Memories of Gaia: A new day is dawning

chapter 8 Sora

“We have to,” Elden was saying as Aira adamantly shook her head no. She was against the idea of traveling to the Forbidden Lands, stating she would stay in the trees of the forest forever instead.

“It is the only place left on Gaia that we have not searched!” Elden nearly shouted as he threw his arms up into the air. That statement was not true, as there were several places left, but the elf crossed her arms and stubbornly looked away.

“Those lands are forbidden by my people! Hence the name, Forbidden lands.” Aira repeated, her eyes cast downwards as she repeated her feeble argument.

“But we need you, Aira,” Akari pressed, tilting her head in an attempt to lock eyes with the stubborn elf. “Your people do not have to know. Is it not also forbidden for you to travel with those who are not elves?”

Aira’s eyes flashed as she raised her head to glare at Akari. Valeena was certain that Akari would be dead if looks were able to kill. Even Rowan took a step back, his smile faltering on his lips as he spied those deadly, silver eyes.

“It will be fine,” Akari said with a weak smile but a firm voice. Her tone even made Valeena want to believe it. She was too afraid to admit that she, too, was terrified to travel to the Forbidden Lands.

“How are we to cross the sea anyway?” Aira asked, her voice raising. “There is nowhere to hide when you are stuck on a boat!”

Nyles nodded in agreement as he said, “I too, am opposed to the boat idea!” He elbowed Rowan as he said, “We could fly!” Rowan made a face as Nyles spread his stone wings, striking him painfully on the side.

“Only you can fly,” Valeena reminded him, shaking her head. She glanced down at the small key that was dangling from her wrist. Valeena lifted her arm up casually, pretending to fix her hair. She strained her eyes for any markings on the key that might help her in discovering its purpose.

“What is that Val?” Elden asked as the light caught the silver key and reflected it back into his eyes. Valeena shrugged as she wiggled her wrist, dropping her hand at her side.

“Steel gave it to me. She-”

“Steel is alive?” Nyles interrupted as a foolish smile crossed his face. Valeena rolled her eyes as she continued, raising her voice.

“AS I WAS SAYING, Steel gave me this key and said it would help me get to where I need to go. But I have no clue what it is for.” Valeena held up her arm as Elden approached, reaching for the object. He examined it as Valeena stood uncomfortably still, becoming extremely aware of her rapid breathing. After several seconds Elden released the key and shrugged.

“It is not like any key I have seen before. The cuts come together near the tip, making an odd triangle shape. And the top is like a small heart.”

“Let’s just find her and ask!” Nyles suggested as he proceeded to walk forward several paces in an elaborate strut.

“No, we cannot! I promised her that I would act as though she were dead! Seeking her out to speak to her is the opposite of what she wants!” Valeena said quickly as she raced ahead of Nyles, putting her hands out to stop him.

“We should just go to Vaughnstein and search around. I am sure we will find some clue to help us!” Akari suggested, ignoring the way Nyles grinned at the thought of catching a glance of the legendary Steel.

“I suppose it could not hurt, let’s go,” Valeena said, gesturing for Elden to lead the way. The team formed a line, Elden walking in front, while Fenrir trailed behind. Valeena felt safer having Elden with them as the things in the dark scurried away.

“You’re staring at me again,” Elden said softly as his eyes glanced back at Valeena who quickly cast her own eyes aside. Aira scoffed loudly, tripping over a branch that was hidden in the fog. She fell forward into Rowan, wrapping her arms around his waist to keep herself from hitting the forest floor.

“Well, hell there.” Rowan teased, causing Aira to shove him as she quickly rushed to her feet. Valeena could almost see her red cheeks through the shadows.

“Oh, no,” Valeena said as the orange light became visible up ahead through the trees. “It’s morning,”

“So what?” Fenrir growled, snapping at a wisp that had just floated out of the fog. “That’s what happens every day about this time. You should be used to it,”

“We are only traveling at night,” Valeena informed the oversized wolf as it tried to pounce on the wisp and failed.

