Memories of the Blue Moon (Lunar of the Moon - Chronicles - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Eighteen: Saphiera

“Hurry!” Sammy hollered as she and her pack ran through the woods. “It’s up here!”

The moon was coming up and Raye was going to have her first transformation, and they needed to do it far enough away from humans. A bitten wolf could turn feral on their first turn, if not done properly. How she knows all of this, she has no clue, except that bits of memories seem to leak through about wolves and packs, and magic, and everything else that goes bump in the night.

“Wait up, Sammy!” Raye hollered.

“It’s getting close.” Sammy said as she stopped and looked at her pack.

“The moon will be here soon.” Monty said with a nod.

“Where is this spot?” Boone asked as he looked at Sammy.

“Up here.” Sammy said as she started to run up the hill again.

When they reached the spot, Monty sniffed the air. “There isn’t a human for miles. Nice spot, Sammy.” He said with a smile.

“How did you know about this spot?” Boone asked as he looked around.

“I ran away from home when I was ten and hid up here. No one found me for days. I finally got hungry enough to return home on my own.” Sammy said as she walked over to a fallen log and sat down on it. “Worms aren’t as fun to eat as you would think they are.”

The others laughed as they joined her on the log.

“Okay, so now what?” Raye asked as she looked at Sammy.

“I’m not sure. I’m going by instinct. I seem to have all the right instincts, just not the memories. But I do remember things to do with wolves when I need it, I guess that’s an Alpha thing.” Sammy said with a smile.

“Here it comes.” Monty said as he looked up at the sky.

Raye moved off the log when she felt the shift in her bones. “It’s happening.” She said with a cry.

“Just let it happen.” Sammy said as she moved over to her best friend. “Don’t fight it. There you go, take deep, calming breaths.”

Raye nodded as she evened her breathing.

“Look at her.” Monty said from beside Boone. “Once an Alpha, always an Alpha.”

Boone nodded as he watched Sammy keep Raye calm, during her first change. He has never heard of a bitten wolf changing so calmly before. His mate really is something else.

Raye’s wolf looked up at the sky and howled at the moon. Sammy and Monty quickly changed to their wolves and joined her.

‘Saphiera.’ Zephron said as she looked at her new wolf.

‘That’s me.’ The brown wolf said as she looked at her Alpha.

‘Yes.’ Zephron said.

“What is going on?” Sammy asked as she looked at Monty.

“Zephron always knows her pack by name. Saphiera is Raye’s wolf. Bitten wolves aren’t as free as we are, remember. An Alpha controls her pack, by knowing the name of their wolf, before they say it.” Monty said as he watched Saphiera.

‘Hunter.’ Saphiera said with a growl when she looked at Boone.

Boone took a step back when he heard the new wolf growl.

Zephron moved between the brown wolf and her mate. ‘Saphiera, pack.’

Saphiera stopped but continued to glare at Boone.

“Damn.” Boone said when he saw the daggers the large brown wolf’s eyes shot at him.

‘Pack!’ Zephron hollered with a protective growl.

Saphiera tried to get around her Alpha, but Zephron wouldn’t let her pass.

“Zephron, let her sniff him.” Monty suggested to his Alpha.

‘No, mate.’ Zephron growled.

“Saphiera, tap into your human’s memories. See what she knows, smell what she smells.” Monty said as he watched the two female wolves growl at each other.

“Zephron, I don’t know what’s going on in your heads, but I can see the anger and fear in Raye’s eyes. Let her smell me.” Boone said as he moved closer to them.

‘No, mine.’ Zephron said with a howl.

Monty moved over to his cousin and bumped his head against her side. It was always hard for a female wolf to let other female wolves, near their mate.

“Sammy, Raye is your friend, she would never take your mate.” Monty said as he bumped her with his head again.

‘Zephron, let Saphiera smell our mate.’ Sammy said as she felt her wolf whimper. ‘I don’t like it either, but we are the Alpha. We have to show compassion at all cost.’

Zephron took a small step to the side, to allow Boone to walk past her. Saphiera stared at the hunter as he walked up to her, his hand outstretched to her.

Saphiera sniffed the hunter’s hand. ’Hunter, friend, pack.’ She growled playfully then licked his hand.

Boone laughed as the wet tongue lapped at his palm. He had never known a werewolf was so much like an actual dog. Or rather, a wolf. He watched as the large wolves yipped at each other, then took off at a run. He kept up with them as they ran through the forest. He never knew how much fun it actually was, to be a werewolf.

Zephron jumped on top of Boone and knocked him to the ground in the middle of running. She landed on top of him panting. He looked up at the large wolf and his body ached for the woman behind those eyes. He watched in awe as Zephron shifted and changed right there, on top of him, turning into the woman he loved, more then he thought he could ever love anyone.

“Sammy.” He whispered.

With a groan, she kissed him hard. Boone wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back.

“What about the pack?” He asked as he held onto her.

“I told them to play over there.” She said as she nodded in the direction, he could hear wolves playing.

“God, you’re beautiful.” He said as he claimed her mouth again.

