howl could be heard and soon many wolfs appeared in the surrounding of boars and two masked men. With another fierce howl from Bigblue, three fierce looking wolfs walked out and pounced towards the masked men. A fierce battle started in the blink of an eye.

The two masked men were no push over. One of them held a broad sword in his hand and another held a fierce looking battle axe. Other Ironback blue wolfs pounced towards Blackspiked boars and a fierce battle started between both party. The Ironback blue wolfs used their sharp fangs and claws to tear apart the sturdy defence of boars. Evan noticed all Ironback blue wolfs were using rare metal energy, which was not one of five elements of heaven and Earth. Although Evan had already knew about it, but it was his first time seeing the power of metal attribute.

"Anyone who has metal energy, can have very strong attacking and defending ability", Evan thought in his mind. He focused on the battle field and as expected although both masked men were attacking fiercely and both possessed wind attribute, they couldn't win against Bigblue as it was a magical beast of peak stage of Meridian opening realm.

Soon, one masked man could not defend against a claw attack of Bigblue and his shoulder ripped apart in the process. Other warrior who was defending against three strong Ironback blue wolfs, received a fierce bite from one of the wolf on his abdomen and blood drenched all over his body.

"Now is the time", Evan thought in his mind and released one strand of his soul toward the masked man fighting Bigblue. Now as the warrior was already heavily injured and fighting Bigblue who was naturally superior to him in cultivation, he couldn't resist against the soul strand of Evan.

After the soul strand crept into the soul of the masked man, he appeared dazed. Evan used a technique to see through his memory. It was a powerful soulbased technique of devils, "Soul Invasion technique."


A conspiracy against royal family

Evan looked into the memory of masked man and soon discovered many shocking facts. Many information flooded his conciousness. He felt a throbbing pain in his mind. Despite the pain, he continued to search through the memories of masked man to clear his doubt.

Previously he was always interested to know the truth about the incident related to his father and mother of this life. He always wondered what happened back then, why his mother and aunt had to hide in Sylvia clan. Who were the culprits behind the scene.

Evan saw a scene in the memory of masked enemy. In the midst of a lush green mountain there was a middle sized gate. 'Beast God mountain' was written there in bold caligraphy. The masked man was with another man and they were riding two fierce looking horned beasts. They entered through the entrance of Beast God mountain and although guards were there, no one stopped them while they were entering.

Soon, they saw a old man whose head was full of white hair. These two quickly bowed toward him. The old man smiled and said, "Rolf, you guys were back in time. There was a new mission. I wonder if you two were interested. But you have to hide your identity in this mission." Evan tried to see more but he was already gasping from the use of memory searching spell. He stopped and only read through their memories. Although Evan could see the exact memory but it was consuming his soul power rapidly. So, Evan gave up and only read through their memories. It was less power consuming and Evan quickly found out many details.

There were three old men of Core Condensation realm who had come to the forest. Evan found out some Noble families of Thousand sword kingdom may be behind these attacks but even the masked disciples were not sure about it. Despite the pain, Evan continued. Soon, he found out information about his father. While traveling outside, his father-the king of Thousand swords kingdom was sneak attacked and after that assassins came for those loyal to royal family.

Someone even attacked his mother while she was pregnant. Evan's heart burned with anger after he found out about it. He then learned about the contribution of Sylvia clan to royal family and that they had sacrificed some of their warriors to protect his mother and aunt.

Evan knew his royal devil soul was fused with the soul of dying child of his mother and so he always felt a belongingness to his current family. As a Child he never got parental care in his past life. Although his uncles took good care of him but as a child he always longed for his parents.

"There are many enemies to us devils but I will first take care of traitors to our royal family in this life. Anyone who dare to harm my family, I will make sure to wipe out their existences from the face of heaven", Evan vowed in his mind.

After being freed from Chase of magical beasts, Sylvia clan members were still there. Evan ordered Bigblue, "Kill these masked men. Chase away Sylvia clan warriors and follow them. We will follow them to where enemies are surrounding my aunt."

Bigblue howled and some Ironback blue wolfs moved toward Sylvia clan warriors. Seeing the bloodthirsty wolfs moving toward them threteningly, Sylvia clan members ran away. Some wolves followed  after the Sylvia clan warriors from a distance. By the time Sylvia clan warriors disappeared from his eyes, the wolves had already finished with the two masked men. Red blood was dripping from their sharp fangs. Although Evan was still a seven year old child, he was a devil. He had a human body but in his heart, he was a devil and no devil feared blood. Devils believed in power and blood was a sacrifice to devil ancestor.

Evan again ride on top of Bigblue and started going after the Sylvia clan warriors. After two hours of chasing in the dark forest, Evan finally heard sound of fighting. Metallic sounds were reverberating in the surrounding. Battle was too chaotic. Multicolored lights were litting up time to time, painting a beautiful scenery in the dark forest.

Evan ordered, "Big blue, tell your subordinates to stay behind and don't cause any noise. I will go with you to observe the Battle situation. For now, surround this area, we will attack when I give the signal."

A wolf howl sounded out but it went unnoticed by enemies due to choatic war. Some nearby powerful magical beasts sensed it and they also roared but no other sound came from wolfs in reply. Evan got down from the back of Bigblue and they sneaked close to the Battle field and hid behind a gigantic trunk of a old tree. Some Sylvia clan warriors were surrounded by masked enemies. Other Sylvia clan warriors were surrounded by many different types of hoards of magical beasts. Sylvia clan warriors were fighting fiercely. They were battling in small groups. Although each warriors looked pale but they were protecting each other. And in every wave of their attack, they were drawing blood.

Evan used his soul and spread his soul conciousness out. He found out enemies were targeting only peak stage Meridian opening warriors and those who were in Profound transformation realm.

"Enemies have clearly planned this before and prepared themselves to face Sylvia clan warriors. It looks like they want to reduce the overall strength of Sylvia clan." Evan thought inside his mind.

He tried to search his aunt Brianna and found her in South of the battlefield. He also saw Sylvia clan chief Lucas fighting with two masked men who had white hair on their head. Evan noticed his aunt Brianna and clan chief Lucas hovering in the air. Evan felt surprise in his heart. I knew aunt was strong but didn't expect her to be in "Core condensation realm".

