Mia's Path

Chapter Vampires are hot


The girls and I were on my bedroom, they were all very nice about the fact that I still didn’t have clothes of my own. Drake had mention that we would buy me somethings, but he hadn’t had the time yet, lots of problems going around with some rogues on the border, some attacks in the nearby packs. So, Lilly thought it would be nice if all the girls brought their clothes here and we could all get dressed together and help me find something to wear. The girls’ night out hadn’t officially begun yet, but the fun was all over the place. Raina was telling us a story about her and the brothers when they were about eight or nine years old and they scared the shit out of the Luna – Drake and Kyle’s mom – when they were all blue, looking like Smurfs.

“I had no idea what I was doing with my magic yet, and we wanted to go to the lake. All I could do was turn us blue for three days.” She said between her cackles. I had tears on my eyes from laughing so hard.

“Man, I remember that. Somehow my mom was able to hide them from my dad. She was a saint.” Melinda said softly, remembering the past with fondness. Since I came here, I had never heard anything about their parents, the former Alpha and Luna and I wondered why. By the looks on everyone’s faces, the subject wasn’t the most popular one.

“What do you think about this one, Mia?” Sam asked lifting a red dress from the pile on my bed. Nice change of subject.

“Hm, not sure red is my color.” I said with a grimace on my face.

“What? It IS. It’s literally the color of your hair.” She gasped at me.

“Yeah, hon, this will look gorgeous on you. It will compliment your pale skin nicely.” Raina smiled at me and tossed the dress at my face. It was Raina after all.

I murmured ‘Okay’ and went to the bathroom to change. Raina, Lilly, Mel and Sam were already ready for the night, and they were trying to find me an outfit that I felt comfortable in it and upheld theirs standard of ‘hot’. So yeah, that seemed like an impossible task to achieve. So far, I had tried five different outfits, ranging from a very slutty black dress - that barely covered my ass, it was definitely a no, no matter how much Raina and Mel said I looked amazing – to a silky white overall that was a bit too tight at my boobs. So, I guess trying the dress wouldn’t be the end of the world.

I got out of the bathroom and all eyes were on me. The girls asked me to turn around a little and I did so. The dress was smooth and simple. It had spaghetti straps, and it hugged my body like a second skin. It wasn’t as long as I hoped for, it ended above my midthighs, but it was also the less slutty dress they had shown me so far, so I sort of like it the most. It didn’t show too much cleavage also, and I felt better for it. It wasn’t like I hated my body, but I was not comfortable showing it off. I knew I had some curves and after some years of reassuring myself I learned to appreciate them instead of hating them for what had happened to me, but it was still difficult most of the time.

I took a good look at the body length mirror on the bathroom door and a small smile made its way to my lips. I did look good with the red color, like Raina said, it made my pale skin shine and look desirable. I thought it would look weird with my hair, but since my locks were in a beautiful updo with some loose strings, the dress just complemented the visual nicely. My make up was light and just accentuated my green orbs, making them sparkle. I was happy with my looks and that was saying something.

“Wow, that’s the one for sure!” Mel exclaimed happily making her way to my side and looking at us in the mirror. “Now we all look super-hot!” She squealed and giggled.

Mel was wearing the white silky overalls that I had tried, and it fit her like a glove. Again, it showed more than what I was used to, but she seemed confident about showing of her legs and her back, since it was backless. Her butt was almost spilling out of it, but in a nice way, I guessed. She really did look hot. By now, all the girls gathered in front of the mirror to admire our group. Raina was wearing a very short dark blue dress that highlighted her eyes very beautifully and manage to push her boobs up and show a good amount of it. Perks, according to her. Sam was all out with a black leather tight skirt and a white button up shirt with the last few buttons wide open to show of her black leather... bra? I don’t know what that was, but it was a good pair with the outfit. Lilly was simpler like me, so she was using a black piece that went right above her knees, it was very tight, so it had a nice long slit that came almost to her hip. The neckline was heart shaped, and it was backless also. These girls liked to go places without a bra, damn.

“Let’s get this show on the road, girls, I need my alcohol already!” Sam screeched and made all of us giggle with her.

The ride to the night club that the girls had chosen, took us about one and half hour to get there, since it was on the outskirts of the nearby city. The place was huge, and it was obviously an old factory or something. It was packed with people and booze, just like it should be - again, according to Raina. The DJ was loud, and I couldn’t hear the girls unless we were shouting at each other’s ears.

We were on the middle of the dance floor, swaying our hips to the beat of the music and having fun. I’m sure that the number of shots we took when we first arrived helped me relax and forget about my insecurities. I didn’t even mind the ogling some guys were doing towards our group. Some guys and some girls tried to dance with us a few times, but Sam and Raina chased them away, which I really appreciated. I wanted to have fun with my friends and not worry about guys – or girls – trying to take advantage of the dancing and grinding of bodies.

“I need some water.” I shouted over Raina’s shoulder and pointed to the bar with my thumb. She nodded her head and passed the message along to the other girls, they all nodded, and we made our way to get the water bottles. I guess we all could use some hydration right about now and that thought made me giggle for some reason. Maybe I was drunker than I had originally thought I was. Whoops.

