Merciless Punks: Enemies to Lovers romance (Dolls and douchebags Book 3)

Chapter 4

“Did you hear me, Prez?” The sound of Tank’s voice brings me out from the brink of drowning in my grief.

It’s been three days. Three days since I found out my old man was murdered. That the girl I want to keep by my side was brutally raped by the Demon Jokers, her Father threw her to the wolves. And now I’m sitting in my dad’s chair at the head of the table with a new patch over my vest that says President. It doesn’t feel real. I keep pressing on the stitches on my stomach to make sure I’m actually awake. It helps but doesn’t at the same time. This isn’t supposed to be my chair for years to come but here I am and planning a war at that. The club trusted Pike with their lives and didn’t hesitate to vote me as their new President before my father’s skin was cold.

I feel like shit, probably look like it too but the church meeting is urgent. Believe me when I wish I could be locked upstairs in my room with Tillie and hide from all my new responsibilities. The wicked don’t rest and my brothers in arms are hungry for vengeance.

“No. Sorry, brother. Continue.” I scrub my hand down my face roughly and try to harden my heart.

Maybe when this shit storm is clear, I might have time to grieve but for now, I have to lock away those feelings. I can’t even catch my breath for one goddamn second. That’s how it goes when you sign up for this lifestyle, it’s always something.

“I had Gunnar gift wrap Payne’s head in a box and will have it delivered along with his members to the Demon Jokers’ doorstep. I expect retaliation since it was their president and to be honest, I’m looking forward to it.” Tank leans back in his chair with his arms crossed and his gaze distant.

I wasn’t here when our charter was attacked, half the club wasn’t. It was a Sunday evening and most of the guys went home to their families or with some tail for the night. Only a few were left hanging around the compound including my old man. No one saw the attack from the Demon Jokers coming. Tank was just rolling up to the gates on his motorcycle and heard a rumble of bikes down the street. He could make out the Joker patch on the back of their vests and he didn’t even wait for the gate to open all the way before he was hopping off his bike. He was greeted with blood smeared along the bar and five of our men dead. My dad, his president, died in his arms. My dad’s last words were to Tank when they should have been for my ears only. I haven’t asked what he said, I’m not ready.

Tank has been quiet and right by my side since I took over. He’s kept our brothers from seeking out revenge without a plan. He’s kept everyone calm while I’ve been trying to wrap my head around everything that has happened. I made him Vice President without a second thought.

“Payne has probably already been replaced so we’ll be ready for when they come. Nicky and Tey didn’t get much information out of the west side gang member but this isn’t our first run-in with them. Looks like the Los Muerte is now in alliance with the Demon Jokers and someone else in our fucking city. Right under our noses, but they can’t hide forever. We’ll find out who it is.” I look at my members around our oval table, each of their expressions ranging from pissed off to downright vile.

We all want blood to spill but we are going to do it my way.

“It’s because of that girl, isn’t it? We have the enemy’s daughter under our fucking roof and just letting her roam around as she pleases. We should be sending them her head along with her dear old dad.” Axel slams his fist down on the table, his face turning red as he tries to stare me down.

I don’t say anything, my face stays blank the longer I look at him until he glances away first under my stare.

“You touch a hair on her head and I won’t hesitate to skin you alive after boiling you in hot water so each strip of skin I peel off comes away like butter. You understand me, brother ?” I snarl the last word in sarcasm, leaning forward in my seat without looking away from him as he gazes around at everyone else.

They won’t be helping him. I wear the motherfucking patch that says where I belong.

“I hear ya, Prez.” Axel clears his throat and glares straight ahead at nothing.

“Good. I’ll address this once and we move forward with plans.” I pause, making sure I have everyone’s attention. “Tillie is my old lady from this day forward and she will be wearing my name. She may have come from the Demon Jokers charter but Payne wasn’t her biological father. It’s not my story to tell but I will say she’s a victim and was never treated like a club member. Whoever is siding with those bastards and feeding them information will die very fucking soon. Los Muerte knew who she was at first glance as they’d been looking for her since the moment she stepped foot in California. Payne had word out he was looking for Tillie but she was found too easily and too soon if you get my drift. Someone is feeding information and I will be finding out who.” My voice comes out harsh, my teeth grinding because I will find the fucker who keeps putting our girl in trouble.

The leather of my vest squeaks as I shift in my seat and place my elbows on the table as I glance each member in the eye. A few nod, some grunt in acknowledgment, and I relax slightly from my stiff posture knowing that I have them in agreement with me.

Maybe I can do this. If I have the numbers to back me up, we can get our revenge and I’ll be able to run Hell’s Devils.

“Where do you want us?” Diesel questions, giving me a slight nod in respect.

“I want all ears to the ground and we’ll wait until we hear what the new president of the Demon Jokers has to say. I want more patrols on the compound and bikes on the road. If you see any of the west side Los Muerte, catch them and bring them to the warehouse.” In old fashion, I pick up the gavel that’s been used for every church meeting and slam it down once in dismissal.

Chairs screech on the wood floor as members stand and file out the doors until it’s just me and Tank left in the room.

“Axel might be a problem but I’ll keep an eye out on him.” Tank rubs his beard, lost in thought before he shakes his head. “How’s it going with your old lady? ” He air quotes with a chuckle as I heave a sigh and drop back into my chair with a groan.

How’s it going? I’ve got fucking blue balls. I wouldn’t be surprised if they fell off because she’s fucking torturing me. Bending this way and that way with her peachy ass right in front of my face basically. The little she-devil knows exactly what she’s doing. I can do this. For her, I’ll pick my cold, lonely, blue balls off the floor and lock them away until I can earn her trust and she gives me the green light.

