Memories of the Blue Moon (Lunar of the Moon - Chronicles - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Seventeen: Locker Room Drama

A pounding on the door had Boone and Monty turning to look at the door. They could hear a teacher hollering for them to let them in.

Boone looked back at Sammy and Raye who were still cuddled on the floor, under the spray of the water.

“What do we do?” Monty asked as he looked from the door to his pack.

“We have to let them in sooner or later, but I don’t know if Raye is okay to be around humans right now.” Boone said as he looked at the door again.

The pounding got louder, then it stopped.

“She’s getting the principle.” Monty said as he listened.

“Get out of here.” Sammy whispered from her place on the floor with Raye. “You two shouldn’t be seen in the girl’s locker room.”

“We’re not going anywhere.” Boone said as he leaned against the opening to the showers.

“Right.” Monty said with a nod. “All, together remember.”

Sammy smiled as she kissed Raye’s forehead. She seemed to be much calmer and her shivering had stopped. Now they were both shivering from the cold of the shower.

“Are you okay to stand?” Sammy asked as she continued to rub her best friends’ back.

Raye nodded as she opened her eyes. “Why are the boys in the girls shower?”

Sammy laughed. “Do you not remember?”

Raye shook her head. “I remember you fighting with those girls, then…” She stopped talking as she started to remember and started shaking again.

“Stay calm Raye. I’m okay, see.”

Raye took a deep breath and nodded.

“Now let’s get up, the principal is coming.” Sammy said as she started to move.

“Oh, God. What they must think of me.” Raye said as her cheeks pinkened.

“They think you and Sammy are a couple of lesbians, doing it in the girl’s locker room.” Monty blurted out.

“What?!” Both girls said at the same time.

Boone shook his head. “Bigmouth.”

Monty laughed. “Sorry.”

“Well, there goes our rep.” Sammy said with a laugh as she and Raye stood.

“Better turn these off.” Boone said as he moved into the shower and started turning them off.

Monty helped, they’d turned off the last shower when the door burst open and the principal and three teachers appeared just outside the shower.

“And what do you four think you are doing?” The principal asked as she eyed them.

“Raye and I stopped a fight, and Raye had an anxiety attack. The guys came in and helped by turning on all the showers to cool Raye off. I held her through it until she could breathe again. She almost passed out several times. I was so worried.” Sammy said almost crying.

The principal stared at them. “And why was the door locked?”

“I locked it when we got here.” Boone said as he raised his hand. “Had to keep people out, anyone around would have just made Raye worse.”

The principal stared at them then sighed. “You four, my office, now.”

Boone and Monty helped Sammy and Raye out of the shower, then guided them out of the locker room and through the crowd of onlookers. Sammy held Raye close, hoping she didn’t start to change again when people started talking about them. To her surprise and delight, Raye stayed Raye and laughed at what the others were saying about them.

“Don’t you all have classes to be at?” The Principal said as she walked out of the locker room.

“It’s a good thing we weren’t found naked.” Raye said, low enough only her supernatural friends could hear her.

“Yeah, it would have been really hard to convince the principal of what Sammy had said.” Boone said with a silent laugh.

“It was mostly true.” Sammy whispered.

“Right. Transforming in the middle of the day; is a form of an anxiety attack.” Monty said with a nod.

“A supernatural one.” Raye said with a laugh.

They got to the principal’s office and waited for her. They didn’t have to wait long; she entered her office and closed the door behind her.

“Even though your intentions were good, and you were helping your friend, you two should not have been in the girl’s shower, so I will have to punish you.” The principal said as she moved around her desk to sit in her chair.

“Yes, Ma’am.” Boone and Monty said together.

The principal looked at the two sopping wet girls. “I heard about the fight, and Kendra confirmed you two put a stop to it. What I don’t understand, is how Penny Staples broke her hand.”

The guys looked at the girls. Sammy’s cheeks turned beat red.

“She punched me.” Sammy informed their principal. “Her friend held me from behind and Penny punched me in the jaw. I think she hit the bone in my jaw wrong and it broke her hand. I don’t know, I’ve never been punched in the face before.”

The principal looked at Sammy’s cheek, and when she saw no marks she sighed. “That can be proved easy enough, there were plenty of girls there. But what I’d like to know, is how you two boys knew they needed your help.”

“We saw the other girls fleeing from the locker room and asked one what was going on. She said something about lesbians and gave Sammy and Raye’s names. We knew that couldn’t be true, I mean, I know my girlfriend.” Boone said as he watched the principal.

“So, we rushed in, we knew Raye has had troubles with anxiety, since she was a little girl, and we just knew what needed to be done. She is our pa…friend, after all.” Monty finished for Boone.

The principal sighed. “You know the drill; I have to punish you.”

“Yes, ma’am.” The four said at the same time.

“Since you didn’t fight with anyone, Miss Applebome, you will be excused from the punishment.” The principal said with a heavy sigh. “As for you two boys, three days after school detention, for going into the girl’s locker room.”

“Yes, ma’am.” The boys said with a nod.

“What about Sammy?” Raye asked.

The principal looked at Sammy. “This is your second fight this year, Sammy.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Sammy said with a nod.

