Memories of the Blue Moon (Lunar of the Moon - Chronicles - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Twenty: Her Unwanted Master

“Here.” Sammy said when they stopped at a sewer grate.

“We have been searching for hours, are you sure this is where they went?” Boone asked as he looked at the grate.

“Yes.” Sammy said with a nod. “We couldn’t find their smell because the sewer disguised it. But I can smell Saphiera.”

“Alpha nose.” Monty said as he tapped his nose.

“Good enough for me.” Boone said as he lifted the grate cover and tossed it aside. “How you can smell anything over this stench, is beyond me.” He said as he wrinkled his nose.

Sammy jumped down into the sewer and moved aside for the other two to follow.

“Even without a wolf’s nose, this place is rank.” Boone said as he pinched his nose closed.

“This way.” Sammy said as she headed down the tunnel.

“I guess we follow the Alpha’s nose.” Monty said as he passed Boone.

“Yeah, right behind you.” Boone said with a shiver.

“Will he be able to control her, like he had the others?” Sammy asked as she looked at Monty.

Monty shrugged his shoulders. “Drake chose you over his creator, but of course, his creator wasn’t looking for a harem, and was a bitten wolf himself.”

“Drake?” Boone asked as they continued down the tunnel.

Monty looked at him and laughed. “Don’t worry, Boone. Aly has only ever had one mate, and that’s you, big guy.”

“Right.” Boone said with a nod.

“Here.” Sammy said as she paused and looked up a ladder.

“Let me go first.” Boone said as he pulled her away from the ladder.

“No.” She said with a grunt. “If he’s up there, he can kill you.”

“He can kill you too.” Boone argued. “And you’re more important to the pack then I am.”

“You’re both important to the pack.” Monty said as he looked down at them from the top of the ladder. “That’s why I’m going first.”

They both looked up at him with a growl. He had moved past them as they were arguing and climbed up the ladder, without them noticing.

“No one’s here.” Monty said as he pushed the lid up and pulled himself out of the sewer.

Boone helped Sammy up the ladder and out of the hole, then followed her out.

“Where are we?” Sammy asked as she looked around.

“Somewhere on the other side of the city.” Boone said as he turned in a circle.

“Can we get on with this? It is already night, and the full moon will be up soon.”

They looked at Monty, then up at the sky. The sky had darkened while they had been down in the sewers.

“This way.” Sammy said as she sniffed the air again.

“I hope we don’t get there too late.” Monty said as he followed his Alpha.

“Too late for what?” Boone asked as he looked at Monty.

“If he mates with her, while they’re wolves, we won’t get her back.” Monty said with the shake of his head.

“Then we better hurry.” Sammy said as she got on all fours and started to change.

Monty followed suit and Boone watched them in awe. He couldn’t get over the beauty of their transformations. Once they werewolves, Sammy turned to him and bumped him with her nose as she hunkered down. Boone nodded as he pulled himself onto her back. They shot down the street so fast, Boone had to hold on. They had been running slow last night, to let him keep up with them. There is no way he could ever keep up with a true born werewolf.


Raye sat in a corner of a dingy building as her captor paced the floor.

“The moon will be up soon, then we can mate, and you will be mine forever.” He said as he looked up at her, then looked back down at the floor.

“I will never be yours.” She said with an angry growl.

He stopped and looked at her, then smiled. “We shall see, we shall see.”

Raye felt the moon pull her and whimpered. Her bones ached, and her head felt like it was going to explode. It didn’t feel like this last night. But then again, it hadn’t been a full moon, and she had had her Alpha to help her.

Sammy. She thought with a whimper.

“Ah, it is time.” The man said as he watched her.

Raye cried out as she began to change. It hurt, it burned, it felt like she was being torn apart and put back together again. Her bones popped, her muscles snapped, her head exploded. She watched as her face transformed into a wolf’s muzzle. She looked down and watched her hands become paws, then howled when her spine felt like it was being torn from her, as her tale pushed out.

Will the pain ever end?

Then it was over. She stood there panting, her head reeling, her eyes adjusting.

“Beautiful.” The man said as he smiled at her. “We will make great pups.”

She looked up at the man with a growl.

He grinned as he leaned forward and began to change. His change was so fast, so beautiful.

‘You are mine.’ His wolf said as he looked at her.

‘No.’ She said as she shook her head and took a step away from him.

‘I made you, I bit you.’

‘Bit me?’

‘What is your name?’ He asked as he moved closer to her.


‘Beautiful. It fits you.’ He said as he took another step towards her. ‘You are my pack.’

‘Pack?’ No, she has a pack. She has an Alpha. He did not know her name. She is not his!

‘Saphiera, fight him. He is not our pack!’ Raye cried out. ‘He hurt me.’

But he created me. Saphiera argued.

‘But out of selfishness. Please Saphiera. Sammy will come for us.’


“No use in arguing with your wolf. She knows she belongs to me; I am her master.” The man said as he watched the other wolf, with lust in his large eyes.

“We have a pack.” Raye said angrily.

“You have very good control over your wolf, you are even more than I thought you were, and soon I will make you mine, forever.” He said before he pounced on her.

‘Saphiera!’ Raye cried out as the born wolf overpowered them.

He is my master. Saphiera said as she laid still while the other wolf positioned himself behind her.

‘He’s not. He didn’t even know your name. Zephron knew you and she didn’t bite you for her own selfish reasons. She knew you because she loves you.’

Saphiera’s ears perked up when she heard a noise. Pack.

‘Yes!’ Raye cried out.

Saphiera turned her head and snapped at the wolf behind her. Startled, he jumped away from her with a growl.

‘No!’ Saphiera told him as she turned her back away from him.

