Merciless Punks: Enemies to Lovers romance (Dolls and douchebags Book 3)

Chapter 3

I’m warm, cocooned in a dream of heat. Maybe a little too warm. My clothes stick to my body like a second skin. I try to roll away from the constant heat to cool down but something stops me from moving.

Holding me hostage.

I blink my eyes open, only to see my feet dangling inches from the cold, cement flooring as my chin drops towards my chest. A red trail of blood slides down my legs, dripping to the floor like a teardrop and leaving a small puddle underneath me. The strain in my shoulders suddenly becomes so overwhelming that I jerk my head up, an agonizing hiss leaving my mouth as I take in my wrists chained to the ceiling. I sway from side to side so slowly that it makes me nauseous. It doesn’t help that I’m in pain and bleeding from the deep cuts on my wrists from the metal cuffs. How long have I been hanging here? Unbelievable, intense heat settles against my back, leaving behind the smell of burnt flesh. A scream rips out of my throat, the sound soul-stirring even to my own ears, and a noise I hope to never hear again. I’m thrashing to get away, but the heat stops sizzling as whatever burns me is pulled away. My body slumps in the shackles, and the breath whooshing in and out of me is loud and hard.

“Do you really want to know? What will you give me in return?” Payne’s voice comes from beside my right ear, a whisper of a ghost haunting me.

Dark, dirty, biker boots stop in front of my swaying body as I remain silent and a deeply tanned hand lifts my chin so I’m staring into eyes that make me feel like I’m looking into the abyss of hell.

My own personal hell.

“You’re dead.” The words leave my panting lips, terror nearly making me pass out as he finally steps into my line of sight.

“Am I? I’ll always be here, Tillie.” He taps my head with his knuckle and chuckles at my expression that has likely gone pale. “Aren’t you going to ask? I know you’re dying to know. You can’t help yourself.” He shakes his head when tears pool in my eyes because I know exactly what he’s talking about but I can’t play this game anymore.

There’s only so much I can take and I’m not ready for this moment that will change everything I thought I knew. I lick my dry, cracked lips and stare over his shoulder at the workbench that holds all my worst nightmares. This isn’t right. I remember this moment, the first time I was brought down to the basement with endless days of pain inflicted on my body at the age of sixteen. Except this memory is different, Payne never offered an explanation as to why he wanted to hurt me. I never got my answer but I think I finally understand why he tortured me for countless hours.

“What do you want?” I choke back a sob, despising myself when I can’t help but glance back at him and hating the evil smile that spreads across his lips at my desperate tone.

“I want you to suffer but first I want you to ask me. Go ahead and ask me!” He suddenly screams the last part in my face, his spittle landing on my cheeks from how close he is to me. He’s so close that I can’t see anything but his harsh, brown eyes.

“Who is my father?” I breathe out in a strangled, raspy tone while staring into his eyes that hide many secrets and will continue to, just to see me suffer.

He stares at me for an amount of time that feels like forever before he turns around and starts walking away into the dark void. At the edge of where dark and light meets, he stops next to a man with his back towards me. The patch of the Demon Jokers stares at me and Payne places his arm around the man’s shoulder, leading him away and into the dark.

“No! You can’t do this! Who is he?!” My shouting echoes all around me, and I yank on my wrists so hard that they burn from the pressure.

“I think you already know the answer to that, Tillie,” Payne says over his shoulder and continues walking into the shadows with the man until they are only a body outline with little light, being swallowed up by the black abyss.

“Look at me! goddammit, look at me!” I scream with everything inside of me, fighting against my restraints to break free, to run to them, but it’s no use.

The man never looks back, the last thing I see is the dancing demon with a joker’s mask over its face on the back of his vest. I’m left alone with a single lightbulb swinging over my head. The screams don’t stop leaving my mouth, even when my throat hurts.

“Come back,” I whisper brokenly on a sob.

“Tillie! Wake the fuck up! Come on, little bitch, don’t do this!”

My body jerks like it’s been struck by lightning as I struggle to sit up. Hands restrain my wrists as I take deep, gasping breaths and fight against the body looming over my own.

