Memories of Gaia: A new day is dawning

Chapter 9 Specter's Folly

Valeena gasped as she saw her friends falling towards the hard, snowy ground. She burst out of the icy trees and race towards them, Akari by her side.

“That was awesome!” Rowan laughed as he pushed himself out of the snow. Several of the sparkling snow crystals were stuck to his eyebrows, giving him an elderly man appearance.

Aira had somehow managed to land as gracefully as a cat, her feet hitting the snow first. She stood there with a rather pleased expression on her face as she saw Elden roll several times.

Akari clapped and laughed as Rowan immediately constructed a snowball and hurled it into Nyles’ startled face.

“Come on,” Elden snapped as Nyles quickly bent over and began packing snow together.

“We can have fun AFTER we finish this. Or did you forget?” Elden said as he pointed to the red dot that was glowing among the swirling clouds.

Nyles reluctantly stood up, abandoning his giant snowball. Rowan held the snow in his hands for several seconds before allowing it to roll off his fingertips.

“You’re right. Let’s find Nihonal and then celebrate with a snowball fight.” Rowan said, grinning like a fool at Nyles who nodded back.

Valeena followed Elden into the bright, snow-covered trees. There was a haunting sense of calmness in the trees as the snow flaked off the leaves, dancing in the wind. The trees themselves were tall and thin, with pointy, shaped leaves that held the snow like small arms. The only sounds in the forest were the crunching of their feet on the snow and their own breathing.

Valeena became extremely aware of the lack of normal forest ambiance. There were no sounds of birds chirping merrily in the trees or deadly growls from beast lurking in the shadows. The heavy silence made her increasingly uncomfortable, and she found herself glancing around often.

The trees began to thin out, revealing a world bathed in white. There was snow for as far as the eye could see, a fine mist blocking out any hills or mountains that may be hiding in the distance. A flurry of the tiny crystals danced their way down from the heavy, gray clouds above, restricting even more of their visibility.

“We should hold hands so we do not get lost,” Valeena suggested as the peaceful snow fell around them. Even the storm seemed silent, the flakes swirling in the gentle wind.

“I shall be fine,” Aira barked, crossing her arms as Nyles held out a hand to her.

“Suit yourself,” He said, extending a hand out for Rowan who laughed as he accepted it.

Valeena laced her fingers into Elden’s, Akari reaching for his other hand. She did her best to ignore the pang of jealousy that struck her as Akari's hand nearly touched Elden's.

“What?” Akari said, her hand pausing in mid-air. Valeena held her breath, wondering if she had accidentally said something out loud.

“Seto?” Akari squinted her orange eyes, finding Seto standing near a pole just outside the snow. The city flag of Kingyosou was flying in the breeze, the beautiful snapdragon pattern almost glowing in the hazy light. Seto was standing near a ancient style building, the beams bending upwards towards the sky. There was no snow here, only soft, green grass that swayed in the gentle breeze.

‘Seto?’ Valeena thought as she pictured the handsome man she had met on the ship. Every once in a while Valeena had wondered what had become of the man. Trevor, on the other hand, she never spared a thought for.

“How did you get here?” Akari asked as she turned and headed away from them. Valeena squinted her own eyes, trying to see through the falling snow. She was still unable to see Seto as Akari continued to move away from them.

“Elden, do you see Seto?” Valeena whispered as Akari leaped up and swung her arms outwards. It appeared as though she was giving an invisible person a hug.

“I was so worried about you!” Akari said, smiling at her older brother. “I have not seen you in many months, not since you left home.” The grass pattered out behind the building, leaving a stunning view of a rocky hillside with a waterfall cascading down. She could smell her favorite Autumn treat being baked as the wind swirled around them.

Seto smiled his signature half smile as he said, “The Queen has been keeping us busy. Is your crystal cracked? I suppose that makes you useless now.” Akari’s smiled faltered as Seto’s eyes bled from their natural brown color to black as his harsh words stung. Scars wove themselves into his skin like fractures in the ice, turning an angry shade of red.

“Is everything alright?” Akari asked as she subconsciously took a step backward. Seto’s skin began to peel from his head, allowing the dark, rotting skull underneath to show through. Akari cried out as Seto's body crumpled to the snowy ground, turning to a pile of ash.

In the blink of an eye, the snow had returned, revealing a massive hole that Akari had nearly walked into. She was sure she saw a skeletal arm sticking out of the snow before she turned and ran, stumbling back to her friends.

“He’s dead! Seto is dead!” She wailed as she collapsed near their feet, tears freezing to her cheeks.

“Akari, calm down. He may not be! Seto may be fine!” Elden said as Valeena gentle rubbed her friend’s back. Nyles bit his tongue and turned his face away from them. He had witnessed the explosion that had killed Seto, but now was not the time to say anything.

“I am sure it is just the snow playing tricks on us,” Valeena offered as she ignored the sense of dread that was brewing in her soul.

