Memories of the Blue Moon (Lunar of the Moon - Chronicles - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Four: The Pack

“Sammy.” Boone whispered as he laid his forehead against hers.

“I remember everything that happened with your brother.” Sammy said with a sob. “I’m sorry I ripped your brother’s head off.” She cried.

“Shh.” He whispered as he held her close. “Don’t do this to yourself, Sammy. Tucker brought this on himself. I warned him not to mess with an Alpha, especially one who is protecting her pack.”

“My mate.” She said as she pulled back and looked into his eyes. “He shot you.”

He smiled as he wiped the tears from her cheeks. “We’re both okay now.”

She sighed and nodded. “I want to see my pack.”

He laughed softly as he pulled up his pants and adjusted himself inside, then handed her, her panties.

“Don’t need them.” She said as she pulled the large shirt over her head and jumped off the table, naked.

Boone felt himself harden again and ignored it as he walked with her outside.

“Aly.” Elaine said when she saw them exit her shack. “You shouldn’t be up.”

Sammy looked at the witch and smiled. “I am fine, Elaine. Thank you. And please, until I remember, my name is Sammy.”

“Yes, of course.” Elaine said with a bow.

“I want to see my pack.” Sammy said as she started to walk towards the open field.

Elaine looked at Boone then at Sammy and nodded. They walked beside their Alpha as she walked past the tables and chairs and paused at the edge of their housing area.

Sammy took a deep breath. She is finally going to see her pack. Zephron howled with happiness. She shifted into her wolf and let out a long howl.

Boone and Elaine placed their hands on the large silver wolf’s sides as she stood there, waiting for her pack to respond to her howl. More than a dozen wolves came out of the woods running straight at them. Boone could see Raye and Monty at the front.

‘Zephron!’ Saphiera cried out. “Sammy.” Raye whispered.

The pack stopped in front of their Alpha and stared at her. Raye was the first to approach her. The others whimpered for her to get back, but Raye didn’t care, this is her Alpha, her friend, her pack. She stopped in front of Zephron and stared into her eyes. Zephron nipped playfully at her, then butted her head against hers.

The rest of the pack followed suit and surrounded Zephron with headbutts and shoulder jostles. Boone and Elaine moved aside with a laugh. The pack is finally whole, once again.

Boone looked out in the distance, to where Cyrus and his pack stood watching. He could see the glint in Cyrus’s wolf’s eyes. He knows how the man/wolf felt. Zephron is a sight to behold.


Everyone stopped when they heard the voice and turned. Fara stood in the doorway of one of the buildings, Reinhard’s wolf beside her. Though Fara is human, she has always been the mother of the pack, and everyone loved her as such.

Zephron looked at Fara and felt a familiarity with her and the wolf beside her. Sammy was totally lost to who they were.

“That’s my parents.” Monty said as he moved to stand next to his Alpha.

“My Aunt and Uncle.” Sammy said with a nod of her large head.

“Our Mother has been like a Mother to Aly, since a hunter killed her mother.” Autor said as she moved to stand on the other side of her cousin.

Sammy felt a large tear slide down her wolf’s fur. She slowly moved over to the couple and rubbed her head against the woman. Fara let out a cry as she wrapped her arms around the silver wolf’s large neck. Reinhard’s wolf bumped his large head against his niece.

“How?” Autor asked as she looked at her father.

Reinhard shook his head. “I do not know.”

“Okay everyone, I think Sammy and Zephron have had enough excitement. She is still weak.” Elaine said as she moved towards the wolves.

“I will walk you back to the shack.” Fara said as she started walking towards the witch’s shack.

Zephron shook her large head and sat on the ground.

“I think Zephron wants to stay with her pack. She’s been through a lot.” Boone said as he moved towards the large silver wolf.

Zephron leaned against Boone when he laid his hand on her shoulder.

“Well, I’ll be.” Elaine said as she watched. “I mean, I believed you guys, kind of, but to see them together…”

“He really is their mate.” Autor said as she looked at her brother.

“Told you.” Monty said with a nod of his large head. “They both claimed him.”

