Merciless Punks: Enemies to Lovers romance (Dolls and douchebags Book 3)

Chapter 5

I can’t remember the last time I was in a mall. I think it was a long time ago, before I took over for my father, before my mother ran away from this life by filling up her bathroom with red marks where I found her. Jagged lines on her wrists and open, glazed eyes that stared blankly back at me. I think that was the last day I had any freedom to be a normal kid, as normal as any kid growing up in the Cartel can get. Drugs, a suicidal mother, and a father that ruled his cocaine kingdom with an iron fist until the day he was shot down. I should be back at the estate, running my numbers and shipments for the next supply of weed coming in from my fields in Mexico but instead, I’m at the fucking SeaSide Mall following my future queen around.

I’d usually be at one of the facilities, watching over my army of working men, seeing the comings and goings, or even testing the supply. I have the best marijuana on the streets, across the whole country, and most are gunning for my spot. I guess I’m like my father, in the way I don’t trust easily, never will and I oversee everything instead of letting someone else do my work. This is my life but damn if it isn’t a lonely one. My schedule changed about a week ago in the dark tunnels, the atmosphere high on drugs of bliss and sex. I’ve been waiting years for that day to look Logan Russo in his eyes and turn his whole world upside down by the information I’ve collected over the years but that all stopped once she looked at me. Dark, haunted eyes that’s seen too much push to the surface. She tries to bury it all deep down, but hurt bleeds out of her soul and touches mine with just one connection of our gazes. Don’t even get me started on her body that is made to sin and tempt a man of faith to his knees before her just so he can have a taste.

Usually, a pressed suit is molded to my body but my choices for the day are all black clothing for stalking. Black jeans and a black leather jacket with the hoodie pulled up to cover my face as I stalk behind Tillie without her knowledge. I’ve had my men watching the Hell’s Devils compound for days since I’ve found out she’s transferred there instead of the Russo mansion. I’m not complaining about her staying at the compound, anywhere is safer for her but at that fucking house of the devil. Most nights after a really long day, I’d change into clothes that blend into the night and watch across the street from the motorcycle club for any sign of her.

Every. Single. Night.

Luck was on my side today when I got a call from Zeus that my queen was sneakily climbing over a fence and hopping into a jeep with Nicky’s little sister only for them to end up at the mall. Cutting all my meetings short, and delaying a shipment coming in from the docks, I changed and here I am a few paces behind her, stalking slowly through the crowded mall without her knowing that someone is watching and following her every move. A few times her shoulders have gone tight and she pauses in the middle of the crowds to look around her like she can feel me watching her.

At first, I was fucking pissed that she was out without one of the guys with her, unprotected with Nicholas’ little sister but she isn’t clueless. I see the way she looks people in the eye so she remembers their faces, scanning her surroundings even though she’s laughing at whatever her friend says. She’s smart, cunning, and drop dead gorgeous. There’s more to her than meets the eyes and that is what has me obsessed. Can’t say I’ve ever had to stalk a woman before, usually they end up in my bed before I even get home. I snap my fingers and can have any woman on their knees at a moment’s notice but something in the way Tillie holds her chin up and glares tells me she’s not one to go on her knees willingly without a fight. She has fire and I want to be burned by her.

“Oh! Let’s go in there! Butt licker! Out of our way!” Nicola shouts at the top of her lungs without a care in the world as she shoves through a group of leering males, pulling on Tillie’s hand towards the lingerie store.

I like little Nicholas’ sister too. She’s good for Tillie, makes her laugh, and smiles a real smile instead of something forced. I’ll let Nicola live just for that alone.

I follow close behind but far enough that they don’t notice me as I duck into a nearby shop until they go deeper into the store. Stepping into the path of the men that are elbowing each other and still looking where my queen entered, I lift my face and make sure they can see I’m staring at each of them. They say my face is something that resembles an angel with my good looks and sharp edges but what they don’t know is that even Lucifer fell from the heavens. Tempted with dark looks and even darker eyes that smacked the fear into anyone who looked into his gaze.

You’re playing a game with the devil, and I love my games.


It’s the only word I say in a deep tone, my dark gaze connecting with each of them. There must be that look in my eyes that say I will fucking kill you and there won’t be a body to find because two of them gulp audibly while the other one holds up his hands, backing up slowly.

“Yeah, yeah, man. Yours,” he quickly says and nudges his friends to get moving.