"Before core condensation no one can proclaim him or her as a true Martial warrior", Evan recalled a line from his past life.



Evan joins the battle

Brianna was in her warrior's outfit. She had a sword in her hand and was defending against two masked men. One of her opponent was a middle aged man and another was a old man. The middle aged man laughed and said, "Princess Brianna, why are you so stubborn?

You should come out from this lowly place. Your family had expelled you but I am sure there will be many men who will die to marry you, including myself. "Brianna didn't reply but an angry look appeared on her pretty face and she started to swing her sword more fiercely. Red coloured beams burst out from her sword.

The miiddle aged man dodged quickly and the red beams crashed into the land of that direction. The vegetation above the ground bear the burnt of her attack and turned to ash quickly. The miiddle aged man hold a staff in his hand. A multicoloured orb was placed on top of it. He waved it and a blue shield appeared in the air.

The red beams coming from Brianna's sword crashed onto the blue shield and blue shield shattered but it successfully negotiated the red beams. The other opponent with hair full of white hair launched a sneak attack from his sword when Brianna was attacking the other opponent. She hurriedly swung her sword but still forced back two steps.

She shouted, "Old man, you are despicable." The old man didn't attack again and calmly replied, "Princess, we are not playing a game here."

The middle aged man laughed and said, "Princess, Don't entangle yourself in the matter of thousand swords kingdom. Reaching your level in such a low age was a miracle in itself. I am sure your family will come to take you soon after knowing your level. I am sure you know that this kingdom is a fat piece of meat. You can't swallow it alone."

Brianna started to attack crazily again and many fierce red beams bombarded the middle aged man. Evan could listen their voice because they were shouting using their cultivation level. "Aunt Brianna seemed to be in odd with her family and these men were not trying to kill her but they would surely capture her if she got defeated", Evan exclaimed.

"Brianna, Don't listen to this guy's words. He is trying to distract you", Lucas shouted toward Brianna. Then Evan looked toward the location where Sylvia clan chief Lucas was fighting. The area was glowing with a whitish glow. A white aura surrounded the body of Lucas like a protective armor and opponents' attacks were failing to penetrate through it. He was just standing their like a sturdy mountain. "Defensive power of light energy is amazing, as expected from those turtles who thought themshelves as ruler of heaven, despicable god clan, Evan thought while gritting his teeth.

Seeing the masked opponents Evan frowned. He had obtained information from masked disciple of Thousand beasts sect that three enemies of Core condensation realm had come to attack his aunt. But now Evan could see there were more enemies of Core Condensation realm than he expected.

In a distance three old men whose faces were covered with masks, attacking Lucas ferociously. Lucas held a broad sword in his hand and launching waves of white energy with every swing of his direction. Evan observed the enemies and saw there were total five of them. Although he could observe more closely with soul consciousness, he decided against it because of vast difference between their cultivation level.

"I have to grow stronger quickly. Without power, I can't even protect who I want to protect. For now, I can hardly do anything against Profound transformation realm warriors and there were even Core condensation realm warriors." Evan thought inside his mind while observing the battlefield.

While observing the battles, he heard sounds from nearby battle field. "Protect Commander Roland", Evan heard the shouts of Sylvia clan warriors. Evan spread his soul consciousness to nearby battlefield and there he saw two small groups of Sylvia clan warriors launching attacks with arrows and sword attacks towards enemies of Profound transformation realm warriors.

Evan saw one valiant looking warrior of Sylvia clan surrounded by enemies. His armor was filled with holes and blood was flowing out of his mouth and nostrils. His eyes were looking bloodshot. There were many burnt marks on his skin and armor.

Evan guessed this warrior most be Commander Roland of Sylvia clan, youngest of the nineswords under his father Nathan Jackson. Evan never interacted with him before but even Levi admired him for his strength.

One enemy was chanting something obscure and constantly launching fireballs toward Roland. Evan knew that enemy was a spell caster and high-level spell casters were called as wizards. Becoming a warrior was relatively easy but becoming a wizard was difficult.

Becoming a wizard needed natural talent the most. Wizards had high level elemental affinity than others and can cast spells using elements of heaven and Earth. Warriors were powerful but wizards could cause mass destruction. In average Only one out of hundreds of warriors could become wizard. In Sylvia clan there were very less people who were wizards. Evan clan chief Lucas was not a wizard.

Roland defended himself from fireballs by waving his sword but still one fireball hit him. Another warrior swung a axe toward his body but Roland dodged it. Evan saw Sylvia clan warriors were trying to distract enemies to give Roland a escape route. One Sylvia clan warrior stabbed by a sharp horn of a firespitting ox from behind.

A gaping hole appeared on his stomach area and blood started to gush out. Another Sylvia clan warrior tried to protect him but a black coloured wolf pounced at him and his sword hand was ripped apart. No matter how Evan saw, the situation was not looking optimistic for Sylvia clan warriors. Initially Evan wanted to wait a bit more. He was worried that enemies might have reinforcement.

But seeing the situation was going out of hand, he ordered Bigblue, "Attack now, annihilate everyone in group. Don't attack those warriors who were in shining armors. Kill the surrounding magical beasts first."

"Aaaooooo", Bigblue let out a affirmative howl and suddenly fierce howls could be heard from everywhere. After that A group of fierce looking wolfs pounced at the nearby Magical beasts.

A hidden guardian

Ironback blue wolfs attacked crazily all the surrounding magical beasts. Blood started to paint the battlefield red. Initially Sylvia clan warriors were in a disadvantage but after Ironback blue wolfs appeared, pressure on the Sylvia clan warriors lifted.

They quickly supported their profound transformation warriors who were being surrounded by the enemy experts. The situation of battlefield changed quickly.  Seeing the changing situation, those top warriors who were fighting up in the sky with Brianna and Lucas started to worry. Although they were still holding the advantage in their Battle against Brianna and Lucas, they were not able to break the defense of Brianna and Lucas.

The masked man who seemed like a middle-aged man frowned and said, "We have no information about someone of Sylvia clan is also a beast tamer. This beast tamer has some ability. He can even control Ironback blue wolfs. Generally it was very difficult to track them."