Autor looked out across the field and noticed the look on Cyrus’s wolf’s face. She knows he can see Zephron and the hunter, from there. Cyrus turned to his wolves and they disappeared into the trees. Autor felt bad for the Alpha, but at the same time, she was too happy to care right now. Her cousin is alive and awake. It was time to celebrate.


The wolves played in the field close to the housings, as their Alpha laid in her Mates arms, watching. Elaine had retrieved a blanket and covered Sammy’s body, shortly after she had changed back to her human form.

“Look at them.” Sammy whispered as she watched the wolves.

“And they’re all yours.” Boone said as he kissed her forehead.

“Ours.” She said as she looked up at him. “You’re my mate, that makes the pack yours too.” She said with a smile.

He smiled as he kissed her lips. “Ours.” He whispered.

“I’ll tell everyone what happened with the Angels, after sun up.” Elaine said as she sat on the table next to them.

Boone looked up at her from his place on the ground with his mate. “You haven’t even told me what happened.”

Elaine looked down at him with a smile. “I will tell everyone at breakfast. For now, just hold your mate.”

Boone sighed as he turned back to Sammy and held her close. Sammy sighed in bliss as her eyelids began to droop. Boone watched her fall asleep and leaned his back against the table and felt himself drift away.


“I want to know what happened, now!”

The loud voice disrupted Boone’s sleep.

“I am telling everyone at breakfast.” Elaine said as though the thunderous voice of the Alpha didn’t bother her.

“You will tell me now; I am your Alpha!” Cyrus said as he took hold of her arm.

Careful not to wake Sammy, Boone got to his feet. “Take your hands off our Witch.” Boone said with a stern voice.

“Get out of here, hunter.” Cyrus said with a growl.

“I said, hands-off.” Boone said as he leaned in towards the Alpha wolf.

“Look here, you human.” Cyrus said as he let go of Elaine and moved over in front of Boone. “No hunter has ever talked to me like that and lived to tell about it.” Cyrus said as he grabbed hold of Boone’s shoulders.

A growl had them all looking down at Sammy. She still slept under the blanket, where Boone had left her.

“Don’t threaten a pack member.” Elaine whispered.

“What are you talking about? He’s a hunter.” Cyrus said as he turned to Elaine.

“He is also our Alpha’s mate.”

“He can’t be her mate. For one, he’s not a werewolf. He can never claim Zephron. And for another, he’s a hunter. He hunts our kind; he has killed hundreds of our kind.” Cyrus’s grip tightened on Boone’s shoulders as he spoke.

“Let go of me.” Boone grunted as he tried to pry the Alpha’s hands off his shoulders. May not have been the brightest thing he has ever done, antagonizing a Werewolf Alpha, but he had been manhandling his pack’s witch.

“We will see how much she will miss you when you are gone.” Cyrus said angrily as he moved his hands to Boone’s throat.

There was a growl and a snap, then Zephron leaped between Cyrus and Boone, making Cyrus let go.

“Holy shit.” Cyrus cried out when he was shoved to the ground by the large silver wolf. “She was asleep.” He said as he scrambled to his feet.

Elaine laughed. “Cyrus, meet Zephron.”

‘Mine!’ Zephron yelled as she headbutted Cyrus away from Boone.

‘Zephron, don’t hurt him.’ Sylus said as he joined his Alpha.

‘Mine.’ Zephron said with a growl.

‘Yes, and I’m sure he has learned his lesson in touching your mate.’ Sylus said as he head-butted his Alpha.

“Monty, don’t get in the middle of this.” Elaine said as she watched the wolf bump their Alpha.

“It’s okay, he has calmed her before.” Boone said as he watched the cousins.

Zephron snorted at the other Alpha, then turned to her mate and whimpered.

“It’s okay, love.” Boone said as he patted the top of her head. “I’m okay, see.”

Zephron jumped on top of Boone, knocking him to the ground.

“Zephron, no!” Elaine cried out.

“It’s okay.” Boone said as he held his hands out to stop Elaine.

Zephron licked Boone’s face then moved off his body and curled up beside him and fell back to sleep.

“I have never seen anything like this before.” Elaine said as she watched Boone rub the large wolf’s fur.

