Mia's Path

Chapter Guess who


My stomach and arms were on fire with the new cuts caused by the broken glass. I could feel some pieces of the same broken glass penetrate deeply in my wounds and stay there. That will be a bitch to take it out. While I was being dragged out of the car and far from my friends, I turned to look at his face, I had recognized the voice the moment it hit my ears. Blonde waves of hair graciously flying with the wind howling around us, while piercing green eyes looked at me with determination.

“I told you I’ve been looking for you, gorgeous. I’m not letting you go that easily.” Seth said with a mischievous smile. “Leave no trace we were here and kill the others.” He said over his shoulders and my eyes widen in shock. Behind him there were about twelve or so vampires ready to fight. And fight they did.

I screamed and kicked my legs with all my might to get rid of Seth’s grip on my ankles, it worked when I hit his stomach and that made him stumble backwards with a hiss. I wasted no time and got up, turning to the car and the girls. Sam was already out of the car and in her light grey wolf form, viciously snarling to the upcoming vampires. Atta girl! Raina was already up her feet and with a murderous glare on her face.

Oh, boy.

“I LOVED THAT DRESS, YOU FUCKTARDS!” Raina yelled at the vampires, and I felt the power flowing off her. I had no idea she was that strong and frankly that attached to clothes - my naked incident still fresh on my memory.

I smiled to myself ready to fight those fuckers as well, I could feel the familiar warmth on my wrists. But my plans didn’t quite go as I hoped. My neck was being ripped open as fangs sunk into my skin and I felt my blood being suck out of my veins. I had never been bitten by a vampire before and I was under the impression that the bite itself wasn’t that bad, but clearly Seth hadn’t got that memo, because it hurt like a bitch. I surprised myself with my own scream of pain. I felt arms lock around me and pull me up against a hard chest. It all happened too fast and by that I had no more fight in me, I could feel all my energy and life being drained in seconds and it terrified the shit out of me. All I could do was whimper.

“You are mine!” Seth whispered on my ear, something different in his voice made a cold shiver run down my spine. My eyes locked with Raina’s for a second before it all went black - AGAIN!

“MIA!” someone screamed, or I imagined someone did. Once more I was swimming the unconsciousness vast ocean.

I could taste blood on my mouth before I could even understand where I was. The metallic taste always irked me, and it never meant good things to be tasting it. Usually, would mean that Logan had hit my face too hard and split my lip or broke a tooth. It happened once. So, to say I hated the taste of it was an understatement. Yet somehow this was different, it tasted... good? That’s weird. Still, I licked my lips wanting another drop of it. My limp body seemed to respond well to the blood, and I could start to feel my arms and legs again. My eyes weren’t so heavy anymore. My prayers were answered and another few drops graced my now open lips, and the taste was even better now, sweet even.

My eyes flew open, and I was once more face to face with that killer smile. His lips were tainted with blood also, and the vision itself should have chilled me to the bones, after all he was drinking my blood the last time I checked. But again, that was not what happened. Instead, I only smiled back at him and parted my lips again, waiting for more drops of sweet blood. Something about his eyes had changed and didn’t seem that deranged anymore. “Greedy, aren’t you?” He chuckled and I saw his tongue caress his fang and blood came out of it as a result. At first, I didn’t understand what he was going to do, but even if I had, I don’t think I would be fast enough to stop him as his lips came down on mine.

That was repulsive! He took advantage that my mouth was slightly opened and kissed me without my consent. I mean, did he? My brain was telling me that it was all wrong and I shouldn’t let that happen, warning bells going crazy in my head. Yet my body had a mind of its own and I was kissing him back, our lips moving in sync while his tongue took control of it all. It was one of the weirdest experiences of my life, my body was certainly enjoying whatever the hell was going on and my mind was screaming at me to stop it, that it was wrong, and I didn’t really like it. That was not the kiss I should enjoy.

Now I knew that the sweet blood was his, because the addictive taste on my mouth intensified when his bleeding tongue came in contact with my own. His hand snaked around my waist, and he pulled me from the... bed? Couch? I don’t know, wherever I was laying down on. The blood was working wonders for my body and restoring my health, I could move a little more and my arms circled his neck, bringing him closer, our chest pressed up against each other. I was so confused, the kiss was so good, and I couldn’t get enough of it, but a part of me was freaking out like I had no control over what was happening. Didn’t I?

