Memories of Gaia: A new day is dawning

Chapter 15 give me a reason

Aurory returned bitterly to her small home and had to fight herself not to flop onto her bed. She wanted so badly to close her eyes and sleep, to forget about everyone and everything. But she knew Fryda and Aida were watching her home, waiting.

Aurory entered her tiny pink bathroom and picked up a shell-shaped brush, combing out her wild locks. She then began to braid her thick hair in a simple style that Steel had helped her to learn. Aurory glanced at her reflection and felt her heartache as she saw once more noticed how much she resembled her lost mother.

Aurory changed out of her simple robe and into a more elaborate one. This one was made of a silk-like material in a rich, deep lavender. Gold threads decorated the fabric in small, simple swirls. She placed the hood over her head as she grabbed her bag, knowing she was not ever coming back. She sighed, wondering where life would take her this time.

Aurory exited her home and made her way silently to the root, making a point of keeping her eyes directed straight ahead. She could feel Fryda and Aida’s eyes on her, but she ignored them.

She walked through the ancient, brown root, her feet hitting the sandy shores of the beautiful spring. She clicked her once tongue, signaling for Olympus to return. The stubborn Pegasus kept her waiting just long enough to annoy her, landing smoothly beside the girl.

“Brat,” Aurory said affectionately as she mounted the beautiful, flying horse, soaring high into the royal blue sky. She flew through the misty clouds, towards a small, unmarked island that only a few knew about.

The deep, blue ocean water was behaving differently than normal. The waves seemed to be growing taller, the water gravitating towards the pull of the Red Planet. The extra celestial body in the sky was interfering with the regular flow of Gaia.

Olympus was hesitant to land on the sparkling pink sands of the island and chose to hover over it instead. Aurory slipped from his back and landed with a soft thump in the sand, sinking a bit in its grains. The sand was soft and moved easily under her feet, making it difficult for her to walk. An earthquake shook under foot, shaking the sands like a child's toy. Aurory threw herself forward as the sand shifted under her feet, covering her with pink dust. Her heart was pounding loudly as she waited for the shaking to stop. It was several moments later that she realized the earthquake had ended and the that the remaining tremors were emitting from her own body.

Aurory dusted herself off as she rose to her feet and adjusted her bag as she made her way to the giant, single mountain peak that was jutting out of the pink grains of sand. She glared at the flying horse, wondering why she did not just land closer to the darn thing.

'Maybe she sensed the quake?' Aurory thought, turning her head away from the playful animal.

Aurory was slightly winded as she placed her hand on the smooth, gray surface, the stone shimmering softly under her touch. Aurory passed swiftly through the transparent boulder and down a secret tunnel. The air was moist, smelling of minerals and salt. There was a strange floral scent as well, even though there were no flowers for miles. Aurory could hear the ocean waves fading away slowing as she made her way deeper into the tunnel.

A soft, pale silvery light appeared up ahead as Aurory continued her journey. It was pulsing softly, like a candle in the wind, but oddly welcoming. The tunnel ended at a large cavern with cathedral high ceilings in a deep, wet, grey color. Tiny specks of silver were sparkling among the stone like glitter. A single path constructed out of floating, flat stones led to the center of the area where a large basin sat filled to the brim with the glowing liquid. This was said to be the center of the planet, a place where those chosen could speak to the planet. It was as close to Nihonal as anyone could reach.

It had formed hundreds of years ago when catastrophe struck the planet, injuring it. No one among the living knew exactly what had happened and the dead refused to talk.

Aurory cautiously approached the basin, hearing soft whispers in the windless room. Small, thin, trails of smoke rose out of the basin, dissipating in the moist air. She peered at the swirling liquid, her heart pounding as sweat form on her brow.

“Alright Gaia,” Aurory began as she hesitated, placing her hands on the lip of the smooth basin, making sure not to touch the glowing fluid. Ancient markings were pulsing in the same green hue around the basin in a language Aurory could not read.

“I don’t like you and you certainly don’t like me,” Aurory closed her eyes as she heard Fryda in her mind scolding her. She shook her head and thrust her hands roughly off the edge of the basin.

“Why her?” Aurory called out, crossing her arms as she turned her back to the basin. Tears stung her eyes but she ignored them. “Everything was always about her. My own mother never noticed my accomplishments. She only cared about getting that stupid crystal!” Aurory could hear her heart pounding in her ears as her words grew stronger. She sniffed loudly, shaking her head, willing the memories to cease.

“They even blamed me for you going mad,” She said as she wiped tears from her freckled cheeks. “Why was that stupid crystal so important to you? You killed so many people for it. And look where it got you?” Aurory was shouting again now, her words echoing off the stone ceiling. She collapsed to her knees, shaking her head, her throat raw from her outburst.

“I needed you, too.” She whispered, her words breaking as her voice cracked. Aurory sat in silence, allowing her tears to flow freely. When they had finally ceased, she glanced back at the basin where the light remained the same.

“Just like you need me. If I let Firrian destroy the planet, then I am no better than she was.” Aurory felt a fresh wave of hate at the thought of Valeena.

