Memories of the Blue Moon (Lunar of the Moon - Chronicles - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Five: The Book of Supernatural Creatures & Where They Come From

Sammy stood beside Samden as he told the two packs about the upcoming Blue Moon and the fight. Everyone looked from Sammy to Cyrus then back to Samden. Sammy knows they’re wondering if they can win without Aly’s memories. She just hopes she gets them back before it’s too late.

“I have not seen any signs of this Blue Moon.” Elaine said as she stepped towards the other witch.

“I will show you what I saw.” Samden said with a nod to her.

Elaine nodded with a sigh. If he had been lying, he would not have offered to show her his signs.

“I say we start preparing for it now.” Reinhard said as he watched the two packs.

“I agree.” Autor said as she stood next to her father.

“We must start by fortifying the land.” Cyrus said as he stepped forward. “Samden has always placed curses around the trees, and magic bells.”

“As have I.” Elaine said with a nod.

“Then we shall do it together.” Samden said as he watched the other witch.

Elaine looked at him and nodded. “They will be stronger.” She agreed.

“Good, then it’s settled. I will start training the new wolves for battle.” Cyrus said as he started to usher the packs towards the field.

“That includes you, Sammy.” Reinhard said as he walked up to his niece. “Without Aly’s memories, you won’t know how to fight properly.”

“In a few days, Uncle.” Sammy said as she walked over to Elaine. “Elaine, can I talk with you please?”

“Of course.” Elaine excused herself from Samden and followed her Alpha around a corner.

“I need a secret place.” Sammy whispered.

Elaine looked at her then her eyes widened. “Of course. There is a cave on our property. That is part of why I got this land. You can hide out in there, I will put a spell over the place, so no one will find you there, and I will bring you food to last you three days.”

“Bring food for two.” Sammy said as they started to walk up the hill.

“For two?” Elaine stopped talking and shook her head. “Of course, you have a mate now.” She laughed as she walked her Alpha to the cave. “I will send him to you with food, as quickly as I can.”

“Thank you.” Sammy said with a smile as she sat on a log outside the cave.

“I will give you two enough room around the cave that you don’t have to be stuffed up in the cave.” Elaine said with a smile.

“Thank you.” Sammy said with a sigh. It has taken all of her willpower to not jump Boone in front of the packs.

Elaine laughed softly as she cast her spell, then headed back to the dwellings. She packed a bag with enough food to feed two werewolves for a week, then went in search of Boone. She found him talking to Monty and Autor.

“Excuse me, but I need Boone.” Elaine said as she pulled him away from the siblings.

“What’s wrong?” Boone asked as he stared at the witch.

“Take this and go up that hill. You will find a cave up there. Now go.” Elaine said as she gave him a shove in that direction.

Boone stared at her his eyebrows furrowed. He’d thought they had gotten used to him by now, but now he’s being sent away? He looked inside the bag and frowned. There was enough food and drinks in there to feed an army. His frown deepened as he headed up the hill. Why were they trying to get rid of him? Were they afraid he would side with the hunters when the Blue Moon rose?


Boone stopped when he recognized the growl. Before he could register what was going on, Sammy jumped on top of him, knocking him to the ground. The contents of the bag spilling everywhere.

“Shit.” Boone cursed as he looked up at his hungry mate. And she wasn’t hungry for food. “So, you’re the reason I’ve been banished from the camp.” He said with a laugh as she started to devour his neck.

“Mate.” She growled as she nipped at his neck,

Boon sighed. “I take it you’re in heat again.”

“You don’t know how hard it was for me to not jump you in front of everyone.” She said as she leaned up and kissed his lips.

“Did Elaine cast a spell, is that why we’re up here?” He asked as he looked up into her amazing eyes, that were at this moment devouring him.

She nodded. “No one will see us, as long as we stay inside.”

“Good.” He said with a growl as he flipped her onto her back and devoured her mouth.

“Mate.” She said with a groan.

He laughed. “Yes Zephron, I am your mate.”

“Boone.” Sammy said with a sigh.

“I don’t know what it is, but it’s like when you go into heat, I go into heat.” He said with a laugh as he started to tear at their clothes.

“I’m on fire.” She groaned as they stripped their clothes.

“I’ll put you out.” He said as he leaned forward and kissed her.

Sammy cried out when he entered her, making her mind go fuzzy with need. She scratched at his back, making him bleed again. He groaned as he slammed into her harder and deeper.

“Boone.” She cried out as she orgasmed and her back came up off the ground.