“Fuck, Tillie. It’s me. It’s Dalton,” the gravelly, deep voice whispers in my ear with a ragged breath as if he’s been running for miles.

My blurry, watery eyes blink rapidly until Dalton’s face over mine comes into focus. It’s like the fight goes out of my body as I collapse against the mattress. Dalton relaxes his tense muscles along with mine as he exhales a relieved breath.

“What happened? Wh–where are we?” I croak out in a stutter, taking stock of my surroundings as my brain battles against sleep and being woken up.

I’m laying on a bed with a navy blue comforter, and tan walls surround the small room with a bathroom door slightly open, the light inside it on. A dresser and nightstand are the only other items in the room that tell me nothing. It gives away nothing of where I am and whose bedroom I am in, but then the smell of gasoline and cedar fills my senses and tells me this is Dalton’s room.

“Welcome to Hell’s Devils. I don’t remember much after passing out on Logan’s kitchen floor but he got a hold of our Hell’s Devils doc just for this kind of situation and brought him here to the compound.” His violet gaze flickers between mine, his massive arms on either side of my head once he lets go of my wrists.

My gaze drops to his naked torso, taking in the white bandage wrapped around his tapered waist. I can’t stop my hand from trembling as I graze my fingers over the spot he was stabbed. He could have died. The thought hits me hard, making a shaky breath get stuck in the back of my throat as my eyes water.

“This is my fault,” I whisper, feeling just as evil as Payne for the first time in my life.

Dalton grunts and moves off of me to roll carefully on his side so he can stare into my eyes as we lay side by side. For a club of dangerous motorcycle gang members, the compound is eerily quiet. It’s the type of silence that comes with a death and that hollow feeling grows in my chest because of his dad… that’s my fault too.

“Shut up. So expressive.” He drags his thumb along my cheekbone as he looks deep into my eyes before leaning forward to place his forehead against mine with a deep sigh. “I’m sorry, little bitch,” he whispers so softly, that nickname starting to sound like an endearment to me.

I rear my head back, startled, and shake my head. “You’re sorry? Everything that’s happened has been my fault from the moment I stepped foot in Logan’s house. I should have disappeared where no one could find me but instead, I stayed out in the open where people I care about got hurt.”

I can’t even look at him, guilt laying heavy on my chest. I’m already thinking of an escape out of this town…This state. I’m going to always be running while looking over my shoulder, but at least the guys won’t get hurt anymore because of me. Dalton huffs out an angry breath and grasps my chin with his thumb and index finger so that I have no choice but to look at him.

“You care about me? Fuck, Tillie. After everything we’ve done and what has happened to you…” His jaw goes tight as he glances at the ceiling and lays on his back instead of looking at me. “I don’t even know how you can stand the sight of me.”

I stare at his side profile; the sharp edges of his jawline, the high cheekbones on his honey golden skin, and the long dark lashes that frame his beautiful purple, brown eyes.

“I like a little pain in my life, Dalton. It’s all I’ve ever known. I couldn’t figure it out at first, the attraction I felt for you guys. Even when you kept pushing me, forcing me to my knees, controlling my body… everything you guys did and still do makes me want you. Maybe it’s the desire to have someone who is just as broken as me. It could be because I can see that I wasn’t the only one thrust into this life and seeing the family you guys are, willing to go to any length to protect each other… I’ve never had that and I want that. Need that. I stayed to seek revenge, at least, that’s what I told myself, but deep down I want what you guys have. A family to fight for,” I admit in a quiet voice and hold his gaze when he finally looks back at me.

“I don’t know how to make this right? I’ve done, and probably will continue to do, things that will hurt you,” he says, expanding his massive chest on an exhale, and the look on his face… he looks so lost.

“Do you want me, Dalton?” I make sure to not break eye contact, even though I’m feeling exposed.

“Desperately so, little bitch,” he answers right away, no hesitation.

He knows, he knows my deepest secret. I’m broken, scared, and damaged, but for some reason, he still wants me.