“Well, that’s intelligent,” Fenrir said sarcastically, sending a wave of anger through Valeena. She crossed her arms and said through her teeth, “It’s so Skyrah Nox does not see us,”

Valeena hated the way Fenrir snickered, sending a fresh wave of anger pulsing through her. She hated being made to feel foolish as it had been the Queen’s favorite hobby.

“Let me tell you why that’s a terrible idea.” Fenrir began as the team slowed their pace as the morning light became brighter. “You are going to only travel at night with Elden who is cursed and could transform at any moment. No stop,” Fenrir said as Valeena opened her mouth to protest.

“And the dragon can see in the dark,” He finished quickly with a smug grin on his furry face. Valeena watched as one by one, everyone slowed down or stopped, passing glances to one and another. The edge of the forest was only a few more feet away, and Valeena was still hesitant to reach it. Regardless of what Fenrir had just informed them.

“Elden, use your crystal to manipulate the area so no one sees us,” Fenrir said as he pressed his head on the small of Valeena’s back, nudging her to move. She yawned loudly, forcing the noise out as though it were a soft scream. Fenrir narrowed his eyes at her as he said, “You can sleep now and waste time or get moving and save the world!”

Valeena stifled the second yawn as she made her way towards Vaughnstein, jumping at the roar from the dragon. It was a distant sound but still was far too close for comfort.

“Just go,” Fenrir demanded as he walked out of the trees, his paws nearly hitting the abandoned beetle shell. Valeena caught a soft giggle that Akari released, but she said nothing else. The sky was bathed in a lovely yellow shade with orange and purple clouds smeared on its surface.

“Oh, no!” Rowan groaned, putting his arms out to stop the team as they walked towards the ruins of the once beautiful village. He pointed straight ahead towards the destroyed strawberries that were just starting to return.

Valeena felt her heart drop into her stomach as she scaly beast napping among the vines. The orange sun seemed to turn the dragon scales a rich purple that bled to a deep blue. Skyrah Nox was sleeping among the strawberries, one of the half eaten pieces of fruit was hanging out of her mouth.

“Thanos is here!” Valeena nearly shouted as she danced in place, her eyes scanning the area quickly. She saw Gray passed out by the ruins, a bottle of wine in her hand. She was singing an odd song in her sleep in between loud, angry snores. Valeena debated whether or not to run towards the ruins and demand Steel explain herself, but she knew better. Steel was dangerous on a good day and worse than death on a bad.

“That’s not Skyrah Nox,” Fenrir said as he nipped the fabric of Nyles shirt as he turned on his heels to flee. “She is black, not purple!”

Valeena paused in her feeble attempt at sprinting away to examine the sleeping beast. Its snout was longer, more narrow with two small fins on either side of its cheeks. The body of the lovely creature was far slimmer, with long, thin wings.

“Honestly, Valeena, do you even look?” Aira teased, as she shook the strawberry from her clothes. She had nearly fit her body inside of it, the fruit oozing out like thick blood. Valeena smiled, wanting so badly to call her Strawberry, but knew it would not help the situation.

“Aw, the poor thing is chained to this post,” Akari announced as she bounced over to the slumbering beast, gently placing a hand on its lower jaw.

“Akari! Aren’t you terrified that thing could eat you?” Rowan demanded as he threw his arms up. His eyes were wide as he stared at the girl that was almost cuddling the large creature.

“No, not at all. I love Dragons, and will miss seeing the Moon Festival every year.” She informed them, tugging on the heavy, iron chains that bound the beast to the ground.

“You are not returning to Kingyosou after this is all said and done?” Nyles asked, bobbing in place. He wanted to join Akari near the beast, but fear kept him rooted where he stood.

“Oh, I will. It’s just with the Queen gone, we have no reason to perform the festival.” Akari said, adding, “Queen Maylee made up the festival as she wanted a party when she visited.” Akari explained when she noted the confusion on her friend’s faces.

