Mia's Path

Chapter Girls' night out


Drake was still searching my face for something, but all I could do was look away. I was embarrassed for being caught like that - besides the voyeurism sort of act that Raina just told us about. With a heavy sigh Drake mumble something about having to go to training and left the room, leaving his food half eaten and his coffee still on his mug – which now I noticed on the island counter. Soon after he closed the apartment door, I felt my body relax again. I didn’t even notice I had been holding a breath until I was able to release it. That relief didn’t last long, though. Raina cleared her throat and made her way to me with a smirk on her lips.

“So, I assume you chose Drake to fuck your brains out, huh.” She stated like she was talking about the nice weather outside.

That made me choke on my own spit. WHAT? I had not made any decisions about anything related to fucking or otherwise. I was barely sure I could stay here permanently and maybe, MAYBE, have a normal life. As normal as possible considering I was in the middle of werewolves and other supernatural creatures. “WHAT? NO!” I blurted out before I could control my still swollen lips. Raina looked at me with a serious expression on her face and nodded her head firmly.

“I get it. Better have a test-drive with everybody else first and then make a decision. Wise, Mia, wise.” She said while contemplating her words. She was definitely crazier than I had anticipated. Or just bolder. I was about to retort to that when she continued. “I think it’s for the best, you know. Give each of them an equal fighting chance.” She snorted at her own words. “You are naughtier than I thought. I like it!”

By now I think my face was portraying the horror my thoughts were running. Was she serious? Did she really think I had it in me to be carefree like that and simply decided that if they wanted me then I would just ‘try them out’ first and then decide who I would want back? I know that most of the supernatural creatures didn’t have the same ‘morals’ issues as humans did. And even though I had been raised by wolves, my parents were conservative in thinking that you should keep yourself pure for you mate. Of course, if you thought about it, it didn’t make sense for me, since I wasn’t a wolf or a supernatural for that matter and I would not have a soulmate for myself.

Still, I had gone through too many horrible experiences to make me self-conscious and shy about all things related to intimacy. Hell, I was brought up in a pack and people would walk around naked all the time, but I couldn’t think about being on my underwear in front of other people. I had issues, I know. It wasn’t the first time that it was brought to my attention, and I doubted it would be the last. Max had tried to make me feel comfortable with my body and living amongst wolves again when we paired up, but it didn’t do much good. I mean, I was ok with him in his underwear and some of the other wolves we took in along the way. But I preferred to wear clothes.

Raina was the first who saw me entirely naked in recently years. Somehow it didn’t bother me as much. She had a calming aura, I guess. Since she helped me at the lake, I felt relaxed around her, like I could really trust her. Trust her, ok, follow her words, out of question!

“N-no! That’s not what I meant!” I protested quickly. “What I meant was that I didn’t plan on... what you’ve just saw. It sorted of just happened. It’s not like I wanted to have sex with him, or with anyone else for that matter. I actually don’t know what came over me... ” I tried to explain what was going on. Raina clearly didn’t give a fuck about what I was saying, because she exploded in laughter.

“Oh, I know exactly what came over you, girl. Drake, that is. He was all over you.” She blurted out between her cackles.

Now I was sure I was red from head to toe. I could feel the heat emanating from my cheeks, ears and whole body. I tried to explain what had happened and it seemed I only made it worse. If I wasn’t so embarrassed with the whole situation, I would feel worried that Raina was going to die without oxygen due to her laughter still going on – hard, may I add. One look at my red face and she would start all over again.

After a few deep breathes I was able to move and get myself a cup of cold water to try and soothe my heated body and racing heart. I could see tears pooling at Raina’s eyes by now and it was making me kind of pissed. Okay, maybe it was funny to her, but come on, she was being rude now. I felt my burrows starting to form a frown and my lips were pressed in a thin line, showing off my distaste with her. She tried to recompose herself as quickly as possible, but it still took several minutes of her laughing loudly at my face.

“S-sorry. That was rude of me.” She said still chuckling a little. Well, at least she knew she was rude and apologized for it.

“It’s okay.” I huffed, still frowning.

“What’s wrong?” Raina was finally back to normal.

“Nothing. Everything! Argh! I don’t know.” I said and hanged my head in desperation, covering my face with my hands.

“Girl, you stress too much.” Raina said while she put an arm over me shoulders and squeezed me a little bit. “But I know what you need.” Her mischievous tone was back again.

“What now?” I asked and scoffed at her. I was sure her idea of what I needed would not align with something I would agree.

“You need a girls’ night out!”

After breakfast I went down and outside. I was thinking about training with the others, as Sam had mention that I could, but with one look at them, all too focused already I didn’t want to intrude. Also, a good part of them were training in wolf form and that wouldn’t help me. I hadn’t had the courage to train with them so far and I had a feeling it would be like for the foreseeable future. So, I opted for going on a run around the training grounds - which were big, at least two football fields large. I ran a few laps, did some squats and some jumping jacks. That was enough to make my muscles sore and my skin all sweaty. I felt good, though. It had been a while since I did exercises, and I missed it. It felt good to exert my energy in a productive way instead of only stressing things over in my head. Raina did have a point there.


I turned around and was met with a grinning Kyle running my way. His chocolate brown hair was sweaty also and stuck to his face, while a few droplets of sweat ran down his neck to his muscled chest and again down through his well-defined abs and was absorbed by the fabric of his shorts. My eyes snapped back to his face the moment I realized that I was staring at him. It wasn’t intentional, but damn it, werewolves! They were hot. I swallowed the little lump on my throat and smiled at him. I’m sure he caught me ogling him – judging by the smirk on his face.

“Hey, Kyle.” I waved.

“How did you sleep?” He asked, now smiling down at me. He was a bit closer than normal, I noticed.

“Hm, not so good, actually.” I said with a grimace. I had almost forgotten my horrible night and now it all came back to me with a raging force, making me swallow another lump.

“Oh. Damn it. Did Drake do something to irritate you again?” Kyle growled, frustrated. I was not expecting that at all, so I laughed. It seemed that everybody knew that Drake had the gift to piss me off real quick. Kyle eyed me suspiciously but couldn’t contain his own smile.

“No, just some old nightmares coming to spoil the night in a perfectly good bed. I guess my brain is not used to comfy beds anymore, so it will take a while.” I joked. But I was the only one laughing at that, for some reason Kyle didn’t find my joke worthy of a laugh or even a chuckle. He looked sad instead. That made me uncomfortable. I could deal with a lot, but not pity. I hated that, so I averted my eyes and cleaned my throat, changing the subject. “I think I recognized your wolf out there. The brown one with some black mixed in, right?”

“Yeah, Stone.” He said with a big smile while he puffed his chest a little. He looked pleased that I remembered his wolf and was able to spot it in the middle of all the others. But really, he was one of the last things I saw before I thought I would die, so the image stuck with me. We started walking the same way everybody was going to the packhouse. “So, after lunch, do you have plans? I was thinking I could show you around a little bit more, and we could get to know each other better.”

“Oh, I actually have plans, I think.” I said, frowning. He looked deflated. “Raina wants to have a girls’ night out and–”

“I’m in! I need a good night of fun and alcohol!” Sam exclaimed beside me while wrapping an arm on my shoulder and smiling. “What do you guys, say?” She asked looking at Lilly and Melinda, who had just caught up to us now.

“In, for sure!” They said together and laughed.

I guess my plans for the night were settled now.

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