They turn in the other direction, practically running. I can smell their fear from a mile away, I love stalking and playing into people’s fears. It makes them prey while the wolf hunts them down to tear a big bite into their skin, eating until there’s nothing left.

With a pleased, dark chuckle, I walk casually into the lingerie shop with my hands in my pockets and try not to imagine what Tillie would look like in a pair of white lace underwear, appearing from the fucking heavens just like the angel that she is.

I trail behind her slowly, making sure my body is turned sideways from her in case she happens to glance in my direction. She’s distracted though, gliding her slim fingers over lingerie as she walks by but never picks out anything.

“Can I help you, sir?” a breathy female voice asks from right next to me, I roll my eyes and ignore her since she’s been following me the moment I stepped in the store.

I don’t bother glancing at the employee as I watch Tillie head into the back of the store, staring longingly at every item she passes. I wonder why she’s not picking out anything? She deserves to be dripped in silk and diamonds, anything she wants.

“Yes. Everything she touches, put it on my card.” I hand over my platinum card without looking, only nodding my head towards Tillie so the employer knows who I mean.

“Sir…that’s a lot of money,” the annoying employee replies in a snooty voice and that’s when I look down at her to see her shooting daggers at my queen with jealousy.

“You’re right. Not only what she touches but looks at too. I would suggest you get started or I can find someone else to do it?” I threaten, watching her shake her head real fast and plaster on a fake smile as she races away to start loading her arms up with everything Tillie has touched so far.

Nicola is gesturing wildly and smacking Tillie, shoving something in her arms while dragging her to the dressing rooms. Well…This looks like an opportunity I can’t pass up.

With a smirk, I slip past Nicola as she’s distracted, mumbling to herself.

“Stubborn. Girls gotta feel sexy when down.” A second later she flings a bra across the room and screams out loud while flushing with a dreamy sigh, “Dick! Good, big dick! Omg.”

I bite my lip to not laugh as I pass her like a shadow, shaking my head as everyone stares at her which she chooses to ignore or doesn’t care. I like this one, kid got balls. It seems like Nicola has some feelings for someone that’s apparently on her mind if she’s screaming in the store about some guy’s dick.

Stepping into the dressing room, the only sound is the quiet rustling of clothes dropping to the floor. Each door is wide open but the one all the way in the back is closed shut. I head over there on silent feet and lean on the wall next to the door with my arms folded. My eyes slide shut at the sound of her clothes coming off her sexy body and her slow, even breathing like she’s right next to me instead of being separated by a fucking door.

“Damn it. Why did I let her talk me into this? It feels like heaven against my skin,” Tillie mutters to herself with a quiet drawn out moan.

What man can resist that one sound out of her pretty mouth? It’s like an itch under your skin you can’t reach but you can feel it all the same. I need to see her, to know what made that breathless moan escape past her lips. At this point, I don’t care if I’m caught stalking her. At least she’ll know I’m watching, maybe even feel me without seeing me. I like that thought. The way the small hairs on your nape rise because you know someone is staring. How your eyes dart in every direction to find the source and your heart starts racing. That gives me a thrill and knowing she’s going to experience that when I’m watching her from the shadows…That alone gets my cock harder than anything else.

I’m a creep, sue me.

With a smirk, I test the door handle while debating how I’m going to sneak in behind her and instantly my lips twitch down into a deep frown.

Why the fuck didn’t she lock the door?

To say I’m furious is an understatement. It’s like she has no care for her safety. I mean, this makes it easier for me but it could have been anyone else trapping her in the back of the dressing room. No one would know. Anyone could come in here, look at her body, breathe on her smooth skin and take what’s mine.

My eyes narrow as I slowly push the door open with the tip of my shoe as I lean against the opening of the door like I don’t have a care in the world. But every muscle in my body is tight, bulging with how fucking mad I am.

Some of that anger dissolves into desire once I get a good look at her.

Like I said before, an angel in disguise to tempt a saint.


A venus fly trap just waiting to capture her prey. A woman who knows what her body can do, how to use it to bring a man to his knees but chooses not to.

My eyes trail down her body, taking in the silk, white thong between her peach ass, and the straps that hold the garter belt up that’s clenched around her waist and thighs. The little bow she plays with below her belly button is mesmerizing to watch, her slender fingers playing along the smooth texture. I grab my phone before I can think about it, snapping a photo of her. I have devious plans to send it to piss off some punks but I’m really taking it for myself.

A single word keeps running in circles in my head.



Fucking mine.

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