"Try to defeat these two quickly. If we can't take down these guys quickly, some unexpected variable is not impossible. We must not let our plan fail like this", the old man who was fighting Brianna with middle-aged man shouted.

The enemies in the masks started to attack more ferociously. Brianna swung her sword toward the old man. But that old man didn't block it and allowed the sword to fall on his shoulder. Then he stabbed his sword toward the belly of Brianna. Her skin tight warrior outfit got shredded and her fair skin exposed. A bloody scar appeared on her snow white skin.

Evan felt worried when he looked at the ferocious attacks of enemies but he knew he couldn't do anything in this situation. Evan suddenly felt danger coming from his back. He hurried moved to his side and a black coloured wolf passed by brushing his collar.Evan felt cold. Just now, if he was one moment late, his neck would have beaten by that black wolf.

That black wolf didn't give any time to Evan and again pounced at him from front. Evan clenched his sword and channeled darkness energy and hurriedly block. Wolf stopped after colliding with his sword and started to launch claw attacks at him.

Evan saw it's claw was shining with a black light and realized, this was a beast who cultivated darkness energy. He felt relived and a smile appeared on his face. When it came to darkness energy, he was extremely confident in his ability.

The black wolf circled around him as if it was examining it's prey and pounced at him from his left side. Evan quickly released a strand of his soul and it penetrated into soul of black wolf in no time. The attacking wolf stood their stupidly and Evan poured all of his energy into the sword in his hand.

Evan channeled darkness energy through all of his Meridians and darkness energy streamed through his ancient devil Meridian into the sword. He swung his sword at the neck of the dazed wolf and a bloody wolf head rolled on the ground.

Evan was perspiring profusely by now. Drops of sweat could be seen all over his face. "It was too dangerous now. If I couldn't use my soul to attack, I could have fall into a dangerous situation. In my previous life, I always wondered why everyone in my Hendrickson family ran off to nearby forest to practice. But I realize now practical experience was necessary to become stronger. Our family was made of bunch of battle maniacs. that's why they were mighty warriors", Evan realized the importance of battles which could make him strong.

"I will come here often. It is necessary for me to become strong. Otherwise,no matter how much skills and techniques I have, I will be killed,if I face such dangerous situation again",he thought.

Using soul had also it's limit. Although Evan had a very strong soul but his soul linked with his body and mind. According to his cultivation realm,his body and mind was in great pressure, when he used a soul attack. He was already using considerable amount of soul strength to control Bigblue and recent attack on black wolf drained all of his energy from his body.


Meanwhille, a old man with messy hair appeared above the space where this fierce battle was being fought. He had unkempt white beard and long white hair.He was standing there but no one could see him. He was looking at the direction of Evan.

"What a interesting fellow. Although I can't see him due to darkness, I can say he is a extremely young child. These Ironback blue wolfs must be his doing. After war, I will take him with me. His talent will be a waste if he stays here."

Evan had no idea that someone was observing him. He again looked at the ongoing battle while channeling darkness energy into his body. He almost emptied out all of his darkness energy stored inside his Meridians and body,in his previous attack. So,now he was trying to replenishing his energy quickly.

Evan looked at the battle where Big blue was fighting at. Bigblue was currently fighting with a enemy expert. Evan spread his soul conciousness and saw Bigblue was currently in a disadvantage.

A enemy of Profound transformation realm seemed like targeting it.That enemy was launching attacks of earth attributed energy towards it. Blood was flowing out of it's sturdy body and it was trying to dodge these powerful moves of enemy. Evan saw a Sylvia clan warrior of Profound transformation realm came to the aid of Bigblue and Bigblue moved out from that place. Seeing Bigblue out of danger,Evan felt happy.

Then he looked at the battle that was being fought in sky. That was the true battle which could decide the final outcome. Evan saw Lucas was still standing there like a Impenetrable fort. Three enemies launching ferocious attacks of different elements,but they were unable to break the protective cover made of light energy.

Evan looked at Brianna and he felt angry by looking at the scene. Brianna was currently in a disadvantage while fighting two enemies. The middle-aged enemy was harassing Brianna. Many cut marks had appeared on the warriors outfit of Brianna, exposing his jade skin. Blood was flowing out of her wound.

Brianna was attacking ferociously now. She was extremely angry because of how the middle-aged man treating her. She let go of her defenses and started to launch some crazy attacks in exchange of injuries.

The old man was also extremely ruthless and attacking with all his might. Evan saw Brianna was swinging her exquisite sword toward the middle aged man and the old man launched a ruthless strike at Brianna. Evan's heart raced as extreme worry gripped his heart.

But suddenly a mysterious old man appeared out of thin air near Brianna and defended Brianna from ruthless strike of old man. He was the mysterious old man who was watching the battle of Evan earlier. His head was full of white hair and he had unkempt beard. He laughed while defending the ferocious attack.

Evan felt a oppressive aura from this old man. The old man who was from the side of enemies, felt surprise by the sudden appearance of this old man. He asked, "Who are you?" The old man ignored his question and looked at Brianna. He asked, "Now it is extremely dangerous little girl. Why don't you have a little bit patience."

Branna who was always cold and proud, lowered her head like a shy girl. Evan was so shocked that, he stood there in a daze. "Is she really my strict aunt?" Evan murmured inside his mind. Even after he recovered his past memories, he still held fear for his aunt Brianna. She was very strict to him and always give him a good beating whenever she taught him.

By now the old man who was fighting Brianna had already seen the appearance of old man infront of him. A shivered tone came out of his mouth,

"Sword Devil Renshaw, You are still alive!"


Sword Devil Renshaw

Evan also wondered,"Who is this Sword Devil Renshaw?" Leaving aside the old man who was asking with a shivered tone,even other enemies were behaving like they had seen a ghost. Evan felt a very intimidating aura coming from this old man. But from his behaviour,he knew this old man came to assist his side.

Another enemy who was hiding his face with mask asked, "Sword devil Renshaw of four guardians, are not you ambushed a long time ago and at your last breath? How are you still alive?" Evan could feel fear in the masked old man's voice.

