Memories of the Blue Moon (Lunar of the Moon - Chronicles - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Twenty-One: Brain Freeze

“What the hell?”

Zephron turned to the new voice with a growl. The scent came to her in flashes and she whimpered as she fell away from the hunter and changed back to her human form.

Sammy screamed as a searing pain erupted through her head. It felt like when she had eaten her ice cream too fast and had gotten a brain freeze, only much worse. Her hand held her head as the pain scorched her vision.

“Aly.” The voice said with a cry as the girl ran to her side.

Others followed suit and paused as they took in the carnage of the room.

“Autor?” Monty asked as he entered the room. “What happened?” He asked in a panic when he saw everything. “Boone!” He hollered as he ran to his friend’s side.

“You found her Monty, you really found her.” Autor cried as she held Aly while she screamed.

“What the hell is going on?” Reinhard demanded as he entered the building. He looked at his children, then the head by the door.

“Aly killed that hunter ripped his head off, and tossed it at the door.” Autor said with a cry as she held her screaming cousin.

Reinhard rushed to his niece’s side and looked at her head. “She was shot in the head, no wonder she’s screaming.”

“Let me help.” Elaine said as she pushed past the wolves in her way. She touched Aly’s forehead and the screaming stopped as their Alpha passed out. “That will keep her until we can get her home and fix her.”

“You need to fix Boone too.” Monty said as he knelt beside Boone’s body.

“He is a born hunter; I will not help him.” Elaine said with a growl.

Monty looked up at her. “He is my friend. He is also your Alpha’s mate, if you do not help, she will never forgive you.”

Everyone in the room stared at Monty in shock and disbelief.

“Just do it, and I will explain everything to you, on our way to where ever you’re set up.” Monty said as he stood.

Elaine looked at him and seamed to find he was telling the truth, with a grumble she moved over to the hunter. She bent to her knees and held her hand over his chest. They watched as the wound pulled itself together and Boone started to cough. Monty sighed with relief. A commotion had them all turning to the entrance. Raye was trying to get in and the other wolves wouldn’t allow her.

“Let her in, she’s part of our pack.” Monty said as he pointed at Raye.

Raye pushed her way in and howled when she saw her pack in not so good of a shape.

“A new bitten wolf.” Reinhard said as he looked at the brown wolf.

“Dad, meet Raye, and her wolf Saphiera. She’s Sammy’s best friend. The mess over here was the wolf who had bitten her, and that hunter there is Boone’s brother. I’m not sure what happened in here, but I guess he shot Boone and Zephron, and Zephron tore his head off.” Monty said, still trying to figure it out.

“That’s when I came in.” Autor said with a nod.

“Sammy.” Boone said with a groan as he sat up.

“Boone, thank god.” Monty said as he hugged the man.

Boone looked around at the room full of wolves. One of them was holding an unconscious Sammy in her arms.

“What is going on?” He asked as he stared at them.

“Boone, this is our pack.” Monty said with a smile. “They found us.”

“What happened to Sammy?” Boone asked as Monty helped him stand.

“I think your brother shot her. Luckily it was while she was in wolf form.” Monty said as he followed the large man to where his sister sat, holding their cousin.

Boone knelt and looked at Autor. “You must be Autor. You look like your brother.” Boone said as he reached out for Sammy.

“Monty?” Autor asked as she looked up at her brother.

“Let him take her.” Monty said with a nod. “He is pack.”

Autor let go of her Alpha and let the hunter take her into his arms.

“Sammy.” Boone said with a groan as he held his mate in his arms.

“We should get out of here.” Reinhard said as he ushered his pack out of the building.

“What about the bodies?” Monty asked.

“We’ll take care of the wolf.” Keir said as he passed them to enter the building.

“The hunter will come with us and we’ll return him to his family for burial.” Reinhard said as he nodded for a couple of the pack to retrieve the hunter’s body.

“He’s my family. I will deal with it.” Boone said with an angry growl.

“I have never seen Zephron so angry before. She just tore his head off and tossed it across the room, like it was a ball.” Autor said with a shiver.

