Mia's Path

Chapter Well, crap.


Sleep didn’t come easy the following weeks, and my dreams were full of horrible memories. So really, my nightmares were full of bits and pieces of my life that I rather forget. Needless to say, I had huge bags under my eyes when I finally gave up and got out of bed. It had been a couple of months since I told Raina my story and I’ve been cooped up here ever since. She helped me by keeping me company and even distracted me trying to figure out what I could be and how could she find out for sure without causing another flaming disaster.

I was staring at myself in the bathroom mirror. Pale skin, too green eyes and pink cracked lips. The only thing I really liked about myself was my hair. I loved the color and the smooth waves that ended in big curls. Other than that, I was so mundane, so ordinary. So why would he be so obsessed with me? What did I do to deserve that? I sighed and just took a hot shower.

Dwelling in the past won’t change anything. I can change the now. I can stop acting like a victim and do something to change my future. That’s what Max used to tell me and then we would train for hours long, so I would never be helpless again. But it didn’t work, did it? I was helpless again and this time I had lost him. I had lost everyone in that little community. I know it was probably my imagination, but the water looked red as it went down the drain, tainted in blood, Max’s blood. I thought I had no more tears to cry, but I was wrong.

After the shower I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself and do something about it. I went to the closet and got a pair of grey leggings and a sports bra with a white tank top. Comfy and practical. I finished my look for the day with a high ponytail and that was it. I have never been the type to spend hours getting ready, I didn’t have the time, or I simply didn’t care that much about my looks. I mean, there wasn’t much to work with anyway, so why bother.

I made my way towards the kitchen and just hoped that Drake wouldn’t mind it if I used it. I wasn’t in the mood to have breakfast in the cafeteria with everybody. I entered the kitchen and went directly to the fridge. Grabbing the things, I needed to make some pancakes as I started to hum a song, my mood improving already. Despite my terrible night, the perspective of eating pancakes had instantly brightened up my day ahead.

“Morning, Red.” a husky voice said behind me.

To say I was startled was an understatement, I almost had a heart attack. I knew I was on Drake’s quarters and all that, but for a few minutes there, I had completely erased that fact from my mind. I was too focused on making my tummy happy. I turned to him with a jump and almost let everything in my hands drop to the floor. I’m pretty sure I also let out a squeak.

“Shit! You scared the crap out of me, Drake.” I exhaled, now looking his way.

He was casually leaned into the big island, with an amused grin on his face. The jerk knew he had startled me and thought it was funny. I was about to say something more and something mean, I’m sure, but then I took all of him in. He was shirtless and damn it if it wasn’t a nice view to look at. His muscular chest was flawless, with smooth tanned skin and although I was not touching it, I was certain it was firm and yet soft at the same time. My eyes didn’t quite obey my brain and went down his torso, showing me how perfectly his eight pack abs were sculpted – yeah, eight! He had a well-defined V line that was tempting enough with a happy hair trail leading down to his shorts. Smug shorts, may I add, that left little to nothing to the imagination.

Hm, the things I could do with that happy trail and more... Snap out of it, Mia! I scolded myself. My mind was on the gutter right now and even though I had a good reason for it, I shouldn’t, you know. So, I was finally able to pull my eyes out of his very well defined and delic–, I mean okay body. I could feel the heat rising to my face when our eyes met again and I knew I was caught staring - well, ogling, really, almost drooling. And I was sure he could have guessed where my mind went, because I could see the lust in his eyes. Gone was the amusement he felt right after scaring me, it had been replaced by an intense, lustful gaze. He took a step in my direction and made me that much more aware that we were alone in here.

I tried to swallow the nervous lump in my throat, but I couldn’t look away. I felt trapped, like a prey being stalked by its hunter. The worst part of it? It was not a bad feeling at all, it made me excited, it sort of turned me on. I couldn’t move a muscle and at that moment I didn’t really want to. Okay, maybe I was able to move a little since my eyes dropped to his - oh so kissable - lips for a few seconds and went back to his intense gaze again. I saw his pupils dilate with my stare and that sent a shiver down my spine. By now he was right in front of me, and the warmth of his body was doing funny things to my - full of butterflies - stomach. One by one he removed the things in my hands and put them on the counter.

Suddenly my mouth was dry, and my lips were worse, so I tried to remedy that by licking them and that movement caught Drake’s attention immediately. Before I could say something to break the intense moment, his lips were on mine. No more hesitation on his part, I guess. My body reacted faster than my brain and I kissed him back. His hands snaked around my waist and brought me flashed against him. My hands went to his chest and glided slowly up until my arms were around his neck. I was on my tiptoes now and with all that stretching, my tank top rose a little and I could feel his warm hands on my bare back, my skin on fire wherever he touched it.

Drake tightened his grip around my waist at the same time that my lips parted slightly, so my tongue could reach his lips and caressed them, asking for an opening. My brain was on the backseat of control right now, and my body took charge of the situation. Truth be told, my brain was not disappointed with the turn of events. He groaned and squeezed my waist while he opened his mouth for me. The second our tongues found each other I couldn’t suppress a moan. His taste was as good as his scent, maybe even more with the light touch of coffee, it was kind of addictive.

One of my hands found its way to his hair and tugged at it a little, while the other went back to his hard chest to appreciate the well-built muscles there. He deepened the kiss, and our moves now had a more intense and desperate feeling to it. Our lips in perfect sync. Like we were starving, and this kiss was the only thing that could satiate that hunger. His right hand went up my back under my top, setting my skin on fire again while his other one went to my ass and squeezed it, making me moan with pleasure.

I have no idea how long we were lost in that kiss, just enjoying the way our lips moved perfectly against each other. My whole body was like a volcano right now, everything being fueled by his hands roaming my body and the delicious taste of his tongue dancing with mine. I had kissed and been kissed before, but nothing like that. Nothing like that inferno building inside me and only wanting more and more.

Humhum. The sound of a throat being cleared echoed in my ears.

“You guys are in front of the coffee and I really need caffeine right now.” Raina said with a giggle.

It was like a bucket of cold water was thrown at me, making my body freeze for a second. It seemed we weren’t alone after all. I think I have never moved so fast in my entire life - and that counts running away to save myself. One second, I was pressed against Drake’s body, kissing him like it had no tomorrow and in the next I was by the sink on the other side of the counter, breathing heavily. He looked stunned, his lips red and swollen from our kiss. I was panting still, trying to recover from the lack of oxygen caused by the kiss and the goddamn scare Raina gave us.

Drake composed himself first, blinking a few times and taking a deep breath, while his thumb caressed his bottom lip. That simple gesture bringing my attention back to him. I guess my brain had shut down at some point right after I came to the kitchen, because on instinct I took a step closer to him again, wanting to continue our previous activities. He noticed and his eyes travelled down my body once more, taking a pause at my chest rising and falling rapidly.

“Perfect timing as always, Ray.” Drake husked out, his eyes back to mine, searching my soul for anything he could find there, what exactly he wanted to from me I couldn’t tell.

“Oh, don’t be dramatic, I’ve being here a long time now. If I knew you planned to eat each other’s faces for breakfast, I would have gone down to the cafeteria from the start.” She replied and that made me blush furiously. She looked my way while filling a mug with coffee and gave me a wink. It didn’t help, my heart was going crazy in my chest for so many reasons. Now that my brain was starting to work again, I was so confused with all the emotions flooding my chest. Excitement, happiness, hope but I also felt scared, sad, guilty. Above all, I felt confused.

What the hell just happened?

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