“It’s, uh, going, to say the least. Driving me crazy but nothing I can’t handle,” I say out loud, running my hand through my hair as I try to gather my thoughts.

“You know what they say about the crazy ones, right?” Tank says with a serious, straight face as I raise a brow for him to continue. “Animals in the sack, man. Scratching claws, squeezes a man with a death grip of that sweet pussy as she rides you off into the sunset.”

He rubs a hand off his lips to hide his smile as I glare at him. Just the thought of Tillie and her pussy on any other man’s mind besides my friends has me seeing red.

“Anyone touches her… their body will never be found.” My words come out strained, almost growling as I bare my teeth at him.

Tank holds his hands out in a calming gesture but fights a smile once more as he opens his mouth. “No one’s going to even think about touching her, man. You know the code. Old ladies are off-limits.”

My mood sours even more, just the thought of how many men have touched her skin without her permission makes me want to destroy everything in my path. I don’t feel guilty about having her lips wrapped around my cock that one night in the garage, forcing her to her knees without asking. I saw fire in her gaze, it almost burnt me and I needed that directed fully on me because I feel fucking alive with just one look from her. She was beautiful stealing the Ferrari, and coming at us with each step of her long, toned legs as she stood up to us. I’ve never had a woman look at me with an unhinged gaze like she couldn’t decide if she wanted to cut off my cock or jump on it.

Of course, I took that from her choice and fed her every single inch of my cock. She was staring up at me, us, with hate but that didn’t stop her from licking our dicks like it was the best flavored ice cream she’s ever had. I really needed to stop thinking about her perfect lips and my cock all in one sentence. My blood tends to rush straight down to my prized possession and is twitching in seconds with the urge to claim her pussy until the only weeping my little bitch is doing is that sweet honey between her legs.

My eyes squeeze shut as the memory of her wide, scared, tear-filled eyes looked at me as that dipshit, Franco, spread her pussy lips and ate her out like she was his. I want to murder him, bury him somewhere far out in the desert where I can visit just to piss on his grave. The only thing stopping me is Logan… and Dom. Everything he said at his rave has been playing in my head since then on repeat. I don’t like the guy and his cocky attitude but even my old man was suspicious of Franco and Jin for years. Didn’t trust them.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts and stand up, reaching for my phone in my back pocket as it buzzes once.

“Just keep an eye out, brother, and spread the word that no one touches my property,” I order over my shoulder and receive one single nod from Tank just as I walk out the doors leading into the main part of the compound.

Passing the bar with a few club members sitting around and some low music of rock and roll playing on the speakers, I swipe my phone open and freeze at the image that pops on my screen.

I stop dead in my tracks and blink a few times just to make sure I’m seeing things right.

Unknown number: You don’t deserve my queen. Can you really keep her safe?

The image takes my breath away to say the least. I’m fucking pissed… furious but I can admire a good photo when I see one. She’s stunning and it kills me every single time I look at her.

Tillie is in a dressing room, her back turned towards the camera and her head bent down as she touches the white, silk bow just below her belly button. She doesn’t notice Dom behind her in the mirror as she tries on lingerie.

Dalton: You’re a dead man walking. I’m her fucking Daddy and I swear to God if she calls you Papi again because you provoked her…

I jam out that text quickly, surprised my screen doesn’t crack and glance up to notice everyone left in the bar area staring at me like I’m a caged animal at a circus. My other hand grips the sides of my head, pulling strands of my hair in frustration and I’m breathing pretty hard like I just ran miles.

The sound of my fist slamming into the wall next to the staircase has the club whore squeaking behind the bar as she shatters a glass.

“Round the fuck up!” I roar and stomp up the stairs in a rush towards my room, ignoring the sound of rushing feet and barstools tipping over downstairs.

I basically kick my door down and glance around frantically just in case the photo was some other woman that happens to look a fuck ton like Tillie. I know that’s not possible because no one has a bubbly ass like hers and I’d recognize it anywhere. Finding my room empty just confirmed she’s really not here. I know she’s been going stir-crazy up in my room, but I just wanted to keep her safe and away from my club brothers for a little bit. So much for that, because now I’m going to be introducing her to everyone all at once. I’m taking every single body available to go search for her.

My phone pings again and I grind my teeth in frustration as I stomp out of my room while heading back downstairs towards the machine shop where my bike is stored.

Logan: What the fuck! Why isn’t she at the club?!

Tey: Think she’s trying on that little outfit for us? I think red silk would look better on my sugar plum’s sweet, delicious body just like blood but I’m not complaining. Also, can we kill him now?

Nicky: Already hacking into her phone location. Text you the coordinates in a sec.

I wait for what feels like forever for him to give us her location. The sound of grumbling bike engines and the Hell’s Devils stomping of feet over asphalt makes it slightly easier to breathe because that means my club members are ready to ride out.

Nicky: SeaSide Mall. Meet you guys there in ten minutes. Also, I call dibs on spanking her ass for this.

I swing my leg over my motorcycle and ride it to a crawl towards the front until two rows of thirty badass bikers are at my back. Fuck, this is hard. My dad used to ride front and center while I was to his right behind him. At least I have the manpower to kick some ass if anything goes sideways. I grab my shades out of my vest pocket and signal with my hand to get moving just as my bike glides onto the road.

My little bitch is in so much trouble when I get my hands on her. My palm is already twitching.

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