Memories of the Blue Moon (Lunar of the Moon - Chronicles - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Two: Reunited

“You’re here to help?” Autor asked as she eyed the man.

He gave her a nod.

Autor snorted. “Then you can start by having your witch find a way to bring my cousin’s memories back.”

Cyrus nodded. “As you wish, milady.” He said with a bow, then turned and walked away.

“I don’t like him.” Monty said as he stood next to his sister.

“Neither do I.” Autor said with a nod as she watched the Alpha walk away. “And you.” She said as she turned to her brother. “You have a lot to account for, Mr. Making deals with other Alpha’s and running off on your own.” She stopped talking as tears ran down her cheeks and choked her.

“I’m sorry.” Monty said as he pulled his sister into a hug. “But I had to do something. Sebastian is getting closer.”

“I know.” Autor said with a cry. “I am glad that you are okay and that you found Aly, but you had us so worried.”

“I’m not a little boy anymore, Autor.”

Autor took a deep breath. “I know Monty, I know.”


They both turned to the sound of their mother’s voice.

Autor laughed. “Now you have to deal with the wrath of a worried mother.”

Monty swallowed past the lump in his throat. A worried sister isn’t half as scary as a worried mother. He walked over to his mother with a wide smile on his face.

“Hi, Mom.” He said as he stood in front of her.

“Monty.” Fara said with a cry as she pulled her son into her arms and held him.

Monty smiled as he held onto his mother. “I’m sorry, Mom.”

“You better be.” She said as she lightly pushed him away from her. “Don’t you ever do that to me again.” She said as she swatted at his butt.

Monty dodged her hand with a laugh. “Okay, I won’t.” He said with a laugh.

“Monty.” Boone said as he walked up to them from the Witch’s shack.

“Mom, this is Boone.” Monty said as Boone joined them. “Boone, this is my mom, Fara.”

“Ma’am.” Boone said with a nod.

Fara nodded to the young man, then excused herself and headed towards the large kitchen.

“Would you like to explain Mr. Nosy, to me?” Boone asked as he crossed his arms over his chest.

“Mr. Nosy?” Monty asked confused.

“The man who just walked into the Witch’s shack and started barking orders, like he owned the place and almost tossed me out on my ear.”

“Ah, crap.” Monty said as he rushed to the shack that was built for the Witch. Boone wasn’t far behind him as they entered the building. “Cyrus, what are you doing?” Monty demanded of the Alpha.

Cyrus looked at Monty and Boone. “I’m seeing to my mate, what does it look like I’m doing?”

Elaine stood in the corner, seething, as she watched the Alpha’s Witch prepare something with her ingredients.

“Your what?!” Boone demanded.

“My mate.” Cyrus said, unaffected by the acid in Boone’s voice.

“Don’t.” Monty said as he stopped Boone from going after the arrogant bastard. “He’s an Alpha.”

Boone stopped and glared at the man’s back. “She already has a mate.” Boone said as calmly as he could muster. “Me.”

Cyrus turned to Boone and looked at him from head to toe, then snorted. “No way Aly would mate with a Hunter.”

“He is telling the truth.” Monty said as he placed his hand on Boone’s shoulder to keep him in place. “Sammy chose him…”

“Sammy isn’t who she is, Sammy is who the Witch made her be.” Cyrus said with the shake of his head.

“Zephron chose me too.” Boone said with a growl.

Cyrus stared at Boone then looked at Monty. “That can’t be. He can’t… He didn’t…”

“It doesn’t matter anyway.” Elaine said from her corner. “Zephron and Alameda are destined to be with someone powerful, and it isn’t either of you.”

Boone closed his eyes as Cyrus turned to stare at the Witch. Boone had heard them talking last night about it. But Zephron had chosen him. And he won’t let anyone take that from him. Sammy or Aly, whoever she is. She is the love of his life, his pack, his lover, his mate.

“When Sammy wakes, she will choose.” Monty said as he pulled Boone from the building.

“You can’t let that asshole dictate everything…” Boone stopped talking when Monty pushed him out of the building and closed the door.

“You are in my world now, Boone. You don’t know anything about Werewolves. Only what your family taught you, so you could hunt us. Cyrus is an Alpha. He could have easily torn your head off, just for speaking to him. Not that he would, because he knows we would have attacked back, and it would have ended in a bloody mess. But that’s beside the point. Until Sammy is better, and until we have Aly back. You can’t go around throwing your Hunter weight around. You will only piss people off.” Monty said as he stepped towards Boone.

“Monty.” Boone whispered as he pointed to the door.

“Let them heal her, Boone. It doesn’t matter who is by her side, as long as those two Witches in there, can heal her.” Monty said with a sigh. “She loves you, Boone. Any fool can see that. With or without that stupid prophecy, Sammy loves you.”

