Memories of Gaia: A new day is dawning

Chapter 7 Firrian

“Come on, Phoenix,” A husky, female voiced called out, her words slurring together. Valeena knew that Steel had seen her, their eyes locking briefly. But she titled her head to the side, smiling as she called out in a sing song voice over her shoulder, “In a minute, Gray!”

Valeena could see the woman who was named Gray staggering back towards the ruins, singing off key. She stumbled over her own two feet giggling wildly. Her body vanished behind a crumbling wall but her awful singing could still be heard. There was a low groaning sound, like an ancient metal hinge being pulled opened a the sound of muffled laughed could be heard. Valeena glanced back up at the woman who she knew was Steel, even if Gray had called her Phoenix.

She was wearing brown leather boots with shiny gold buckles over thin black leggings. On her torso, she was wearing a white and black lace dress with a thin black belt around her waist. Her platinum blonde hair was cut in a short bob, with soft pink highlights. On her face she wore an expression of annoyance, as though talking to Valeena was beneath her. She was Steel alright- even if she had changed her name.

“Tell no one you saw me or your eyes are mine!” Steel hissed, her breath reeking of stale booze. “Got it?”

Valeena nodded mumbling a quick yes as Steel’s eyes narrowed at her. “Allow them to think I am dead, and I shall do the same for you.”

“But why?” Valeena asked before she could stop herself, immediately wishing she had kept her lips together as Steel’s eyes flashed in anger.

“It is easier to live a new life as the old one dies. I have fought many battles in my time, and I have realized that there are those that I cannot win. Here, ” Steel said as she removed a chain from around her neck. She flicked her wrist as though she were tossing out something foul, the item striking Valeena in the face before landing on the ground.

“Take this, it will help to get you where you need to go.” Steel glanced skyward as a cloud floated over the moon, casting the world into shadows. The sudden loss of light seemed to cause Steel to panic as she turned and ran back to the ruins, disappearing among the debris.

Valeena slowly reached out and grasped the thin chain, pulling it closer. The cloud smoothly sailed away, allowing the moonlight to return to the starry sky. Valeena held the object up, finding that it was just a simple key. She rolled her blue eyes as she wrapped the chain around her wrist like a bracelet, chuckling to herself.

‘Leave it to Steel to give me a key with no information what so ever for where it goes and have her think she is helping me.’ Valeena thought miserably as she wiggling across the ground, her ears catching the soft snickers of her friends.

“You look ridiculous,” Fenrir said as Valeena neared the border of the trees. She smiled at the oversized wolf, happy to see that he was alive and well. “I could have gotten those for you, you know?”

Valeena tugged her body free of the beetle shell, thankful it was dark as her face burned red. She saw Aira covering her mouth as she did her best to suppress another fit of giggles.

“Come, we must hurry,” Fenrir announced before Valeena could ask him a single question. The gray wolf leaped into the trees, pausing once to make sure that Valeena, Akari, and Aira were following.

“I think Beetle misses her shell,” Aira whispered softly to Akari, invoking a fit of giggles from the girl. Valeena felt her cheeks burn once more, and knew she would not live her decision down.

“Stay close to me and the things in the forest may keep their distance,” Fenrir snapped, glaring at the pair as they covered their mouths. They were still snickering behind closed hands, as they walked through the dark trees. Out of the corner of her eye, Valeena caught Akari walking hunched over with her hands by her head, her index fingers extended outwards. She was mimicking the movement of a beetle while Aira clapped a second hand over her move.

Valeena sighed as she crossed her arms over her chest. ‘Next time, one of them can go and earn a foolish nickname!’ Valeena thought, quickening her steps in an attempt to put more distance between her and their laughter.

“What was that?” Valeena asked as the sound of multiple dogs barking broke the silence of the trees. Fenrir paused, one front paw held in the air mid-step. He then broke out into a sprint, startling Valeena. She pumped her legs hard, doing her best to keep up with the wolf. She stumbled several times over the things hidden in the shadows as she chased after Fenrir.

“Fenrir! We cannot see in the-” But the word caught in her throat as she slapped a tree branch out of the way.

“Whoa,” She breathed, as her eyes fell upon the forgotten, ancient village. The buildings were hovering above the ground, constructed out of a strange, dark wood that seemed to glow a pale yellow. The structures resembled large, moss covered umbrellas, their canopies closed. A river split near the town, rushing on either side it, the water coming together once more just past the village. Valeena glanced up to see that the branches of the trees had grown in long, thick pieces, the leaves covering the sky. Lightening bugs floated lazily above, twinkling like beautiful stars in the sky.