“Boone.” She groaned as she kissed him back.

He flipped her over onto her back and started unfastening his belt. She reached out and tugged on his shirt until they got it over his head, then helped him get his pants down his thighs before she wrapped her legs around him and pulled him to her. He grunted as he fell to his hands and moved his hips forward, entering her.

Sammy cried out as she wrapped herself around Boone. She knows she will never get enough of this man. He is her man, her lover, her mate. She heard her wolf howl with pleasure and smiled.

Boone kissed Sammy’s throat as she tilted her head back. She always felt so good. She is his, will always be his. He pushed himself deeper inside her and felt her tighten around him. His breathing became more and more shallow as he continued to push himself, harder and deeper inside her.

“Boone.” She groaned as another orgasm had her growling.

“Sammy.” He moaned as he released himself inside her.

Panting, she looked up at him, a brilliant smile on her face.

“You are something else, you know that?” He said as he watched her face.

A howl vibrated through the darkness and Boone turned his head in the direction their pack was playing.

“They want their Alpha.” She said as she lifted her hand to his face.

He turned to her with a wicked smile. “Too bad, she’s mine right now.” He said with a growl as he took her mouth in a hot kiss.

Sammy groaned as she moved against him. “Boone.” She breathed.

Another howl had Sammy grunting. “I need to go to them.” She said on a pant as he lifted her ass off the ground and slid inside her again.

“They can take care of themselves.” Boone said with a grunt.

“But tonight is Raye’s first night, I should be there for her, she needs me.” Sammy said with a groan.

“You shouldn’t have come to me then; because now I need you.” He said as he slammed into her, making her cry out his name.

“Yes.” She grunted as he continued to move inside her, making her body ache for him over and over.

“Tell me what we are.” He said as he slid in and out of her.

“Pack, mate, lovers.” Sammy said as she whimpered under him.

Boone smiled, then kissed her. Another howl, this one full of fear, had Sammy moving up so fast, she hit her forehead against Boone’s. He held himself in her as they listened.

“I don’t like the sound of that howl.” She said as she held onto his shoulder.

“Go to your wolves.” He whispered as he kissed her bare shoulder.

She looked into his eyes, then kissed his lips before sliding out from under him and taking off at a run. He turned and watched as she transformed in mid-run. He sighed as he pulled his pants back up and adjusted himself. She really is something else. A true Alpha, even if she doesn’t remember. He got to his feet and picked up his shirt. He paused when he smelled something familiar.

“Hunter.” He whispered as he turned in the direction of his pack.

He tucked his shirt into his belt, then took off towards his wolves. He stopped when he spotted a hunter tracking his pack. He knows that hunters walk.


The hunter turned to him with a smile. “I see you’re tracking the same wolves I am.”

“Not exactly.” Boone said as his brother walked towards him.

Zephron watched from the bushes as the hunter walked towards her mate. No. She growled as she jumped out from behind the bushes.

“Holy Shit!” Tucker hollered as the large silver wolf bared her teeth at him.

“Don’t!” Boone hollered when his brother held his rifle up at the large wolf.

“Look at that coat!” Tucker said as he looked at the silvery gray coat of the wolf.

“Tucker, don’t shoot her!” Boone hollered as he ran towards his brother.

Zephron continued to growl as she studied the hunter. He looked scared and in awe of her. Good, be scared.

“Zephron!” Boone hollered.

She heard her mate, but her attention was more focused on the hunter and his rifle pointed at her. She didn’t move towards him, and he didn’t pull the trigger. She cocked her head to the side as she watched him.

“He’s not going to hurt me.” Boone said as he caught up to them.

Zephron turned her head to her mate. Not going to hurt you?

The rest of her pack came out of hiding and crept up beside her, both of them growling.

‘Stay back.’ Zephron told her wolves.

Both wolves stopped and stayed a step behind her, their eyes never leaving the hunter.

“It’s okay.” Boone said with his hands out in front of him, as he watched the wolves.

He knows they’re a pure pack, but Raye is new, and Sammy’s wolf will protect her mate at all cost. He needed to show them that his brother won’t hurt them. Or at least fake it, before the Alpha wolf tore his brother’s head off.

“What the hell, Boone?” Tucker asked as he looked at his brother.

“Trust me, you don’t want to mess with this pack.” Boone said as he lowered his arms to his sides and watched the wolves closely.

“You’ve gotten soft, little brother.” Tucker said as he raised his rifle at the largest of the three wolves. The silver fur would make a great blanket for their little sister.

“Tucker, no!” Boone hollered as his brother pulled the trigger.

The noise was loud and made Saphiera holler as she turned and ran away from them. Monty growled and snapped his jaws, and Sammy stood there, blood dripping down her shoulder.

Before Boone could stop her, she jumped on top of his brother and ripped the rifle out of his hand, then bit down on his neck. Tucker screamed as the large wolf started to sink her teeth into his throat.

“Zephron, no! Please, he’s my brother!” Boone hollered as he watched the angry wolf on top of his brother.

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