Boone took in a deep breath to calm himself. “But will Alameda?”


Elaine stared at her Alpha. They had been able to heal her wounds, but she still wasn’t waking. She had a strong feeling that there was damage to the inside of her head, that they couldn’t heal. Maybe not even time would heal her wounds. There was a high chance that Aly will either stay permanently comatose or never be the same again. She may become a drooling mess. She sighed. She needed to prepare the pack for the inevitable.

She called a meeting of the pack and stood off by herself, as she prepared for what she was going to tell them. She watched the two new members of the pack as they held each other. The girl seemed to have been crying. From what Elaine had gathered, the girl was a strong bitten wolf, who had very strong bonds to their Alpha.

And the man with her, more like a boy, was a true born hunter. And from what she has felt from him. The strongest hunter she has ever come in contact with. He wasn’t just a born hunter, he had something else in him, she just hadn’t worked it out yet. This is the first time a hunter has ever joined a werewolf pack, maybe that was what she had felt.

Elaine took a deep breath and moved out into the open with her pack. “I have called you all here because I have some news about Aly.”

“Sammy.” The girl with the hunter said with a sob.

“Of course, Sammy.” Elaine said with a nod. She wasn’t going to argue names right now. Sammy, Aly, whoever, their Alpha is dying.

“What’s going on Elaine?” Autor asked as she stepped to the front of the group.

“Aly…Sammy; is in a coma. We healed her wounds but there seems to be too much damage inside. We can’t reach it, and we don’t know what it is.”

“How can an Alpha die from a wound like that?” Reinhard asked as he stepped forward and placed his hands on his daughter’s shoulders.

“I honestly don’t know.” Elaine said with a shrug. “We can’t figure it out…” She stopped talking for a moment. “Wait. Boone.” She said as she looked at the hunter.

Boone looked at the witch. “Yeah?”

“You said your brother shot you, and the bullet went through your chest and into her?” She asked, revelations in her eyes.

“Yeah.” Boone said with a nod.

“That’s it.” Elaine said as she took off towards her shed.

“What’s it?” Boone hollered as he chased after the witch.

Elaine burst into the shed and went straight to her Alpha’s body. “This has to be it.” She said as she examined Aly’s shoulder.

“What’s going on?” Cyrus’s witch Samden asked as he walked up to Elaine.

“Yes, here it is.” Elaine said as she turned her Alpha onto her stomach. “Look.”

Samden looked at the girl’s back and furrowed his eyebrows. He felt around the skin then shook his head.

“That could be the cause, couldn’t it?” Elaine asked as she placed both hands over the area.

“It could very well be. Why had we not thought of this?” He asked as he shook his head.

“I don’t know. I guess because we were too worried about her head.” She said as she concentrated.

“What’s going on?” Boone asked as he entered the shack.

“Let us work.” Samden said as he looked at the hunter. He may be their sworn enemy, but he felt no hatred for the boy. He seemed to truly be one of them.

“Elaine?” Autor asked as she entered behind Boone.

“The bullet that passed through Boone and entered Sammy. It was lodged in her bone.” Elaine said as she lifted her hands away from Sammy’s back and held the silver bullet in her hand.

“Now that was some magic.” Boone said with a grin.

“Oh no.” Elaine whimpered.

“What is it?” Autor asked in a panic.

“Look.” Elaine said as she handed the bullet to Samden.

“Shit.” Samden breathed as he looked at the scripting on the bullet.

“What’s going on?!” Autor demanded.

Elaine looked at her leader with sorrow in her eyes. “Braizley made these bullets. Somehow, he must have found Boone’s brother and gave him the ammo. Sammy isn’t going to wake up, Aly is never coming back to us.” Elaine said with a cry.

“What do you mean she’s not waking up?” Boone demanded as he forced his way to Sammy and rolled her onto her back. “Sammy, please wake up, do you hear me, wake up.”

“This is a sleeping spell.” Samden said as he looked closer at the bullet. “The moment Aly went to sleep, it kicked in.”

“I should have never put her to sleep.” Elaine cried as she crumpled to the floor.

“Don’t do that.” Autor cried as she ran to Elaine. “Aly was in pain, of course, your first thought was to put her to sleep.”

“This can’t be right.” Boone said with a growl. “This can’t be happening.” He said as he buried his face in Sammy’s hair. “Wake up Sammy, wake up.”

“I feel like I’m in a damn fairy tale.” Monty grumbled from the door.

“But there’s no Prince Charming, to kiss our Princess awake.” Elaine said with a cry.

Boone kissed Sammy on the lips. When nothing happened, he kissed her again, then again, and again.