“Is the door here?” Valeena asked, keeping her voice low as she approached Elden. He shrugged, glancing around the ancient village.

“If it is, I would think it would be there,” He said, pointing towards a building Valeena had missed. It was far wider than the surrounding buildings, with its canopy in a a more open position. Valeena made her way across the stone paths, pausing to peer into one of the homes. The interior was similar to any other home on Gaia, save for a floating tea kettle near the stove.

“See anything interesting, beetle?” Aira teased, peering into the home as well. Valeena turned her back on her and continued towards the tall building. Elden was waiting for her, his hand resting on the smooth surface of the handle.

He pulled the door open, releasing an almost floral scent that had been inside the building. Valeena felt her heart race as she stepped over the threshold, hoping this was Nihonal. But joy was quickly replaced with disappointment as her eyes fell upon the darkness.

Valeena took another step as a flame flickered to life overhead, followed by a soft whooshing sound. As her eyes adjusted, Valeena saw that the noise was resonating from a shrine that sat in the center of the room. The shrine had nine different size and color orbs circling a glowing, orange light. Off in the distance sat Firrian, slowly spiraling towards Gaia.

“It’s not here,” Elden said as Aira approached the door. He wedged himself in the door frame, blocking her view of the interior. She sneered at him, wanting to shove him aside but also, she did not want to touch him.

Valeena walked around the planets, glancing down to discover a clock resting on the shrine. Valeena bent down and read the glowing numbers as they bobbed in the air. “Midas the Ninth of Dawnfire.”

“That’s today, Midas the Ninth,”Elden said, glancing over his shoulder at Valeena.

“This clock is accurate then,” Valeena informed him, spying a dial that was near the center of the clock. Valeena moved it to the left, watching as the nine turned into an eight, followed by a seven. She then moved the dial to the right, finding that the numbers went back up. Valeena paused on thirteen, fifteen, glancing up as Elden approached.

“Wait, stop,” He said, brushing her hand aside and replacing it with his own. Valeena felt a bit annoyed by him, wondering why he had suddenly taken over.

“Look,” Elden whispered, his eyes on the red planet as he adjusted the dial to the right. The higher the numbers went up, the closer it became to Gaia. At Thirteen, sixteen, the red planet and Gaia became one.

Elden frozen, his eyes finding Valeena’s. “I guess we really are running out of time.”

“What do you mean?” Aira asked, her head appearing from around the frame. She had remained there, silently spying on them, but curiosity had gotten the best of her.

“Get everyone together, because I am only going to explain this once,” Elden said as he rushed towards the door. Aira whipped her head back out of the way as he ran out of the building. Valeena followed quickly behind, rushing to Akari as she waited not far from Aira. She had her hand by her head again, making weird noise.

“Ow!” Akari cried out, nearly falling over as Valeena latched onto her. “I’ll stop making beetle sounds!”

“What? No, that’s not what I want. Well, it is, but I need you to try and use your time leaf!” Valeena said, her words coming out in a rush as Elden called out to Nyles, Rowan, and Aira.

Valeena released the girl’s arm, her eyes locked into hers. “I need you to try and see Firrian,”

Confusion washed over Akari as she closed her orange eyes, wincing as light pulsed from her crystal. “It’s no use,” She said, the light fading from the gem on her forehead.

“Try again!” Valeena demanded, hearing the gasp from behind her as Elden inform the group of what they had just learned.

“Why?” Akari asked, standing on her tiptoes and peering over Valeena’s shoulder. She was trying to hear what Elden had said but knew she had missed it.

Valeena motioned for Akari to follow her and led her back into the building. “Look,”

Akari rubbed her arm as she approached the machine, her eyes growing wide. “I will try again,”

Valeena waited several minutes before her patience was gone. “Well,” Valeena asked, her heart sinking as Akari shook her lovely head.

“It’s nothing more than broken images. I see red, followed by a glow. But it’s like a jigsaw puzzle that’s been destroyed. I can’t seem to get the pieces to match. I am sorry,” Akari said, hanging her head as tears rimmed her orange eyes.

“It’s alright, it just means we have one week to find the door,” Valeena said, ignoring the voice in the back of her mind that screamed at her that they were doomed.

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