The rest of the pack gathered around Zephron and Boone and sat on the ground, glaring at Cyrus. Cyrus threw his hands up in defeat and walked away. Elaine sat on the edge of the table again and watched her Alpha and the hunter. He truly is her mate, but what are they going to do when her vision comes to life?

When morning came, the pack was still gathered around the wolf and hunter. Everyone started changing at the same time and Elaine gathered blankets for everyone, then told them how their Alpha had survived and what the Angels had done for her. When she finished, everyone stared at her as though she had grown a second head, then questions burst forth, making Elaine laugh.



Sammy looked up to find Cyrus standing above her. Her wolf growled.

“I come in peace.” He said as he held up his hands. “I want to apologize for my behavior. I had it pointed out to me, very firmly, that I’m not their Alpha, you are, and I shouldn’t have grabbed your witch, or threatened your hunter.”

“My mate.” Sammy said with a growl.

Cyrus sighed heavily. “Your mate.” He said with a nod.

“Why do you want my pack so bad?” She asked as she stood up from the couch and faced him.

“I don’t.” He said with a heavy sigh. “I want you.”

Zephron growled and Sammy held her in check. “Why?”

“I have wanted you since I heard about you, over four hundred years ago. You’re THE Alpha, and I wanted to claim you as my own…”

“That does not sound nice.” She said as she backed away from him.

“No, it does not. And I have been told that, many times.” He said with a sigh. “I do want to help you though. You and your pack. I meant it when I said I will be your pack’s Alpha until you get better. It’s the least I can do, especially after…”

“You want to protect my pack?” She asked as she folded her arms over her chest.

He watched her for a moment, then nodded.

“You can start by apologizing to Elaine and Boone. Then we can discuss other issues.” She said as she tipped her head towards the door.

He bowed to her, then left the room.

Sammy sighed as she collapsed onto the couch. Being an Alpha is a lot of work, and with no memories, it just makes it even harder.


Sammy turned to the unfamiliar voice. A tall man stood in front of the door.

“I am Samden.” He said with a slight bow.

“Cyrus’s witch.” Sammy said with a nod as she stood.

“Yes.” He said softly. “I have discovered something that I thought you should hear first.” He said as he entered the room.

“What is it?” Sammy asked as she watched him.

“The Blue Moon is rising, and I discovered some very important things.” He said as he moved in closer to her.

“What is that?” Sammy asked as she took a step back.

“How much do you want to remember Aly?”

Sammy paused. “I don’t know for myself, but for my pack…”

He nodded. “This Blue Moon is going to be more powerful than any we have had. And it will vibrate with powers, that Elaine and I can store for the battles to come. It also means that the wolves will be stronger, and things are going to happen. They will need their Alphas. Both you and Cyrus.”

“I’m not going to mate with Cyrus.” Sammy said as she took another step away from him.

“Oh, heavens no.” Samden said with a shake of his head. “I know who your true mate is, and it’s not Cyrus. I have told him so, for many generations. No, there are two packs here, with two Alphas. And they both need to be protected during this Blue Moon. All sorts of things are going to be coming for us, including hunters.”

“I don’t have full control of my pack, or my powers.” Sammy said as she shook her head.

“I need your permission to address your pack on the Blue Moon, everyone should be advised of its power. And what it means to the wolves, and your hunter.”

“What is it going to do to Boone?” She asked in a panic.

Samden laughed. “It is going to heighten his powers. He will become stronger and faster. The Blue Moon is going to make every supernatural being, go crazy with power, that is why our packs need their Alpha’s.”

“Okay.” Sammy said with a nod.

“And I didn’t want to say this, just in case I’m wrong. But it just might be powerful enough to bring Aly back.”

Sammy stared at him. “Will I remember Sammy?”

He nodded. “You will remember everything.”

Sammy took a deep breath then nodded.

“We should tell the packs about the Blue Moon.” Samden said as he watched Sammy.

Sammy sighed. “Alright, but don’t tell them about the possibility of my memories returning.”

“Of course. It is only a small chance anyways.” He said with a nod.

“Well, let’s gather the packs then.” Sammy said as she headed for the door.

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