Memories of the Blue Moon (Lunar of the Moon - Chronicles - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Three: Angelic Touch

The next few weeks went by in a blur. The leaders of the pack decided to let Cyrus be their Alpha; until they found a permanent one. No one wanted to think of anyone other than Alameda, as their Alpha. The thought of a different Alpha didn’t settle well with any of them. Cyrus had brought his pack to their land and started building their dwellings on the other end of the property.

Samden spent most of his time helping Elaine take care of Alameda, and the other part of his time, keeping company with the fresh werewolf, Raye. He seemed intrigued by her and how she had taken control of her wolf on her first full moon, and how it had happened. Her love for Sammy and Zephron was strong, and she had been able to overpower her wolf and show her what they were meant to be.

Elaine spent her days trying to find a spell that would help their Alpha, and her nights praying to those Angels, Alameda had loved so much. But no one ever responded, no one ever came.

On the night of the full moon, Elaine was sitting outside her shed when she heard a noise inside and jumped to her feet. When she opened the door, she froze.

Standing above Alameda, was a woman, with a brilliant white light surrounding her form. Elaine swallowed as she entered the shack and closed the door behind her. The beautiful woman looked at her and smiled.

“I am sorry it has taken me so long to respond to your prayers.” She said in her sing-song voice.

“Where have you been? I prayed to you when Aly first went missing, over three hundred years ago.”

The woman nodded. “I heard you. But I could not answer your questions. I did not know where the witch had hidden her. I could not feel her…” The angel stopped talking as she took a deep breath. “If I had known she was human, I could have changed my search.”

“You searched for her?” Elaine asked as she stepped up to the table, where her Alpha still laid.

“Of course. She is just as important to me as she is to you.” The Angel said with a smile as she touched Aly’s cheek.

“I have tried everything. Her mate even kissed her.”

The angel looked up at Elaine, her eyebrows furrowed. “Her mate? But she is not to meet him yet. Have you seen his wolf?”

Elaine shook her head. “She’s with a born hunter.”

“A hunter?” The angel asked as she looked back down at the Alpha werewolf, she had been assigned to, thousands of years ago, before the child was even born.

“Ariel, is there anything you can do for her?” Elaine asked with a hitch to her voice.

The angel looked at the witch again. Such a pure heart for a witch so strong. Very rare to find a powerful witch with such a pure heart. She has only heard of a handful of such witches, and two of them were here.

“I cannot.”


Ariel held up a hand. “But my brother can.”

Elaine sucked in a sharp breath. “Raphael?”

Ariel just smiled as she closed her eyes and looked up at the ceiling.

“What is it, Ariel? You know we are busy with the war…” He stopped talking when he saw the werewolf laying on the table. “You found her.”

“Her pack found her.” Ariel said as she motioned towards Elaine.

“Elaine, what a pleasure.” Raphael said as he smiled at his witch.

“Raphael.” Elaine said out of breath as she fell to her knees before the Archangel of healing.

“Please child, no need for that.” He said as he raised his hand up for her to stand. “Now, what seems to be the problem with your Alpha?” Raphael asked as he looked back at the werewolf on the table.

“She was shot twice, with bullets like this. One went through her head, and this one stuck in her collar bone.” Elaine said as she quickly grabbed the bullet from the table and held it out to him.

Raphael looked at the bullet with a frown. “So, it was him.”

“It would appear so.” Ariel said as she examined the bullet.

“Who was who?” Elaine asked as she watched the two Angels.

There are Angels in her shack!

“Voldern,” Ariel said with a hiss.

“Who is Voldern?” Elaine asked confused.

“The witch who kidnapped your Alpha.” Raphael said as he placed his hand on Alameda’s forehead.

“But we thought Braizley had taken her.” Elaine said confused.

“Braizley is his human name.” Ariel said as she watched Raphael.

“Human name? But he’s a witch…”

“An evil one.” Ariel said with a nod. “He was killed long before you were born.”

“Killed?” Elaine asked with a squeal.

“Yes.” Ariel said as she looked over at the witch. “We killed him. He was in hell for a long time. We didn’t know he had escaped, until just before he had kidnapped Alameda. His demon soul’s name is, Voldern.”

“Demon?” Elaine asked as she leaned against a table.

Ariel sighed. “It seems we have kept too much from them.” She said as she looked at her brother.