Eyes of old man Renshaw glinted sharply,even Evan trembled although he was in a distance."In my past life,no expert dare to leak their intimidating aura infront of me,besides that I rarely come in contact with other powerful people other than my relatives. For first time,

I could feel the aura of a mighty warrior",Evan thought inside his mind.Evan could feel that old man was also a darkness energy cultivator. His Royal Devil soul could sense if any cultivator using darkness attribute.

A grin appeared on the face of old man Renshaw, he said,"Are you expecting me to be dead? If you feeling frustrated,then you can go and complain,when I send you all to hell".Another old man who was fighting Lucas shouted, "Renshaw, don't think you are invincible. Let this matter drop. We will leave immediately."

"Hehe...hehe..he", old man Renshaw let out a maniacal laughter. "Sheeps can really dance when tiger is not around in his den. You have already done so many things. How Can I let you go without giving any reward."Suddenly a ferocious look appeared on the face of old man who was just asking for a truce. He waved his sword toward old man Renshaw who was looking at him mockingly.

He fiercely shouted "Seven fire wave". From its appearance Evan could tell it was a magical technique.But old man Renshaw didn't move from there. The fire attack which was surging like waves reached old man Renshaw very quickly.Evan thought,"Why this old guy not defending?"

When everyone thought the fireattack hit him,old man Renshaw vanished from the place.Before anyone could thought anything,old man Renshaw appeared infront of the enemy who was attacking him just now. He thrusted his rusty looking sword toward the throat of masked old man. 

What everyone could see that a sword protruding from the opposite side of masked old man.The sword was imbuded with darkness energy and red blood was dripping from it's edge. 

No sound came out of anyone's mouth. Every human no matter they were Sylvia clan members or enemies who were in mask stopped their battle. Everyone was too shocked by this display of such ferociousness.Evan also felt his heart stopped for a moment. After that he felt his blood was boiling. He thought,"This was the true ferociousness of a devil. This is how should a devil fight."

Choas appeared immediately after this bloody scene. Every enemies who were fighting ferociously till now in battlefield,started to run in different direction. Evan looked at everyone and he also called out Bigblue in his mind. Bigblue who was currently chewing on meat of some unknown magical beast,ran toward Evan immediately. 

"Don't alert anyone. Come with me quitely. We will leave this battlefield immediately",Evan said. "Uuuuuooooo", Bigblue whined in a low voice."But there are so much food",he complained.

Evan flicked it's head,"Don't be stupid,it is important." Bigblue stared at the battlefield but still crouched down and let Evan ride him. Bigblue ran fast but after some time still turned to look at the battlefield. He was looking at the battlefield as if he was leaving some important treasures behind. Evan laughed by his action.

Evan was now feeling relaxed and talked with Bigblue leisurely. From Bigblue he learned that Bigblue also just a 11year wolf cub and it's parents were very powerful. They ruled over a large area of deep mountain.

Bigblue chatted happily with Evan and soon they reached near Sylvia clan location. Evan waved Bigblue farewell and severed their soul connection. Bigblue looked at him for some time and let out a howl. Evan yelled,"Don't alert anyone. You can always come near Sylvia clan and I can sense you."

Bigblue returned after letting out a howl. Meanwhile,old man Renshaw was Chasing a enemy expert. This enemy was running first and was like a green coloured dot from distance. Old man Renshaw stabbed forward with his sword,and a 4pitch black sword appeared in air and moved toward enemy expert.

The enemy expert defended with his sword but pushed back by the attack and crashed into the ground. Old man Renshaw chased after him and soon came to the location where the enemy expert was crashed but he could not find anyone. He murmured,

"What a sly bastard."

After old man Renshaw left, in a distance a masked man appeared. He was hiding behind a large tree. His whole body was covered with a armour. He looked at his surrounding cautiously and then ran in a fast pace toward deep forest.

Everyone gathered in the place of battlefield again. A old woman had already appeared in the battlefield and she was treated heavily injured Sylvia clan warriors.

After sometime she finished her treatment and came near Brianna. She applied some herb paste on the wounds of Brianna. Old man Renshaw returned and after seeing the old woman who was treating Brianna,He quickly gritted, "Aunt Adaline. I hope you are still doing well."Adaline nodded and said,"Follow us to Sylvia clan."

Night was gone and morning sun appeared while sprinkling it's warm rays on White Orchid forest. Sylvia clan finally got out of its nightmare.In a room, Old woman Adaline, sword devil Renshaw, Brianna and Sylvia clan chief Lucas gathered."Some bastards still escaped yesterday",old man Renshaw said.

"I couldn't kill that despicable guy,he was full of tricks",Brianna added.Old lady Adaline said,"Still three out of five core condensation realm enemies died,it was quite a significant loss and enemies will not act recklessly for near future.

But they will still attack if they have more strength than our imagination. Prepare for any eventuality."Old man Renshaw said,"No need to worry. I have come out of seclusion after receiving the message but other two are still in seclusion.They will come out soon enough. No one will dare to threaten our kingdom,after knowing my appearance."


Crazy old man

"How is our little prince, is he doing fine?",old man Renshaw asked. A smile appeared in the face of Brianna at the mention of Evan. "He has very high talent but he is quite lazy", Brianna replied.

Old woman Adaline also smiled. Everyone felt their mood lifted up after thinking about the capriciousness of Evan.

Evan had no idea that a group of people were currently talking about him. He was pretty tired yesterday. So, he was napping peacefully even after sun was kissing his cheek.

Currently he was giggling as he was seeing a pleasant dream. In his dream, he was chasing a baby elephant with Bigblue. He was inside his palace of past life and he was playing in garden.

Suddenly someone appeared riding a very big beast. It was a gigantic dragon and it let out a roar. A airblast came out of it's mouth and entire palace turned into a ruined land. Evan saw Bigblue who could not get out as many rocks fell above it's body.

Evan stood there helplessly as he could not do anything. He saw a group of sturdy looking man came toward his palace and drag down a maid of his palace by her hair. A fire broke out in a nearby area and Evan heard wailing sounds. 

Evan felt his throat running dry. He was feeling very helpless and scared. At that time a sweet familiar sound brought his sense to read world. "Child, what happened to you?" Olivia's sweet voice appeared in the mind of Evan.