Valeena felt the familiar tug of grief as her mother was mentioned. She quickly shook her head and forced her legs to move towards the dragon, hoping no one noticed the stray tear on her cheek.

As Valeena approached the beast, it slowly opened one of its stunning, blue and purple eyes. The beast lifted its heavy head off the ground, the lock that held it to the chains becoming visible in the early morning light. Valeena removed the key from her wrist and stuck it in the lock, startled to discover the shank sprung open almost immediately.

“We can ride the dragon across the sea!” Valeena announced, ignoring the fear that was gnawing at her heart. She glanced towards the Star Kingdom, disappointed to find that the fire was burning brightly. The thick, gray smoke blocked her view of the kingdom and any chances of spying Skyrah Nox before it was too late.

“It looks like only three of you can fit at one time,” Fenrir said, his voice low and gruff.

“I’ll go first!” Akari announced, excited to finally be able to ride a real dragon.

“I have to go too,” Elden said, crossing his arms as a sour expression fell on his face. ” I can use my crystal to help us hide,”

“Then I shall stay,” Aira sneered, glaring at Elden.

“You’ll have to go sometime,” Valeena informed her as she cautiously reached out for the dragon. Her hand was shaking as the beating of her heart hammered in her chest. The scales felt cool and smooth, like polished gems.

“I will go with Elden, and Akari now. But Aira, you will have to fly with Elden at one point.” Valeena said. The dragon sat up, spreading its wings wide, revealing their lovely light purple to sky blue hues.

“Last month there were no dragons, and now there are two,” Akari said as her lovely face light up with joy. “I wonder how much more are going to return.”

“You can worry about the dragons later. Right now, you need to get to the Forbidden Lands.” Fenrir nearly barked as his paws pounced on the ground in frustration.

“Let’s go!” Akari squealed as she mounted the back of the dragon. To Valeena, she looked like a small child attempting to ride a horse.

Elden glanced at Valeena as she cautious climbed up on the beast. He had never noticed how strong she had become as she pulled her body up with ease. He quickly looked away as he mounted the dragon behind her, gently placing his hands on her hips. The sharp intake of breath from Valeena did not go unnoticed.

“Enjoy staying with those two,” Akari teased, her lips pulling into a wide smile as both Rowan and Nyles moved uncomfortably.

“And wait in the trees for us to return!” Elden shouted as the might dragon took to the air, carrying them swiftly out to sea. Valeena glanced behind her, spying the blonde hair of Steel as she disappeared back inside the ruins.

“Whoa,” Akari breathed as the blue and green waves rolled far below them. The air was colder up her among the misty clouds, the sky a stunning shade of blue. Firrian was visible through the light of the sky, a site that Akari did not enjoy.

Valeena was afraid to glance back at Elden, but she hoped he was focusing on making them invisible. They had to reach the Forbidden Lands before Thanos saw them. She could see a black object flying in the distance where the Star Kingdom sat and knew Thanos was awake.

“I have named the dragon Sora,” Akari announced, even though no one had asked. Elden hissed at her to be quiet, as the crystal was making sight not sound. Akari did not seem bothered as she hugged the neck of the dragon, a peaceful expression dancing onto her face.

Valeena leaned slightly to the right as a strange white light appeared on the horizon. It was a soft and fuzzy like, like a candle burning in the distance. It grew in size the closer they flew, mountain tops painted in white appearing through the haze.

The ocean water below them seemed to change the closer they flew. The waves rose higher than the ones that found themselves along the shores near the Star Kingdom. The white spray danced into the sky, like flower petals disturbed by the wind. Riding the waves were long, thin with scales that sparkled like ice in the morning sun.

“Mare’s Tail,” Akari whispered, feeling Elden glare at the back of her head. She knew she was not supposed to speak but could help it. Mare’s Tails were deadly. Their bodies were able to camouflage almost perfectly in the waves. They waited for their prey to venture too close before they wrapped themselves around its body and drag them under water.

