Memories of the Blue Moon (Lunar of the Moon - Chronicles - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Eleven: The Wolf Inside

Sammy walked out to her living room and paused when she saw Raye and Monty sitting on the couch talking. They stopped when they saw her, and Monty stood.


“My name is Sammy.” Sammy said with a shake of her head. “Samantha Prescott.” She said with a hitch to her voice.

“Right. I was told you would probably not remember.” Monty said with a frown.

“I’m going out to the gardens.” She put up a hand and shook her head when he went to follow her. “Don’t follow me.”

He nodded and sat back down. She sighed as she left her suite. She heard someone behind her and turned around to find Raye watching her as she approached. Sammy nodded to her friend and continued down the stairs. They walked to the garden in silence. Once they were sitting on the bench beside one of the ponds, Raye broke the silence.

“How are you feeling?”

“Betrayed.” Sammy said with a sigh.

Raye nodded. “I think he’s in love with you.”

“Monty?” Sammy asked as she stared at her.

Raye laughed. “No, Boone. Monty loves you though, or he loves Aly.”

“I don’t even know who that is.” Sammy said with a frown.

“I know.” Raye said with a sigh. “Do you believe everything they have said?”

Sammy shrugged. “They have no reason to lie. But it does sound crazy.”

Raye nodded. “There is a way to see if what they say is true.”

“How?” Sammy asked as she squinted her eyes at her friend.

Raye reached into her pocket and pulled out a knife. Sammy sucked in a shocked breath and jumped to her feet away from her.

Raye laughed. “Relax, girl, I was going to suggest you cut your finger or your palm.” She said as she held the knife out to Sammy.

Sammy sighed as her hand came up to her pounding heart. “Sorry. After what I’ve been through…”

Raye nodded as she shook the pocket knife at her.

Sammy took a deep breath and pulled the knife out of her friend’s hand, then flipped it open and stared at the blade. It was very sharp. She took a deep breath then wrapped her palm around the blade and pulled it across her hand.

“Holy shit!” She cried out as pain shot through her hand.

Raye laughed. “You didn’t have to do it so deep, Sammy. Just a prick would have done it.”

“Didn’t know it would hurt so much.” Sammy cried.

“You have healing abilities, not pain resistance.” Raye said with a laugh as she stood up and pried her friends bleeding palm open.

“Is it bad? Do I need stitches?” Sammy asked, not wanting to look at it.

“It’s already fully healed.” Raye said as she wiped away the blood to examine where the cut had been.

Sammy stared down at her palm. Other than the blood, you would never know that she had just sliced her hand open, with a pocket knife. She flexed her fingers as she stared at her palm.

“Guess they weren’t pulling our legs.” Raye said as she let go of Sammy’s hand.

“This is so stupid.” Sammy said as she handed Raye the knife back.

“Close it.” Raye said without taking it back.

“What?” Sammy asked confused.

“You opened the knife, you close it.” Raye said as she stared at the knife in her friend’s hand.

“That’s ridiculous.” Sammy said as she closed the knife then held it out to her friend again.

“Any more so then you being an Alpha Werewolf?” Raye asked as she pocketed her knife.

Sammy stared at her friend, then they both burst into laughter.

“Okay, so I’m a werewolf now.” Sammy said as her laughter calmed. “What do I do?”

“Howl at the moon? Hell, I don’t know.” Raye said with a huff.

“I guess the only ones who do know are up in my suite.” Sammy said as she looked up at the window to her suite’s living room, where she had left the werewolf.

God, that sounded crazy even in her head.

“I guess we can get more answers from him. Like why he bit you, and what that means, and if you’ll get your memories back, and if he expects you to run his pack now…”

“That’s a lot of questions.” Sammy said with a big sigh.

Raye nodded. “It’s a lot of shit to process.” She said, then placed her arm over her friend’s shoulders and steered her towards the house, as they started walking. “I knew you were going to be exciting to know.”

“Exciting, yeah, sure. More like frightening. What if I eat you?” Sammy asked as she looked at her friend with worry in her eyes.

“Then I guess Boone will have to shoot you.” Raye said with a smile.

“Yeah, that’s encouraging. I eat my best friend, then get shot by my boyfriend. What a weekend.”

Raye laughed as she pulled Sammy close. She was happy she still considered Boone her boyfriend because that boy was nuts about her. And she knows Sammy felt the same.

They entered the suite together and found the guys in the living room.

“Okay, so we believe you.” Raye said as she stopped behind the couch, closest to the door.

Boone saw the drying blood on Sammy’s hand and panicked. “What happened?!”

Monty had already smelt the blood and understood. “She cut her hand to watch it heal.”

Boone stopped in front of Sammy and lifted her hand to look at it.

“We want answers.” Sammy said as she pulled her hand away from his touch before she fell into his arms again.

“I will tell you anything and everything you need to know.” Monty said from his place in front of the other couch.

Sammy looked at him. “How exactly did you know where to find me?”

Monty sighed. “I had been searching since the day you disappeared. A few months ago, I finally found someone who was able to tap into the witch who had cast the spell on you and discovered what exactly he had done. Then I pinpointed your location, then sniffed you out.”