Boone sighed as he held Sammy close. “He had shot me to get her to change. He must have thought the silver bullet to the head would stop her.”

“He didn’t know much about Alpha’s, did he?” Elaine asked as she felt Aly’s forehead.

Boone shook his head. “We have been warned to not go up against them, but that’s about all. I learned more since I met Monty, then I had in my whole life as a hunter.”

“Why did Aly choose a hunter for a mate?” Autor asked confused.

“She didn’t, we chose each other. I loved her before I found out exactly what she was, and I know she loved me. Finding out what she was, didn’t change how we felt.”

“It amplified it.” Monty said with a laugh.

“You have been through a heat cycle.” Elaine said as she watched the hunter.

Monty laughed as Boone nodded.

“Who is Sammy?” Autor asked as they walked through the woods. “You keep saying the name.”

“Oh, right.” Monty said with a nod.

He told them everything he had learned and what has happened since he had found their Alpha and her friends. When he finished, everyone looked at each other with worry.

“Do you think he will come after her again, now that we have broken his spell?” Autor asked Elaine.

Elaine nodded. “I believe so.”

“What do we do now?” Monty asked as he shoved a rock out of his way.

“Now we heal our Alpha and pray she will get her memories back.” Elaine said with a nod.

“How did you find us anyway?” Monty asked.

“We found your scent a long time ago.” Autor said as she looked at her brother.

“We waited until we had a home before we followed it. Then when we caught Zephron’s scent and we made plans to come for you both.” Reinhard said as he watched his son.

“Boy have I missed you guys.” Monty said with a grin. “I mean, being a human has been interesting and fun, but I miss the pack.”

“We missed you too, Brother.” Autor said as she wrapped her arms around Monty.

They heard a whimper and turned to find Raye walking beside Boone, her eyes focused on her Alpha.

“I see Aly still brings in the strays.” Autor said with a laugh.

“Raye was her best friend before she was bitten. It was because of us, she got bitten. We were tracking the rogue werewolf who was going around killing people and changing girls into werewolves.” Monty said with a sigh.

“Yeah, we heard about that.” Autor said with a nod.

“Yeah well, we told Raye to stay home, but she followed us. And the wolf caught her and bit her before we could get to her. Sammy and Zephron have helped her. And, she’s in full control of her wolf already.” Monty said with a grin.

Everyone looked at the newborn wolf with awe.

Boone kissed Sammy’s forehead. She was so hot and clammy. He knows he had been shot in the chest, how was he still alive?

“I healed you.” Elaine said as she came up beside him.

Boone looked at the witch and nodded. “Thank you.”

“I didn’t do it for you, Hunter. I did it for my Alpha. If Monty says you’re her mate, I must believe it to be true. And I could never let my Alpha down. But if it turns out to be a hoax…”

“Yeah, sure, I had my brother shoot me, then my mate, and let his head get ripped off.” Boone said with a grunt.

She eyed him for a moment then nodded. “We shall see in time.”

“Thank you anyways.” He said as he laid his cheek on Sammy’s forehead.

“You love the human part of her, very much.” Elaine said as she watched him.

“I love all of her.” He whispered.

Elaine sucked in a breath. “No, that isn’t possible.”

Everyone turned to look at Elaine who had stopped walking.

“What is it?” Autor asked as she moved back to stand in front of the witch.

“That’s impossible.” Elaine said as she pointed at Boone.

“What is?” Autor asked confused.

“Aly or Sammy, whoever; isn’t the only one who claimed this hunter as her mate.” She said as she looked from her Alpha up to the hunter. “Zephron chose him as well.”

“What?” Reinhard asked as he stared at the young hunter, who held his niece in his arms.

“Yeah, so, what’s the big deal?” Autor asked confused.

“He’s human.”

“Hey.” Boone said as he glared at the witch.

“Well, you’re more human than we here are, born hunter. A female wolf can only mate with another wolf.” Elaine said with a shake of her head.

“That’s not completely true.” Monty said as he stepped between them. “The wolf mating is only if they want children. They don’t have to have children…”

“But an Alpha wolf never chooses anything other than a wolf, for her mate. How else would the Alpha traits be passed down?” Elaine said with a shake of her head.

