Memories of Gaia: A new day is dawning

Chapter 13 Are we there yet?

Valeena allowed Rowan to catch his breath as she surveyed the area. The top of the temple was still out of reach on the other side of the canyon. Small, sailboat looking platforms constructed out of a blonde, cracked wood rocked lazily among the clouds, floating in the blue sky like ships out to sea. Thick clouds blocked their view of the world below them. A tall, rocky pillar sat on their far left with a giant nest resting on top. A mount of feathers was visible among the straw and twigs.

“Aira?” Valeena questioned, glancing at the stubborn elf. Aira rolled her eyes and approached the edge of the cliff, her crystal glowing softly. A second later, a gentle breeze swept into the canyon, tugging on the sails of the ships. Aira focused on the ship closest to them, its sail opening and filling with the wind.

Valeena watched as the small vessel bumped into the rocky ledge, bobbing. The team boarded the boat as Aira used her crystal to move them forward. After several feet, the boat stopped as it struck an invisible barrier.

Aira focused on the next boat, the sails opening smoothly as the wind filled them. Valeena glanced at the nest as the feathers stirred, one red eye opening.

“Aira,” Valeena began, but the elf waved her words away.

“I need to concentrate! My task is far more difficult than filling a room with water!”

Valeena glanced upwards, noticing that the wind was not only pulling the sails but clouds as well. With each gust of wind, a new cloud floated above them, casting them in shadows.

Valeena jumped onto the next boat before it had time to stop, invoking a huff from Aira. Rowan seemed to notice the change in the sky as well as he rubbed at his arms. Akari’s eyes grew wide as a screech echoed in the canyon.

“What was that?” She asked, her head whipping around as her eyes fought to find the source of the cry.

“It was from that bird!” Nyles said, pointing his spear at the black mound of feathers as it moved. The head rose higher into the sky as the last ray of light was extinguished by the clouds above.

“The light must have been keeping it asleep!” Rowan shouted elbowing Akari in the ribs. “Use your crystal!”

“I cannot!” Akari shrieked backed, shaking her head. “This is not my task!”

“Shit!” Elden huffed as the massive bird stretched its four wings and soared into the sky. Another screech filled the canyon, reverberating loudly. The giant beast nosed dived towards the platform, its beak long and sharp.

“Hurry!” Nyles urged as he shoved his way onto the next boat, his boot barely stepping off the wood as the beak struck the platform. The blonde wood broke and splintered into hundreds of pieces as it fell swiftly out of sight.

“Aira, hurry!” Akari begged as eyes followed the black shadow above them.

Aira remained calm as she focused on the next boat, bringing it to the team just as the bird re-emerged, heading straight towards them.

The bird struck the platform, destroying it instantly. Akari was dancing in place from fear as the bird swooped over head, screeching loudly. Aira was already moving the next vessel towards them as the black bird broke through the clouds, its beak aimed for them.

“Jump!” Elden shouted as the moving boat was nearly to them. There was no time to wait, however, as the bird struck the ship, wood spraying into the air.

“Akari!” Nyles shouted as the tiny girl fell through the clouds. She had been too late in jumping off the boat, her boots barely moving as the bird hit.

Valeena watched as Nyles swooped downwards through the thick clouds as Aira brought he last floating boat towards them. A moment later he returned, holding Akari in his arms. But an invisible barrier forced him to land beside the team. Akari refused to release his neck as tears streamed down her cheeks.

“Last one, go!” Rowan shouted, grabbing Valeena by the arm and pulling her onto the last vessel. The black bird destroyed the boat with ease, circling back upwards as it prepared to attack the final platform.

“Hold on!” Aira informed them as a gust of wind, much stronger than before, rushed passed them, filling the sails. The platform soared across the final gap, striking the other side of the canyon.

The team scurried off as the black bird swooped in on them, destroying the final boat. The beast screeched one last time before soaring back to its nest where it settled down, glaring at the team.

The light in the sky began to grow brighter as Valeena made her way towards the giant stone door. “Akari, are you able to do something?” She asked as she was forced to look down from the brightness of the burning sun.