“Boone, it doesn’t work like that.” Monty said as he laid his hand on his shoulder.

“She can’t be gone.” Boone said with a shake of his head.

“Have you called her parents?” Monty asked.

Boone shook his head.

“I think you should. It has been three days since the full moon.” Monty said as he pulled his friend away from Sammy.

“I don’t know what to say to them.” Boone said.

“Tell them that we were all in an accident, and you just woke up. Tell them that they don’t need to come to the hospital, that we will take care of Sammy. And in a week, we will tell them she…” Monty sucked in a deep breath as he fought back his tears. “That she died.”

Boone numbly nodded as he pulled out his cell phone and leaned against the outside of the shed. There was no way he was going any further away from Sammy then this.

“What’s going on?” Raye asked as she walked up to Monty.

Monty took Raye aside and told her what the witches had discovered.

Raye collapsed against him with a sob. Monty held her as they both cried. Boone hung up the phone and joined his friends.

“They didn’t answer, I left a message.” Boone said as he tried to breathe.

“I can’t believe this is happening.” Raye said as she shook her head. “Did you try kissing her?” She asked as she looked at Boone.

Boone and Monty laughed, a humorless laugh.

“I did, several times.” Boone said with a nod.

“There has to be something we can do.” Raye cried.

“There isn’t.” Samden said as he exited the shed.

“There has to be something, you’re a witch, save my friend!” Raye hollered as she pounded on the man’s chest.

“Raye.” Monty said as he went to pull her off the witch.

Samden held a hand up to Monty to stop him, then touched Raye’s forehead with two fingers. Raye fell over into his arms.

“What did you do?!” Boone demanded as he watched the witch lift Raye into his arms.

“She is exhausted. I just helped her sleep. I will take her to her room.” Samden said as he passed the werewolf and hunter.

Boone watched the witch disappear with Raye.

“Don’t worry, he won’t hurt her.” Monty said as he laid his hand on his friend’s shoulder.

“What are we going to do Monty?” Boone asked as he looked at the werewolf. “The only thing that kept the wolves from attacking me, was the fact that I’m Sammy’s mate. Without the Alpha, what am I?”

“You are pack.” Monty said as he slapped Boone on the shoulder. “Nothing has changed that. Just let them get used to a hunter being a part of the pack. They will come to accept you, as one of theirs. Just as I have.”

Boone took a deep breath. “What if she never wakes, Monty? What will happen to the pack then? You yourself said that Sebastian is getting closer. Without our Alpha, what is going to protect the pack?”

“I will take over as Alpha.” Cyrus said as he stepped out of the shadows.

Boone and Monty growled at the same time.

Cyrus put his hands up. “Peace.” He said with a sad face. “It will only be temporary. Just until you get a new Alpha. You need me, and frankly, I like your pack, with or without Aly.”

Boone and Monty stared at him.

“We will have to discuss this with my sister and father.” Monty said with a nod, then looked at Boone. “And Boone.”

“Why does a hunter have to be involved?” Cyrus asked with a growl.

“Because he is the Alpha’s mate.” Monty said with a nod. “And that makes him the highest rank of the pack with the Alpha…” Monty stopped and sucked in a breath.

Boone nodded. “When do we meet?”

“Now would be good.” Cyrus said with a grunt.

“Let me get my sister and father, you two meet us in the main hall.” Monty said as he turned to the witch’s shack.

“You are an odd man.” Cyrus said as he walked to the main hall with Boone.

“I am, am I?” Boone asked as he looked at the Alpha Werewolf.

“You know how strong an Alpha is, yet you have no fear of me.”

Boone laughed. “I’ve been through a lot in my life, not much scares me.” He looked behind them at the witch’s shack. “Except for losing the woman I love.”

“Hmm.” Cyrus said with a nod. “I also sense strength in you, that I’ve never felt in a human or a born hunter before. There is something about you that nags at me.”

Boone shrugged. “Beats me.”

“I will figure you out one day, Boone Zimmer.” Cyrus said as he opened the door to the main hall.

Boone paused as he studied the Werewolf Alpha. “And when you do?” He asked.

“I will show everyone who or what you truly are.” Cyrus said low enough for only Boone to hear, then entered the main hall.

Boone took in a deep breath. This is going to be a very long night. He entered the main hall to wait for the others. Tonight, they are going to decide if they trust Cyrus enough to let him lead their pack. Boone wasn’t sure he did, but he was their last hope; if they wanted to keep Sebastian from taking their pack.

‘I will figure you out one day, Boone Zimmer.’ Boone replayed the man’s words in his head over and over. What does the wolf think he is?

He’s just a born hunter who changed sides for the woman he loves. Isn’t he?

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