Memories of the Blue Moon (Lunar of the Moon - Chronicles - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Fifteen: Bitten Wolf

Raye followed far enough behind Monty, that she hoped he didn’t sense her presence. She wasn’t sure how good his senses were.

“What are we going to do if we find him?”

She heard Sammy and Boone’s conversation, but she didn’t pay attention to the words. She was too busy concentrating on not letting Monty spot her. This was actually fun.

“Well look what we have here.”

Raye froze as she turned to the voice behind her.

“Fresh meat.” He said with a grin.

Crap. She should have listened to her Alpha and stayed home.

“You would stay away from me if you knew what was good for you.” Raye said as she stood up straighter.

The man grinned as he sniffed the air. “Werewolf.” He said as he looked at her again. “Too far away to get to you first, you’re mine.”

Raye’s eyes widened as the man bent over and started changing.

RUN! She screamed at herself.

Without another thought, Raye took off away from the crazed werewolf. She hoped she could catch up to Monty in time. She heard paws behind her and picked up speed. But she was still too slow.

“Monty!” She screamed as she fell to the ground.

She tried to get away, but the claws were too sharp and sliced through her clothes and skin. She screamed as pain shot through her body. When teeth sank into her shoulder, her scream turned to a gurgle and a searing hot pain, flooded through her veins.

She could hear the voices in her ears, but couldn’t make anything out of what they were saying. She cried out as her body started to convulse. The large wolf grabbed hold of her leg with his teeth, which made her scream even louder. The wolf started to drag her down the sidewalk, away from the hospital, where she had been headed to, as she followed Monty.

A howl ripped through the air as another large wolf slammed into Raye’s attacker. Raye screamed as her leg was almost torn off, as the wolf who had attacked her was thrown across the street. She could just barely see the two wolves wrestling around in the street, before everything went black.


Sammy started to shake all over when she heard Raye’s scream. Pack. Her wolf said over and over in her head.

“Sammy, stay calm.” Boone said as he took hold of her arms to steady her.

“Pack.” She whispered. “Raye is my pack.”

“Yes, but we can’t afford you going…” He stopped talking when she started to change.

“Pack.” She said before her jaw became a muzzle and her body shifted to the side, as she transformed into the silver wolf known as Zephron.

“Zephron, is Sammy in there?” Boone asked as if he expected the wolf to answer him.

The wolf’s head tilted back as she howled to the moon.

Pack. Zephron growled.

‘Yes, she’s our pack, let’s go help.’ Sammy said to her wolf.

She didn’t have to say it twice. Zephron took off at a run, towards the hospital where two members of her pack were under attack. She could hear Boone’s footsteps behind her and knew he was easily keeping up with her. When she turned a corner and saw the two wolves fighting on the ground and a still body off to the side, her wolf howled with anger.

“Zephron stop!” Boone hollered when the silver wolf took a bound towards her pack.

Zephron and Sammy turned to look at their mate. He had some strange control over them, and no matter how hard they tried to fight it, they couldn’t.

Pack. Zephron said with a whimper.

’Yes, they’re our pack.But he’s our mate.’

Boone pulled out his pistol and aimed it at the two wolves fighting in the street. Monty let out a loud yelp, which made Zephron take a step towards them.

“Stay.” Boone said softly as he pulled the trigger.

The sound of the gun made Zephron howl. The bullet hit the attacking werewolf. The wolf screamed as the bullet sliced through his shoulder. Monty turned his head to where the bullet had come from. Before he could turn back to the other werewolf, it ran down the street and into the forest. He got up to chase after him.

Sylus no! Zephron ordered Monty’s wolf.

Sylus stopped and looked to his Alpha. Was she remembering?

He attacked Raye, our pack. Sylus said with a whimper.

‘Boone needs our help, Monty.’ Sammy said as she looked at her friend who was still lying on the sidewalk bleeding.

‘Sammy.’ Monty said as he watched the wolf who is still his Alpha, but doesn’t remember.

Zephron whimpered as she moved over to Raye’s body.

“She’s okay girl.” Boone said as he laid his hand on the large wolf. “The venom will heal her, eventually.” Boone said with a frown.

Raye was torn up pretty bad and there was blood everywhere. The werewolf seemed to enjoy tearing the women apart first, before he bit them.

Zephron whimpered as she nudged Raye’s body with her nose, then laid down on the sidewalk. Boone understood what she wanted and complied. He moved over to Raye and lifted her into his arms, then laid her over the wolf’s back. Zephron stood, then turned and headed back towards Sammy’s parent’s house. The convulsions were going to start soon and it would be easier to carry Raye, while she’s not convulsing.


“It’s been three days.” Sammy cried as she sat in her living room, listening to her best friend screaming in the guest room.