He woke up and saw Olivia was sitting on his bed and looking at him. Evan could see the deep concern in her eyes. Evan felt better and said, "Mom, it was just a bad dream." 

"But you were happy just some time before and you were even giggling and mumbling but suddenly sweat poured out from your head and I thought something happened to you." Olivia said and from her voice Evan deduced that she was feeling puzzled. "Initially it was a good dream but later a big beast appeared", Evan replied. He knew he couldn't say the entire truth.

He had already prepared to keep his identity as secret even to his mother. He knew truth will cause only harm to others and he will disappoint many who had sacrificed their lives for their Eternal moon kingdom.

"But mom, why are you awake so early in the morning", Evan tried to divert his mother's attention. "Do you know what time it is? That's why sister Brianna is telling everyone that you are lazy. Let's go, we will eat launch." Olivia replied while laughing sweetly. Her worried look disappeared after talking with Evan.

"It is already launch time", Evan felt surprised for a moment. Then he followed Olivia towards her palace. Finally after going outside Evan saw sun was moving toward west and he knew it was late afternoon.

After reaching Olivia's palace, Evan got information about yesterday's battle. Everyone was talking about the appearance of a guardian in previous battle. Some were even talking about a mysterious beast tamer who brought over a pack of Ironback blue wolfs to help out Sylvia clan.

Evan felt pleased in his heart. Afterall he was still a child and he couldn't help but got pleased when everyone was praising him so much.

He ate his launch happily and was just going to cultivate quitely in his room when Olivia asked him to come with her and greet a granduncle of his.

Evan thought quickly who might be the person,he would be meeting. Then he thought about that devil cultivator, he met yesterday. "That old man may have recognized me but no one will suspect me. After all no one can see through my true cultivation", Evan consoled himself but he still felt little bit worried.

Olivia led Evan towards the palace of Lucas. There were many guards infront of the palace and all of them bowed hurriedly when they saw Olivia coming with Evan. Olivia had already got used to their behaviour,she led Evan directly into the palace.

Evan saw a little girl stood at the entrance. She had tied her hair in two braids and laughing sweetly at him. Evan also laughed at her. She ran over and pinched the face of Evan. Evan acted like he was in pain and that little girl giggled sweetly. Olivia looked at the little girl and said,

"Little Sophie, come with us."

She nodded and followed Olivia inside. Inside a room, old man Renshaw was sitting with old lady Adaline and clan cheif Lucas. They were discussing leisurely about something while enjoying fragrant tea. They turned their head to look after Olivia entered with the kids.

Evan quickly paid his respect to all of them. He first bowed while calling grandma to old lady Adaline. Then he looked at Lucas and didn't even bow and smiled at him. Finally his gaze fell upon old man Renshaw. He bowed toward him and called grand uncle. A hand suddenly appeared on his ear suddenly and before he could do anything, one of his ear got screwed hardly.

'Aiya', Evan yelped. "Brat, adress me as grandpa, what is this nonsense grand uncle?", Evan heard a loud voice and he felt dizziness. He absent-mindedly called Grandpa and a maniacal sound burst into everyone's ears.

"Haha", that guy will grow mad when he will know that I have forced his grandson to call me grandpa", old man Renshow broke into a loud laughter.

"Ok, then see you guys later. Little Evan, we will talk later. I have some important matters to attend", after bading farewell to everyone, old man Renshaw vanished from his spot.

"Who will talk with you later? You crazy old man", Evan muttered while massaging his aching ear.


On a majestic mountain, an oval shaped gigantic structure was standing. It was a enormous fort with many buildings inside it.

In a certain room, the faint silhouette of some human figures could be seen. There was a man and three beautiful women inside the room. The man was lying leisurely on the bed and the women were kissing all over his body.

One woman was particularly taking care of his manhood. "Slurp, slurp", a sound was coming from her mouth and the man was enjoying all the care with closed eyes.

But suddenly a light lit up nearby him. The source of that light was his golden robe which was currently lying below the bed. A excited expression appeared on his face and he shouted, "Go out and wait outside".


After the three women went out, the man reached out his hand toward his golden robe. He put it on his body. Then he looked at his finger which had a black ring on it. Currently that black coloured ring was emitting a faint light.

A yellow coloured paper appeared just above the ring and that man quickly grabbed it. Now he had a wide smile on his face. "I wonder if these idiots are bringing that bitch now", he mutterered and crushed that yellow coloured paper.

Voice of a panicked man appeared after he crushed the yellow coloured paper. The wide smile from his face disappeared gradually and a sinister cold look appeared on his face. He listened to the words of that panicked man silently.contemporary romance

After a while the voice of that panicked man stopped. "All are useless. Now catching that bitch will be very troublesome. It was one of my greatest chance to step on the heaven. But that crazy bastard appeared out of nowhere. Curse that sword devil. I promise I will tear you into pieces if I get a chance", the man shouted with clenched jaw.

"Claus, go catch that bastard who give us wrong information", the man who was wearing the golden robe ordered. "Yes, young master", a middle aged man appeared out of thin air and bowed toward the man. The man nodded and the middle aged man disappeared from his sight.

"I will not let these bastards go. They will pay for their boasting. Protectors of Thousand swords kingdom are dead or heavily injured! What a joke? For these bastards my carefully prepared plan go to waste. I wonder if that bitch will inform his father about this incident", the golden robed man muttered with clenched jaw.


"This guy has become more powerful, soon other two will also come out. Anyone who is trying to fish in troubled water will pay greatly if these three will act together",old woman Adaline said softly.

"Other kingdoms will find out the appearance of sword devil and they will be cautious", Lucas replied from side.

"Evan, you stay out of these. You are still too young", Brianna said sternly. Evan nodded and walked out of the room.

"Wait, little Evan~", Sophie shouted and followed after him. After two of them walked out of the room, old woman Adaline smiled slightly while looking at the direction of Evan. "This little brat is becoming more clever", she added.

"He has been reading all sorts of scrolls in the library. Even I have felt headache whenever I read them. Those scrolls depicting wars, powerful rulers and rise and fall of empires even some random cultivation techniques were finished by him already", Lucas also joined the conversation.