“Give her the book.” Raphael said without looking at Ariel.

“Of course.” Ariel said with a nod as she pulled a book out from behind her back. “Read this, young witch. It will tell you everything you need to know and prepare you for the upcoming wars.”

“Wars?” Elaine asked with a hitch in her voice, as she took the book.

“It will tell you everything you need to know about Angels, Demons, Wolves, Vampires, Hunters, Humans, and what all of your roles are in the upcoming battles. But first, you must defeat your own battles. Consider this a test. And don’t show anyone else that book, except for Alameda, when she has her memories again of course.” Ariel said with a smile.

“You can’t restore her memories?” Elaine asked as she looked at Raphael.

“I cannot. That she will have to retrieve on her own.” Raphael said as he removed his hand from Aly’s forehead. “There, that should do it. I have angels to attend to, I will see you at tonight’s meeting, Sister. And you.” He said as he looked at Elaine. “Always remember what your mother taught you. Magic doesn’t have to be dark; if you practice it with purity.” He smiled at the look on the witch’s face, then disappeared.

“I always thought my mom just said it, so that I would use the spells she wanted me to use.” Elaine said as she looked at the Angel still in her shack.

“She had.” Ariel said with a nod. “But that doesn’t mean it’s not true. Read the book.” She said as she pointed to the book in her hands.

“Boone!” Sammy cried out as she sat up, on the table.

“Aly!” Elaine cried out as she collapsed to her knees.

“Easy now.” Ariel said as she touched the young Alpha’s shoulder.

“Where am I?” Sammy asked in a panic.

“You are safe. You are with your pack.” Ariel said as she pressed Sammy back down on the table.

“Ariel?” Sammy asked as she stared up at the beautiful woman above her.

“Hello, sweet wolf.” Ariel said with a smile.

“How does she know you, if she doesn’t have her memories?” Elaine asked as she wiped the tears from her cheeks.

Ariel smiled. “Magic.”

Elaine grunted as she got to her feet and moved over to the table. “Aly?”

Sammy looked at the woman and shook her head. “I’m still Sammy, sorry.”

Elaine sighed. “That’s okay.”

“Where’s Boone? He was shot!” Sammy said as she tried to sit up again.

Ariel pressed her back down onto the table.

“He’s alive.” Elaine said as she looked into the beautiful eyes of her Alpha.

“He was shot, I saw it.” Sammy cried.

“I saved him.” Elaine whispered.

“Elaine?” Sammy asked as she eyed the woman.

“You remember me?” Elaine asked with happiness.

Sammy shook her head. “Monty told us about everyone in the pack.”

“Oh.” Elaine said as she frowned.

“Where is my pack?” Sammy asked as she looked around the room. It was full of witch stuff, and kind of creepy.

“It is a full moon again. You have been asleep for weeks.” Elaine said with a frown.

“My parents! They must be worried sick.” Sammy said as she tried to sit up again.

“Boone called them. He told them that you were in a coma and the doctors recommended no visitors. Everyone told him to say that you were dead, but he refused to tell them that. He knew you would be angry when you woke…” Elaine choked on her words. “He was the only one who believed you would wake. Him and your newborn wolf, Raye.”

“Raye. How is Raye?” Sammy asked with a cry.

“She is doing better now that Samden takes care of her.” Elaine said as she touched her Alpha’s shoulder.

“Who is Samden?” Sammy asked.

“The other Alpha’s witch.” Elaine said with a sigh.

“Other Alpha?” Sammy asked. She could hear Zephron howling angrily inside her.

“It’s not Sebastian.” Elaine assured her. “His name is Cyrus, and he is helping us. If Sabastian shows up and we have no Alpha, he can take over our pack. With Cyrus as our Alpha, until we get a new one, we are safe from Sebastian.”

“He wants more than that.” Ariel said as she looked at Elaine.

Elaine nodded. “He has this notion that Aly will be his mate.”

“I have a mate already.” Sammy said with annoyance.

“We will discuss that later.” Elaine said as she touched Sammy’s shoulder.

Ariel touched Elaine’s shoulder and shook her head. Elaine stared at the angel.

“Do not tell her anything, let the memories come back on their own.” Ariel said with a warning.

Elaine nodded. “Of course.”

“I want to see my pack.” Sammy said with a cry.