“Sammy.” He moaned as he continued to slam into her. “So perfect.” He said as he took one of her nipples into his mouth.

“Oh, God.” She cried out. “Harder!”

He laughed as he started slamming into her harder and deeper. Pressing against her sensitive spot every time he entered her.

“Please.” She begged as she moved her hips against him and rode out another orgasm.

Boone cursed loudly as he released himself deep inside her. Panting, they fell over exhausted, Boone still inside her.

“Again.” Sammy cried out as she started to move against him again.

“God woman, you’re going to kill me this time.” Boone said with a groan as he felt himself get instantly hard.

Being a werewolf’s mate was the most grueling experience he has ever had. It was also the best. And he never wanted to let it go. Even if she gets her memories back, and she remembers she was destined for another mate, he will not let her go. She is stuck with him. At least until her destined mate kills him.


The three days on the hill in the cave; were the best three days of Sammy’s life. They talked, they played games, they swam, they had amazing, wild sex. She was almost sad to leave their love nest. But they had obligations to their pack. They packed their bag and headed back down the hill, on the fourth day. Sammy still wanted sex whenever she looked at Boone, but it was calmer, more controllable. When they returned to the dwellings, half her pack were standing around talking, the other half was in the field training.

When Elaine saw them, she grinned and ran up to them. “All better?” She asked as she took hold of Sammy’s hand.

Sammy nodded as a blush crept up her neck and into her cheeks.

“She’s satisfied.” Boone said with a grin.

Elaine laughed. “I bet.”

“So, what’s going on?” Sammy asked as she pointed to the group standing around talking.

“We’re discussing tactics.” Elaine said as she walked them to the group.

“Sammy!” Raye hollered from the field with a wave.

Sammy smiled at her best friend as she waved back. One of the wolves jumped on Raye while she was distracted, but Raye kicked the wolf off her and bit down on his neck, then mock ripped out his throat.

“Very good, Raye.” Cyrus said as he appraised her. “Even in human form, you still have a strong jaw and can rip anyone’s throat out.”

“Yeah, yeah. I know.” Raye said with a hint of annoyance.

“But never turn your back on the enemy.” Cyrus said as he touched her shoulder. “Even if you are different than most bitten wolves, you are still not a born wolf.” He said as he looked into her eyes.

“I know.” Raye said as she looked up at him.

Cyrus cleared his throat. “And again.” He said as he backed away.

Sammy turned her head from what was going on in the field and smiled at the others around her.

“So, what’s going on? What are the plans?” Sammy asked as she looked at her Uncle and cousins.

“We decided to stay here and let them come to us.” Reinhard said as he looked at his niece.

“Right. It is better on us if we are in familiar surroundings.” Monty said with a nod.

“Sounds good.” Sammy agreed.

“We sure could use Aly.” Autor said with a sad look on her face as she looked at Sammy.

“I know I don’t have the memories or the powers of Alameda. But Zephron and I are very close, and we understand each other. She still has her strength and Alpha powers, even if I haven’t found mine yet. She may not be as powerful as she is with Alameda, but we won’t let you down.” Sammy said as she watched her pack.

Autor nodded. “I know.”

“Sammy, can I talk to you?” Elaine whispered in her ear.

Sammy turned to the witch and nodded. Elaine excused them and led Sammy to her shack.

“What is it, Elaine?” Sammy asked as they entered the shack.

“The Angels gave me a book. They told me to read it and said for you to read it when you are Aly again. But I don’t think we can wait. The Blue Moon is in a month and there is a lot in here that will help us. And I don’t think we can wait for Aly on this one.”

Sammy took the large book from Elaine and stared at the cover. The title was in a language she didn’t recognize.

“What does this say?” Sammy asked as she looked up at Elaine.

“Roughly translated, it says, The Book of Supernatural Creatures and Where They Come From.” Elaine said as she sat on the couch.

Sammy took a deep breath as she sat down next to her, then opened the book to the first page and began reading. She was through the first half of the book when someone knocked on the door.

“I will get it.” Elaine said as she laid her hand on Sammy’s shoulder.

Sammy nodded and went back to reading. She could hear Boone’s voice outside, but ignored it as she continued to read the book. When she finished the book, it was after midnight. She closed the book and looked at Elaine who was still sitting beside her.

“What we read on the net was right. Werewolves were here before humans.”

Elaine nodded. “Yes.”

“And Hunters were born to keep the peace between humans and the supernatural creatures, who had walked the earth for centuries before humankind was even created.”

“Yes.” Elaine whispered.