"He was just talking like a wise man but I bet he will go towards river to play with that crocodile", Olivia added while laughing sweetly. There was a adoring expression on her face when she talked about Evan. Everyone laughed after listening to the comments of Olivia.

"I am sure Renshaw is still searching for that boy who can control Ironback blue wolves. He wants to bring that boy to capital but it is a pity that he couldn't see his appearance clearly due to the distance. But he said that beast tamer was a very young boy. Maybe a little kid of eight to ten years", Adaline said.

"I am also feeling intrigued by that boy. What is his motive? Why did he help us? The most notable thing is he can control beasts in such a young age", Brianna said while raising her eyebrows.

Are you going to answer the summon of King Mario?",Adaline asked Lucas.

"It is not the time yet", Lucas shook his head.

"Golden orb sect is also getting restless lately. I hope appearance of this madman make them change their plan", Lucas further added.

Old lady Adaline shook his head and said, "Golden Orb sect will not stop just for Renshaw. They have a lot of strong fighters as well. Now that Thousand sword kingdom had no capable ruler, they will likely want to conquer Thousand swords kingdom.

Afterall all the powerful forces have been coveting the cultivation resources and sword arts of thousand sword kingdom. Now that a chance has appeared, they will not let this chance slip to destroy the Thousand swords kingdom."

"Ok, let me give you a warning. Appearance of Renshaw is not necessarily a good thing for us. Now that Evan's father is missing and his grandfather has long gone to seclusion, there is no one in kingdom who can control Renshaw.

"I hope old king can clear that step and emerge alive. That will bring us out of this hopeless situation", Lucas sighed.


Meanwhile when everyone was worrying about the troubles, Evan came to the place of Levi. Levi was still practicing his sword. Sophie followed after Evan. Levi stopped his practice and looked toward Evan and Sophie.

"Princess, you have also come", Levi said. A group of kids of same ages as Levi and Sophie also reached following after Evan and atmosphere grew rowdy in no time.

Evan tried to enjoy himself as much as he could. He knew he would be leaving soon. So, he was trying to enjoy himself as much as he could.

While playing in the river bank, Evan involuntarily recalled his most painful past. There was too much incidents going on in these few days and the war brought out his old scars to his mind again.

In that apocalyptic war countless devils had fallen. Enemies were countless like the endless cloud before rain. Despite the overwhelming majority of enemies, they couldn't defeat the devils easily. The proud devils fought bravely till their last breath. Evan clenched his fists in anger.

Before Cerberus left for his slumber, he imprinted scenes of that war in the brain of Evan. Gods and devils were powerful. But from where did those countless enemies come from?



Evan already found the answer. It was the humans!


Second general Aaron Jadestar

The small river flowing across White Orchid valley is as tranquil as always. Everyone went to the river bank and started to play. Evan called over the crocodile,who was staying in that area. It was already familiar with Evan as Evan had been playing with it whenever he went for Swimming in river.

At first Evan used to bully this crocodile with other guys,but later he became friend with it.Now the crocodile had let 5 to 6youngsters sit on top of it. Levi and Evan were swimming while matching the speed of crocodile. Everyone was discussing about the events of war. 

"Where is John,he should have come with Paolo",a boy with spiked hair asked.

Paolo who had a frail body looked toward all of them and said,"You don't know! It seems like both father and mother of John have not returned from battle of yesterday." Apindrop silence followed his statement.

Everyone who were in a very happy mood,seemed to turn silent. Some of them tried to cheer up everyone but everyone felt their spirit dwindled,after everyone discussed some loses of Sylvia clan. Evan also felt sadness as he long seen everyone from Sylvia clan as his own people. 

Everyone left gradually. Old lady Adaline had sent someone to Sophie and she had already left early. Now Evan was alone with Levi. They both sit on a rock while dipping their legs on flowing river. Evan was feeling heavy on his heart.

Although Evan had already had painful experience of war when Eternal moon kingdom got destroyed,he got over from it with much difficulty. He thought he could protect his loved ones in this life. That's why he started to cultivate earnestly. But now facing the the cruelty of war, which could brought sadness to many of his friends,Evan also felt heavy in his heart.

Levi who was also sitting on the same rock as Evan,was looking toward Evan silently. Sometime passed in silence.Suddenly a person appeared nearby the rock where the two boys are sitting. He spoke,

"You need to get over from your condition quickly. Show your smile,supress your feeling in heart. But don't forget your sadness and helplessness either. That will help you in becoming strong. When you feel,you lack will for facing difficulties, remember these emotions. These will become your strength,in your path of cultivation."

Evan who was in a daze suddenly heard someone saying these words from his side. He looked to his side,and saw a middle-aged man in a clean white robe. He was looking very amiable and a slight smile could be seen on his face.

Evan felt the person infront of him had no malicious intention towards them. He asked,"Uncle,who are you? Are you someone from Sylvia clan?"

I am Aaron Jadestar. I am not from Sylvia clan,I am from Thousand sword kingdom.You can call me Uncle Aaron", The middle aged man replied smilingly.

Before Evan could tell anything,Levi shouted and from his tone he was clearly very much excited. "You are second general of Thousand sword kingdom. I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Uncle Aaron,why are you here? Is there any problem going on in Thousand sword kingdom",Evan asked. 

"Little Prince,Am I only allowed to visit you,if there is a problem going on! I will not bother Sylvia clan,even if there is a big problem going on. Sylvia clan is already protecting two queens and you. They doing this is already a huge contribution to 'Thousand sword kingdom'."

"Uncle Aaron, I don't have that meaning. I am only worried that if any big problem has appeared in thousand sword kingdom",Evan tried to clarify.

A smile appeared on the face of Aaron. He patted the shoulder of Evan and said,"Little prince,you are still a child. First become a healthy child first. You have to eat more,you are looking frail. You don't have to worry about our kingdom. Our kingdom is strong. There are still many true cultivators who will not hesitate to stake their life if anyone dare to attack our kingdom."

Evan nodded his head in agreement. Aaron looked toward Levi and asked,"Kid,what is your name?"I am Levi Sylvia." Children of Sylvia clan are as promising as always. A smile appeared on the face of Levi,after listening the praise of Aaron.