“Sniffed me out?” Sammy asked as she wrinkled her nose.

“I should say, my wolf sniffed you out. He knows your wolf’s scent. Your whole pack would know your scent anywhere.”

“The Alpha Wolf inside me.” Sammy said with a nod. How had she known that?

“Right.” Monty said.

“Why did you bite me?”

“To get the werewolf blood pumping through your veins again.” He said as he watched her.

“But why you? Why not someone else from the pack?”

“It had to be me.” He said as he sat on the couch.

“Why?” Sammy asked as she moved around the other couch and sat on it.

Raye joined her, and Boone stood behind them. She could sense him and smell him. Man, he smelled good, even better than before. Guess her wolf senses were strong.

“My sister is the Leader of our pack, Aly left her in charge, she couldn’t do it. And my father helps her, so there was no other option, it had to be me.”

“The blood.” Boone said with understanding.

Sammy looked back at him. “What blood?”

“It had to be a blood relative to bite you, or you would have gone feral.” Monty said as he watched her.

“Oh.” Sammy whispered.

“This is all so nuts.” Raye said with a grunt.

“Won’t get arguments from me.” Sammy said with a frown.

“Sammy.” Monty said as he leaned forward on the couch. “I really am sorry. We have been searching for you for so long, and it’s getting harder to hide.”

“What are you hiding from?” Raye asked,

“Probably hunters.” Sammy said without looking up at Boone. She could hear him grunt behind her and smiled. Good, she had hit a nerve.

“No, not hunters. There is an Alpha who is trying to take control of the pack. My sister does a great job leading us, but…”

“She’s not an Alpha.” Boone finished for him.

“Yeah.” Monty said with a nod.

“Well, I guess we will find out tonight, whether I am who you think I am.” Sammy said as she looked at her watch.

“Right.” Raye said as she looked outside. “It’s already getting dark.”

“I think we should get home.” Boone said as he took hold of Raye.

“Don’t go.” Sammy said as she looked at him.

“You don’t have to worry about us Boone.” Monty said as he watched the hunter. “Unless you’re worried, you’re going to want to kill us.”

“You, maybe.” Boone said as he looked at Monty.

Sammy smiled. She knew he was saying he wouldn’t hurt her. And that thought made her heart swell. She got to her feet and touched his arm.

“Come with me.” She whispered as she led him down the hall.

Raye and Monty watched them as they entered Sammy’s bedroom.

“It’s good to get all that pent-up anger and frustration out before the change, but I think she may be more then Boone can handle. Tonight is the full moon, and Aly has never been with a man…” He looked over at Raye with red cheeks.

Raye laughed. “I think Boone can handle himself. Why don’t you worry about yourself, better yet, tell me about yourself.”

He smiled as he leaned forward and started talking.


“I want you to tell me why you didn’t kill me.” Sammy said as they entered her room.

“What?” He asked as he watched her turn to face him.

Sammy looked up at him, she felt something deep inside her growl. Was that her inner wolf?

“I. Want. You. To tell me. Why. You didn’t kill me. When Monty. Bit me.”

He watched the emotions play over her face as she slowly said her words.

He sighed. “Because I care about you, and I couldn’t bring myself to…”

“Bull shit!” She yelled as she gave him a shove.

Boone fell hard against the door making the whole wall rattle.

Raye and Monty turned their heads towards the bedroom then went back to talking.

“What do you want from me?” Boone asked as he looked into Sammy’s beautiful eyes. He should have known just from those blueish gray eyes of hers, that she wasn’t fully human.

“I want the truth.” She said with a growl as she got into his face.

“Fine.” He said with an angry growl as he grabbed hold of her arms and spun them around, slamming her back into the door, making everything rattle. “I didn’t kill you because I love you!” He yelled into her face. “There! Is that what you wanted?!”

She pushed his hands off her arms, then gave him a shove, sending him flying across the room and onto her bed. Her bed collapsed under his weight, but she didn’t care, she jumped on top of him before he could get up.

“That’s exactly what I wanted to hear!” She yelled in his face. “Because I love you too!”

“Well then good!” He yelled back at her.

They laid there on the bed like that, her on top seething, him under her staring up at her, his eyes throwing blazing daggers at her.

“God.” He groaned, then yanked her down and kissed her.

She groaned as he pressed her against him. She tried to push his arms away, but he was strong, though she knows now that she is stronger, she let him have full control as he let go of her head, then gave her a shove off him and sent her across the room against the wall. He was up off the bed so fast, she didn’t have time to think, before he was against her, pinning her to the wall.

She whimpered as he smashed his mouth against hers again. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he slammed his pelvis against her.

“Say it again.” He said with a growl.

She groaned as his hand slid up her top. “I love you.” She whispered.

He grunted as he took her mouth again, then slammed himself against her again and again.

Sammy felt her wolf howl inside her and groaned. She hasn’t even transformed yet and she can already feel the wolf, wanting Sammy to let her take over.

No, he’s mine. Sammy thought as she fought against the wolf. But who was she kidding, she and the wolf both knew that this man, this hunter, is theirs.

And they both plan to devour him.

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