“But they got jealous and started hunting us down.” Sammy said with a frown.

“They passed their nastiness down to their children. Your mate is one of the few hunters I have met in my days of being on this earth, that has sided with the supernaturals. Not all born hunters realize that they are supernatural beings themselves, and not all of them figure out that not all supernatural creatures are evil, and don’t deserve to be slaughtered.” Elaine said as she watched Sammy’s face.

“How is this book going to help us with this fight?” Sammy asked without looking at Elaine.

“It gives us the understandings for the supernatural creatures and their abilities.”

“Right.” Sammy said with a nod. “I think we should let Boone read this.”

“The angels said…”

“I don’t care what they said. Boone is my mate; he should be prepared.”

“As you wish.” Elaine said with a nod.

“For now, keep it hidden.” Sammy said as she handed the book back to Elaine.

“Of course.” Elaine said with a nod. “Are you okay?”

Sammy nodded. “I am fine. I’m going to go to bed now.” She said, then got to her feet and left the shack.

“We told you not to let her read it until she regained her memories.”

Elaine looked up to find Ariel standing in the middle of her shack. “She needed to know, with what the Blue Moon is going to bring us.”

Ariel sighed. “I guess you are right. But it is harder for a human to process that book, then it is for one of us. But Sammy is strong, she will cope.”

“Cope?” Elaine asked confused.

“Don’t worry, she has Boone to help her. And yes, he may read the book.” Ariel said with a nod.

“Is it that bad of a thing that she read it?” Elaine asked, worry on her face.

Ariel smiled. “No. Just a bit of a jostle to her brain. Get you some sleep now, you are all going to need it. The Blue Moon is rising.”

Elaine sighed as the Angel disappeared. Leave it to an Archangel to leave your brain more confused than they had found it. Elaine placed the book back into its hiding place, then locked up her shack and went to her dwelling.

Ariel was right, there is a lot to do before the next full moon. A Blue Moon is rare indeed. And this one seems to be a bad one. But at least she and Samden will get to store a lot of power, from the moon. They’re going to need those powers for what will be coming after them next. Sebastian and Voldern are not easy to run from, let alone fight. And when the day comes to destroy them both, they must be prepared.


Elaine had trouble sleeping. She was worried about Sammy and what the book may have done to her. She sighed as she got out of bed and pulled on her robe. She went to Sammy and Boone’s room and opened the door silently. Sammy laid sprawled out over Boone’s large body. Her small features are so different from his large frame and broad face. They were the picture-perfect couple, if only she hadn’t had that damn vision about Aly’s mate.

“Boone.” She whispered into the room.

Boone groaned in his sleep, but barely stirred. Elaine took a deep breath and walked over to the bed and shook his shoulder.

“Boone.” She repeated his name, a bit louder this time.

Boone woke with a start and grabbed her arm with a growl.

“It’s me.” She whispered as she looked into his drowsy eyes.

“Elaine.” He said on a sigh as he let go of her arm. “Hasn’t anyone ever told you not to wake a sleeping bear?”

She laughed softly. “Plenty of times. But I couldn’t sleep.”

He looked at her worried face and sat up without disturbing his mate. “What is it? Is something wrong with Sammy?”

She shook her head then turned her head away from him. “No, nothing is wrong with Sammy. There’s something I need to show you.”

Boone grunted as he looked down at his naked body.

Elaine turned her back to him as he stood from the bed and dressed. Once he had his pants on, Elaine turned back to him. He was a very sexy man indeed.

“What is it?” He asked with a smirk, as he watched her eyes appraise him.

She silently cleared her throat. “I let Sammy read it, and Ariel told me it may cause problems for her human mind. That she will need you, and you should read it as well.”

“Read what?” He asked as he slid a shirt over his head.

“A book the Angels gave me.”

“Good Lord.” He hissed as they headed out the door. “What kind of book is it that it would harm Sammy?”

“It’s a book about us.” Elaine said as she opened her shack and let them in.

“Let me see.” He said with a gruff voice as he held his hand out to her.

She nodded, then retrieved the book from its hiding place and handed it to him.

Boone looked at the book and read the title out loud. “The Book of Supernatural Creatures and Where They Come From.”

“You can read it?” She asked as she eyed him.

He nodded. “I have studied many languages, new and old. My family thought it was a waste of my time.”

“I’m sorry to say this, but your family is as clueless as the rest of the humans.” Elaine said as she walked to the couch and sat down.

“No need to apologize. I already knew that.” He said as he sat next to her and opened the book.

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