“What’s done is done, Elaine.” Reinhard said as he started walking again. “Come on, we have a long way to go until we’re home.”

“Don’t be so dramatic, Elaine.” Monty said with a shake of his head. “They’re mates, nothing we can do about it now.”

“Why didn’t you stop it?” Elaine hissed as she grabbed hold of Monty’s elbow.

“They were already in love before I bit her. Hell, before I even met them. There was no stopping this Elaine, it was meant to be.” Monty said as he pulled his arm from her grasp.

“There’s got to be more to this. Maybe Aly won’t feel the same when she gets her memories back.”

Monty laughed. “You haven’t seen Zephron around him. There’s no getting out of this one, Elaine. We’re stuck with a hunter in our pack.”

“That’s not what’s bothering me.” She said with a shake of her head. “I had a vision a long time ago. Before Aly went missing. She knows this vision; she can’t deny this vision.”

“What was the vision?” Monty asked as he watched her.

Elaine looked at him. “Aly is destined to be mated with a very powerful wolf. One that comes to her when she needs him the most. He saves her. He’s a beautiful wolf, almost as beautiful as Zephron. She even knows his name. She won’t stay with Boone, once she remembers who she is.”

“What is his name?” Monty asked, a sad feeling in his heart, for his cousin and her hunter mate.

Elain looked at Boone with a sigh. “His name is Zeldon.”


The trek back to the pack’s land took longer as they walked through the woods, careful not to jostle their Alpha too much. The head injury looked bad, but with the help of Elaine’s healing, lots of praying to Aly’s angels, and rest, they hoped for a perfect recovery.

When they got to the land they had bought with Elain’s help, Monty stopped walking and put his hand out for the others to do the same.

“Elaine, take Boone and Aly to your shack, I have business to take care of.” Monty said without looking at them.

Elaine nodded and ushered Boone towards her shack.

Boone didn’t argue, he trusts Monty, and he wanted to get Sammy where ever the witch needed her, so she could help her.

Monty walked towards the middle of the opening of the field, in front of their buildings. He noticed the nice buildings his pack had built, in the short time they have been here, but he didn’t dwell too much on it. An unwanted guest was on their land.

“Monty.” A tall, muscular man said, as he stepped forward.

He wasn’t as tall as Boone, but he was over six feet. His muscles weren’t as pronounced as Boone or Monty, but he was an Alpha, and he didn’t need the physical look of strength, to beat any of them in a battle.

“Cyrus, what are you doing here?” Monty asked, a bit annoyed.

“I heard you had found your Alpha, and I have come to claim what is owed.” Cyrus said with a half-smile.

“What is owed?” Monty asked as he stopped ten feet from the other man.

“You do remember our deal, don’t you? I let you use my witch to find your Alpha, and when you find her, she and I would be united as one.” Cyrus said as he watched the others gather around Monty.

“You did what?” Autor asked as she stared at her brother.

“I never said that.” Monty said as he shook his head.

“What exactly did you say?” Autor demanded.

“I said that it was up to Aly; when she gets her memory back. That I can’t promise anything.” Monty said with annoyance.

“So, you did.” Cyrus said with a grin. “But you have to admit, it is a perfect match. Our packs becoming one…”

“You listen here, buster.” Autor said as she stormed towards the Alpha. “You can’t go claiming Alphas. That’s not how it works.” She said as she poked the man in the chest.

Cyrus laughed as he took hold of her hand, to stop her from poking him in the chest. “You’re a fiery one, aren’t you? No wonder Alameda put you in charge.”

Autor glared up at him as she pulled her hand away from him. “Why are you really here?” She asked as she watched him.

“I am here for the reason I said. To claim my mate. But I won’t force anything.” He said as he looked around at the angry faces around him. “It really would be a good match, she and I. And our packs combined, would be the strongest pack ever forged.”

“You can take it and shove it up your…” Autor stopped talking when the man laughed.

“I am also here to help. You found your Alpha and broke the curse. The witch is going to find out and come after you…”

He stopped and looked around at the rest of the pack. “All of you.”

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