Memories of the Blue Moon (Lunar of the Moon - Chronicles - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Sixteen: The Girl’s Locker Room

“I got your schedule changed.” Boone said as he handed Raye her new class schedule.

“What did you do?” Raye asked as she looked at the schedule.

“With what’s going on, I figured it would be safer if we all had the same classes.” Boone said as he laid his arm over Sammy’s shoulders.

“Oh.” Raye said with a smile.

“Speaking of class, we should head to homeroom.” Sammy said as she leaned against Boone.

“Right.” Raye said with a nod.

“Come on you three.” Monty called from the classroom door to their homeroom.

They shook their heads as they turned and headed to their homeroom class.

The first day of school since Raye was bitten, was a normal day, as normal days went. Nothing exciting happened, except in science class when Raye poured the wrong mixture and it exploded all over them. Lunch wasn’t very eventful either. When they stepped into the gym for PE, it seemed something was going on across the room.

Sammy tried to ignore it, but her wolf hearing was too powerful.

“So, it’s true then? She’s pregnant?” A girl said in a whisper.

Sammy’s eyebrows furrowed. Who were they talking about now?

“Yeah, and Pryce ditched her the minute he found out.” Another girl said.

“Kendra.” Sammy whispered.

Everyone stopped talking as they turned to the entrance to the gym. Sammy watched Kendra enter, she looked so sad. She has never seen Kendra look that sad before, not even when her dog had died in the eighth grade.

“Serves her right.” Another girl said from behind Sammy.

“After the way she had stolen Pryce from Sammy, she deserves everything she gets.” Another girl said.

Sammy took in a deep breath as she turned to the girls who were talking behind Kendra’s back.

“Don’t do it, Sammy.” Boone whispered.

Sammy ignored him and walked up to the small group of girls. They stood when they saw her and smiled.

“Hi, Sammy.” They said cheerfully.

“I want you girls to know that I had stopped dating Pryce last year. Kendra didn’t steal him from me, and no one deserves what is going on in her life. And, it’s no one’s business but her own. So, if you girls would spend more time on your own lives, rather than the rest of us, maybe you would actually have a life.” Sammy turned from them and walked away.

“How did she know what we were talking about?” One of the girls whispered.

“I always knew she was creepy.” Another said.

Sammy spun around with a growl. The girls heard it and squealed as they jumped back. Boone walked up to Sammy and grabbed hold of her shoulders.

“Sorry about that, ladies. Sammy has been sick, she’s still not fully well.” Boone said as he pulled Sammy away from the other girls.

“And you all were worried about me.” Raye said with a laugh when Sammy and Boone returned to them.

“I hate gossip.” Sammy said with a growl. “No matter who it’s about.”

“Do you think it’s true?” Raye asked as she watched Kendra sit on the bleachers.

Sammy sniffed the air. She didn’t care if it made her look funny, it would look worse if she walked up to Kendra and sniffed her.

Sammy nodded. “She’s pregnant.”

“Wow, you’ve gotta teach me that.” Raye said with a laugh.

“It’s actually easy. Harder from a distance, but if you know the person’s scent, it’s easier.” Monty said with a smile.

“Don’t look at me like that, Monty. I’m not getting my memories back. I’ve been able to tell if someone is pregnant for a long time. But it got stronger when my wolf woke up.” Sammy said as she watched her cousin.

Monty sighed. “Still nice to see you coming into your werewolf.”

“Things make more sense now.” Sammy said as she shrugged her shoulders.

“Hey, someone else in this room is pregnant too.” Raye said as she sniffed the air.

Monty and Boone looked at Sammy at the same time.

“Don’t look at me, it’s not me.” Sammy said as she looked between her boyfriend and cousin.

“You were just in heat.” Boone said as he tightened his hold on her.

“And you did have plenty of sex.” Monty said with a whisper and a laugh.

“It’s not me, I would know. Wouldn’t I?” Sammy asked as she stared at them.

“Not always.” Monty said with the shake of his head.

“It’s not Sammy.” Raye said as she sniffed the air again. “I know Sammy’s scent. It’s one of the girls in the group Sammy had talked to.”

Sammy turned to look at the girls and sniffed the air. “She’s right.”

Monty sniffed the air and shook his head. “They have a similar scent; how can you tell it’s a different girl that’s pregnant?”

Sammy and Raye looked at each other.

“Same father.” Raye whispered.

“That asshole.” Sammy grumbled.

“You mean Pryce is the father of both?” Boone asked.