"Seto is the only family I have," Akari wept, the tears nearly freezing on her cheeks. "He found me as I walked the desert, saving me from a desert sand worm. Seto brought me to his mother, who was a healer. She allowed me to stay as she was unable to have anymore children."

Akari paused to wiped the icy tears from her cheeks before she cleared her throat. "Even after Seto ran away, she was kind to me. She treated me as if I were her own daughter, teaching me the ways of the village. But she herself fell ill one night." Her voice cracked and she silent save for her small gasp.

“Come on,” Valeena said softly as she helped Akari to her feet. “We will find Seto when we are done, alright?” She watched as Akari nodded halfheartedly, barely listening to Valeena.

Valeena strolled beside Akari, pretending not to see the tears that were still slowly sliding down the girl’s lovely face. Nyles hung his head, the secret of Seto weighing down his mind.

The snow storm seemed to be building as they traveled deeper into its wake. The sparkling white flakes were growing in size as the wind whipped around them. Only Rowan seemed to be cold as he rubbed at his arms several times, grumbling under his breath.

Elden paused as he spotted a shadow moving in the storm up ahead. He glanced at Valeena who seemed unaware of its presence. He rubbed at the back of his head as the gray shadow twirled, almost dancing among the snow. He glanced up, but the clouds were far too thick to see through, and he doubted the mighty dragon would find them.

“Elllllden,” A familiar voice sang, the sound causing his heart to jump. Elden once more glanced at Valeena, but she was further back now as her pace seemed to have slowed or he had sped up.

The storm began to ripple like fresh water in a stream, melting away to a lovely beach scene. Elden’s mouth formed a thin line as a young girl sat with her back to him. She had wild curly brown and red hair, her rose colored skirt billowing in the breeze. The girl turned her head slowly and smiled as she said, “Elden!”

“Sheila,” Valeena heard Elden breathe as he ran through the snow, pausing by a boulder that was sticking out of the ground.

“You’re alive? But How?” Elden said as he embraced the girl, enjoying the scent of the summer flowers that was always around her.

“It doesn’t matter how, ” Sheila replied, her emerald eyes sparkling in the light of the sun. Elden took her head in his hands and leaned in to kiss her, his heart pounding madly in his chest.

“YOU KILLED ME!” Sheila shrieked, her face distorting into a grotesque sneer. Gray stone began to cover her feet, working its way up until Sheila's entire body was cold, hard stone. His hands stuck to the stone like glue as he held her head in his hands.

“NO!” Elden shouted as he tugged his hands off of the stone, his eyes wide with fear. “Sheila? SHEILA!” Elden cried out in a panic as the familiar tingle in his leg where the Ankou scar sat began to burn.

“No,” Elden moaned as the beach was washed away by the snow, allowing him to see the jagged spikes that were hidden behind it. He had nearly impaled himself on them as he longed to hold Sheila one last time. The boulder had crumbled to the snow, revealing the deadly trap behind it.

“Run,” Elden called out as he fell forward, cutting his head open on the tip of a spike.

Valeena grabbed Akari and pulled her hard to the right, not knowing where to go. ‘Why is he transforming now?’ Valeena thought as Rowan and Nyles raced beside them. ‘It is not night time.’

But there was no time to seek answers to her questions as Elden’s body twisted and bent, the Ankou fighting to be released. A gray patch of fur was already visible on the back of Elden's neck, spreading towards his face.

“This way!” Aira called out as the wind brushed past them, carrying with it a familiar scent of sage and lilac. Aira heard a sweet voice call out, a voice that she had been longing to hear again. Aira paused, shaking her head as Maple motion for her to come towards her, a soft smile on her lovely, wrinkled face. She was standing on a lush green knoll with a clear blue sky behind her. Giant, light, purple petals from a lilac tree were lying next to her, rippling in the wind.

“No,” Aira whispered as a lump began to form in her throat, hot tears stinging her eyes. “You are not real,” But Aira had to lock her knees in place to keep them from moving her towards the lost woman.

“Of course I am, Aira. Now, follow me before that thing gets you!” Maple demanded her chestnut eyes pleading with Aira as she pointed one slender finger in the direction of Elden.

Aira fought back the tears as she stared at her dead mother. She knew what was going to happen next, she could sense it. Her heart ached as she longed to rush to Maple, to embrace her once more. But she knew better.

“You’re gone,” Aira whispered, her voice cracking from the weight of her words. She closed her eyes as the Ankou bounded through the snow, covering her ears against the cries of Maple.

“I am sorry, mother,” Aira whimpered, allowing the tears to fall freely. She collapsed into the snow as pain washed over her, her heart feeling as though it were ripping in half. The scars in her soul were burning as the last of her mother's cries died out.

Akari was by her side, brushing the snow from her back. Aira did not move as she sobbed into her hands, her knees tucked up by her face.

Valeena was unable to see what Aira had just witnessed, but the pieces came together. “That’s why you hate Elden,”

“It was not him,” Akari said, jerking back as she prepared for Aira to snap. But the elf remained in the snow, her tears flowing freely.

