Memories of the Blue Moon (Lunar of the Moon - Chronicles - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Twelve: Full Moon

“You’re ours.” Sammy said with a growl as she grabbed Boone’s hair and held his mouth to hers.

“And you’re mine.” He said as he stripped them of their clothes.

“Mine.” She growled as she jumped on him and wrapped her legs around his hips.

He growled as he nipped at her naked shoulder. He turned from the wall and walked over to the broken bed with her legs wrapped around his hips. He lowered her to the bed and kissed down her body.

She was so hot and ready for him. She sucked in a breath when he pulled her nipple into his mouth.

“Mine.” She said on a groan.

He licked up her throat and kissed her lips, then slid inside her, making her cry out against his mouth.

“Sammy.” He groaned as he paused.

“Don’t stop.” She said on a puff of air.

With a growl, he slammed into her making her scream as her back came up off the bed. He slammed into her again and felt her pulse around him. He had only had two girls before Sammy, but none of them had ever felt this intense, this exciting. Well, it did help that he was having sex with a werewolf, an Alpha to be exact. And she hasn’t even shifted yet, not in three hundred years. But she was still wild. He wondered if Aly was just as much a virgin as Sammy, he had a feeling she was.

“Boone!” Sammy cried out as her body exploded in so much pleasure and excitement.

He didn’t answer, he just continued his movements. Making her quiver under him as he slammed himself deep inside her. They growled loudly together as the sensations exploded around them and he let himself loose deep inside her.

Breathing heavily, they laid there in the middle of her broken bed, just holding onto each other.

“Are you two done yet?” Raye asked as she knocked on the door.

“What’s the hurry?” Boone called out as he kissed Sammy’s sweaty shoulder.

“The moon.” Raye called.

They looked out the bedroom window at the same time. How had it become so dark all of a sudden? How long had they been lost in each other?

“We will be out soon.” Boone said with a growl.

They heard Raye walk down the hall and Boone looked up into Sammy’s beautiful face.

“You’re so wonderfully soft and hard, at the same time.” He said as he rubbed her thigh.

“You too.” She said as she ran her hand over his chest.

“One more round?” He asked as he wagged his eyebrows.

She tilted her head back and laughed. “We already lost so much time. I don’t want to change in the middle of it and hurt you.”

He smiled as he kissed her lips. “I don’t think you could.”

“What, hurt you?”

He shook his head. “You’re an Alpha, you have more control over your changes than any other wolf.”

“I was an Alpha.” She said as she shook her head. “We don’t know what will happen now that I’m a bitten wolf.”

He kissed her lips. “You are still an Alpha, she’s locked in there somewhere, and we will find her, together.”

She smiled as she kissed his lips then pushed him off her. “I need to get dressed.”

He moved off her and watched her sexy body as she dressed.

She turned and smiled at him. “Not that I wouldn’t love to see you naked all night, but my parents would have a fit if you walked down the stairs like that.”

He laughed as he jumped to his feet and took her into his arms and kissed her. “As you wish.”


The four of them snuck out of the house without being seen by anyone. Monty led them all to a part of the woods, that was far enough from civilization.

“I can feel the moon.” Sammy said as she looked up at the sky.

“It calls it’s Alpha.” Monty said with a smile.

“Don’t you feel it?” Sammy asked as she looked at Monty.

He nodded. “All wolves do. But not as strongly as an Alpha does.”

“Are you scared?” Boone asked as he wrapped his arms around her from behind.

She leaned back against him and shook her head. “More like, excited. I feel so different, so confident. Before Monty had bitten me, I never would have done what we did in my room…” She stopped talking as her cheeks turned red.

He chuckled as he kissed her hot cheek.

“It’s time.” She said as she backed away from him. “Don’t let me hurt you.” She whispered as she continued to back away from him.

He nodded as he watched her. He has never watched a werewolf transform before, and from what he has read, an Alpha transformation was incredible.

She sighed as she closed her eyes and let the wolf take over. She lifted her arms from her sides as she tilted her head to the moon, her eyes still closed. She felt the change instantly. Her whole body quivered, her face stretched as a muzzle popped out and her body shifted to the side. It didn’t hurt, but it wasn’t comfortable either. She got down on all fours and soon the wolf was in full control.

“Her first transformation.” Monty said in awe.

“That was incredible.” Raye whispered.

“Sammy?” Boone whispered as he moved closer to the wolf. She was beautiful. Her fur was the most beautiful silver and gray and sparkled in the moonlight.

The wolf looked up at him, he could see in her eyes that she did not know that name. Her eyes were beautiful. One was a beautiful golden brown, and the other was a silver-blue, and they both stared right at him.

“Careful Boone, she’s not Sammy anymore.” Monty said as he touched Boone’s arm. “That’s Zephron.”

“Who?” Raye asked.

“The Alpha wolf.” Monty whispered in awe. “It’s been so long.”

“I thought you born wolves have full control.” Raye whispered. “What are we doing out here?”

“This is Zephron’s first transformation in over three hundred years. She is dominant at the moment.”

“How do you know?” Raye asked as she started to back away.

“Because I don’t feel Sammy right now, only her wolf.” Monty whispered.

“Zephron you say?” Boone asked as he took a step towards the large, silver wolf.

“Boone don’t.” Raye squeaked.

Zephron looked at them, her eyes taking in the scene. She recognized Monty as her pack, her kin, the girl was new, and the man, he was, he was.


Raye screamed when the large wolf ran at Boone and knocked him off his feet as she landed on top of him.

Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine.

Boone let out a booming laugh as the large wolf licked his face with her large tongue.

“What in the world?” Raye asked stunned.

Monty shook his head. “I should have known the wolf would claim him as hers when Sammy did.”

“What?” Raye asked confused.