“Everyone has always wanted something from me but not desperately.” I offer a tiny smile before sitting up in bed and stretching my arms over my head.

My whole body feels stiff like I haven’t moved in days and I wonder how long we’ve been holed up in his room. Where are the rest of the guys? I scoot over the side of the bed and stand, making my way over to his bathroom because I’m pretty sure I have a case of bedhead. A shower sounds perfect before I have to leave the safety of his room to face reality. Just a few more minutes.

“I’ll prove to you how much I need you,” he says across the room in that gravelly voice that sends pleasant chills down my spine.

He needs me?

I pivot around on my heels to face him just as I step into the bathroom doorway and squeal in surprise at finding him so close behind me. I didn’t even hear him move, especially for someone so big and wounded.

“Jesus! Make some noise would you? What are you doing?” I raise a brow as he keeps stepping forward until I have no choice but to keep moving backwards.

My lower back bumps against the edge of the bathroom counter and I just stand there with my mouth dropping open as he begins to unwrap the binding around his waist. He reaches over without looking and turns on the shower, holding my gaze the whole time. Almost like a challenge glittering in his eyes.

“Get undressed,” he orders, a small smirk forming on his plush lips as I place my fists on my hips.

“How about no?” I sass back and jump with a shriek as he moves real fast and cages me against the sink.

“How about yes and don’t argue with me. I’m just going to take care of you. Besides, you kind of stink.” He says this while rubbing his nose along mine and winks.

I would hit him, but the teasing light in his eyes makes me give in to his demands. Challenge accepted. He’ll just have to suffer being naked in a closed space with me without touching. It’s his own fault anyways.

“How long was I out for? I don’t remember anything after being in the pool.” I keep my gaze down as I start to take my clothes off, biting my lip because I’m not quite ready to talk about Payne fully.

“Just two days. You needed it. Doc gave you something to help you sleep and I felt better having you by my side while getting stitched up.” He waves to the stitches on his lower stomach when I take a peek from under my lashes. The slash isn’t big and I’m happy it didn’t seem to hit anything major.

“Are you in pain right now?” I whisper, crossing my arms over my naked chest as I bite my lip so I don’t start crying again.

I’m so tired of crying. I used to think that all my tears were dried up because no matter how sad I was, I couldn’t cry. Now it’s like I can’t stop, years of built up sorrow and pain pours out of me. Tears cascade down my cheeks, set off without my control and I don’t know when I’ll be able to stop crying. I hate it.

“No, little bitch. I’m fine, I’ve had worse. It’s just a flesh wound and it only looked bad because I lost some blood. Get in the shower.” He holds the door open and reaches for my hand with his palm facing up for me to grab.

I almost wish he would go back to his loving, jerk self, this is almost too much to handle. He’s being nice, it does put me on edge a little bit because it’s hard to trust that someone has good intentions towards me. With a small head shake to get rid of those thoughts, I hesitantly place my hand in his and it doesn’t go unnoticed but he doesn’t say a word. The moment the hot water hits my back, I’m gone. Completely gone. My body gradually starts to relax, my head falling back under the spray as it soaks my hair. A sigh of bliss escapes my parted lips as hot water seeps into my skin and I didn’t even realize my eyes slid shut until Dalton coughs in the open stall doorway. Peeking through slitted eyes, I gaze at him as he just stands there. His eyes travel unhurriedly over my body, like he has all the time in the world as he looks me up and down before finally looking into my eyes with hunger burning in his gaze. My breath catches in the back of my throat at the way he’s looking at me. He sees all my scars on display, each tattoo trying to cover a part of my past and he’s already dived into a part of myself that I keep hidden. He knows almost everything that has happened to me but still, his gaze could set this whole bathroom on fire from the burning desire in his violet eyes.

“You are the most beautiful fucking thing I’ve ever seen. Do you know how much I want you? It’s pure torture looking at you, needing to touch you and lose myself inside you. You’re the only thing holding me together right now, Tillie. I need to make this right, tell me how and I’ll do whatever you ask.” His voice goes rough, deeper.