Boone had padded the walls, to keep the rest of the household from hearing her. But with Sammy’s wolf sonic hearing, she could hear everything.

“It takes time for the venom to take hold of the body and prepare it for the transformations.” Monty said with a frown. He didn’t like hearing the screams of their friend, their pack member, any more than their Alpha did.

“I still want to know what the hell she was doing out there.” Boone said with a growl.

“She was obviously hell-bent on helping us.” Sammy said with a soft growl.

“Maybe she still can.” Monty said as he looked at his cousin.

“No.” Boone said with a shake of his head.

“What?” Sammy asked. She was missing something here.

“He will come for her.” Monty said as he looked from Boone to Sammy.

“You want to use her for bait?!” Sammy asked with a squeal.

“Once his shoulder is healed, he will be back for her, or she will go out looking for him. A bitten werewolf always follows its’ creator.” Monty said with a frown.

“I’m her Alpha, me! She’s my pack!” Sammy hollered as she got to her feet.

Monty and Boone stared at her. Zephron was not happy with what was going on.

“Sammy. We know this, but it’s how it is. She will be drawn to him. If you had your memories back, you could overshadow it, like you did for Jory.” Monty said as he stood and took hold of his cousin’s shoulders.

“She can’t leave me. She’s my first real friend.” Sammy said with a cry.

“She’s not going to leave us. We will make sure of that.” Monty said as he pulled her into his arms and held her.

“Listen.” Boone said as he got to his feet.

Sammy held her breath and listened. There weren’t any noises coming from her guest room. They silently moved to the door and opened it. Raye laid on the bed, perfectly still.

“Is she dead?” Sammy asked, fear in her soft voice.

“Listen.” Monty said as he put up a finger.

Sammy listened and sighed with relief. Raye had a steady heartbeat, and she could hear her breathing.

“She survived the venom.” Sammy said with a sigh of relief.

Boone moved towards the bed and looked at the cuts on Raye’s back and her mangled leg. They were both completely healed.

“I knew she was strong-willed.” Boone said with a grin. Even though this meant his friend is now a werewolf, he was glad she was alive.

Not everyone survived a werewolf bite.

“Let’s leave her to sleep.” Monty whispered as he started to back out the door.

Boone pulled Sammy out the door with him as he left. She didn’t want to leave her friend’s side, but she followed him anyway.

“Boone.” Sammy whispered as he closed the door behind them.

He looked at her and sucked in a breath. She was already out of her shirt and working on her pants.

“Sammy, what in the world?”

“Shh.” She said as she pulled her pants down her legs and stood there in just her panties and bra.

Boone felt himself harden instantly at the sight of her.

“Don’t worry about me, I’ll go for a walk.” Monty hollered with a laugh as he left the suite.

“What are you doing?” Boone asked as he eyed her. “Stripping like that in the middle of the hall.”

“He’s my cousin. And I’m sure he has seen me naked plenty of times, he has been my pack for hundreds of years.” Sammy said with a smile.

“You’re nuts, you know that?” Boone said as he shook his head.

“With everything that has happened to me in the past couple of weeks, this is the least nuts I think I have been.”

Boone laughed as he continued to shake his head. “You’re not in heat again, are you?” He asked as he eyed her.

She shook her head. “I just want you.”

He growled as he moved the short distance between them and lifted her against his chest and kissed her hard.

Sammy groaned as she was yanked against her mate. This was just as crazy good, as it was when she was in heat. Just a little less tense.

“You are so crazy.” He mumbled as he turned and slammed her body against the wall.

“You like it.” She said with a grunt as she yanked on his shirt.

He helped her pull his shirt over his head before he took her mouth in a heart pounding, limb trembling kiss.

“You are always so hot.” He said as he lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist.

“It’s a wolf thing.” She said with a laugh as he nibbled on her neck.

“You smell good too.” He said as he smelled her hair.

“That’s a shampoo thing.” She said with a giggle.

He started to set her back on her feet, so he could take off his pants and she stopped him.

“No time, I want you now.” She said with a growl as she tightened her legs around him.

With a predatorial growl, Boone unfastened his pants and pulled himself out, then moved her panties to the side and shoved upwards, entering her in a swift and demanding motion.

Sammy’s wolf howled when he entered her. Sammy grunted as she pulled him even closer to her. He slammed himself into her so hard the wall vibrated.

“Again.” She said with a groan.

He complied and slammed into her deeper this time.

“Boone!” She hollered out as lights flashed before her eyes.

“You’re always so wet.” He said with a grunt as he slammed into her over and over.

“I’m always horny.” She said as she held onto him. “You have no clue how hard it is to not jump your bones every second of every day.” She said with a pant as she rode him, her back pressed against the wall.