‘You are mine!’ The other wolf growled as he nipped at her.

‘She is not yours!’ Zephron hollered with an angry growl as she and the others entered the building.

Boone jumped off the wolf’s back and watched the other two wolves across the room. Had he done it, had he taken her?

“Sammy!’” Raye cried out.

’She is my pack.’ Zephron said with a growl as she circled the other wolf.

‘I bit her; she is mine!’ The wolf said as he snapped out at Zephron.

“You can’t make your own pack, only an Alpha can. And they don’t go around biting innocent people to do so.’” Monty said as he joined his Alpha in circling the lone wolf.

“She has claimed you as her pack.” The man said as he let his wolf snap out at them again.

“Because she is an Alpha.” Monty said as he stopped and let his Alpha continue circling the man and his horrid wolf. He could smell the darkness inside that wolf.

The wolf jumped on top of Zephron, making her cry out.

“Zephron.” Boone hollered as he jumped towards the wolves wrestling on the floor.

Monty jumped in front of Boone to stop him.

The wolf screamed as Zephron sank her teeth into his neck and shook her head. A large chunk of the wolf’s throat ripped out, into her mouth.

“Zephron.” Boone whispered.

The large silver wolf turned to her mate, blood dripping from her lips. She whimpered when she saw the look on his face.

“Look out!” Boone hollered as the downed wolf got back to his feet and jumped on her back,

‘No!’ Saphiera cried out as she leaped onto the wolf, who was biting her Alpha.

Sylus joined Saphiera in protecting their Alpha. Not that Zephron couldn’t have handled herself, but it was what a pack does. Always watch out for each other, and always protect their Alpha. Just as she will always protect them.

Together, the three wolves tore the rogue wolf apart. When there was nothing left of the wolf, they looked up at each other, then tilted their heads back and howled.

Boone watched the three wolves. They were magnificent, if not a bit aggressive, and… he watched them shake the blood off their coats and shook his head, gross.

“You have good control of your wolf Raye; you were born for this life.” Monty said as they turned to leave the building.

“It wasn’t easy. But I think Saphiera finally understood what I was saying. I don’t know how I have so much control though, it just came to me the moment I changed. It was as though the full moon, and the fear of losing you guys forever, overpowered me.” Raye said with a heavy sigh.

“You have a rare gift indeed.” Sammy said as she walked beside her pack. “I don’t remember everything, but the few things that come to me, tell me everything I need to know about werewolves. And it takes a lot of practice for a bitten wolf to have as much control, as you have. Monty was right, you were born for this life.”

‘Does that mean I will be able to turn whenever I want, like you guys?’

Monty and Sammy blew air out as a laugh.

“Sorry, no.” Monty said with a shake of his large head,

“Only the cycle of the moon can change you. But you will have more control than any newly bitten werewolf, anyone has ever seen.” Sammy said with a nod of her large head.


Sammy stopped and turned to her mate. She had been so hung up on her wolf pack, she had forgotten about her mate.

“We will see you in the woods.” Monty said as he pushed Raye out the door, with his head.

Sammy felt the change start in the pit of her stomach, then reach out to her body. Soon she stood before her mate, human, and completely naked.

“Boone.” She breathed as she ran into his arms.

Boone sighed as he held her close. She had blood all over her body, but he didn’t care. She was safe, their pack was safe.

“So, this is what you chose over your family.”

They both looked towards the voice. Boone grumbled under his breath.


“Really Brother. A born wolf? Couldn’t you have done better than that?” Tucker asked as he shook his head.

“How about an Alpha.” Boone said as he held Sammy’s naked body against him.

“An Alpha you say? That would explain the color of her fur. Wow, not only am I going to rip that amazing coat off her skin, I’m going to mount her head.”

Sammy sucked in a shocked breath as Boone growled at his brother.

“You won’t get a chance to touch her.” Boone said as he pushed Sammy behind his back.

“Suit yourself, little brother.” Tucker said as he pulled a gun from behind his back and pointed it at Boone.

Boone stared his brother down. “You wouldn’t dare shoot me.”

“You have no clue what I would do.” Tucker said angrily.

“Mother would never forgive you…”

“Mother would never know. Besides, she would kill you herself, if she knew what you were shacking up with.” Tucker said as he spit on the floor.

“I’m your brother.” Boone said as he watched his brother wave the gun around.

“You’re no brother of mine. You gave up your family when you bedded that whore.”

Boone had always known his brother wasn’t all there in the head, but he hadn’t expected anything like this from him.

“You won’t get her fur; she won’t change for you.” Boone said as he tried to talk his brother out of his stupidity.

“Oh no? I believe she would if I killed her lover.” Tucker said with a grin, then pulled the trigger.

Sammy screamed as the gun fired. The bullet traveled through Boone’s chest and into Sammy’s shoulder blade. Pain ruptured through her body as the bullet passed through her and Boone fell to the floor.

“No!” Sammy screamed as she fell to the floor beside his body. “Boone, no!” She cried as she shook his shoulders. “Please don’t leave me. I can’t do this without you.” She said with a cry.

“Come on darling, let’s see what you’ve got.” Tucker said as he antagonized her.

She turned her head and glared at him. “You shot your brother!”

“He deserved it. Shacking up with a monster like you.”

“You want to see a monster!?” She screamed as she got to her feet. “I will show you a monster.”

She stepped over Boone as she started to shift. Tucker grinned as he watched the magnificent beast come forth. He aimed at her head and shot, just as she became the silver wolf. The bullet ruptured through Zephron’s head, which only managed to make her angrier as she jumped on top of the human. His screams didn’t penetrate her mind as she sank her teeth into his throat and yanked her head to the side.

His head easily tore from his shoulders and she tossed it across the room.

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