Monarch of Darkness

Chapter 2: His name is Evan

Grand rox empire, a building was standing there like an ancient crouching dragon. On the top of the building, a wizened old man was standing like a silent statue. A orb was floating in front of him and the orb was glowing with multicolored light. The eyes of oldman was closed and he was seeing a vision inside his mind.

Two enormous birds were pulling an exquisite looking carriage in his vision. Their wings were glowing with crimson light. A child with big clear eyes playing happily on a small bed arranged in the carriage. Warm sunlight was cascading on the carriage and the smile of the child was as bright as the sun.

Suddenly,the color of sun changed to black and the enormous beasts changed their appearance. They changed into enormous black creatures. They roared and black fire came out from their mouths. The wizened old man shuddered by their appearance and his entire body got drenched in sweat. He looked at the child and his entire body turned numb in fear. The child was crying but what actually coming out of child's eyes was blood. The eyes of child had turned pitch black and the child was laughing while crying the blood tear.

Blood came out from the mouth and nostrils of the wizened old man and he snapped open his eyes. It looked like some more wrinkles added on his already wizened face. His face was deathly pale at that moment. He looked at a young woman who was standing behind with her head lowered .He shouted,"Quickly notify the emperor to be alert. Child of calamity has come to our kingdom." Then he fainted and the young woman saw some cracks appeared on multicolored orb which was floating in midair.


The round moon was hanging high and softly sprinkling it's soft white light downward. A young woman was sitting on a plainly decorated bed and sneaking rays of moon was reflecting her beautiful jade like face.

She had an oval face with arched eyebrows. Her nose was small and exquisite. Her pretty big eyes were fluttering with the slight flow of wind.

She was Olivia, the most beautiful queen of Thousand sword kingdom. From her window,

a Small river could be seen. Floating sound of water came from the distant small river and it was like soft murmur of the wind.

Everything seemed peaceful but a deep melancholy could be seen in her eyes.

Thousand sword kingdom was a average sized country located south to Northern mountains. Every citizen was living happily due to good governance of their king, Nathan Jackson who ruled over them with his two queens.

Months ago emperor of thousand sword kingdom, Nathan Jackson was attacked in a distance land. On the same day, killers were sent for the loyal supporters of emperor.

Sylvia clan was a small clan located in remote northern part of thousand swords kingdom. They were the most loyal supporters of royal clan of thousand sword kingdom.

Sylvia clan fought fiercely with the attackers and after losing almost half of their men ,they managed to fled the royal capital with two queens of emperor. At that time second queen Olivia was pregnant.

A beautiful woman with a calm demeanour was walking toward the moon-lit room.Some guards with heavy armors could be seen in a distance.Their armors were shining in the bright moonlight.

She is Brianna Jackson, the first queen of emperor and guards were Sylvia clan warriors.

Charm of 'Brianna' was undeniable, but she had a warriors' aura,which made people to not look into her eyes. She wore a black leather skintight dress which was designed for female warriors.

'Brianna' walked inside the moonlit room. Her eyes fell on the pretty lady who had a look of melancholy on her face. She patted her head and said ,"Sister Olivia,Don't worry about Nathan. He is really a powerful fighter. He can protect himself from any danger. You should remain cheerful for your child."

Olivia who was somewhat lost in her thought came to her sense after listening to Brianna and tried to stand and greet Brianna. But Brianna hurriedly came over and supported her and said, "Be careful, Don't be hard on yourself."

Olivia clutched the shoulder of Brianna and a teardrop could be seen in her eyes. World appeared to grow slightly dim,with the appearance of teardrops on her exquisite face.

She started sobbing and said,

"Sister please save my child.Someone most have done something to my child.From last few days his breath seems to get weaker."contemporary romance

Brianna patted her head dotingly and said,"relax, old lady Adaline is proficient in medicine. She has assured that everything is normal after checking your pulse today. Nothing will happen to the little one.

Take rest.I will guard outside."

Shaking her head slightly, Brianna sighed and went outside. She murmured,"I want her to be lively again, possibly her child can bring her smile back. I will guard my family till the return of Nathan."

Brianna was gone and Olivia was again lost in her own world while patting her bulging belly. Suddenly Olivia found her child's breath getting lower at a alarming rate. She got panicked and was going to call Brianna who was guarding outside.

Before she could shout,she saw a dazzling light came from outside and She found her child's breath became regular again.

Brianna felt some anomaly and got inside. "What happened",she asked to Olivia.

"It most be blessings from ancestors, they protected my baby", Olivia replied with teary eyes.

Brianna frowned and muttered, "This is strange, I felt something in the room.

But it is fine as long as it did not cause harm to the little one."

After some time, cry of a baby was heard and entire Sylvia clan turned festive in midnight. A hunchbacked old woman came hurriedly with the help of a walking stick. She was followed by important warriors of Sylvia clan.

The hunchbacked old woman was Adaline Sylvia. She was the medicine specialist of Sylvia clan and could somewhat predict fate by seeing signs from star. She checked the body of the child and said excitedly,

" This child got all twelve signs of a heavenly warrior. And today is the day when northern stars got in the heavenly sword arrangement.This child will be a genius."

All Sylvia clan members and Brianna got excited,after listening to her. A scar faced warrior said excitedly ,"there is still hope for survival of my thousand swords kingdom."

After some time everyone left and Brianna also left reluctantly.

Olivia was holding her baby in her arm. She murmured, "He has given a name to you. You are Evan Jackson,who will rise above all."

Olivia was fast asleep due to tiredness after giving birth. After some time the child opened his eyes and looked at the surrounding with his cute little eyes. Child's eyes were clever and he had a frail body.

After looking around for sometime he started crying loudly as if to announce ,"I am here. Why the hell no one is around to play with me."

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