Memories of the Blue Moon (Lunar of the Moon - Chronicles - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Ten: Storyteller

Monty followed close behind Boone.

“Wait, what? Werewolves, hunters, what in the world are you two talking about?” Raye asked as she followed them out of the woods.

“Ask the wolf here.” Boone said as he nodded towards Monty.

“Monty?” Raye asked as she looked at the boy they had accepted into their small group.

Monty rubbed the back of his neck as he paused to look at her. “Well…”

“Wait, are you that wolf I saw bite Sammy?” She asked stunned.

Monty cleared his throat. “Yeah.”

Raye drew back and punched Monty in the jaw then screamed as she took hold of her hand.

Boone had stopped when he heard the scream and shook his head. “Humans should never punch a werewolf, especially a born wolf, on the cycle of the moon.” He said, then turned and started heading for the house again.

“A born what?” Raye asked as she cradled her hand.

“Born wolf. I’ll tell you more about it when we get inside and get your hand iced.” Monty said as he took hold of her elbow and pulled her towards Sammy’s house.

When they got to the gate, Raye told Monty the code, then followed them inside. They managed to get Sammy up the stairs and into her suite, without disturbing anyone. Boone walked down the hall to Sammy’s room and laid her on her bed. He stood over her and watched her for a few minutes before he sighed and walked back out to the living room. Monty had been right, a hunter protecting a werewolf, was rare indeed.

“Okay, spill.” Boone said as he sat on the couch and folded his ankle over his knee.

Monty took in a deep breath as he started to pace the floor. Raye sat on the other couch, with an icepack on her sore hand. Monty paused his pacing to look between them.

“My finding you three wasn’t an accident or a coincident.” He said as he took a deep breath.

“Yeah, we figured that out already, get on with it.” Boone said with a grunt.

Monty grumbled as he started pacing again. “I come from a pack that originated in Poland, thousands of years ago. We were one of the few packs who never killed, unless necessary and only hunted wild animals. We are a strong and powerful pack, and our Alpha was kind and loving. One day, she disappeared, and we never saw her again. We knew who had taken her, but we didn’t know what he had done with her. We would pick up on her scent, then lose her. That happened every fifteen to twenty years, for three hundred years.”

“Three hundred what?” Raye asked shocked.

“Born wolves are immortal.” Boone said as he glanced at Raye, then looked back at Monty.

“Our bitten wolves are as well. We have a powerful witch, who keeps our pack alive.” Monty said as he looked at Boone.

“Wait, you have a what?” Raye asked, her eyes open wide.

“A witch, you know, broomstick, pointy hat.” Boone said with a smile.

She stuck her tongue out at him.

Boone looked back at Monty. “So, you’re saying that your Alpha went missing, just like that?” He asked as he snapped his fingers.

Monty nodded his head.

Boone growled under his breath. “I don’t believe it.”

“It’s true. One day we found a stone with something engraved into it, telling us that our Alpha was gone, and not to bother looking for her. But of course, we did anyway, and we always lost her, until now.” Monty said as he stopped pacing.

“What is different about now?” Raye asked as she stared at Monty wide-eyed.

“Sammy.” Boone said as he watched Monty. “So, you’re telling me that someone kidnapped your Alpha?”

Monty nodded. “A very powerful witch. We have been a step behind him, for the past three hundred years. And we keep coming close to finding our Alpha, then losing her again. It wasn’t until recently that I figured out what he had done to her.”

Boone moved his ankle off his knee and leaned forward, to stare at the werewolf. “He had turned her human.”

Monty looked at Boone and nodded. “Every thirty years, she was reborn, and someone would find her and raise her. Every fifteen years or so, we would catch her scent and before we could catch up to her, it would be gone for another fifteen years.”

“Why?” Raye asked confused.

Boone understood. “She would be reborn, and when she would go through puberty, you would catch the wolf’s scent.”

Monty nodded. “I figured that out a few months ago. I caught a plane out here as soon as I could and followed her wolf here.”

“But why did you bite Sammy?” Raye asked, still confused.

“To bring out her wolf.” Boone said as he got to his feet.

Raye finally got it. “You think Sammy is your Alpha.”

“I know she is.” Monty said with a nod.

“What did you do, sniff all the girls in school?” Raye asked as her nose wrinkled.

Monty shook his head. “The scent helped, but I would know her face from anywhere. Even as a human, she still looks the same. She’s still my Aly, my Alpha.”

“You loved her.” Raye said as she watched him.

He looked at her. “I still love her. She’s my cousin.”

“Oh!” Raye said with a laugh. “I thought I saw something familiar in your face. You have similar features.”

“Did you say, Aly?” Boone asked as he looked at Monty.

Monty looked at him with a nod.

“Alameda?” Boone asked.

Monty eyed him. “Yes.”

Boone whistled as he shook his head.

“What?” Raye asked as she looked at him.

“Alameda Kalt. I read a lot about her. She was the strongest and most powerful Alpha ever born.” He looked at Monty. “And you’re sure it’s Sammy?”

Monty nodded. “I know her wolf, and her human form still looks like Aly. It’s her.”

Boone shook his head as he walked down the hall to Sammy’s room. He had known something was pulling him to her, all these months. She’s not just some normal werewolf mutt. She’s an Alpha, for crying out loud. No wonder he had felt such a strong pull, her wolf is among the strongest in the world. If she could pull a hunter to her as a human, what can she do as a werewolf? He stopped at the doorway to her room and watched her sleep.

