Memories of Gaia: A new day is dawning

chapter 14 they need you

Aurory gazed at the red orb in the otherwise clear, blue sky. She had dropped ‘princess’ from her name that morning, knowing it was a title she no longer held. She had considered changing her name as well but decided against it. She needed to keep some piece of who she was.

Aurory stood in the entry way of the passage, fighting tears as memories of her mother danced in her mind. She wished more than anything that she could go back in time and stop her from keeping Valeena. Even though she had not even been born yet, she would find a way.

“Are you not going to do your part?” Fryda said as she stood beside the pouting child. Aurory shook her head, sniffing as she blinked back the warm tears.

“Why should I?” Aurory asked, hoping that Fryda could not hear the pain in her voice.

“If Firrian strikes, we shall perish as well.” Fryda reminded her, her accented voice soft but firm. Her deep green eyes peered at Aurory before gazing at the red planet as well. Aurory shrugged, doing her best to appear indifferent.

“What does it matter? Most of the people are dead anyway.” Aurory replied, surprising herself with her cold words.

“Have you tried to call upon Gaia?” Fryda asked, sending a fresh wave of annoyance over Aurory.

Aurory crossed her arms as she huffed, leaning on the side of the passage as a lovely floral scented wind blew by. She refused to answer as her eyes stared at a single spot in the distance.

“Perhaps there is still too much anger in your heart for her to hear your calls,” Fryda said lightly. She was only trying to help, Aurory knew, but her words stung. Aurory rolled her body off the side of the passage wall and turned, making her way inside.

She could hear the soft footsteps of her leader behind her as Aurory walked the path to Diamond Springs. The ancient village was built underwater in the center of a carved out mountain, hidden from view save for the sky. Several waterfalls rushed over the edges of the mountain, spilling into a beautiful, crystal clear lake below.

The only way in and out of the village was through a massive root of a tree that hovered above the lake, its giant branches helping to protect the village. Olympus enjoyed sleeping in the shade of the mighty tree, ignoring Aurory as she passed.

The mountain passages were difficult to get to if you were an outsider. Large, red flowers released a hallucinogen that caused those that came to0 close to become disorientated and retreat.

Aurory had navigated through their deadly scent with ease, intriguing Fryda. She was the first outsider to walk up to the passage unaffected by the flowers. That was also the day Aurory had found Olympus.

Aurory retreated underwater, watching in awe as the silhouette of a mermaid swam by. She hung her head as she walked the shell steps towards her new home. Each home in Diamond Springs was made from a giant sea shell, making the city appear to be an abandoned beach after a storm.

Aurory ignored the eyes of the other citizens as she rushed by them. They had welcomed her into their village due to Fryda’s trust. But their eyes all held small amounts of suspicion towards Aurory. She was, after all, the daughter to one of the evilest Queen in known history.

Aurory silently entered her home and collapsed on her bed. It was then that she finally let the tears flow. She missed her mother the most, even if she had changed so much towards the end. She longed for her life at the castle, wishing she could somehow go back to those days. Aurory held her head in a pillow in an attempt to muffle her sorrow. She did not miss Valeena, however. The thought of Valeena sent a fresh wave of hate to crash over her and she punched her bed several times.

She sat up, wiping her tears away as she peered out of her bedroom window. She could see Fryda talking to a woman whose name eluded her. To Aurory, most of the people in Diamond Springs looked similar. They all had deep green eyes and dark, purple hair. Most were fair skinned from living underwater where the suns rays barely reached.

Aurory whipped her head away from the window as Fryda peered in her direction. She was certain her kind leader had seen her, as she held her breath, listening.

She released her breath as she prepared to take a nap, removing her robe and tossing it to the floor. She had on a white tank top and pink shorts that she had stolen from Steel before leaving the castle.

Aurory smiled at the memories. She missed Steel and often wondered where she was. Aurory had thought of her as a big sister and hoped that she was alright. A knock on the door pulled her instantly from her thoughts. Aurory quickly pulled the robe back over her head as she rushed to the door, knowing it was Fryda.

“May I come in?” She asked as she stepped over the threshold, answering her own question. Aurory knew that as soon as she was old enough and strong enough, she was going to leave.

“Aida has agreed to help you,” Fryda informed her, watching as Aurory lowered her eyebrows.

“Help me with what?”

“To find a way for you to call Gaia,” Fryda said as though it were obvious what she had meant.

Aurory scoffed, crossing her arms as she said, “I don’t need help,”

“Then why have you not done it?” Fryda challenged, smirking as Aurory glared at her. She turned and left the small home, leaving Aurory.