A man like Dalton, his big muscles and charming white smile can get him anything he wants. He knows this and has used it to his advantage. I’ve seen it firsthand the very first day I met him when Mrs. Sullivan was on her knees for him, knowing the risk of getting caught. The risk was worth it. He is worth it.

I gaze down at his body, seeing his cock incredibly hard and thick. So hard that it almost looks painful. The vein that runs from base to tip throbs as I stare, his monster cock jerks and leaks a pearl of cum from his big, fat mushroom head. I honestly don’t know how that thing fits into my body, but my pussy clenches in need to have it again, sliding roughly in and out of me. I can handle the pain, the stretch as he pushes his huge cock in my tight pussy, hammering into me like he doesn’t plan on ever stopping but the endless pleasure is worth it all.

“Whatever I ask?” I lick my lips and glance up into his eyes as he stares down at me, placing my hand over his pounding heart.

“Anything,” He rasps out, that smile widening on his sexy lips like he can read my mind.

“You’re going to fuck me and fuck me often.” I quickly place my finger over his lips when he starts to open his mouth and his eyes heat. “But you can’t come. Not until I say you’re allowed to.”

His eyes widen in shock as I drop my finger from his lips and it takes a lot out of me to not smile. He looks like I just kicked his puppy or stabbed him. I’ve seen his face when he was stabbed and even then his face didn’t look this pale.

“You’re serious?” He squeezes his eyes closed and swallows thickly but glances back at me and then down at his dick with a sad expression. “I’m sorry, man, but if this proves to her that we aren’t going anywhere then it’s just you and my hand for now on until we get the green light.”

I’ve never seen a man talk to his penis before like a close friend but that body part is pretty important so I guess it makes sense. He’s in for a rude awakening though. I almost feel bad but not really.

“No.” I shake my head at him and his brows wrinkle in confusion.

“What?” he asks warily, like he’s almost afraid of my answer.

“You don’t get to come, Dalton, even with your own hand. I’m the only one who can take your pleasure. Me. Not Tey, not Nicky, not Logan, and definitely not even yourself.” I’m not sure why my voice comes out husky but it does.

Knowing that only I can give and take away his pleasure sends a thrill through me. It’s something I’ve never had and I really want him to do this. It will prove to me that he does want me enough. Dalton is a man of carnal desire, pleasure, and I’m about to take that away from him.

He scrubs a hand down his face and curses before looking at his cock again with a pained expression. It takes a second, but he finally glances back at me with the most serious face I’ve ever seen on him.

“Whatever it takes. I’ll be in constant pain but you’re fucking worth it.” He doesn’t waste a second more and pulls me into his arms while I rest my head over his hard pec.

“You’re going to suffer terribly,” I mutter against his skin.

“I’m already suffering but trust me, little bitch. Give this a chance. Give me a chance,” he mutters against the top of my head as he rests his cheek there and tightens his hold around me.

“It won’t be easy for me but something tells me you guys are worth it.”

“You want all of us?” he questions slowly and pulls back to look down at me, his eyes wide with disbelief and he shakes his head in wonder as he palms the side of my face.

“Well, my plan was to make you all jealous and fight over me, but I learned that you guys share almost everything. So that plan went down the drain. You all have beautiful cocks even when you’re forcing them down my throat. I can’t help but want more.” I shrug and he chuckles before settling his lips softly against mine for a second before groaning as if in pain.

“Why do I have a feeling my punishment isn’t the worst compared to Logan, Nicky, and Tey?” He laughs harder at the smirk forming on my lips and I pretend to zip my mouth closed before throwing away the key.

He shakes his head and reaches around me to grab his body wash, chuckling every few seconds as if the thought of his friends being punished by me is amusing to him. He starts to slide his big hands along my collarbone before moving down lower with another pained groan as he lathers the slippery suds all over my breasts.

“Fuck. You’re an evil woman but I like that,” he says as he continues to soap me up without once trying to tempt me with his massive, magic dick.

This might work but then again, maybe I’m punishing myself too.

Only time will tell.

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