Sora seemed hesitant to fly closer, roaring a low, panicked sound. Akari did her best to soothe her, but the eyes of the dragon would not remain still. They had spotted the Mare’s Tail as well and knew they were capable of leaping out of the water.

Sora jerked upwards, nearly knocking Elden from her back. A shadow was looming in the clouds up ahead and Valeena knew it was Skyrah Nox.

The snow covered ground broke through the fog, glistening like stars from the light of the sun. Akari coaxed Sora into flying closer to the ground when the snowy cove was under them. But the dragon refused to land, forcing Valeena and Akari to slide off her back, landing on the snow several feet below.

“Go hide in those trees and I’ll be back as quickly as possible!” Elden called out as Sora turned around and flew back up into the clouds.

Elden returned to Vaughnstein, spying his friends waiting in the trees. Rowan and Nyles rushed out of the shade towards him as Aira crossed her arms and trailed behind. Fenrir was nowhere in sight.

“So, since only 3 of us can ride on the back of the dragon at once, Nyles is just going to fly beside us,” Rowan announced as he mounted the beast, his heavy body not affecting the dragon. Aira reluctantly climbed up behind Rowan, loosely holding his waist.

“Come on, Sora, let’s go!” Elden said as the purple and blue dragon once more took to the skies. Nyles flew just beside them, making silly faces from time to time. Rowan laughed and made a few back, Aira closing her eyes so she did not have to see them.

A black shadow moved in the clouds above, casting them in darkness for several seconds. Elden glanced up to find it was Skyrah Nox, she sensed something was not right. He hoped she would give up and return to Thanos, but she determined to discover what was going on.

“Focus!” Aira whispered sharply, receiving the same hiss as Akari had. Aira, however, was far more stubborn and said, “Do not get us killed!”

Before Elden could hiss at her again, Skyrah Nox nosed dived towards them, the air from her body nearly knocking them from Sora’s back. Sora roared in anger, sending an icy blast towards the black dragon.

Knowing that their cover was now blown, Elden broke the camouflage spell and instead focus on Skyrah Nox, his face twisted in determination.

Aira aimed and released several arrows, their tips bouncing off the hard scales of the mighty dragon. Rowan sent forth a fireball from his fist, the blast striking Skyrah Nox in her snout.

The dragon was unfazed by fiery assault as she whirled in the air, using her spiked tail like a bat. Sora darted upwards, her sharp teeth digging into the tough scales of the black beast.

Skyrah Nox cried out in anger, opening her mouth as it began to burn a blood red. Elden focused on her eyes, as he hummed a soft lullaby. Skyrah Nox shook her head, the red dying out for a moment before reappearing.

Aira aimed again, her arrow flying true to its mark, and slicing into the eye of Skyrah Nox. The dragon roared with rage as the brewing fire was released, nearly striking Sora and the team.

From below, several Mare’s Tails leaped out of the raging ocean waves, trying to twist themselves around the dragon’s body. Skyrah Nox caught one in her mouth, biting it two as it attempted to wrap itself around her throat.

Elden saw the dragon’s uninjured eye blink slowly as he continued to focus on her. She fighting the sleep demons that were luring her into their arms.

Nyles cried out as one of the Mare’s Tails wove itself around his leg and nose dived back towards the sea.

“Nyles!” Aira shouted as Rowan sent a fiery blast in the direction of the Mare’s Tail.

Nyles fought to stay in the air, his own wings flapping madly. He used his spear to stab the Mare’s Tail as a second fireball struck it. The combined attack was enough for the beast to give up, deciding Nyles was not worth the fight.

Skyrah Nox closed her eye again, falling several feet towards the angry green waters. Her eye popped open as the foam from the waves struck her. She seemed disorientated as she lazily flew upwards, her body being struck by a wave.

Elden watched as Skyrah Nox sailed carelessly in the air, her body grazing the water. Sora seemed to have had enough of the team as they once more reached the snowy cove. She rolled in the air, dumping Elden, Rowan, and Aira from her back before darting back into the clouds.

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