“You’re not strong enough.” Ariel said as she pushed Sammy back onto the table again. “Lay here and heal, young wolf. I will see you again. Take care.” She leaned down and kissed Sammy on the cheek, then disappeared.

“Oh Aly, we thought we had lost you for good.” Elaine said with a cry.

“Where is Boone? He wouldn’t be out with the others.” Sammy said as she looked at the witch.

“Of course. I will get him for you.” Elaine said as she moved over to her desk and placed the book in the top drawer. She cast a spell so no one else would see it, then left in search of the young hunter.

Elaine found Boone sitting on a bench staring up at the stars.

“Boone.” Elaine whispered.

Boone turned to the witch. “What is it now, Witch?”

Elaine sighed. “I need you to come to my shack.”

“Is it Sammy? What happened?” He asked as he jumped to his feet and ran to the shack. “I swear, if she’s dead, I’m going to…” He burst into the shack and froze when he saw Sammy sitting up on the table.

Sammy smiled at her mate. “Hi.” She said softly.

“Sammy.” He whispered.

“I guess it’s been a while, huh?” She asked as she tilted her head.

“You’re awake.” Boone whispered as he slowly moved towards her, afraid he was dreaming and if he moved too fast, he would wake up.

“Turns out, I have a Guardian Angel.” Sammy said with a brilliant smile.

“Sammy!” Boone cried out as he rushed to her and took her face into his hands and kissed her lips.

Her soft lips, god it’s been too long.

“Boone.” She breathed as she wrapped her legs around his hips.

“Um, Sammy, you really should be resting…”

“Out.” Sammy said to the witch.

Elaine grumbled when she recognized Zephron’s authority. Damn, even without her memory, she has good control over her pack. Elaine smiled, that was a really good sign.

Sammy pulled Boone closer. Even though she has been asleep for weeks, and the last thing she remembered, was tearing the head off her enemy, she could still feel that time had passed, and she wanted, no, she needed Boone, and now.

“God, Sammy.” Boone said as he pulled back and looked into her eyes. “You scared the living shit out of me.” He grumbled.

She smiled. “So, did you.”

“I love you so much.” He mumbled as he kissed her lips then her cheek then her throat.

“I love you too.” She groaned as his lips trailed down her throat.

“You have no clue how crazy with worry I have been. I missed you so much, I felt like I was dying with you.”

Sammy let out a cry. “No more talk of what has passed. Just think of now.” She said as she pulled his head back up, so she could kiss him.

He groaned when her hands went to his pants and started unfastening them, then placed his hands over hers.

“Sammy, we shouldn’t.” He said with a grunt. It hurt just saying it.

“Don’t give me that, you need your rest shit. I have apparently been asleep for weeks.” She said as she battled with his hands.

“It’s not that.” He said as he placed his hands on her face and looked into her amazing eyes again. “There’s something you should know…”

“I don’t care what my pack has told you.” She said as she looked into his eyes. “They don’t know what they’re talking about. You and I were meant to be together. Why else would we have met? You were drawn to me, even though I was a human. You fell in love with me, despite my being a werewolf. You are my mate.”

“Sammy.” He said breathlessly as she shoved his pants down to his ankles.

“No more talk.” She said as she yanked him to her with her legs.

Boone grunted as he pulled her face up to his and kissed her hard. She moaned as she leaned into him.

“As you wish.” He said against her lips.

She grinned as she slid her hand inside his boxers and stroked him. He groaned as he leaned into her hand.

“I love you.” She whispered as she kissed him again.

“I love you too.” He said with a groan. “More then you will ever know.”

He knows he has to give her up at some point, but until this other mate comes into her life, she was his. And he’s going to make sure she knew it. He pulled her to the edge of the table and pulled her panties down her legs, then shoved his boxers down and slammed into her.

She cried out when he entered her. He pushed himself into her as she held onto him. He has missed her so much, and he has plenty of memories to make with her before she leaves him. Hopefully, when she gets her memories back, she will at least remember this.

“Sammy.” He said with a groan as he slammed into her again and again.

“Boone.” She breathed as she held onto him.

“You’re mine.” He whispered as he took her lips again.

“And you are mine.” She said with a groan.

“I will always love you.” He said as he looked into her eyes.

She smiled. “And I will always love you.”

He grunted as he held her close and continued to slam into her. When she orgasmed he let himself go deep inside her.

She was his, for now at least.

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