“I’ll try,” Akari whispered, focusing on the glowing orb above them.She winced in pain as crystal began to glow.

“What was that?” Elden asked, squinting as he searched the glowing sky.

“Skyrah Nox?” Akari asked in panic, rushing to Nyles side in hopes he could help protect her. But the stone man was looking at his feet his eyes closed from the over powering light.

“Are we there yet?” He asked as a strange growling sound mixed its way into the wind.

“I don’t think so,” Aira said as she reached for her bow, wincing as the light burned brighter. She rubbed her arms as she realized that the light was not only getting brighter, but warmer as well.

“Akari!” Rowan called out as he walked into a tree that he was unable to see due to the overpowering light.

“I’m trying, but it hurts!” Akari whined as tears stung her orange eyes.

“Keep trying!” Aira called out as she swerved to avoid striking a tree as well.

Akari wiped the tears from her cheeks as she focused again, the light dimming slightly. Two eyes appeared above her, followed by several more.

“Oh, no!” Akari shrieked, as she was the only one able to see the beast emerging from the sky.

“What?” Valeena asked, walking in Elden’s shadow in hopes of shielding herself from some of the light.

“Um, it’s just a monster,” Akari stuttered, removing her weapon as the eyes moved closer to the team.

“How can we help?” Rowan asked as he turned blindly to the sky, his hands in tight fist.

“I-I’m not sure,” Akari said as teeth shone in the light as the beast opened its massive mouth, a forked tongue swooping out.

“Aira, duck!” Akari cried out as the tongue darted towards the elf. Aira ducked and rolled, confusion written across her face. She released an arrow into the sky, missing her arm as she was unable to see.

“Akari, what is going on?” Nyles asked walking with his arms extended outwards as though he were blind. He bumped into Rowan who had walked into Aira.

“Oh, come on!” Aira complained as she fell forward smacking into Elden.

“Akari!” Aira shouted in frustration.

“There is a Sun demon trying to eat us as I am trying to find a way to stop the light,” Akari said quickly, her words slurring together making it difficult for the team to understand what she had just said.

“I heard demon,” Rowan informed them, facing the sky and pumping his fist madly.

“You’re nowhere near it,” Akari said as Aira released another arrow.

“Then help us to help you!” Nyles cried out, annoyance dripping from his words.

Akari nodded, focusing once more on the light. “Aira, to the left, Rowan jump!” She called out, the light fading as the pain grew in her head.

“I see it!” Valeena yelled, pointing to the rippling beast that hiding above them. She picked up a stone and threw it hard, striking the monster in one of its massive eyes.

“Aira, arrows!” Valeena said as she swooped down, collecting more stones to hurl at the demon. The demon reached down and grabbed Valeena its claws as she screamed. Elden lunged forward, slicing the arm of the demon, releasing Valeena.

The light burst brighter, blinding the team as they tried and failed to attack the demon. Akari ignored their cries of frustration as focused harder on the pulsing light.

“Keep going!” Rowan called out as the light began to subside, the demon retreating further into its dimming rays. Akari nodded, ignoring the pain as she planted her feet into the ground, her face twisted in determination. After several more minutes, the light was extinguished, the demon disappearing.

“You did it!” Nyles announced, hugging the tired girl tightly. She smiled, rubbing at her head where the pain was gnawing at her.

Elden hesitated as he reached for the handle of the stone door. He knew his turn was next and he was afraid of what he would have to face. Valeena sensed his hesitation as she placed a reassuring hand on his, smiling.

Elden tugged on the door, the air swooshing out. He hesitated once more before entering the shadows. Valeena was right behind him, her eyes aching from the blinding attack. The room was pitch black, but she knew it would be.

“I can’t see a thing,” Rowan announced, rubbing at his eyes. “I can usually see in the dark,”

Aira slapped Nyles hand away as he tried to grab hold of it, reaching for Akari’s hand instead. She too, slapped it away as she walked with her arms out, her eyes as wide as she could open them.