Aurory saw Aida replace Fryda in her doorway, her face just as unpleasant looking as Aurory remembered. Aida always appeared to have just caught a whiff of something that smelled terrible and scrunched her nose up. Aurory had no idea how a woman who annoyed the ever living Hell out of her, could possibly help. That was like asking Valeena to help her.

“Follow me,” Aida said harshly as she moved away from the door, her long robe flowing behind her. She had her hair done up in an elaborate braid, her make up perfect. Aurory had not even bothered to run a comb through her locks and was too young for makeup. But she still felt as though Aida judged her none the less.

Aurory followed her to the far side of the village, making a point to hold her head extra high. She paused briefly as Aida entered the Sacred Hall, a place Aurory was not permitted. She was an outsider for one, and for another, she did not hold the same beliefs as the citizens of Diamond Springs.

“It is alright,” Frida said softly from behind Aurory, causing her to jump. She glanced at the beautiful shell and then at Fryda who nodded in encouragement. She wished Steel were here to help her.

Aurory’s heart quickened as she neared the door, her eyes glancing about. Even though she was told she was allowed to enter, Aurory felt as though she were trespassing as she entered the elaborate doorway. The walls of the Hall were a soft, shiny pink that curled upwards, as water trickled from above. Candles floated on the currents of the rivers, their flames never being extinguished.

Behind the water were elaborate carvings outlined in gold of different parts of their history. The water gave the illusion that the images were moving as Aurory followed Aida quietly. Aurory walked as silently as she could, her shoes clicking on the smooth, shell floor. At the top of the Hall sat an altar with two spiral, ivory poles that had flames dancing on top. Their fiery bodies seemed to hover above the poles, casting small shadows below.

“Do you know the history of our people?” Aida asked as they neared the altar, pausing to look at the child. Aurory slowly shook her head no, her eyes wide.

“We came to Gaia thousands of years ago, in hopes of hiding a new home as our old planet was being swallowed up by its sun. We landed several miles from here, in a budding forest. The planet was still young and we could help it grow. Our people chose that forest to built our first city in, hoping that the trees would provide us protection. ” Aida indicated to an image that was carved near the entrance of the Hall of an ancient ship in space. The one beside it was of the ship landing and the people standing among the trees. Floating umbrella like objects dotted the next panel and Aurory held her laughter.

“We created the Elements to help aid in our quest for a new home. They helped us sooth the new, angry planet. But, there was one among us who was not content with the way things were. They sought for full control over the planet. ” Aida paused to make sure Aurory was listening as the child’s eyes were still searching the carvings.

“That soul used dark magic and the Elements to create beings to help them in their quest. The planet had its own magic that we were not aware of and beings with elemental crystals on their foreheads appeared. The planet also granted one of us the power to call upon those beings to help aid in the Evil One’s defeat. With their help, we were able to defeat the Evil One and his creations. The Elements and the Crystals were able to open the doors to Nihonal, and release Gaia from the Evil One’s grasp.” Aida said, her accented voice low. “We thought we had defeated the Evil one that day, but we merely destroyed his mortal body and not his soul.”

Aurory froze as she listened to the words of Aida. She had a feeling deep in her heart that she knew who the Evil one was.

“History, I am afraid, is doomed to repeat itself. Thirteen years ago the Crystallians reappeared as the Evil one returned. But something went wrong that day. Instead of being born warriors they were toddlers, with no knowledge of their destiny. Something happened that day that merely held off the Evil one, but he is back. The planet is once more in danger, and only the one chosen by the planet can save us.” Her soft voice was light, never echoing off the bare walls. Aurory felt anger pulse through her once more as she realized that Valeena and her idiot friends were the chosen ones.

“Do you know why you live among us?” Aida asked, her question startling Aurory.

“No,” Aurory said, as she was sure any other answer she provided was not the one Aida was seeking.

“Your father, Axel, was a Summoner. It was he who allowed Valeena to stay in the castle, so he could protect her. He knew he was to help her grow and learn how to defeat the Evil one. When he was murdered, the planet allowed his bloodline to continue speaking with the planet through you. Kronos, Titan, Leviathan, Pyro Rook, and even Blum have heard your cries and have come to your aid.”

Aurory suddenly felt foolish and her face burned red. She had always called upon them out of anger and not for any real problem.

“I am not sure why you hate Valeena so,-” Aida held up a hand to silence the child even though she had no intention of speaking. “But it is that hate that prevents Gaia from hearing your heart.” Aurory hung her head as the woman’s eyes burned into hers. She suddenly wanted to leave, to hide.

“Aurory, please find a way to release your anger to save us. You are allowed to enter DawnShade if that will help.” Aida said in a way that was more of a command than on option. She then turned her back on the child indicating they were through.

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