All his life his family has talked about Alpha’s and how dangerous they are, and to stay clear if he came across one. Then his dumb ass had to go and fall for one. Boy is his mother going to have his hide. No hunting for him for a month. But wait, he’s eighteen now, can’t he do whatever he wants? Whatever his heart wants?

He studied Sammy as she slept. Alameda Kalt. He shook his head. Yeah, he can do whatever he wants. Have whatever he wants. And what he wants, is Sammy.


Sammy slowly woke with a sigh. Where was she? She opened her eyes and recognized her bedroom. How had she gotten here? The last thing she remembered was being bitten by a large wolf and then screaming in agony.


Sammy looked up at the voice and felt her heart flutter.

“How did I get here?” She asked as she watched him move into her room.

“I carried you here from the forest. How are you feeling?”

She took in a deep breath and looked down at her arm. There was nothing there, no cuts, no puncture marks, no blood. What the hell?

“Was it a dream?” She whispered, mostly to herself. But Boone answered.

“No. There’s a lot we need to tell you.”

“We?” She asked as she looked up at him. She let out a scream when she saw Monty standing behind him. “Why did you let him into my house?!”

“Sammy.” Monty said as he started to move around Boone.

Boone placed his hand out to stop him. “Let me talk to her first.”

Monty looked up at him, then at Sammy who was cowering against her headboard and sighed. “I’m sorry.” He said before he turned and left the room.

“Boone?” Sammy asked as she watched him.

Boone sighed. He knows she’s going to hate him too, once he’s through telling her everything.

“Sammy, there’s so much you need to know.” He said as he moved over to the bed and sat down on the edge.

“What’s going on?” She asked as she stared at her arm again. “Why are there no bite marks on my arm?”

“Sammy…” He couldn’t say it.

He needed to tell her everything that he had found out and everything about himself. But the minute he did, she would never look at him with that trust in her eyes again.

Sammy watched Boone as he contemplated things in his head. When his eyes lingered on her lips, she felt her heart skip a beat.

“Boone.” She whispered as she watched him lean across the bed towards her.

“Sammy.” He whispered.

He sounded like he was in agony. She felt like she was too as she moved towards him. When their lips met, she sucked in a deep breath, as sensations swarmed her body. All hot and electrical and so exciting.

He groaned as he pulled her across the bed and settled her on his lap. She moaned as his right hand settled on her hip, while his left hand cupped her face.

She opened her mouth to his kiss and firecrackers exploded in her mind, when his tongue touched hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. He grunted as his fingers pressed into her hip.

“Sammy.” He whispered before he took her mouth again.

She groaned against his mouth as his scent overpowered her senses. She growled as she moved her body to straddle him. He sucked in a breath when she lightly nipped at his bottom lip. Not enough to hurt, just enough to excite. And it did, both of them. He grabbed hold of her ass cheeks as she ground her hips and pelvis against him. She has never acted like this before, she even felt like howling.

“Sammy.” He said as he pulled his head back panting.

She sat still as she stared at him. He looked about as shocked as she felt.

“Sorry.” She breathed as she started to move off him.

He grabbed her hips to keep her in place.

“Don’t be.” He said as he looked up into her eyes. God, she was beautiful.

“I don’t know what had come over me. I have never kissed a boy before, let alone acted like a sex-starved maniac…” She stopped talking when she saw the look in his eyes.

“You’ve never kissed a boy?” He asked with a smirk.

She laid her head on his shoulder when she felt her cheeks redden and shook her head.

He laughed softly.

“Don’t make fun of me.” She mumbled against him.

He sighed. “I’m not laughing at you, Sammy.” He said as he wrapped his arms around her waist. “Just this whole damn situation.”

“What situation?” She asked as she pulled her head away from his shoulder.

“With Monty.” He said with a growl.

She made a face at the mention of her attacker’s name.

“Have you really never kissed a boy?” He asked as he watched her face.

She shook her head as she looked into his eyes. “Pryce kissed me once when we were working on our project together. But I didn’t kiss him back, so I guess that counts as never kissing a boy.”

“He forced himself on you?” Boone asked with a hint of anger.

She nodded. “I kicked him off me. I don’t know where I’d gotten the strength to do it, he was heavy. But he flew across the room and landed on the other couch.”

Boone laughed. Never mess with an angry Alpha Werewolf, even if she’s human. Or was… god, what was going on? He sighed as he kissed her lips softly, then set her on the bed beside him.

“Sit. I have a story to tell you.”

She obeyed as she looked up at him with curious eyes.

Boone took a deep breath, then told her everything Monty had told them last night, and everything he has done in his life. And why he had really come to her school, and why he had hung out with her over the summer. When he finished, she looked so sad and lonely, he wanted to pull her back onto his lap and hold her forever.

“And Raye, is she a part of this?” She asked as she looked at him.

He shook his head. “She’s an innocent bystander.”

She nodded as she got to her feet.


“I just want to be alone.” She said as she avoided his hand and left the room.

Boone sat on the edge of the bed with a heavy heart. Is she ever going to look at him the way she had, just a short while ago, when she was in his lap and devouring him? He shook his head, maybe it was a good thing, he is a hunter after all.

His job is to hunt them, not fall in love with them.

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