“Elden, what do you see?” Valeena asked as she held the fabric of his sleeve, annoyed she was blind once more.

“Nothing,” But Valeena knew he was lying.


“You’ve come a long way,” Thanos said his face twisted in a humorless smile. He had an eye patch over one eye from where Akari had attacked him as he leaned on the far wall watching the team.

“Just stop this already!” Elden said, shaking Valeena off of him. “You can’t win!”

“Oh, I don’t care if I win as long as you lose!” Thanos said as thin sparks of light began to dance from his fingertips. “In a matter of hours, Firrian will collide with the planet, destroying it once and for all.”

“I can’t let you do this!” Elden shouted, removing his sword and swinging it as the light was released from his fingers. The sword hit the orb, sending it back towards Thanos who vanished, reappearing across the room.

“You cannot stop me. It is the destiny of this worthless planet!” Thanos shouted, removing his own sword and charging at Elden.

“This planet is not worthless!” Elden countered as their blades struck sending sparks into the air.

“Oh? And what has it done for you?” Thanos asked as he lunged again only to be blocked by Elden.

“It has given me a home, and friends! People who care about me!”

“And yet you let them die?” Thanos taunted as an image of Sheila flashed in the darkness.

“Shut up!” Elden shouted as their swords struck once more, the anger growing inside him.

“And you never told Valeena the truth,” Thanos continued, dodging Elden’s sword with ease. Elden groaned as he swung his sword, hitting Thanos in the arm. Thanos laughed his limb vanished in a cloud of smoke as Elden swung again, hitting his chest.

“You have already lost,” Thanos said as his disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

“I can see!” Nyles said as the darkness released its hold on them, the light returning to the room.

“Elden, what happened?” Valeena asked as he stormed across the room kicking the door open.

“Let’s go,” He said, motioning for the team to follow him. Aira said nothing as she rushed after him, knowing now was not the time for her usual rudeness.

“Elden,” Valeena continued, but her words locked in her throat as she stepped into the room of the temple and her eyes fell upon the giant red planet.

“Firrian is here,” Elden said, shaking his head. “We need to get to the door, now!” A round platform lowered itself from the clouds above, bobbing inches from the stone floor.

Valeena followed her friends as they stepped onto the stone, the platform rising. Her heart was pounding loudly in her chest as fear wove itself around her soul. She did not know how much more time they had, as Firrian loomed neared them.

“Look,” Akari said as the platform stopped next to a floating island with moss hanging over its edges. “We finally made it!”

Six tall pillars stood in a circle, the tops arching towards an archway in the center. Valeena approached the first pillar, spying a wind like pattern just above a hollow opening.

“Aira, step on the stone and place the wind element here,” Valeena said as Aira walked towards the pillar. She gently placed the wind element into the hollow, a white light burst out of the top of the pillar and arched towards the door way, small bubbles of light dancing above.

“Everyone, grab your element and find your pillar!” Elden shouted as they reached into bags and passed the elements around.

Valeena was beside Aira, smiling as the blue light appeared, joining the white light. She stood firm, watching as the red light was next, followed by the green, yellow, and finally black. She closed her eyes, feeling her crystal glowing as she opened her eyes again, facing the archway.

Valeena could feel her heart beating in her chest as she faced the archway. The light above was collecting into a multicolored crystal that was rotating slowly. Valeena dared a peek at Aira. Aira’s mouth was open in shock as she stared at the crystal.

“Is that it?” Nyles shouted, even though everyone could hear him.

“Something is not right,” Rowan agreed as he faced the vortex, his eyes filled with confusion. “I mean, I was not sure what was going to happen, but it seems something is missing.”

Valeena sensed it as well. She could see a seventh empty stop just outside the vortex where someone else was supposed to be. They were missing someone, even though they had successfully made it through the temple and reached the top.

“What do we do?” Akari asked as panic formed in her heart. But there were no answers. It seemed like a cruel trick. They had made finally made it, only to be missing someone.

Valeena searched her mind for any possible solutions. But there was no one else with a crystal. She hung her head in defeat as she realized the door to Nihonal was going to remain shut.

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