Sammy grunted. “Why do people think that teen pregnancy is the in thing?”

“Probably because that stupid show says it is.” Raye said with a wrinkled nose.

“Do you think Kendra knows?” Sammy asked.

“The girl sure does, look at that evil look she’s giving Kendra.” Raye said with a shake of her head.

Their gym teacher came in and hollered for everyone’s attention. She split half the class onto one side and the other onto another. Sammy was relieved when all three of her pack members were placed on her side of the room. The teacher set three balls in the middle of the room, then blew her whistle.

Sammy, Boone, and one of the guys from the other side; got to the balls first. Sammy and Boone moved back to their side and threw their balls, hitting their targets. Sammy has always liked dodge ball. She was always good at it, and now she’s amazing at it. When she saw a ball flying towards Raye’s face, her instinct was to catch it, but Raye caught it first and threw it at the girl who had thrown it at her head, hitting the girl in the hip, as she tried to dodge it. Sammy laughed. She’d forgotten that Raye has the same reflexes now.

Sammy grinned; this is going to be a lot of fun.

When the game was over, Sammy, Boone, Raye, and Monty were the only ones still standing. Sammy held one of the balls against her hip, Boone twirled his on his finger while he whistled and Monty placed the third ball on his head and moved his body with the ball as he tried to balance it. Raye just stood there, looking at her nails with her other hand on her hip.

“Okay.” The teacher said as she watched the four students still standing in the middle of the gym. “Showers!”

Everyone stood and rushed to the locker rooms. Sammy and her pack handed the teacher their balls as they left the gym.

Raye laughed as she and Sammy entered the locker room. “Did you see the look on the gym teachers face?” Raye asked as they walked to their locker.

Sammy laughed. “I think I heard the cogs grinding in her brain as she tried to figure us out.”

Raye laughed so hard she had to hold her side.

“You are such a slut!”

Raye stopped laughing and looked at Sammy. They both set their clothes back in their locker and walked towards the showers, where the girls were screaming at each other.

“Kendra.” Sammy whispered as she ran over to her ex-friend who was in a fight with the other girl who was pregnant.

The girl had Kendra’s head down with her hair in her hand and punching Kendra in the face.

Sammy pulled the girl off Kendra, while Raye pulled Kendra aside and tried to look at her bloody face.

“Get off me, dike!” Kendra hollered.

“I’m just trying to help.” Raye said as she tried to look at the cuts on Kendra’s face.

“I don’t need your help; I don’t need anyone’s help.” Kendra cried.

“You need the nurse.” Raye said once she was done examining Kendra.

“Get off me, Bitch.” The other girl screamed as she tried to get away from Sammy. “You and your slut friend better keep away from my Pryce!”

“He dumped you!” Kendra hollered back.

“Kendra, go see the nurse.” Sammy said as she gave her a stern look.

Kendra huffed as she marched out of the locker room.

“And you calm down.” Sammy said as she let go of the girl.

The girl turned and swung at Sammy. Sammy ducked the blow and moved away from the girl.

“You two sluts, you don’t know when to keep your hands, off other people’s things.” The girl said as she swung at Sammy again.

Raye felt anger build up inside her. That girl is threatening her pack, her Alpha. A surge of protective energy swam inside her.

“Pryce is no one’s property. He has proven that many times.” Sammy said as she dodged another swing.

One of the other girls from the group came up behind Sammy and wrapped her arms around her waist. Sammy sighed with annoyance. She hadn’t been dodging the girl for her own protection, she’d been dodging her to protect the girls’ hand. A human hitting a werewolf was one thing, but hitting an Alpha. The girl punched Sammy in the face, then screamed so loud, everyone covered their ears.

Sammy moved her jaw, it stung, but that was all. With a sigh, she bent forward and flipped the other girl over her back.

“Do you feel better now?” Sammy asked as she watched the girls stare at her.

“What are you?” One of the girls asked.

“I’m a teenage girl, like you.” Sammy said with a smile.

“She broke my hand.” The girl said with a cry.

“You may want to get that checked out.” Sammy said with a nod.


Sammy looked over to where Raye stood staring at her. Sammy’s face paled when she saw the look in her friend’s eyes.

“Okay, everyone needs to get to class.” Sammy said as she tried to usher the girls from the locker room.

“Who made you a hall monitor?” One of the girls asked.

“Sammy!” Raye screamed.

“Go, hurry!” Sammy cried out as she gave the girls a shove towards the door.