“Five bottles of water and make them extra cold, please.” Raina asked and winked at the bartender.

“You certainly look thirsty, sugar.” A guy by Raina’s side slurred.

Raina and I eyed each other, she rolled her eyes and we giggled again. That was the worst pick up line I had ever heard, and I think I could say the same for my friend. The guy was about to say something else to us, but a hand on his shoulder made his mouth closed quickly. I looked over his shoulder and saw another man leaning in and saying something to the drunk’s ear. Whatever the blonde man had just said, made the drunk scoff and left us alone. So, I shrugged and turn over to face the bar, still waiting for our water bottles. Damn it, where the hell was the bartender, my mouth felt like a desert.

I felt a presence behind me and not long after that an arm was resting on the bar right next my hands and the blonde man was leaning in, blocking Raina from me. Rude. “Hi, my name is Seth. What’s yours, gorgeous?” His words were smooth with his deep and husky voice. The guy was handsome, very much so. He had dirty blonde hair with sparkling green eyes. His nose was pointy and perfect, paired with plump red lips and a killer smile. And I say killer smile because it was indeed breathtaking, and it had fangs on display.

I wasn’t sure if he was aware that he was showing me his fangs or if he was drunk as well and did it without thinking about it. Either way, I was sure he was a vampire. Contrary to popular believe, vampires were not ‘cold blooded’. They didn’t feel cold or dead, they were just a bit pale, like anemic people. And this one in particular didn’t look pale at all, which gave me the hint that he had recently fed. I opened my mouth to respond, but Raina beat me to it.

“Not interested, dude. Take a hike.” She scoffed at him.

Seth totally ignored her and her attempt to shove him away, he didn’t budge, and his eyes never left my face. Instead of taking a hike, like Raina pointed out, he got closer to me and whispered in my ear. “I’ve been looking for you, gorgeous. How about we get out of here?” His voice was sweet like honey and for a moment my intoxicated brain thought that his idea was good. But my eyes dropped to his smile and his fangs were still out. That totally broke the spell for me, making me blink a few times.

“I’m really not interested, thanks.” I said softly. I just wanted my damn water and to get back to dance floor with the others. He was very attractive, but he was not the one that came to mind when I thought about dancing and grinding someone. Or even going to a more private place, like he suggested. Well, sort of.

“Here’s your water, girls. Enjoy.” Finally, the bartender gave us our sacred liquid and we made our way back, but not before Raina bumped rudely on Seth and gave him the stinky eye. I was glad for her overprotectiveness over me, it felt nice having someone to have my back. It was almost like having a sister, or so how I had imagined having one anyway.

We danced the night away without any more problems and enjoyed ourselves in the club. As soon as Raina had suggested a girls’ night out, I had my doubts about it, but now I was really happy that we had decided to actually come here. And by decided to come, I mean that the girls almost had to drag me out at first. It was passed three in the morning when we finally made our way back to the pack lands. Since Mel had drunk the least amount of alcohol between us, she was driving the car while we all sang our lungs out to a song on the radio and laughed about it.

It was the best night I had ever had with my girlfriends, and I was loving every second of it. If I had any doubts about staying at the Blue Moon pack, now I had none. I could see myself having lots of nights like that with these girls and wanted nothing less. Who knew, I could maybe even find a job at the pack and truly become a part of it. Fingers crossed!

We were giggling on something that Lilly said about a group of guys on the club when Sam screamed to Melinda to watch out. That made all of us look straight ahead just in time to see a black truck on the middle of the rode. Mel swerved quickly and tried to hit the brakes, instead we hit something slippery, and the car was forced out of the paved road. We hit the grassy side, but the momentum of the car didn’t stop us, making the car roll downhill until we hit a big three and were forced to a stop. Everything was upside down and thank the Gods for seatbelts, otherwise I’m sure I would be in big trouble, since I didn’t heal fast like werewolves.

I looked at the back seat, where Raina, Lilly and Sam were. They seemed fine, just some cuts and bruises but nothing too bad. Mel seemed to be the worst of us, her head had hit the steering wheel and she was out. With a groan I released my seatbelt and cursed myself the moment I fell and hit my head on the car’s roof. You were upside down! Stupid! I had to kick the door to get out and I could hear the other girls trying to free themselves as well.

“Mel! Mel!” I called out as I stumbled to her side of the car and tried to open her door, but it was stuck. Since the windshield was busted, I crawled over it and tried to wake her up by touching her cheek. “Mel! Please wake up.” I was worried sick that something bad had happened to her and I was starting to freak out. I knew she had hit her head hard, but she was a damn werewolf and shouldn’t be passed out for so long. Right? With another gentle touch of my hand to her face she finally groaned in pain and slowly opened her eyes, looking confused.

I was about to tell her that we were all okay when I felt hands on my ankles and they yanked me hard, dragging me out of the car and away from it. A loud and painful scream left my lips as my body slid over the broken glass and a few scrapes turned into several cuts. It seemed that I could not escape getting hurt.

“There you are.” I heard his velvety voice again.

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