“You werewolves, I’m surprised there’s not an overpopulation of wolf pups.” He said with a grunt as he slammed into her.

“God yes.” She groaned as her arms slid up the wall and dug her nails into the wallpaper. She felt it fall apart in her hands and didn’t care.

“Sammy.” Boone groaned as he slammed into her again.

“Yes, right there, flippin’ hell, I’m going to explode!” Sammy hollered out, making Boone laugh.

“Explode for me.” Boone said with a grunt. “And I’ll follow.”

His words made her do exactly that. She felt her body tighten and every fiber of her being exploded in colors and feelings. Boone grunted when she tightened around his cock, then slammed into her one last time before he followed her and let himself go, deep inside her.

Breathing heavily, they stayed in their position, just listening to each other’s heartbeats and the tick of the clock in her living room. One-thousand-three-hundred and ninety-eight ticks went by; before Boone grunted and let her slide down his body.

“You’re a wild woman, Miss Prescott.” He said as he looked down at her.

“Only with you.” She said with a grin as she leaned against him.

“You may want to get dressed, I bet Monty would like to come back in.” Boone said with a laugh.

“Do I look like I care?” She asked with a grin.

Boone laughed. “What if your parents caught him waiting outside the suite? How do you think he will explain it, without telling them that their daughter is in her suite half-naked, being slammed against the wall in her hall?”

Her eyes opened wide at the reminder of her parents. She quickly picked up her clothes and started throwing them on. Boone laughed as he helped her into her shirt, then watched her slide the shorts up her very sexy legs.

“You two finished? Mr. and Mrs. Prescott just got home from work.” Monty whispered as he opened the front door.

“You can come in.” Boone said with a laugh as he gave Sammy a ‘I told you so’ look.

“Good, because I am not prepared to explain this one.” Monty said as he entered the suite.

They heard a noise in Raye’s room and turned to the door. They slowly opened her door and found her trying to get out of bed.

“Raye, be careful.” Sammy said as she rushed to her best friend.

Raye looked at Sammy, a confused look on her face. “What the hell happened?”

Sammy helped Raye to sit up, then told her about the other night. Raye grunted as her face fell into her hands. She had been so gun-ho to help her friends, she’d gotten herself into the worst kind of trouble.

“So, I’m going to change on a full moon like you guys?” Raye asked as she looked at her friends.

Sammy and Monty looked at each other, then at Raye and nodded.

Raye started to cry, and Sammy pulled her into her arms.

“Do you find us that repulsive?” Monty asked with a frown.

Raye shook her head. “You were born into it, I wasn’t, this was forced on me…”

“I don’t remember any of my past Raye, I’m as new at this as you are. We can learn it together.” Sammy said with a smile.

“Yeah, but you have this whole Alpha thing going for you, and you have a mate to help you. What do I have?” Raye asked with a cry.

“You have us.” Sammy said as she pulled her friend closer. “You will always have us.”

“Yeah, you were pack before this. You will always be pack. Don’t forget, the Alpha Wolf Zephron, chose you to be a part of her pack.” Monty said with a smile.

“And she chose wisely.” Sammy said as she kissed her friend’s cheek. “You’re my best friend Raye, nothing will ever change that. And hey, at least now you can run wild with us.”

Raye pulled back and smiled at Sammy. “Will it hurt?”

“Yes.” Monty said before Sammy could answer. “It doesn’t hurt for born wolves, but it does for bitten.”

Raye frowned. “That’s not fair.”

“We were born to it, rather than poisoned with it, so the change is different for us.” Monty explained.

“We’ll be there for you, through the whole process.” Sammy promised as she hugged her best friend.

“Luckily, we have a few weeks before the full moon cycle and can prepare you for it.” Monty said with a nod.

“Great, now besides my school homework, I’ll have werewolf homework.” Raye said with a groan.

Sammy laughed softly. “I’ll help you with both.”

“The only thing you’ll need to worry about is your anger and your temper. You’re stronger now, so you need to be careful of what you do.” Monty warned.

“And who you hit.” Boone said with a laugh.

Both girls giggled at the memory of Raye punching Kendra.

Great, now she’s going to be like her father. High tempered, and easy to anger. His Achilles heel is booze, hers’ is, werewolfism. Is that even a word? She wondered.

She sighed as images of her father popped into her head. She has tried so hard to not be like him. But in the end, aren’t we all like our parents?

She looked at Sammy and shook her head. Sammy is nothing like her parents, of course, she was adopted, but still, she was raised by them. She is her own person, and by god, so is Raye. She is not going to be like her father, she is not going to let her disease rule her life, depict who she is.

She is Raye, Sammy’s best friend, claimed by a powerful Alpha, loved by her three friends.

A Bitten Wolf.

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