“Until I know exactly what happened with Penny, you’re suspended…”

“You can’t do that!” Raye hollered. “She didn’t do anything. She avoided the fight. She kept dodging and when that girl punched her in the face, she didn’t even hit her back. She could have torn that girl’s head off!”

Boone took hold of Raye and pressed her against his chest. Sammy wrapped her arms around her best friend to calm her.

“It’s okay.” She whispered.

“No, it’s not.” Raye whispered.

“Miss Applebome, I understand, but two offenses have to be…”

“Miss Myers.” A girl said as she peeked into the office.

“What is it?” The principal asked as she looked at the hall monitor.

“There are a few girls out here, who say they saw everything that happened in the locker room.”

The principal got to her feet and walked out the office door. Sammy continued to hold Raye as they waited. Five minutes later, the principal returned.

“Okay, I got the information I needed. You all are free to go.”

“Is Sammy still suspended?” Raye asked as she turned to the principal.

Miss Myers shook her head. “She never threw a punch, she’s free to go. But you boys will be in detention tonight.” She said as she pointed at Boone and Monty.

“Yes, ma’am.” They said at the same time, as they ushered the girls out the office door.

“How are we going to get detention with you guys?” Raye asked with a grin.

The guys laughed.

“You’re not.” Boone said as he ushered them to their next class.

“Boone, I’m cold.” Sammy said as she shivered.

Boone stopped; he’d forgotten the girls were soaking wet. He steered them to the locker room and waited outside while they gathered their belongings and changed into their clothes.

“What a day.” Monty said with a grunt.

“And this is just the beginning.” Boone said with a laugh.

“Yeah, don’t remind me.”

“Ready.” The girls said as they came out of the locker room.

“I say we ditch the rest of the day.” Raye said with a smile.

“I say you’re nuts.” Monty said as they headed towards their next class.

“Wait.” Sammy said as she looked at her watch. “Three, two, one.”

The bell rang and they watched as students moved out of classrooms and into the hall.

“Aw, we missed math.” Raye said with a laugh.

“Guess we have one class left.” Boone said as he wrapped his arm around Sammy and led them down the hall.

“Then you have detention.” Sammy said as she looked up at him. “New boy in school and you’ve already gotten detention, twice.”

He grinned down at her. “Yep, you’re with a bad boy.”

She laughed as she slapped his chest.

The rest of their day went by fast and the girls waited for the guys, in the courtyard. When detention was over, they headed to Boone’s car.

“What’s next?” Boone asked as he pulled Sammy close to his side.

“Hamburgers.” Sammy said with a grin.

“Oh, yeah. Some red meat sounds really good right now.” Raye said as her stomach growled.

They laughed as they climbed into Boone’s car and headed to the local burger joint.


Boone laid in bed and watched Sammy sleep. It has been a few days since the incident in the locker room and things were finally starting to calm at school again. Why they continued the charade of school, was beyond him.

Sammy was too smart for their classes, probably another Alpha thing. And he doesn’t need to repeat High School. He already had that horrible experience, when he was fifteen and sixteen, to appease the town they were living in. Then there’s Monty, he’s hundreds of years old, even if he only looked eighteen. And Raye, she’s a werewolf now, and after the other day in the shower, they should really think of pulling her out of school.

But he knows it’s what Sammy wants. She wants things to appear normal, at least for now, until Monty’s pack arrives. He sighed as he pulled Sammy close. He would do anything for his mate. Even kill every last hunter in the world, to make sure she stayed safe.

“Boone.” Sammy whispered as her eyes opened. “Everything okay?”

Boone smiled as he kissed her lips. “Everything is fine, go back to sleep.”

She sighed as she closed her eyes again.

Boone held her close. “I love you, Sammy.”

She smiled. “I love you too, Boone.”

“You know I’d do anything for you, right?”

Her eyes opened, and she looked up at him. “Of course, and I would do anything for you.”

“What about if I asked you to run away with me? Just the two of us?”

She sat up and stared at him. “You know I can’t leave my pack.”

He sighed. “Okay, the four of us.”

“What about the rest of the pack who’re coming?”

“We don’t know them, Sammy.” He said with a frown.

“No, but my wolf does. And she would hurt if we left them. Besides, we didn’t know Monty and look now, he’s one of us. And Raye…”

“Okay.” He said as he pulled her towards him and kissed her. “We will wait for your pack, then we’ll get out of here.”

She pulled back and stared at him. “What’s really going on, Boone?”

He sighed. “This normal every day that we play. Being normal isn’t in me. I’m not normal, you’re not normal, hell, none of us are normal. We’re supernatural beings, and we shouldn’t be playing High School Musical…”

She laughed as she kissed him. “This is part of my life, even if it wasn’t real. You know we can’t do anything until me and Raye are eighteen.”

He sighed and kissed her. “The day you turn eighteen, I’m kidnapping you.”

She threw her head back and laughed. He laughed with her, then pulled her back down into bed with him.

“When the pack gets here, we’ll discuss what we’re going to do.” Sammy said with a yawn. “Until then…”

He sighed in defeat. “Until then.”

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