“I know,” Aira finally said, wiping her eyes as she lifted her head. Valeena had never seen so much pain and helplessness on her friend’s face before.

“I was foolish. I left the safety of our village to try and find signs of my real parents. I did not know that Maple had followed behind me, determined to help. She loved me as her own, but knew it was important to me to know my past.” Aira nearly whispered, her words shaking from time to time as pain sparked through her veins.

“I was not there the night the Ankou attacked my mother. I was informed the beast had traveled out of the ocean. He attacked so quickly that there was no saving her.” Aira paused to clear her throat, removing more tears from her cheeks with the back of her hand.

“I ran away from home that night. Which was fine as Queen Aster had asked me to spy on Queen Maylee. ” Aira looked up at Valeena, her eyes locking with hers.

“I knew Elden was an Ankou only because I witnessed him transforming. I was planning on killing him, but he returned to his human state. It startled me. I had never known the beast to be able to do that. In my foolishness, I wondered into a War Wasp nest.” Her eyes shifted so she was now looking a the cold, white ground. The gentle whistle of the icy wind was the only sound between them.

Valeena could not help but feel sorry for her friend as she saw another tear escape Aira’s silver eyes. She glanced at Akari for help, but the girl was staring off into the distance, a look of sorrow on her own face.

“Let’s go,” Aira whispered as she pulled herself to her feet, allowing Akari to assist her. “But let’s also be more aware of the tricks in the snow.”

“Where’s Rowan?” Aira asked as she saw Nyles standing alone a few feet from them. Nyles appeared confused as he glanced around.

“He was right here a moment ago. We were just discussing our plans for when this is all over.” Nyles said slowly as confusion washed over him. Rowan’s heavy footprints were already being covered up by a layer of snow as Nyles followed them,

“I had to,” Rowan was saying as he walked slowly through the snow, his head looking down and to his left. Only he could see the elderly man that was beside him.

Rowan kept telling himself that his father was gone, his body buried in the cemetery near the church. But the old man had beckoned, saying he desperately needed to speak to his adopted son.

“The church needs you, son and you abandoned it. All those people are going to Hell because you refused to show them the path that is right,” Lar continued, his voice gruff from age. Rowan followed his lost father through the empty streets towards the lone church in the distance.


Rowan paused as the voice met his ears. He glanced around, seeing nothing more than empty streets. A puzzled expression fell on his face as he was unable to find the source of the call.

“Pay that voice no mind, son,” His father said as he waved a wrinkled hand in the air. “It is the Devil trying to lure you away from the true path.”

Rowan nodded, but he could not shake the sense of dread that was chewing at his soul. He slowed his pace, nearly stopping as the voice broke through once more.


It was closer now, sounding more urgent. Rowan stopped walking as a tremor shook the ground, the ground cracking under his feet. His startled red eyes darted to his father, who wore an expression of anger.

“You did this to yourself,” Lar said harshly as a hand grabbed Rowan by the collar of his jacket and jerked him backward. Rowan watched in horror as a gentle wind brushed by Lar, taking his body with it as it slowly faded away.

“Rowan! You need to be more careful,” Akari was saying as Nyles tugged him hard once more. “You nearly walked off that cliff!”

Rowan shook his head as the image of his church melted away into the fog. He glanced down and saw that he been one step away from certain death. Rowan knew it was foolish to follow Lar, but he had looked so real.

Rowan said nothing as he climbed to his heavy feet, following his friends once more. He glanced back once, seeing only a flurry of white as the snow concealed the cliff in its storm.

“I knew he was not really there,” Rowan began as he rubbed his forehead. “But the more I walked with him and the more I spoke to him, it became easier to forget.”

Valeena glanced at Nyles, his eyes briefly meeting hers. One of them was next. She turned her eyes through the thickening snow storm, hoping to catch sight of Elden. But the curtain of white, swirling flakes prevented her from seeing anything besides the storm.

“Rowan, are you able to melt the snow with fire? Maybe then will have a chance of surviving.” Akari suggested as she rubbed her hands on her arms, hoping to find some warm among the cold.

Rowan felt foolish for not thinking of it sooner as a bright orange fire appeared on his fingertips. He waited for Akari to move before he shot the fiery blast into the ground several feet ahead of them. He watched in dismay as the fire flowed off the surface of the snow, leaving the frozen water particles perfectly intact.

“It’s an enchanted storm,” Aira informed them as she removed her bow from her back. “I feel as though we are not the only ones here,”

Valeena had sensed it as well. There was something moving in the misty haze that made sure to stay just out of sight. Its movements were quick, flowing like a gentle wind.

Valeena tried to use her own crystal to manipulate the storm but nothing happened. The soft, white flakes fell and danced in the sky, unaffected by her magic.

“Come on,” Rowan said, keeping his hands in a tight fist as he began to travel deeper into the storm. “Keep your weapons out, just in case.”

Valeena removed her heavy sword as Nyles readied his spear. Aira already had her bow out, an arrow poised on the string. Akari tightened her grip on her sai, her eyes staring intently at the storm.

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