“No,” Aurory said as she climbed to her feet. “I-I guess it was not entirely her fault. She didn’t want to be in the castle either.” Aurory realized as she suddenly remembered how scared Valeena always appeared to be every time Queen Maylee was near. Aurory pulled herself to her feet as she faced the basin.

“I will always love you,” She choked out as the image of her mother floated away in the haze of the basin. Aurory felt a fresh wave of pain as she hung her head, knowing she had to find Valeena.

“She is making her way to the top of the Temple of Gaia,” A soft voice said as Fryda appeared from within the shadows. She had a soft smile on her face, and Aurory suddenly felt ashamed at her outburst. Her cheeks began to turn red and she flipped her hood over her head in an attempt to hide it.

“I-I’ll be on my way then,” Aurory whispered as she sniffed loudly, rubbing at the last of her stubborn tears. Fryda stepped quietly aside as she allowed the child to pass, knowing she was finally ready.

Aurory soared through the darkening sky towards the Forbidden Lands, Olympus pulling hard against the reins. Aurory usually flew without them, as her and the winged horse seemed to have a connection. But she knew the stubborn flying horse would need to be pushed this time. Olympus had refused to fly near the Forbidden Lands several times, but this time Aurory was not going to give her a choice.

Aurory had no idea when Valeena and her friends had arrived, the snow had long ago erased their footsteps. She flew high above the storm, knowing to avoid it. There was dark magic there and she did not want to be caught in its grasp. She urged Olympus to continue, shooshing her as the flying horse protested.

Aurory found the ancient temple looming ahead, shrouded in shadows. Nigh was falling fast as ribbons of green, and purple woke up in the sky where Firrian was approaching. The massive red planet was already effecting Gaia as the ocean began to pull towards it.

Aurory soared higher, breaking through the clouds, spying arcs of colors bursting above. She pushed Olympus to fly higher, holding tight as the Pegasus fought back. But the flying horse did not stop this time as she carried to the top.

Aurory slid carefully off the creatures back, landing several feet in front of Valeena. Her older sister seemed startled to see her and glanced around at her friends, each one wore a similar expression of confusion.

“Happy to see me?” Aurory sneered, crossing her arms over her chest. The look of confusion on her sister’s face was oddly satisfying to her. She pushed down the feelings of hate, knowing now was not the time.

“Wait- you just flew up here and we had to travel through that temple of, of, of doom?” Nyles whined, his jaw hanging open as he threw his arms into the air.

“The Temple is meant to Test you, not me,” Aurory explained, rolling her eyes. “I do not have a crystal tumor on my forehead so the trials are not meant for me.” She continued, loving the way Valeena’s eyes flashed in annoyance at her words.

“And besides, you need me.”

“So it would seem,” Valeena mumbled, hanging her head. She actually had no idea why they needed Aurory but she was not about to admit that.

“But, I will only help you if you give me one reason-”

“People will die!” Rowan interrupted angrily, irritated at Aurory’s games.

“Alright, Rowan. I suppose you have volunteered to go first.” Auroy began, locking eyes with the Reap. “You, give me one person that should be saved,” Aurory asked, deciding to rephrase the question.

Rowan glanced around in disbelief as his jaw hung open. “One person? I can name hundreds!”

“Aurory, stop this and just help us!” Valeena begged as the Red planet loomed dangerously above them. But the girl crossed her arms and tilted her head to the side, ignoring Valeena.

“Fine, um, there’s this girl back in Costa Del Lágrimas. She is one of the few people who never seemed to mind who I was.” Rowan said. Aurory stared at him for several minutes, squinting her eyes. “I’d like to ask her out sometime, ” Rowan continued, feeling a sense of relief as she shifted her eyes to Akari.

“Me? Um, well, Seto.” Akari stuttered, her words low and shaky. “He is my brother and the only family I have left.” She continued, even though she knew deep in her heart that he was gone.

“Nyles?” Aurory continued as her eyes shifted to the stone man. He smiled an awkward crooked smile as he said, “Steel,” A dreamy expression crossing his face. Aurory glared at him, she hated the way men threw themselves at Steel. But, he did provide her with an answer and she was forced to move on.

“Ugh, Aira?”

Aira crossed her arms and looked at her feet. For a moment Valeena was sure she was not going to answer. But the elf seemed flustered as she shifted her weight on her feet. “Ajax,” Aira mumbled, her words barely audible as her face burned red. Aurory moved on, glaring at Elden.

“And what about you?” She challenged, glancing up as a shadow crossed over the sun.

“Sheila,” Elden said, his words strong and firm. “There has to be a way to save her! After everything I have experienced on his journey, I have learned to believe in the impossible! ” Valeena ignored the cold stabbing feeling that struck her heart at the sound of his lost loves name. She knew he was not going to say her name, even if he had kissed her.

“What? No Thanos?” A harsh male voice said as the sky darkened above them. A deep roar was emitted from Skyrah Nox as she circled overhead.

Valeena reached for her sword as Thanos landed in front of the team, his face twisted into an ugly sneer.

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