Evan thought,"Second general of my father is truely a responsible and valiant person. I wonder how the first general Jacob looks like.I have heard that he is very wild and fierce",Evan thought in his mind.

"Don't think too much little prince. Death is very common in battle. No true warrior fears death. We will meet soon. Take care",Aaron said it and disappeared from the sights of Levi and Evan.

Evan had already let go the feeling of sadness in his heart. "Levi,what is your strength now?",he asked to Levi. I am currently in the mid stage of element sensing realm but I am not too far from late stage. "Why are you asking?",Levi looked toward Evan.

Evan said,"Originally I wanted to tell you this plan after I start my cultivation. But after this last war,I have changed my mind."

Levi looked at Evan curiously. "You can tell me your plan. I will follow your plan,no matter what you say." Evan chuckled. He thought,"Levi is becoming more like a brother whom I can trust in future."

Evan looked toward Levi and asked,"Can you tell me the reason why Sylvia clan lost so many warriors in battle?" Levi frowned. He thought for some moments and replied,

"I think we are lacking more strong warriors in our side. That's why we were in a disadvantage and lost so many warriors."

"What do you think?Why we lose so many warriors in our side",Levi asked. Levi already felt that Evan was very clever and could really analyze many things. He even could solve some problems he was facing in cultivation. So,Levi trusted what Evan had to say.

"I think,you are wrong in this matter. Sylvia clan is not weak. It is as strong as always. Problem lies in how enemy attacks and we responds.

You can't throw some stones to stop a river. They could control beasts but we have less than 100 magical beasts which we command.

That is the important point Sylvia clan should never forget",Evan said.


A plan for future

Levi thought for sometime and nodded. You are right,we were indeed in disadvantage from beginning due to those magical beasts. But what are you planning?,Levi asked.

"If we can somehow raise more magical beasts,what do you think,what will happen?",Evan smiled mysteriously. Levi got shocked and said,"It will be a huge boost but how can we do it?"

Evan smiled and said,"You will find out after some day." Levi felt confused and said,"Ok,tell me when the time comes."After saying goodbye to Levi,Evan returned to his palace. He entered his room but found out his mother was already inside. Evan walked towards his mother and asked," Mother,how much time has passed,since you come? Olivia looked toward Evan and held his hand. Evan could felt there was something troubling his mother.

Olivia looked at Evan and said,"Child,about what you say earlier,from where you have learned this? You are not thinking to do something dangerous,right. Deep worry and anxiety could be seen in her eyes.Evan startled after listening the words of Olivia. 

"Seems like I have made my mom worried for me. I should have not answered. But I can't help it. That old madman tried to check my personality. I know what these guys are thinking. They are thinking whether I can bear the pressure of Thousand sword kingdom on my shoulders",Evan thought inside his mind.

Evan smiled and said,"Mom,what can I do. I am not planning anything. Currently,I have just returned after playing with others. You can ask Levi,if you don't trust me."A relaxed expression appeared on the face of Olivia. She asked,"Then,you are not thinking about the words of Uncle Renshaw?"

"Why should I think about his words, currently I am Only a child. I will think about it when I will be a bit more older",Evan smiled at Olivia.

"That is right. Although I can't stop them from bringing you to capital,you don't have to worry.I will come along with you,when you go to capital.Your father is absent,so,you have to go to capital,to fulfill your duty as a son.But,I still wish we could stay peacefully,in a area like this ,where there is no danger. I want to ask the heaven,why fate is so cruel to us,Why has it placed a burdeon on you, although you are still so young", Olivia looked toward sky while tousling the hair of Evan. A look of melancholy appeared in the eyes of Olivia while she looked at the sky.

" I know mother is missing father and worrying about my future.But,what if my fate is worst,I don't depend in the bliss of heaven. I believe in myself.Devils will arise again,gods posing as heaven and trying to destroy our race,will cry the blood tear,when devils will arise again",a resolute look appeared in the face of Evan. Setbacks only made his will more strong. 

"I can't tell mother that Thousand sword kingdom is just a small matter. I will look for father,after I have gained some power.I can solve all of these problems by myself,I just need some years to raise my power",Evan sighed inside his mind.

Evan smiled and consoled his mother. After a long time,Olivia left the room of Evan reluctantly. Evan knew he couldn't erase all the worries and sadness of his mother. He can only strength himself quickly and protect his mother from danger.

Soon, sun went into hiding in the depth of skies and darkness descended to earth. Sky was free of clouds and gentle moon rays were falling on White orchid valley. Water of the river was glowing in brilliance as moonlight cascading upon it. A figure emerged from Sylvia clan and ran toward nearby deep forest. Soon,his silhouette disappeared into the depth of forest.

That was Evan. He left Sylvia clan secretely and entered into forest. A shotsword was strapped in his back and he was moving cautiously in forest. He was in his black attire and going deep inside forest. Currently he was searching for Bigblue,with whom he became friend,in last night.

Evan was standing under a big tree and scouting the surrounding to find the route towards the territory of Ironback blue wolfs.

Suddenly he felt danger coming from above. Evan quickly dodged to side and something just passed by his right shoulder. Evan looked toward it and he shivered. He saw a gigantic snake looking him with it's cruel egg shaped eyes. It's fork like tongue was dancing in the wind. Evan ran rapidly from that tree he heard a hissing sound coming from behind him.

From Bigblue,he found out that every powerful beast had it's own territories and they would attack if anyone trespass. Evan had a very powerful memory and he was very sharp. Soon,he found out the the place where Ironback blue wolfs resided.

Some wolfs appeared in his vicinity. But they had already seen him with their king. So,none of them attacked him. Magical beasts were different from ordinary beasts. They had intelligence and they could distinguish between alley and enemy.

Soon,a big wolf appeared infront of Evan. It was 'Bigblue'. "Aaooooo",It howled loudly after seeing Evan. From it's howling,Evan guessed how much excited it was,after seeing him. Evan chuckled,after looking it's excited appearance.

He shouted,"Bigblue,pipe down. Don't cause a ruckus. I have an extremely important matter. Don't resist,I am sending my soul strand into your body. It will be easy to communicate that way."