Sammy moved to Raye, who was starting to convulse.

“Stay calm, Raye.” Sammy pleaded.

“I can’t stop it.” Raye cried. “They were trying to hurt you, I got so angry, I wanted to help you.”

“It’s okay, I’m okay, see.” Sammy said as she touched her friend’s cheek.

“She hit you.” Raye cried.

“And it hurt her, not me.” Sammy whispered.

“Looks like Kendra had it right.” A girl said with a laugh. “But Sammy, you, really?”

“Get out of here!” Sammy yelled with an angry growl.

The girl squealed and ran from the locker room.

“Look at me, Raye.” Sammy said as she took her friend’s face into her hands. “You can fight this.”

“But it’s not even a full moon.” Raye cried as she started to tremble.

“Fight it.” Sammy whispered.

Raye screamed as a pain shot through her spine.

“Come on Raye, fight it.” Sammy pleaded as she watched Raye’s face start to change. “Damn it.” Sammy grumbled. “Boone! Monty!”


Boone watched as girls came running from their locker room. Something was going on. He stopped one of the girls as she passed him.

“What’s going on?” He asked.

She looked up at him with a shake of her head. “The lesbians are doing some stuff that I don’t even want to know about.”

“What lesbians?” Monty asked intrigued.

“Sammy and her girlfriend.” The girl said, then pulled away from Boone and ran from the gym.

Boone and Monty looked at each other.

“Boone! Monty!”

“Crap.” Boone grumbled as he and Monty ran into the girl’s locker room.

“Hey, you can’t be in here.” A girl said when she saw them.

“Get out of here.” Boone said as he took hold of her arms and shoved her towards the door.

Monty found Sammy and Raye and cursed. “Boone, make sure everyone is out of here, then lock the door.”

Boone nodded and searched the locker room, then locked the door when he was sure no one was there.

“I can’t stop her.” Sammy cried as she tried to hold onto her best friend.

“It’s not even a full moon.” Boone said as he watched Raye change.

“It’s a new moon.” Monty said as he looked around them.

“But it’s daytime.” Boone said as he watched Monty.

“The moon is still there, even if you can’t see it.” Monty said as he tried to figure out what to do.

“But she’s a bitten wolf.” Sammy cried.

“Bitten wolves can change on a new moon, especially if something triggers something inside them. What happened in the locker room to trigger the change?” Monty asked as he thought of something that might help. “Sammy, move Raye to the middle of the shower room.”

Sammy moved her friend to where the drain was in the large shower area.

“Turn those showerheads to face them.” Monty said to Boone as he yanked on a showerhead.

They got all the showerheads to face Sammy and Raye, then began turning them on. Raye howled when the water hit her body.

“Sammy, hold her.” Monty hollered when Raye tried to escape the cascade of water.

Sammy pulled her best friend into her arms and held her close.

Raye laid her head on Sammy’s shoulder, with a sigh of contentment.

“What triggered the change?” Boone asked as he watched the girls in the middle of the showers.

“There was a fight, and we pulled the girls off each other. But the other one wasn’t too happy with me, and she hit me.”

“That did it.” Monty said with a nod. “Raye’s wolf went into defensive mode when she saw her Alpha in trouble.”

“Everything is okay.” Sammy said softly as she ran her hand down Raye’s back.

“I thought a bitten wolf is connected to its’ creator.” Boone said as he watched Raye’s features start to change back to human.

“Zephron had already claimed her as pack, Raye’s wolf recognizes that.” Monty said as he sighed with relief.

Sammy and Raye went to their knees in the middle of the water. Sammy closed her eyes as she laid on the floor of the shower with Raye in her arms and held her close, as they laid in the cold water together.

“Look at that.” Monty said with a smile.

“Did Sammy just stop a werewolf from changing?” Boone asked stunned.

“She sure did.” Monty said with a smile. “It’s part of an Alpha’s powers. She may not have her memories back, but she’s regaining her Alpha abilities. Which will be very helpful, when the Alpha of the other pack catches up with us.”

“Is that all you want Sammy for? The Alpha inside her?” Boone asked as he watched Monty.

Monty looked at his new friend. Though he is a born hunter, he is a part of the pack now. And he is his Alpha’s mate.

“Time is running out and the Alpha that has been hunting us down, for our pack, has been getting closer and closer. So yes, I want my Alpha back.” He turned and looked at Sammy, who still laid on the floor with Raye. She still has the purest heart.

“But I also want my cousin back, and I will do anything to get them both.”

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