Seth broke the kiss and left a bite on my lower lip before looking up at my eyes and smiling like the Cheshire cat. “I’m keeping you to myself, gorgeous.” He purred.

“Sire, she will not like that. Our job was to hand that one over an–” A trembling voice started saying in a hushed tone.

“Shut up!” Seth growled at the man standing behind him. He was sexy when he was angry.

Wait, what?

“I don’t care anymore about the bounty. She is mine now.” Looking at me with a smile he continued. “Aren’t you, gorgeous?”

“Yes.” The word came out of my mouth before I could process what was being asked of me. At some level I knew I shouldn’t agree with whatever he was saying or doing, but my brain felt foggy. I looked at Seth again, it was like he was shining and the only thing I could really focus on. Everything else in the world didn’t look quite good or beautiful, it was pointless if he wasn’t in the picture.

“Come, we need to move. You took too long to wake up, gorgeous.” His velvety voice was like a love song dedicated to me and without hesitation I just stood from the bed - now I could understand better where I was laying - and took his offered elbow. Taking a quick look around I noticed we were in a motel room of some sort. It had the one single bed where I was laying, a TV on the wall opposite to it. The room was very simple, there was two closed doors on the right wall, which I assumed were the closet and bathroom and that was it. It looked very cheap, the ceiling had some water damage, the walls had the wallpapers ripped in several places and some stained spots. I was glad we were leaving this place.

“Where are we going, Seth?” I heard myself saying in a soft voice. It was strange, it seemed like I was in a dream. I knew that was me and I just talked, but at the same time I felt like I was watching the scene unfold from a third person perspective. It was very odd, but not unpleasant. I wasn’t in pain or in danger, but there was still a part of me that was freaking out and screaming bloody murder that I should run away from here, from Seth. But why would I do that? His green eyes didn’t express menace, they expressed... adoration?

“I’m taking you to your new home, gorgeous. How does that sound?” He cooed while guiding the way out of the motel room and through a hallway.

“Sounds perfect!” I said cheerfully.

“See, Maddox? She wants to come with me, she said it herself, she’s mine. So just keep your words to yourself if you want to live for another day.” He hissed at the other man over his shoulder.

I didn’t even take a glance at the other guy following us. No, my eyes were too focused trying to scan every possible inch of Seth’s perfect face, commit it to memory. But memory would never be as good as the real thing, so I had to keep following him wherever he would go. That thought didn’t scare me as once I believed it would – ok, maybe it did scare a part of me a little, that same annoying part of me that didn’t like Seth for some stupid reason. But why should I be scared? Seth would take care of me, and nothing would come between us. I was fine with that and even giggled to myself thinking it.

We got into a dark SUV, the only car on the parking lot and there was already a guy at the driver’s seat starting the car. The car was big and spacious, but Seth didn’t let Maddox join us. “Where do you think you are going?”

“I-I thought we were going h-home.” Poor Maddox stuttered.

“We are.” Seth pointed to me and himself. “You will stay here and wait for the rest, then you can all go home.” He spat at the man, and Maddox winced but nodded, taking a step back. Seth closed the door and the car started moving immediately, and I giggled again, thinking I was going home with him and how lucky I was.

“Are you happy, little one?” He asked seductively, his eyes dropping to my lips and going back to my eyes again. I knew what he was thinking, and I couldn’t agree more. I needed his mouth on my like I needed oxygen. I nodded my head like a good girl and lunged for him, kissing the hell out of him, making him smile against my lips. That only made me want him more and he finally let me have it by kissing me back and letting our kiss deepen. I was in heaven; I was sure of it.

But then again, was I?

My brain kept trying to tell me that I needed to remember someone one and that being here with Seth right now was a bad thing. I still felt foggy, and the memories weren’t really coming back to me, so why bother, right? I had no control of what was going on and for the first time in my life, I didn’t care one bit about it.

I was always the overthinker, the cautious Mia. And it felt sort of freeing to let someone else take charge and simply dictate what I would do or where I would go. Maybe I should had tried that earlier in life, but there’s no time like the present. I pulled away from Seth. We got so engrossed with each other that I hadn’t noticed I was straddling him. I softly peck his lips.

“You’re such a good kisser.” I giggled at how bold I was being. “You taste like magic.”

“Like magic, huh?” His eyes were swirling with emotions, I could see happiness, desire and guilt. Something about my words made him feel guilt, but why? “We’ll change that.”

Before I could ask what he meant by that, he kissed me again and all the worries in my head flew out the window.

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