“Boone is their mate now.”

“Their what?” Raye squealed.

“All wolves have a mate. We just don’t all find them. And Zephron chose Boone when Sammy did.”

“But he’s human.” Raye said confused.

“So.” Monty said with a shrug. “My mom is human.”

“Oh.” Raye whispered.

“Zephron!” Monty hollered.

The large wolf jumped off Boone and pawed over to Monty and sniffed him. She doesn’t remember him, but she knows he is her pack. She nodded her large head, then bumped it into his chest.

Monty smiled as he patted her head. “She recognizes me, even if she doesn’t remember.”

“How?” Raye asked confused.

“My scent. She knows I’m pack.”

Raye squealed when the large wolf turned to her.

New. Zephron sniffed the new girl. Not wolf, human. But pack.

The large wolf bumped her head against Raye. Raye slowly pet the wolf’s nose.

“She has accepted you as pack.” Monty said with a smile.

“But I’m not a wolf, or a mate.” Raye said as she looked into the wolf’s beautiful eyes.

“She recognizes your scent from Sammy, she knows you’re one of us.”

“Okay, so now that we have all that settled, what do we do now?” Boone asked as he got to his feet.

Pack. Zephron leaned into Raye almost knocking her over.

“Whoa, careful Zeph.” Raye said as she caught herself from falling.

More pack. Zephron sniffed around looking for more of her pack.

Monty knew what she was doing and frowned. “No more pack around here, Zephron. Hopefully, they will be here soon.”

Zephron whimpered as she moved over to Boone and leaned against him.

“An Alpha without a pack.” Boone said with a frown.

“We’re your pack, Zeph.” Raye said as she moved over to her friend and laid her hand on her large back.

The wolf turned her head and sniffed her hair, then blew hot air into her face. Raye laughed as she wiped her face.

“Our pack should be here soon, I hope. But until then, I want to try and pull Aly’s memories forward. That will help a lot. Right now, she’s not only an Alpha without a pack, she’s an Alpha without her powers. She can change, and she has strength, but that’s just a small portion of an Alpha. We need our Alpha if we’re going to beat Sebastian and his pack; when they try to claim us.” Monty said as he began to strip.

Zephron looked at him excitedly. Raye covered her eyes and Boone got lost in thought.

Monty quickly changed into his wolf and headbutted with his Alpha. Zephron looked at Boone like she was asking for his permission.

Boone smiled at the large wolf. “Go, but don’t go too far.”

A large tongue licked up his face then both wolves were gone.

“This has been the craziest weekend of my life.” Raye said as she watched the two large wolves run off into the wood.

“Yeah, and it’s just getting started.” Boone said with a laugh.

Not only do they need to get Alameda and Zephron’s memories back, but they also need to watch out for hunters. He never would have believed in good werewolves, if he hadn’t met Monty and Sammy himself. Aly is a very strong Alpha, and she can protect her pack. But without the powers of an Alpha, she’s just a juiced-up werewolf. They need a plan and they need to figure out how they’re going to protect the pack and defeat the Alpha who wanted his girlfriend’s pack, for himself.

“You okay?” Raye asked as she watched him.

Boone nodded. “Just thinking. There’s so much we need to consider.”

“Yeah, like when is your family going to show up here and kill my best friend and your girlfriend?”

Boone looked at her with a grunt. He has been wondered the same thing since Monty had bitten Sammy.

A loud noise had them both turning to find the two large wolves barreling towards them. They both skidded to a stop in front of them.

Zephron howled then turned to look behind her.

Boone paused and listened. Something was rustling through the woods. Or rather someone.

“Hunters.” Boone whispered. “Change to human, quickly.” Boone hissed.

Monty quickly shifted to his human form and slipped his clothes back on.

“Why won’t Sammy change?” Raye cried.

“Because I bit her, this is her first change. She will go back to normal next full moon, but for now, she’s a slave to the moon.” Monty said with panic laced in his voice.

Boone took hold of Zephron’s large head and made her look at him. “Get Monty and Raye to Sammy’s parent’s house and hide in the garage. Do you understand?”

Zephron responded by licking his face. Boone laughed as he laid his forehead against hers.

“Be careful.” He whispered.

She bumped his forehead as to say, you too, then laid down so Monty and Raye could climb onto her back.

“I will meet up with you guys later, stay hidden.” Boone told them.

With a slight whimper, Zephron took off towards the Prescott house, with three-fourths of her pack on her back, but her heart stayed in the woods with the man she loves.


Zephron paced the garage. Luckily Sammy’s parents collect cars and they had a huge garage.

“He’ll be okay.” Raye assured the wolf.

Zephron looked at her then back at the door as she waited for her mate to come back.

“She’s going to wear a hole in the floor with her pacing.” Monty said as he watched his cousin.

“You would too if that was your mate out there, with a bunch of hunters.” Raye said with a huff.

“You forget that Boone is a hunter too. They won’t shoot him.”

“What if they find out that he switched sides and he is now team werewolf?” She asked as she continued to watch the large wolf.

“Then we will have a problem.” Monty said with a grunt.

“And why do I have to hide? I’m a human.”

“Because you smell like a wolf. You have Sammy and Zephron’s sent, all over you.”

She sniffed herself and sighed. She didn’t smell it, but who was she but a lowly human.

Zephron whimpered as she hunkered down and laid her head on her paws.

“Let’s go to Sammy’s suite. Zephron will be safe here.” Monty said as he stood and helped Raye to her feet. “It will be more comfortable for us there.”

Raye nodded and let him lead her out of the garage.

Zephron laid on the floor of the garage, her eyes on the door as she waited for her mate to come for her. He will be back; she knows he will.

She closed her eyes with a large sigh and drifted off to sleep.

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