Soon,Evan and Bigblue felt each other through soul connection. "You are not injured,right?",Evan asked Bigblue. It conveyed that it was fine after a long rest in day time. 

"I want you to locate various powerful beast Cubs in the forest whose parents were killed in battle. We will save them and take them to Sylvia clan. When a large bunch of powerful beasts became a part of Sylvia clan,their overall strength will grow by a large margin. But you can take your time,we will gather Cubs gradually",Evan said to 'Bigblue' through their soul connection.


Shadow ghost dance

"Do you know any magical movement techniques? Evan asked Bigblue.

"No, I don't know any. I will ask my father if he has any. But why are you asking this? Magical techniques can only be practiced when we reach profound transformation realm", Bigblue replied through their soul connection. Although it was a magical beast but Bigblue was talented as one could see from it's cultivation. It had already guessed the cultivation of Evan in previous night through their soul link. It looked at Evan in a questioning gaze.

Evan looked at Bigblue and seeing it's puzzled look he chuckled. He patted the body of Bigblue and said, "You don't need to ask around. I am just testing you whether you would want to teach me a cultivation technique or not. I am very pleased that you want to help me out." Actually he just asked this question casually but Bigblue had taken his words seriously.

"You are doubting me. We magical beasts are not despicable like humans. When we make friends, we never doubt them. Humans only seek benefits, they even kill their own kins for benefit", this time Bigblue let out a loud howl after saying this to Evan and stopped looking at Evan.

Evan laughed seeing it's pissed appearance. He quickly reached out his hand and patted it's furry body, "I am just joking around. I can even give you techniques of true wolfgod if I have them. So, stop whining", Evan quickly added.

"You are a liar, how can a child give me a techniques of wolf God! Forget it, what are you planning?", Bigblue said. It though that Evan was comforting him but it didn't know that Evan was serious. They had records of some techniques used by wolfgod in their Hendrickson family. So, Evan could fetch them in future if somehow a warrior from Eternal moon kingdom placed them elsewhere during battle.

Evan said, "I am not planning anything. Just give me a open area. I want to cultivate for sometime."

"Let's go to my place. It is a very good place", Bigblue replied. Evan nodded and Bigblue guided him into his territory.

Evan saw a narrow path was made in the midst of towering trees. Evan let out his soul conciousness and scanned the area. He felt many strong auras of magical beasts from both side of woods. But none of them moved because they already grew familiar with Evan. 

Evan felt impressed by this place. Before this he never came into a beast lair. Now he knew, why it was so difficult to escape when someone entered into a beast lair. It was like a solid trap for warriors. They would be attacked from both side as long as they enter it.

Evan followed after Bigblue and soon reached end of narrow path. Their he saw a clear area made of stones. A big stone was laid in the central place and on top of it beast furs were placed. Evan laughed when he thought how a big wolf would laid down there pretending to be a wolf king.

"What are you laughing for? Are you thinking that my bed is not good enough. There are eagle feathers and bear skins on top of it. You can check it out", Bigblue growled. Evan chuckled but didn't say anything.

"You rest, I will practice on this rock", Evan replied and sit on a nearby good looking flat rock. 

He closed his eyes and started to channel darkness energy inside his body. He was using a breathing technique of his Hendrickson clan and could control the flow of darkness energy flowing into his body.

Bigblue could feel the surging darkness energy but it couldn't see through his body,which was being protected by mysterious demon codex.

Evan had already decided to trust Bigblue. So, he started to cultivate darkness energy without worry.

He had been sitting there for more than two hour. Darkness energy of nearby areas all gathered above Evan and surging into his body rapidly. Ancient devil Meridian operated fully and it sucked large amount of darkness energy into the body of Evan. Bigblue was sitting there with it's eyes wide open. Bigblue was surprised because it had never seen anyone sucking such amount of elemental energy from environment.

After sometime Evan opened his eyes. His eyes were gleaming with darkness. He thought, "Darkness energy is more denser in the forest, as expected. Now is the time for learning a magical movement technique. Without it, I will be in a disadvantage whenever I meet a agile opponent. Let's practice 'Shadow ghost dance' from my previous life.I have already practiced it's first stage there. I have to fit this body well for this technique."

Evan stood up and walked to nearby spacious place. He recalled the technique 'Shadow ghost dance' and channeled his darkness energy according to it. He started to run and his speed increased a lot instantly than before. Evan moved to his right, left and even backstepped.

Soon, Evan immersed in his practice. Bigblue's eyes were wide open. He was seeing something never seen before. Before it, it was thinking that techniques could only be practiced only after reaching Profound transformation realm. But now his previous knowledge shattered by Evan. Bigblue saw Evan and could observe that Evan was moving like if his body was possessed. His body could backstep six stepd instantly. From his movement, Bigblue was sure that Evan was practicing a high level magical cultivation technique.

After sometime Evan stopped his practice. A satisfied smile appeared on his face. He thought, "It was indeed easy due to my previous experience. I have practiced for ten days in my previous life before I could move like it.

My body's potential is much higher than my previous life. I have all fifty six Meridians opened now and an ancient devil Meridian. Before it I could only practice thirty minute before I runned out of energy but now I can continue for more than double time."

"What level is this magical technique? From where you get such a high level technique. It is looking like a high grade earth level technique to me", Bigblue's voice appeared in the mind of Evan but he didn't reply and smiled mysteriously.

"Do you think I will practice a lousy earth level technique?", Evan thought inside his mind.


Facing a group of hell panthers

"Bigblue attack me,Let me see whether I have trained well or not",Evan wanted to see his progress. "Are you sure,you may get hurt",Bigblue asked worriedly. "I am sure,do you think I am a turtle?",Evan said confidently.

"Ok then,be alert,I am attacking",Bigblue said.

Evan nodded and signaled Bigblue to come by curling his fingers. Bigblue who was lying comfortably on the beast furs, jumped up from it's place and started to circle around Evan.

Evan got serious and observed Bigblue. Suddenly Bigblue pounced at him from right side. Evan immediately stepped to his left side three step. Bigblue again started circling around him and pounced at him from front. Evan backstepped 3steps instantly and again moved 3steps to his right. "Your technique is really good,if not you could not have

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